Jiminy's June 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

I sympathize with everyone's frustrations about working so hard, only to have the scale punish you for one small slip-up. It can be so defeating and feel so unfair. When I was younger my body used to be more "forgiving" of those small splurges but it seems as I get older the margin for error gets smaller and smaller. It feels like that margin has totally vanished now. I was commiserating with a friend the other day about how it sometimes feels like to look the way I want to look I have to eat practically nothing. Of course we were being hyperbolic, it's NOT actually nothing, but in a world of huge portion sizes and 24oz drinks and massive snacks, the amount of work it takes to stick to these relatively small piles of greens and lean protein every day? Well, it can be hard to keep hope.

I just have to remind myself when I'm training my body to be a machine with the food --- feeding it healthy stuff to keep my energy up, burning fat, keeping hydrated, and feeling strong --- sometimes when you throw a doughnut in there, it can be like throwing a wrench into the machine. Things get clogged, there's some bloat, and it may seem like the machine stops working. But the machine isn't broken, it's just a temporary slow-down. Not sure if I crafted the best analogy here but the basic message is, keep your eye on the big picture and don't let the small setbacks become huge defeats. One week of a reversal is nothing over months and months.
Yes! One slip is not ultimate defeat. Get right back up on that horse! I hear you loud and clear! It is just too easy to beat yourself up and then punish yourself with food for the mistake. It happens all too easily.
Okay....I just found this thread....so I'm a bit behind in joining in...but yahoo! I love all the support in here. And everything resonates with me and from what I read...with all of us struggling with weight loss and maintaining that loss as we go through life. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. It is under control and I'm undergoing radiation...to make sure all those nasty cells are dead! But....weight loss and good nutrition is critical for me and for everyone who wants to stay healthy. Fat...is one of the major contributors to cancer, especially breast cancer. I have been using the Fitness Pal App since November and have lost 50 pounds. I have about 30 more to go. I do not exercise...at all. I've had really bad knees and back issues for more than a few years now, some of which have been from the weight. But I also now have damage to some of those joints with some arthritic changes. I am 61 years old. I'm a positive person who sees the glass half full....and from what I know....this helps with stress and dealing with everyday issues. So MY PLAN: I just stopped in to check out my local gym this week. I had the girl show me around and asked about joining. My goal is to join the gym, this Monday, and to work out at least three times a week. I want to loose one pound a week for the month for July. Also...I will measure myself....to see if I go down in inches. I will chart that as well. So THANK YOU all for your contributions! I love this site and I will follow it and report on Fridays. Here's to good choices this weekend! (Sometimes weekends can be more challenging!)
I almost forgot to check-in. I'm going to say I'm at 75% of my goal to keep things less confusing. But I surpassed my goal of of walking 3 nights per week and 30 minutes per walk last week. I actually walked 6 nights and 40 minutes per walk. I would have walked 7 nights but it was pouring one night. Instead of a walk it would have been a swim.
Okay....I just found this thread....so I'm a bit behind in joining in...but yahoo! I love all the support in here. And everything resonates with me and from what I read...with all of us struggling with weight loss and maintaining that loss as we go through life. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. It is under control and I'm undergoing radiation...to make sure all those nasty cells are dead! But....weight loss and good nutrition is critical for me and for everyone who wants to stay healthy. Fat...is one of the major contributors to cancer, especially breast cancer. I have been using the Fitness Pal App since November and have lost 50 pounds. I have about 30 more to go. I do not exercise...at all. I've had really bad knees and back issues for more than a few years now, some of which have been from the weight. But I also now have damage to some of those joints with some arthritic changes. I am 61 years old. I'm a positive person who sees the glass half full....and from what I know....this helps with stress and dealing with everyday issues. So MY PLAN: I just stopped in to check out my local gym this week. I had the girl show me around and asked about joining. My goal is to join the gym, this Monday, and to work out at least three times a week. I want to loose one pound a week for the month for July. Also...I will measure myself....to see if I go down in inches. I will chart that as well. So THANK YOU all for your contributions! I love this site and I will follow it and report on Fridays. Here's to good choices this weekend! (Sometimes weekends can be more challenging!)

WELCOME to our group!! I noticed your posts and wondered if my mind was slipping and I just didn't remember you because your name did seem new to me! Anyhoooo.... WELCOME aboard!

