Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

I do the research, she does the pickin'.

What kind of a set up is that? In my house I do the research and the pickings! If he's not going to do any work for the trip he can be happy with what I pick!

I didn't mean we were going to run away forever! Just a week at Disney. Then I would want to come home to my cats!
What kind of a set up is that? In my house I do the research and the pickings! If he's not going to do any work for the trip he can be happy with what I pick!

Well... she works so hard and she's not big into travelling, so...
She wants to go... And I want to make sure she gets what she needs out of it.

I didn't mean we were going to run away forever! Just a week at Disney. Then I would want to come home to my cats!

Of course, just a week.
Because then instead of a tryst, it would be an engagement.
Stupid auto correct.

The one time I don't proof read an update.
"It's so short. I'm sure it's fine."

I think you automatically typed her real name. And I think your daughters aren't Kay and Elle, but their names start with K and L. Shall we call them by their real names, Kuwanlelenta and Leopoldine? I also think they came up with the "Kay" and Elle" on their own when they started school, so that they wouldn't have to spell the longer versions of their names.
No I haven't been drinking. Why do you ask?

Had to look that one up.
I've never seen F Troop so.... that'd be why I didn't know it.

F Troop was a fun show. Oh, boy, that's old - I was just a kid when it was on.

I wouldn't mind seeing Sturgis...
and I'd hate to be in Sturgis....

I can't even imagine how bad it would be with the crowds.

The Sturgis motorcyle thing, whatever it's called, is either in July or very early in August. So, it probably wouldn't be an issue for you.

Yes. That's true.
Someone has to fill in the low end of the curve.

Wow. That's low.

Apparently I'm writing a TR on it.
You nice people keep telling me you want to read (and in your case, see too) all about it.

::yes:: Of course.

Glad to see this is still going. Now to go figure out what was the last chapter I read. Think it was you sacrificed yourself to the sharks but you didn't look appetizing to them.

Off to read now.

:wave: There you are!
I think you automatically typed her real name. And I think your daughters aren't Kay and Elle, but their names start with K and L. Shall we call them by their real names, Kuwanlelenta and Leopoldine? I also think they came up with the "Kay" and Elle" on their own when they started school, so that they wouldn't have to spell the longer versions of their names.
No I haven't been drinking. Why do you ask?

Don't be silly. It's Leopoldinessa.

I'll have what she's having.

The Sturgis motorcyle thing, whatever it's called, is either in July or very early in August. So, it probably wouldn't be an issue for you.

I should have clarified.
I meant I don't think I want to go to Sturgis during the rally.
I do want to go there and visit the Harley store there and pick up a poker chip and maybe a shirt.
(Except I'm having doubts about the shirt.
Because anytime I wear it, someone will say "Hey! You went to the Sturgis rally!")

Wow. That's low.


::yes:: Of course.

Et tu, Brute? :rolleyes:
Hmmm... The name sounds familiar....
Oh! Now I remember.
You're that guy who's married to that cute lady.
(How is she... skip that... how are you both??)

Happy reading!

We're both doing good. As you know we went to New York. Saw history being made LIVE as American Pharoah won the triple crown, although we almost didn't get there in time. Had a wonderful time in NY. Came back and we've been busy at work. Lady H is busy planning a conference which happens next week. I was hit with a new furniture order that was being delivered. Hurt just a little but I think I'm slowly recovering. Went camping this past weekend with my family. Things are finally settling down at work a little bit, well for more anyways. At least for the next 6 months. Our new boss wants to move from this building to a new one. A lot of that will fall on me. As if getting hit with a furniture order wasn't bad enough. Overall we're doing good.

I cheated and read just through the chapters. I got a little excited there for a minute when I read that you would be coming out to Vegas. I asked Lady H if she wanted to go out and meet you there for a day or 2. We have a Southwest travel voucher we got traveling to NY (long story). Only a hour flight or 9 hour drive from where we live. We used to go to Vegas at least once a year, but lately we've been going to other places. Anyways, Lady H was willing until I read the part that Ruby's company wasn't going to send you guys anymore. I told her never mind, apparently Ruby's company is broke and can't afford to send her anymore. Hope she at least gets paid.

