After 25 pages about peanuts, peanut butter....

I like mine straight up - I always lick the knife after I make DS a peanut butter sandwich.
There's not much I don't like peanut butter on. ;) Apple slices and buttery english muffins are my favorite.
Nothing. I never developed a taste for it as a kid (can't remember ever once eating a PB&J) and don't like it now. I think I've maybe bought 2 jars in 20 years. I didn't feed it to my DS either so we never had the angst of having to adapt when his elementary school went peanut free.
Butter does not go on a peanut butter sandwich. Yuck!!

For some reason I get the same thing! Threads with people debating about peanuts always makes me really crave peanut butter! I have a jar of strawberry Goober downstairs..
2 of my favorite foods. If you like peanuts, try Virginia Diner peanuts. They're extra large, and they have an extra crunchy texture. Best peanuts in the world, grown on the southside of Va.
i like pb&j's, honey and peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, peanut butter and graham crackers, peanut butter and apples, peanut butter and celery.. oh and peanut butter on bread and english muffins. yummy.
I love peanut butter on toasted cinnamon raisin toast. A little sweet and a little savory...
It's weird. I'm not a big "peanut butter out of the jar" fan. BUT I love peanut butter flavored things. PB fudge is my favorite (just bought some in NH a couple days ago mmmm), once in a while when I get ice cream, it's usually chocolate/peanut butter. As a kid I remember taking my chocolate Easter bunny and dipping it in the PB (haven't done that is quite some time) Of course peanut butter cookies with the Hershey kiss on top.......

As for a typical PB&J, I'll only eat them once in a blue moon, especially when the bread is super soft and fresh.
I love peanut butter, especially peanut butter pie, peanut butter fudge, and peanut butter candy. I usually eat it peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My husband likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches. My son likes peanut butter mixed with vanilla yogurt.
I loveeee PB! I will eat it on apples, straight from the jar, protein shakes, PB& banana sandwiches, candy etc. My favorite, though, is really bad; There's a place in town that makes an "Elvis Burger" it's a bacon cheese burger with peanut butter, bananas, honey and bacon jam. Told you it was bad! lol
Well, I've been eating peanut butter frozen yogurt at TCBY just about every day for the past couple of weeks! I usually put raspberries or blueberries on it. I do, however, like PB straight out of the jar.


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