So glad to hear that you are taking a POSITIVE note about the diagnosis...... I think a HAPPY, POSITIVE mind is 3/4 of the battle of recovery! My Mom is a BC survivor ( about 15 years with a clean bill of health) and my DSIL is a 16 year survivor (although she has suffered some metastasis)..... so you CAN beat this!!

Fifty pounds off.... WOW!! You are rolling along!! So glad you are here to contribute!................P
After a 2 week period on a weight plateau I finally have lost 3 pounds, sticking to my plan this week was so hard because I felt like I was standing still despite my hard work. I will make Trader Joe chicken breast tenderloins in a little coconut oil and add to sauteed squash and broccoli on Sunday to bring to work each day so I am not tempted by the fabulous cafe food we have at work!!! I am motivated after my date with the scale to push my walking distance a little farther each day.


I'm checking in. I'm down another 2lbs. So I lost a total of 3lbs woohoo!!! I'm happy I found this board. I just want to say :thanks:

That is GREAT!!:flower1: And you are WELCOME! Glad you are here!

I almost forgot to check-in. I'm going to say I'm at 75% of my goal to keep things less confusing. But I surpassed my goal of of walking 3 nights per week and 30 minutes per walk last week. I actually walked 6 nights and 40 minutes per walk. I would have walked 7 nights but it was pouring one night. Instead of a walk it would have been a swim.

SUPER JOB!! :daisy:


Happy FATHER'S DAY all my friends!! We stayed home and had a delicious healthy brunch here at home. It meant a 6:30 am run to the store for me. but it was worth it and DH said he liked it better than going out! Everyone got a custom made "bowl"..... the choices were sauteed mushrooms, onions, peppers, and spinach, scrambled egg (with and without cheese), bacon ( a VERY RARE treat here!), toast (regular and low carb flaxseed), homefries (for the kiddos), and a HUGE fruit salad (watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, and cherries). Plus juice and coffee and tea.... and it was SO YUMMY and SO NICE to just be home on a rainy morning. We ate and played a few hands of cards (DH loves to play cards, so that was a treat for him) and chatted.

The reason I had to run to the store was because it was SUPPOSED to be brunch OUT, but DH and I went to a show last night and instead of a 2.5 hour ride home it ended up being a 4 hour ride home (rain and traffic etc) and we didn't get into bed until 2:15 am (REALLY TOUGH for this early bird!). I couldn't fathom getting him up and out for brunch at 9 am. Plus DD waited up for us and I wanted her to be able to sleep in.... so since I was wide awake at 6:15, I ran to the store to buy brunch supplies (mostly needed the fruit, bread, and juice).

Anyhooo..... it was SO NICE to stay home in our sweatpants.... and prove that you CAN enjoy a healthy, delicious, on-plan TREAT MEAL without going nuts!

Then we just puttered.... I've folded and put away a mountain of laundry, cleaned toilets and fixed two toilets that had jiggly handles, dishes, etc, etc.

I'll be posting update to our progress tonight or tomorrow night, so if you haven't gotten you PERCENTAGE TOWARD GOAL to me yet, it isn't too late!

Tomorrow is my last SCHEDULED work day of the school year (although I have offered to work Tuesday.... not sure if they need me yet), but I'll be here in the morning with your QOTD!

Hugs and love to you all.... hope you had a terrific weekend!.................P
Morning all.... welcome to your QOTD for Monday, June 22, 2015:

Since this weekend brought the OFFICIAL start of summer, here in the U.S. it is NATIONAL LIGHTNING AWARENESS WEEK!!


Things that we discover along our journey to be slimmer and healthier can be ALMOST as shocking as lightning! How far do you have to walk to burn the calories in one M&M? (BTW, the answer is.... 120 yards or the length of one standard U.S. football field.) How many calories/carbs/Points Plus are in that seemingly innocent Starbucks coffee treat you have EVERY TIME you walk through the mall? (Yup, that Grande Caffe Mocha made with 2% milk has 290 calories and 42 carbs!)

What are some of the more SHOCKING things you have discovered along the trail to weight loss and better health???
I don't love grocery shopping, but I do love the WORLD of possibilities it seems to open up in the kitchen! What are your "mix it up" plans?

This week I'm trying smoothies for breakfast. I just finished it. An orange, a kiwi, and some strawberries. It's like summer in a cup :sunny:
For lunches this week I'm doing veggies and hummus, cheese, and hardboiled eggs. I feel like I'm in a plateau so I'm hoping this will kickstart things!
What are some of the more SHOCKING things you have discovered along the trail to weight loss and better health???