Ok, I didn't really say that last part. Well at least in that way. I told her Ruby's company isn't allowing any international travel due to budget constraints. I guess we'll have to wait for a different opportunity to meet the famous Pkondz.

I'll all caught up on the chapters. Now I'll go back and read the comments. See if there is anything important I missed. Like Elle getting in engaged or something. :duck:
We're both doing good.

Good to hear!

As you know we went to New York.

I do know. I remember that.

Saw history being made LIVE as American Pharoah won the triple crown

And I vaguely remember that you were going to do that,
but until now, I had forgotten.
How cool was that? People must've been going crazy!

although we almost didn't get there in time.


Had a wonderful time in NY.

Good! It's such a long way to go, glad it worked out well.

I was hit with a new furniture order that was being delivered. Hurt just a little but I think I'm slowly recovering.

Hmmm.... I'm almost positive you're joking here...
But maybe it's not meant to be a joke?
You were putting furniture together and are sore from all the assembly?
You already had a heavy workload and a big order is exhausting?

Or my first guess, which is you were punning.

Went camping this past weekend with my family.

How was that? Camping by a river? Lake? In the woods?

Things are finally settling down at work a little bit, well for more anyways. At least for the next 6 months. Our new boss wants to move from this building to a new one. A lot of that will fall on me. As if getting hit with a furniture order wasn't bad enough.

Again? How many times do you guys move buildings???

I cheated and read just through the chapters.

No judging.
I know how busy you are and reading through over 1,700 posts is a bit daunting!

I got a little excited there for a minute when I read that you would be coming out to Vegas. I asked Lady H if she wanted to go out and meet you there for a day or 2. We have a Southwest travel voucher we got traveling to NY (long story). Only a hour flight or 9 hour drive from where we live. We used to go to Vegas at least once a year, but lately we've been going to other places. Anyways, Lady H was willing until I read the part that Ruby's company wasn't going to send you guys anymore.

You were going to come out just to see me????
Wow! I'm flattered!
No joking, I really am.

And if you have time... I'd really like to know about the travel voucher story.

I told her never mind, apparently Ruby's company is broke and can't afford to send her anymore. Hope she at least gets paid.

Ok, I didn't really say that last part. Well at least in that way. I told her Ruby's company isn't allowing any international travel due to budget constraints.

But the first one makes a better story.

I guess we'll have to wait for a different opportunity to meet the famous Pkondz.

I don't normally point out typos... but it's "infamous".
Or is that auto correct for "foolish"?

I'll all caught up on the chapters. Now I'll go back and read the comments. See if there is anything important I missed. Like Elle getting in engaged or something. :duck:

Nope. Not engaged... but she did graduate from high school.
Next September she'll start what you guys call College.
I do know. I remember that.

And hear you thought you were getting old and your memory was fading away.

And I vaguely remember that you were going to do that,
but until now, I had forgotten.
How cool was that? People must've been going crazy!

They were. You couldn't even hear the announcer as American Pharoah was coming down the home stretch. You could feel the stands bouncing. It was really exciting for us to see live.

Nope. Not traffic. This is where the travel voucher comes in. I'll explain more in a bit.

Good! It's such a long way to go, glad it worked out well.

After what we went through to get there, so are we. You'll find out soon.

Hmmm.... I'm almost positive you're joking here...
But maybe it's not meant to be a joke?
You were putting furniture together and are sore from all the assembly?
You already had a heavy workload and a big order is exhausting?

Or my first guess, which is you were punning.

Before I left on vacation, I was asked to go to each employee and ask what they would like regarding furniture. I needed to assess the needs from the wants. I wasn't sure if they were going to fulfill the whole list of requests or not. The day I got back from vacation I got a call from my supervisor that the whole order was being filled. I had to arrange for movers, alert our property managers and so forth. It was a week from he--. Any furniture that wasn't moved I had to move in the end. I've still been trying to move some furniture around to this day. So you are partially correct. My body eventually got sore from all the moving.

How was that? Camping by a river? Lake? In the woods?

All the above. My aunt is really close friends with a couple who own cabin. So we stayed in a cabin, in the woods, which is by the river and a lake about 1/8 of mile down the road. Not a big lake but the fishing was awesome.

Again? How many times do you guys move buildings???

Lady H as already moved 3 times. We both started in the same building in Santa Fe. A year after we started, we moved across the street to a new building built for our office. A year later she moved to our office in Albuquerque until recently where she moved back to Santa Fe.

This next move will be my 3rd time as well. This time everyone in my current office has to move, not just me or Lady H.

You were going to come out just to see me????
Wow! I'm flattered!
No joking, I really am.

Sure. Why not. Thought maybe you could use a tour guide. Show you all the strip...

Show you the strip. The Vegas Strip. Yeah, that's what I meant.

Vegas was probably the closest and best chance we'd get to finally meet. As I said, we used to go to Vegas quite often. Decided to give it a little break. Looking to go back soon. Even if it's just a quick get away.

And if you have time... I'd really like to know about the travel voucher story.

I'll finish this post with that story. Could be a whole TR. Don't anyone get any bright ideas. We have a TR from 2 years ago that we'll finish one of these years. No time to start another one about NY.

I don't normally point out typos... but it's "infamous".
Or is that auto correct for "foolish"?

No. I believe I had it correct with famous. You're not as bad as you want to be.

Nope. Not engaged... but she did graduate from high school.
Next September she'll start what you guys call College.
Way to go Elle! Congratulations.

What's this college you refer to? Is that the 4 year long party after high school at a university?

Oh by the way, Lady H says to remind Elle:

Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
Beer before liquor, you've never been sicker.

Ok. Next post will have the travel voucher story.
Who are we? Well most of us know who Lady H and I are. We used to be frequent posters to Nebo's threads. That's how we met Ponzi. We've yet to meet Ponzi, but I feel we've become really good friends through our postings here. We used to post frequently to Ponzi's TR's as well but work has gotten in the way.

Anyways, I've noticed some new posters here. Lady H is my wife Heather. She goes by Thumper_Man's Wife here on the Dis.

Most people here call me T_Man. Short for Thumper_Man. My name is Mike. Together most posters here just call us the Thumpers.

Ponzi is always kind enough to let us post a chapter or 2 about some of the adventures we just took. He wants to hear about how we got our travel vouchers so I'm going to try and write a brief chapter.

The day was Friday June 5, 2015. Lady H and I had been waiting for this day to come. As some of you may know, Lady H had won a trip to the Belmont Stakes in New York. For those that don't know, Lady H won a trip to the Belmont Stakes in New York. She won the trip from a local casino during the 2014 Belmont Stakes.

Lady H's bucket list included a trip to New York. A trip I thought we would have to save at least a couple of years for. Going to WDW and DLR has always set that trip back. Even the trip to Cancun last year pushed this trip back. When she won the trip though, we thought we would take advantage and make a whole vacation out of it.

Lady H won 2 roundtrip airline tickets, 2 nights hotel and 2 tickets to the 2015 Belmont Stakes. Since we had flights and 2 nights hotel, we knew we could easily spring for the remaining nights and take a week long vacation. We bought tickets for the various attractions we wanted to see while in NY during the months leading up to the vacation.

Anyways, as I stated, the day was Friday June 5th. Today was travel day to NY. Our flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 9:20am (MST). We would arrive in Dallas at 11:55am (PST), switch planes and depart to NY at 12:35pm (PST). We would land in NY at 5pm (EST), take a shuttle to Elmont, NY where we would stay 2 nights to attend the Belmont stakes. Take it all goes well.