The M&M tidbit is crazy! I've really had my eyes opened by counting calories and carbs in everything. You think just ONE of something won't be so bad, but then you realize that it's multiple servings per can or bottle or packet... Those numbers add up QUICK! The saddest discovery was that our favorite brownies from Walgreens had 500 calories and 52 carbs... There was a time when we had one for dessert every night! Now the thought of it makes my stomach hurt, haha. Sad but good progress! It blows my mind how much I was eating number-wise before. We got REALLY bad about eating out several nights a week... I looked up my go-to meal from Chili's - 2300 calories. Just in dinner!

My portions of things have really changed dramatically. Now that I'm on a higher protein diet, I typically try have 8-10oz of chicken for dinner. It doesn't really sound like a lot, but Y'ALL. That's a lot of chicken. I usually only make through about 6, and that really takes some pushing.

I've also been shocked by the prices of eating better - it's just me, my DH2B, and our dog (who, by the way, I am starting to make homemade treats for because I don't trust a lot of the ones from the store... too many horror stories!) and we easily spend $100-$150 a week on groceries because we're buying so much protein and so little junk and cheap filler... A pack of chicken breasts at our Kroger is $5/lb! Costco has them for $2/lb so we have my FIL2B pick us up some periodically, but it's still $26 a pack... Thankfully we're getting better at buying in bulk when we can or when we find a sale and freezing it, but that doesn't work for everything. It doesn't help that, if I were to have deli turkey for lunch one day, I'd take about 4oz of turkey to get my protein in. That only gets me 2 lunches out of a pack of turkey, and with DH2B doing it, too, it goes really quickly! And because we don't buy the junk and we already buy store brand of everything, coupons don't help us much at all. It's so frustrating! I wish it was easier to eat healthy on a budget than it is to go to McDonald's!

Changing our diet has definitely been eye opening in several areas!

We had a really nice shower Saturday evening! DH2B's parents and some of his mom's friends made some wonderful food, but we ate so much bread and heavy stuff! They make this wonderful bread with some sort of creamy artichoke spread on top, and it's absolutely divine... But oh my word, after a piece of that, I felt like I was going to die, haha. His mom knows red velvet cake is my favorite, too, so she had one there. DH2B and I split a small piece but it was still so, so sweet. Between the heavy food and the sugar in the cake (and 3 glasses of wine.... :rolleyes1 ) I ended up leaving with the WORST stomacheache, and I was miserable the whole rest of the night. Guess that's good because it means my body is OVER all the junky stuff that used to be a regular part of our diet, but I sure wouldn't want to do it again any time soon! Haha. The only thing I ate yesterday was a hot dog for lunch because I still felt so gross!
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I've discovered just how small 3 oz. of meat actually is. When I look at my meals now, the meat portion is very small compared to the vegetables. Whenever we go out to eat, which is a treat now.....most of the meals are meat heavy, not vege heavy. So out to eat is far and few between. I'm learning to love salad by putting a wide variety of things in it. Salad last night: 2 oz. grilled chicken, four cups combination lettuce and spinach, tomatoes, banana rings, 4 tblsp. beans (cooked in pressure cooker), 1 cup watermelon, cucumbers and 2 tblsp yogurt dressing. Delicious!
What shocks me is the cost for eating healthier. It's crazy. Since it is summer my family goes to farmer's markets or local farmers and buy fresh produce. I need to get back to canning my own food. Something my grandmother did and it always tasted yummy.
This week I'm trying smoothies for breakfast. I just finished it. An orange, a kiwi, and some strawberries. It's like summer in a cup :sunny:
For lunches this week I'm doing veggies and hummus, cheese, and hardboiled eggs. I feel like I'm in a plateau so I'm hoping this will kickstart things!

Love fruit smoothies but I try to "count" them if they have a lot of fruit (even though fruit is considered 0 on WW)... I always try to throw in some greens as well (usually baby spinach or kale).... they muddy up the color but you don't even taste them and they add a lot of fiber and nutrition. I also like to add a 1/4 of a ripe avocado for the creaminess and healthy fats!

And great minds think alike...... I brought veggies and hummus for lunch. Sometimes it is cold veggies but today is warm.... leftover sauteed and steamed veggies from the weekend.... the garlic hummus makes a nice "sauce" when warmed up!