Since I already said we landed up with travel vouchers, I'm sure you can guess all did not go well. We (Lady H, D'Sis and myself) get to the airport at 7:30am. My aunt and cousin whom are traveling with us are running late. We were hoping this would be the only glitch of the day. We decided we would check our bags, get through security and meet my aunt and cousin at the gate. Once we got through security, we have a normal routine of buying breakfast and drink for the plane. Soon my aunt and cousin would show up. We had about an hour wait still. Check the departure board, so far it looks like we're on time.

10 minutes later we notice the flight time changed on the gate. It now shows us departing at 9:50am. That's a half hour later than what we're supposed to leave. If you look at the times of our connecting flight, we had 40 minutes to de-board one flight and board the next. Now we only have 10 minutes. Once we noticed the change in time, we went to the customer service desk and asked about this delay and how it would affect our connecting flight. We were told they would hold the plane for us in Dallas and we would make our connecting flight.

No worries until we learn that the plane we were supposed to board was struck by lightning 3 time on its flight from Phoenix. Our 9:50am flight has now changed to 10:30am. The plane has been put out of commission for further inspections. They'll have to get us another plane. No way we're making our connection now. Back to the service desk. The attendant there knows we have connecting flight. Once again she assures us that we'll be fine. They have a plan in place to make sure we make our connecting flight. At the time they don't tell us what the plan is. We'll be given the details on our flight.

The plane we were going to use had been sitting out on the tarmac for a while. That plane also had a problem and they were working on fixing the problem. Flight time now changes to 11:25am. At 11:05am, our flight finally starts boarding. We're finally on our way, or so we thought. We hear an announcement that those passengers on flight so and so making a connection to La Guardia airport need to report to the service desk. We will not be making our connection and there are no additional flights to LGA from Dallas for the day.

Tired and frustrated, back to the service desk. Other passengers are already saying that we won't be able to leave until tomorrow morning. Others are stating we'll be flying to Chicago then catching a flight from there. My aunt is already fuming. Lady H and I are calm trying to figure out a solution. We are looking at the SWA site trying to figure out what flights are available we could possibly have them book for us. We finally mange to calm my aunt down. Told her we'll see what solution they offer and we'll go from there.

Turns out the passengers saying we're flying to Chicago were right. Only we wouldn't be getting a connecting flight to LGA that night. We would have to stay the night in Chicago and catch an early flight out first thing in the morning. We opted for this option. Southwest gave us a $200 credit voucher and put us up in a hotel in Chicago for the night.

Finally at 4:30pm (MST) we depart for Chicago and arrive there at 7:20 pm (PST). Our flight leaves at 6:20am in the morning. When we arrived, there was another couple that was traveling with us that told us to go to SWA counter and ask for the hotel closer than the one they were originally going to put us up in for the night. The attendant at first was reluctant, but he finally hooked us up given we were going to have to be back at 4:30am.

Once we go to the hotel, we're all hungry. There's a pizza place down the road within walking distance. We called and asked if they deliver as we were all getting a little tired and didn't really want to go anywhere. They said they do but it would be an hour and half for delivery. After a brief consensus, we agreed to walk there and eat. It was well worth the walk as it was one of the best pizza places we've ever eaten at. We told Smidgy later on and she confirmed we picked one of the best places.

We all had about a 4 hour nap by the time we finished eating and walked back to the hotel. We didn't want to miss the first shuttle back to the airport. We need to be on the first flight out in order to make it to the Belmont on time. Or would we.

We would. Just wanted to make you think their for a minute. Our flight left on time and we arrived in NY at about 9:20 (EST). I had to change the times for our shuttle pick up and we still needed to retrieve our luggage. Which we found to be a bit odd. Our luggage made it to NY the day before, why couldn't we. They had put it into their storage lockers for the night.

Soon we would be on the shuttle and on our way to the hotel where we would now only stay 1 night instead of 2. Since I had pre-paid in advance to get a discounted rate, I lost a night but glad we didn't lose the whole reservation. The hotel was booked for the night as the hotel was booked for the night with other people also attending the Belmont. Once we arrived, we were able to check-in, change and make it over to Belmont Stakes with plenty of time to spare. Getting there was rough but I'm glad we made it. The rest of the trip was smooth sailing.