The M&M tidbit is crazy! I've really had my eyes opened by counting calories and carbs in everything. You think just ONE of something won't be so bad, but then you realize that it's multiple servings per can or bottle or packet... Those numbers add up QUICK! The saddest discovery was that our favorite brownies from Walgreens had 500 calories and 52 carbs... There was a time when we had one for dessert every night! Now the thought of it makes my stomach hurt, haha. Sad but good progress! It blows my mind how much I was eating number-wise before. We got REALLY bad about eating out several nights a week... I looked up my go-to meal from Chili's - 2300 calories. Just in dinner!

HOLY COWZA!! That is CRAZY calories for a dinner! Don't even TELL me what it was! Good for you for looking it up and making CHANGES!

My portions of things have really changed dramatically. Now that I'm on a higher protein diet, I typically try have 8-10oz of chicken for dinner. It doesn't really sound like a lot, but Y'ALL. That's a lot of chicken. I usually only make through about 6, and that really takes some pushing.

Actually that sounds like quite a lot of chicken to me! I rarely eat more than 3-4 oz of meat at a meal when I do eat real meat. Occasionally I might have a 6 oz sirloin if I am out for steak.... but that sees like a lot of meat to me! I wouldn't have enough room in my belly for my veggies! That being said I am not good about making sure taht I get enough protein, so I should probably take a page from your book!

I've also been shocked by the prices of eating better - it's just me, my DH2B, and our dog (who, by the way, I am starting to make homemade treats for because I don't trust a lot of the ones from the store... too many horror stories!) and we easily spend $100-$150 a week on groceries because we're buying so much protein and so little junk and cheap filler... A pack of chicken breasts at our Kroger is $5/lb! Costco has them for $2/lb so we have my FIL2B pick us up some periodically, but it's still $26 a pack... Thankfully we're getting better at buying in bulk when we can or when we find a sale and freezing it, but that doesn't work for everything. It doesn't help that, if I were to have deli turkey for lunch one day, I'd take about 4oz of turkey to get my protein in. That only gets me 2 lunches out of a pack of turkey, and with DH2B doing it, too, it goes really quickly! And because we don't buy the junk and we already buy store brand of everything, coupons don't help us much at all. It's so frustrating! I wish it was easier to eat healthy on a budget than it is to go to McDonald's!

Changing our diet has definitely been eye opening in several areas!

But think about the money in medical bills you are saving by being healthier!! And plenty of healthier options are pretty budget friendly.... beans (especially if you cook the yourself instead of canned), regular oatmeal (much cheaper than the instant packets), large tubs of plain greek yogurt instead of those tiny cups of things like oreo crunch yogurt, plain brown rice instead of those rice-a-roni boxes...... but it does take WORK to keep the budget under control when eating healthier!

We had a really nice shower Saturday evening! DH2B's parents and some of his mom's friends made some wonderful food, but we ate so much bread and heavy stuff! They make this wonderful bread with some sort of creamy artichoke spread on top, and it's absolutely divine... But oh my word, after a piece of that, I felt like I was going to die, haha. His mom knows red velvet cake is my favorite, too, so she had one there. DH2B and I split a small piece but it was still so, so sweet. Between the heavy food and the sugar in the cake (and 3 glasses of wine.... :rolleyes1 ) I ended up leaving with the WORST stomacheache, and I was miserable the whole rest of the night. Guess that's good because it means my body is OVER all the junky stuff that used to be a regular part of our diet, but I sure wouldn't want to do it again any time soon! Haha. The only thing I ate yesterday was a hot dog for lunch because I still felt so gross!

SOrry you felt yucky.... but that definitey means that your body is adjusting to the healthier daily diet! Glad the shower was fun!

I've discovered just how small 3 oz. of meat actually is. When I look at my meals now, the meat portion is very small compared to the vegetables. Whenever we go out to eat, which is a treat now.....most of the meals are meat heavy, not vege heavy. So out to eat is far and few between. I'm learning to love salad by putting a wide variety of things in it. Salad last night: 2 oz. grilled chicken, four cups combination lettuce and spinach, tomatoes, banana rings, 4 tblsp. beans (cooked in pressure cooker), 1 cup watermelon, cucumbers and 2 tblsp yogurt dressing. Delicious!

That does sound really good!! I've never tried watermelon in a salad but I have used strawberries.

What shocks me is the cost for eating healthier. It's crazy. Since it is summer my family goes to farmer's markets or local farmers and buy fresh produce. I need to get back to canning my own food. Something my grandmother did and it always tasted yummy.

I haven't canned in a long time but may get back to it this fall since we have a big garden again this year. Most of the time I freeze instead of canning but they it doesn't have the same shelf life. Tomatoes are so easy to can!


At school in a class that I don't really care for (they are just very disrespectful) but they are watching a movie so it isn't too bad. I thought I was in here for only an hour or two but the teacher said something about not coming back all day....dang. TTYL..................P
And plenty of healthier options are pretty budget friendly.... beans (especially if you cook the yourself instead of canned), regular oatmeal (much cheaper than the instant packets), large tubs of plain greek yogurt instead of those tiny cups of things like oreo crunch yogurt, plain brown rice instead of those rice-a-roni boxes...... but it does take WORK to keep the budget under control when eating healthier!

Sadly, no beans, oatmeal, or rice for me! We're doing high protein/low carb, and all of those are VERY high in carbs. Granted I'm not a fan of oatmeal, high carbs or not. Lol. Too mushy for me! We use a carb friendly yogurt in our breakfast protein smoothies (I can't stomach yogurt on its own... I have to hide it - bury it, really - in something lol). Dinner is usually as much chicken as possible and a 1/2 cup of broccoli - one of the few veggies DH2B and I like that is also carb-friendlier. It took some getting used to but it's not bad now!
Morning all.... welcome to your QOTD for Monday, June 22, 2015:
What are some of the more SHOCKING things you have discovered along the trail to weight loss and better health???

How really careful and vigilant I have to be. Thursday it dawned on me that I had lost 7 pounds this month. I knew I was losing but it was a little bit at a time. It wasn't until I checked my chart from the beginning of the month that I realized how much.

But, there's always a but, Thursday was my treat day. I had 1 treat. I hopped on the scale Friday morning to find myself up 2 pounds from Thursday. I couldn't figure how I gained 2 pounds overnight and that depressed me so I had 2 treats on Friday. I hopped on the scale Saturday and I was up another 2 pounds. That really depressed me so I had 2 treats Saturday, hopped on the scale Sunday and was up another 2 pounds. At that point I was up 6 pounds in 3 days where it took me almost 3 weeks to lose 7 pounds.

For Father's Day we always have a cookout at my dad's. There were very few healthy choices and being up 6 pounds up, I made the really bad choice to enjoy the desserts. Hopped on the scale today and I'm up another 2 more pounds. That's 8 pounds up, 1 pound more from when I started this, in less than a week. :sad2:

I never would have imagined how quickly it could all come back on. That's just flooring me.
Honestly it would be how hard I have to work to take weight off but how quickly it can spiral out of control if you fall off the wagon. I lost 90 pounds years ago and promised myself I would never put it on again....sorry to say that didn't happen , I certainly didn't put it all back on but enough to be very discouraged. :(:sad2::sad1:
Sadly, no beans, oatmeal, or rice for me! We're doing high protein/low carb, and all of those are VERY high in carbs. Granted I'm not a fan of oatmeal, high carbs or not. Lol. Too mushy for me! We use a carb friendly yogurt in our breakfast protein smoothies (I can't stomach yogurt on its own... I have to hide it - bury it, really - in something lol). Dinner is usually as much chicken as possible and a 1/2 cup of broccoli - one of the few veggies DH2B and I like that is also carb-friendlier. It took some getting used to but it's not bad now!

I understand.... DH eats very low carb as well (he is a faithful follower of Atkins) and it makes it a bit of a PITA for me because I'd rather eat rice and beans than meat. I do put beans in a few of my dishes and he doesn't mind too much because the beans have a lot of fiber. But anything with rice/potatoes/pasta, I keep those things separate. That way DS and I can eat them if we want. That being said, I don't always serve a carb with dinner and we really don't miss it any more. I often serve two veggies.... usually two different colors so it doesn't feel like we are missing anything.

How really careful and vigilant I have to be. Thursday it dawned on me that I had lost 7 pounds this month. I knew I was losing but it was a little bit at a time. It wasn't until I checked my chart from the beginning of the month that I realized how much.

But, there's always a but, Thursday was my treat day. I had 1 treat. I hopped on the scale Friday morning to find myself up 2 pounds from Thursday. I couldn't figure how I gained 2 pounds overnight and that depressed me so I had 2 treats on Friday. I hopped on the scale Saturday and I was up another 2 pounds. That really depressed me so I had 2 treats Saturday, hopped on the scale Sunday and was up another 2 pounds. At that point I was up 6 pounds in 3 days where it took me almost 3 weeks to lose 7 pounds.