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And hear you thought you were getting old and your memory was fading away.

I don't remember saying that.


They were. You couldn't even hear the announcer as American Pharoah was coming down the home stretch. You could feel the stands bouncing. It was really exciting for us to see live.

Man! That must've been something!
I've never been to a horse race, but I sure wish I'd been there.

Nope. Not traffic. This is where the travel voucher comes in. I'll explain more in a bit.

That was my second thought.

Lady H as already moved 3 times. We both started in the same building in Santa Fe. A year after we started, we moved across the street to a new building built for our office. A year later she moved to our office in Albuquerque until recently where she moved back to Santa Fe.

This next move will be my 3rd time as well. This time everyone in my current office has to move, not just me or Lady H.

I didn't realize that it had been quite that many.
I knew it had been a few, though.

Sure. Why not. Thought maybe you could use a tour guide. Show you all the strip...

Show you the strip. The Vegas Strip. Yeah, that's what I meant.

That party was starting to sound really interesting.

Vegas was probably the closest and best chance we'd get to finally meet. As I said, we used to go to Vegas quite often. Decided to give it a little break. Looking to go back soon. Even if it's just a quick get away.

Been twice. Enjoyed it twice.
Probably will get back there eventually.

Don't anyone get any bright ideas. We have a TR from 2 years ago that we'll finish one of these years. No time to start another one about NY.


You're not as bad as you want to be.


What's this college you refer to? Is that the 4 year long party after high school at a university?

Why, yes. Yes it is.
And she got some mail today.... She was pretty excited.
She got a $1,000 bursary from the University.

Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
Beer before liquor, you've never been sicker.

:laughing: Okay.
At her grad, after it was done, she informed me that she likes rum. :rolleyes:

Ok. Next post will have the travel voucher story.

I'll read it tomorrow. Just came on to quickly check and see what's what...
but I've been pretty much up since Thursday 5am and I'm beat.

Yep. Just about kills me.
Hi T Man! Nice to see you back. Crazy travel day. Sorry your stay was cut short but at least you both looked fabulous at the race

Better yet!
We set up a meet and don't tell Jamie.
Then I run up to you, give you a hug and ask you to run away with me.
You agree and tell Jamie that you've always wanted a sugar daddy,
even if he is twice your age.

Who are we?

I give up. Who are you?

We used to be frequent posters to Nebo's threads.

I have to give the big galoot a call.
I keep meaning to.... and life keeps getting in the way!

We've yet to meet Ponzi, but I feel we've become really good friends through our postings here.

I agree with this statement.

We used to post frequently to Ponzi's TR's as well but work has gotten in the way.

And Ponzi understands and forgives you.

Most people here call me T_Man. Short for Thumper_Man. My name is Mike.

Or Bunny Boy. He likes that one the best.

Ponzi is always kind enough to let us post a chapter or 2 about some of the adventures we just took.

I am?? Oh! Right! I am!
I'm a heckuva guy!

He wants to hear about how we got our travel vouchers so I'm going to try and write a brief chapter.

Yes, he does. So go right ahead.

As some of you may know, Lady H had won a trip to the Belmont Stakes in New York. For those that don't know, Lady H won a trip to the Belmont Stakes in New York.



Our flight left on time and we arrived in NY at about 9:20 (EST). I had to change the times for our shuttle pick up and we still needed to retrieve our luggage. Which we found to be a bit odd. Our luggage made it to NY the day before, why couldn't we. They had put it into their storage lockers for the night.

I'm not going to quote the entire story Mike, but oy vay!
The joys of airline travel.
In the end though, you got to where you wanted to go and got to see what you really wanted to see.

But.... why couldn't you have made it the night before if your bags did????
That's... weird.

Once we arrived, we were able to check-in, change and make it over to Belmont Stakes with plenty of time to spare. Getting there was rough but I'm glad we made it. The rest of the trip was smooth sailing.

Glad to hear it. And thanks for taking the time to tell us all about it! :goodvibes


Love that picture of you guys! Those hats (esp. Heather's) are perfect!
(Tell Heather I think she looks like a movie star.)

Fake! Obviously taken at home and then had the background photoshopped in.

Did you go up WTC? Is it even available for that?
Sorry I got so behind. I caught up on your updates.

Sorry if I did. They say the memory is the second thing to go...

What's the first? ;)

ursalita - Epcot - 23 minutes - SE - 10 points


To take in as much of World Showcase as I possibly could!
With... NO RUSHING! And no agenda.

That's a great plan.

I had to take their picture.
Which sounds really, really creepy when I put it that way.
It was because of their matching outfits! Honest!

Nope. Still sounds creepy.

So creepy. :eek: But at least you mostly just got the backs of their heads.

If you look closely, you'll see that two of them have "Minnie" and "Mouse"
written on the backs of their legs with a little bow right behind the knee.
Impressive attention to detail, no?

I think those are stockings, no?

Whatever. She was happy with it.


All the Japanese CMs can only stay for thirteen months.
That's as long as their US Visas are good for.
I was surprised, maybe even a little shocked, to learn that it's
a one time deal.
Only one thirteen month Visa in your lifetime.

Really? That's surprising. I need to be a more informed American.

I fell in love with shave ice when we were in Hawaii and was
eagerly looking forward to comparing the two.

Everything I know about Hawaii I learned from Hawaii 5-0. I definitely need to try a shave ice if I ever get a chance to go.

So Hawaii was the clear winner here.

No surprise there.

For those of you who stayed for the lesson, simply say "Thanks for the lesson!"
and receive free bonus points.

Thanks for the lesson. Am I too late for the bonus points?

I sashayed like a giant past the model train village and approached Germany.

I don't think giants sashay, they lumber. ::yes::

When we were in Germany way back in the mid '90s,
we heard real cuckoo birds.
They sound exactly like the sounds cuckoo clocks make.

I did not know that. I'm learning a lot today.

I was amazed at how gentle, yet firm she was.
She didn't touch the boy, (I would've)
but in a stern voice told him not to touch.

I'm always impressed by Disney CMs and how they handle these situations. The no touching is KEY. I was at a museum earlier in the year with the kids and Sam was doing something one of the staff didn't like. I don't even remember what it was. It wasn't anything like this situation or I would have intervened. So the the guy grabs him and I saw red. I said "Don't you touch him." He tried to argue his point with me but the fact that he'd grabbed Sam pretty much invalidated anything he had to say to me. I should have reported it but I let it go. So, yeah. No one touches my kid in anger except me.

CM: "No problem. These things happen... Now.
Did you want us to charge $4,800 to your room?
Or would you prefer another payment method?


I just can't do this place justice.
If you've been (and probably most if not all of you have)
then you know what I'm talking about.
If you haven't... Don't miss it.

The replica terracotta warriors were fascinating too.

Dang! I missed this. :confused: I saw the movie and looked at the shops but totally missed the warriors which the boys would have loved. Wonder if it had anything to do with rushing out of there when Aidan got too fascinated with the replica swords. :lmao:

Beautiful flowers, no?
That's one thing where I've got to hand it to Disney.
They don't scrimp on the details.

Yes! Love the details at Disney. :goodvibes

I know that School Bread is a DIS favourite, but...
It has coconut on it.
So... Nope!

I didn't love the school bread. :confused3 I got one during our previous trip because of all the DIS mentions but I was underwhelmed. And I like coconut.

My body was still trying to fight off early on-set diabetes
so I didn't partake.


The good news is that if one of AKs tigers or lions gets loose, I can outrun her.
Pretty sure I can.

I don't know. If she can walk in them she can run in them. Probably quite well. Trust me. Or she could kick them off. :laughing:

Sure enough, Mary Poppins quickly overtook the family.
The little boy was walking with his hand held in his father's hand.
Mary reached down and took the boy's other hand.
Love this. :lovestruc And how did you know it was going to happen? Impressive. :worship:

And it looks like Mom got a photo, too. :goodvibes

Hope you enjoy the pics.

I sure did. I missed so many details when we were there at night. Thanks for sharing all your great photos.

But one more mini-DISmeet, no matter how brief,
was a nice way to end my trip.

Yay! Glad you got a chance to see her.

I was down to the original HM ghost that Dale had given me.

Disappointed, I set my alarm and went to bed.

Bummer. :sad2: I was really tempted to get my boys some of those but I was afraid they'd lose them.

So I'll pick... what time does the alarm go off?

I have to clear customs upon arrival in Canada.
How long does that take?


This is tough one. Is this why you were annoyed? Or did you just breeze through?

I'll go with 117 minutes.

Lots of other stuff to see and do in the area.
There's Deadwood itself, of course.
Needles highway.
The aforementioned Mt. Rushmore.
Badlands Nat'l Park.
Black Hills Nat'l Forest.
And a whole slew of other touristy type stuff.
(Reptile Gardens! Crystal Caves! Oh my!)

Sounds like a fantastic trip. I haven't seen any of this stuff. Feel free to write a TR for this one. ;)
What's the first? ;)

If you have to ask, then you can consider yourself lucky.

Take that any way you want.

That's a great plan.

I thought so too!

So creepy. :eek: But at least you mostly just got the backs of their heads.

Would it still be creepy if I then ran up to them
and asked to be Facebook friends with them???


Because I don't really Facebook.

I think those are stockings, no?

Hmmm.... Could be. Do they make those?
Would it still be creepy if I then ran up to them
and asked to feel their legs?

Yes indeed.

Really? That's surprising. I need to be a more informed American.

:laughing: Well, it was news to me too.

Everything I know about Hawaii I learned from Hawaii 5-0. I definitely need to try a shave ice if I ever get a chance to go.

Matsumoto's. North shore. Oahu.
Trust me.

Thanks for the lesson. Am I too late for the bonus points?

Nope! Bonus points awarded! pixiedust:

I don't think giants sashay, they lumber. ::yes::

Well, they wood.

I did not know that. I'm learning a lot today.

This TR is a storehouse of information.

I'm always impressed by Disney CMs and how they handle these situations.


The no touching is KEY.

Ya got that right!

I was at a museum earlier in the year with the kids and Sam was doing something one of the staff didn't like. I don't even remember what it was. It wasn't anything like this situation or I would have intervened. So the the guy grabs him and I saw red. I said "Don't you touch him." He tried to argue his point with me but the fact that he'd grabbed Sam pretty much invalidated anything he had to say to me. I should have reported it but I let it go. So, yeah. No one touches my kid in anger except me.

::yes:: I don't care that my kid just pushed a button that launched nuclear warheads... HANDS OFF!!

Dang! I missed this. :confused: I saw the movie and looked at the shops but totally missed the warriors which the boys would have loved. Wonder if it had anything to do with rushing out of there when Aidan got too fascinated with the replica swords. :lmao:

"Mom! Look at this cool swo..."
"Okay! Time to go! Come on everyone! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"

I didn't love the school bread. :confused3 I got one during our previous trip because of all the DIS mentions but I was underwhelmed. And I like coconut.

Good. I will consider your experience to be the baseline,
so now I don't have to worry about skipping it.

I don't know. If she can walk in them she can run in them. Probably quite well. Trust me. Or she could kick them off. :laughing:

Nah. By the time she gets 'em off, I'd be long gone... and she'd be lunch.

Love this. :lovestruc And how did you know it was going to happen? Impressive. :worship:

And it looks like Mom got a photo, too. :goodvibes

Well.... I guess I didn't know it was going to happen.
I saw Mary Poppins overtaking the family
and I guess deep down I knew that she wouldn't just blow by them.
And sure enough, something magical happened.

I sure did. I missed so many details when we were there at night. Thanks for sharing all your great photos.

You're welcome! :)

Yay! Glad you got a chance to see her.

It was nice to see her one last time before I left.

Bummer. :sad2: I was really tempted to get my boys some of those but I was afraid they'd lose them.

They would have.


This is tough one. Is this why you were annoyed? Or did you just breeze through?

I'll go with 117 minutes.


Sounds like a fantastic trip. I haven't seen any of this stuff. Feel free to write a TR for this one. ;)

:laughing: Okay! Okay!
Real World Update... take three.

Well, I had almost my entire update all typed and ready to go.
All the calculations were done, winner decided, etc.
And I'm real careful to always keep a back-up in case the DIS makes it go poof.

Well, the DIS made it go poof... and I must've overwritten my back up by mistake.

So... it just might be a while before I get the next chapter out.
Last time it took me over two hours to calculate all the points!

So in the meantime, I'll regale you with another mesmerising Real World Update!!!

(Oh, stop groaning. It'll be short.)

So I last left you with the news that I'd booked my and Ruby's Deadwood trip.
I'd mentioned a few spots we might consider,
like Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood, etc.

Some of you were kind enough to offer a few more suggestions.
Like Devils Tower (from Close Encounters) or Sturgis.

Well, I ran those by Ruby and she's interested in 'em too!


Ah, yes. There's always a but.
There has to be. Otherwise we could not sit. We'd have to kneel all the time.
And frankly, I don't want that kind of stress on my knees.

What??? :confused3

I have to tell you what's been going on with Kay.
The poor thing's been trying so hard to find a way to get to Disney.
I don't have the heart to just come out and tell her
that it's definitely not going to happen.

Here's an example of what she's been trying to do.
There's a flight that I mentioned earlier:

pkondz said:
Leave Winnipeg at 7:25... at night! Arrive Toronto just after midnight.
Leave Toronto the next day at 8:45.... the next freaking night!
Arrive MCO 11:29pm.
27 hours of travel! I might as well drive! (29 hours)

I told her about it as an example of how difficult it was to find a decent flight.
Well, she told Ruby (she didn't get the chance to tell me yet)
that she would be happy to sleep in the airport,
just like they do in The Amazing Race.

What she doesn't realize though, is that if we took that flight,
we'd arrive at MCO at 11:29pm on Tuesday and have to leave Thursday morning.
So all that travel for one day in the park.
Yeah. No.

It's just been tough.
Elle's had a few outings, related to her dance.
I've taken her to Montreal and Niagara Falls,
also Chicago, Cleveland and Cedar Point.
(On the way to Niagara Falls)
I really wanted to take Kay to Disney.
And she was so danged excited.
"Dad! I want to find Woody and run up to him and say "Andy's coming!" so he'll fall down!"
(Yes, I know he doesn't do that anymore... and I gently told her so.)

And now this.
Ruby mentions to me that she has a huge project due at the end of August.
Uh... okay? You can still do Deadwood, right?
Yes she can!
But she'll have to work every weekend up until then to make up for the time off.
Wait. You'll have to work every weekend?
For a measly three days off???

Yes. She'll need to frontload all her work if she's to take the time off.


But she'll still do it!
I, on the other hand, am less thrilled.
I don't want her killing herself just for a few days off.

She also says that she hates the heat.
Deadwood in the summer is going to be stinking hot.
Maybe we could do it in September or October?

Now I haven't even looked to see what attractions may or may not be open in the Fall.
But I can see the writing on the wall.
"Ruby, would you like to delay our trip to Deadwood?"

Yes. Yes she would.
So now I don't even know when that is happening!!


On the other hand.
When one door closes...

So Kay and I have our flights booked and we're booked into Pop
from August 21st to 27th.
Everything's booked!


Got the cheap flights I was looking for.
Plus upgraded the free QS DDP to standard DDP.
I didn't know you could do that at a value!
(Kay said that she wanted to try some "nice" restaurants. Not just QS.)

I've already made a bunch of FP+ reservations and ADRs.
(all subject to change, pending Kay's approvals)

The only thing I can't do is an ADR for BOG.
No surprise, there's nothing available.
Not the end of the world...

Did I mention we're going to Disney??????

Anyone else maybe going to be there then?

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