For Father's Day we always have a cookout at my dad's. There were very few healthy choices and being up 6 pounds up, I made the really bad choice to enjoy the desserts. Hopped on the scale today and I'm up another 2 more pounds. That's 8 pounds up, 1 pound more from when I started this, in less than a week. :sad2:

I never would have imagined how quickly it could all come back on. That's just flooring me.

Oh no! But you might be surprised about how quickly it will come off if you get back on track! I find that my "vacation pounds" are usually gone within 2 weeks if I stay diligent.... something about fastest on, fastest off I think!


Hey all! I am unofficially DONE with the school year. I say unofficially because they could concievably still call me tomorrow.... but they probably won't. WOOHOO!

DH and I took a hike after dinner tonight.... it was nice but the bugs... yikes!

TTY tomorrow!..................P
What are some of the more SHOCKING things you have discovered along the trail to weight loss and better health???

I'm actually going to go on a slightly different path with this one...
The most shocking thing I've discovered is that I don't have to give up anything. I can have donuts and ice cream and high calorie lattes. Not on a regular basis, but once in a while. One of the reasons why I've been hesitant to start following a healthier diet is because I didn't want to "give up" things - but I've learned how to incorporate treats into my diet occasionally and balance out my diet so that the treats don't throw me totally off course.
Although the fat content of an Entenmann's donut did definitely throw me for a loop ... so I'll only have one of those once or twice a year, and always on a day when I'm trying extra hard to be low-fat the rest of the day.
I just cannot keep up with my life ! Our bathroom is undergoing a major remodel and my scale got moved and I keep forgetting to WI. I set it out and we will see if I remember in the morning

I just love the support this month....I need get off FB and read this thread in my morning wake up surf time. What's wrong with me!

For those who are on MFP with me, I'm trying to make my appearance. We leave Friday for week vacation followed by long weekend for July 4th. I'm trying but not committed! Anyhow, pixie dust to all for healthy choices and results that follow!
Good morning everyone!! I am feeling like I am starting to be more in control again. The back pain is nearly all gone (there is still some left and I feel that I am now getting a headache from it, I have had headaches on and off for the last week) and I am nearly all back in healthy eating mode. Only had two minor off plan snack yesterday. One was low fat cheese, so really not too off the plan. I remembered the trick to close my kitchen door after dinner and it really, really helped!! Just that visual barrier reminding me that it was no longer eating time prevented me from getting at least two additional snacks.
I'm actually going to go on a slightly different path with this one...
The most shocking thing I've discovered is that I don't have to give up anything. I can have donuts and ice cream and high calorie lattes. Not on a regular basis, but once in a while. One of the reasons why I've been hesitant to start following a healthier diet is because I didn't want to "give up" things - but I've learned how to incorporate treats into my diet occasionally and balance out my diet so that the treats don't throw me totally off course.
Although the fat content of an Entenmann's donut did definitely throw me for a loop ... so I'll only have one of those once or twice a year, and always on a day when I'm trying extra hard to be low-fat the rest of the day.

That is terrific! And it is one of the BIGGEST selling points of Weight Watchers..... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is off limits! It is all about portion control, timing, and making those things OCCASIONAL treats and not daily things. So many people walk in the door scared that we will tell them that they can NEVER have a glass of wine again or never eat a cupcake again and they are relieved when we tell them that ONCE IN A WHILE they can have ONE cupcake! I think the PROBLEM comes with folks who cannot control their trigger foods.... for some folks there is no such thing as ONE donut or one serving of ice cream. And then when they do go overboard they throw in the towel for the next meal, the next day, the next week..... until all control is lost. For myself, when I restarted this journey, it was definitely about finding WW ways to eat treats.... low fat cheese cakes, sugary high fiber snack bars etc.... but I eventually learned that those things generally aren't worth the calories, even on a splurge day! I feel better, both mentally and physically, to eat healthier ALL THE TIME! That doesn't mean I NEVER eat ice cream, of course.

Anyhow.... what a great REMINDER that we still need to LIVE and enjoy life and treats!!

I just cannot keep up with my life ! Our bathroom is undergoing a major remodel and my scale got moved and I keep forgetting to WI. I set it out and we will see if I remember in the morning

I just love the support this month....I need get off FB and read this thread in my morning wake up surf time. What's wrong with me!

For those who are on MFP with me, I'm trying to make my appearance. We leave Friday for week vacation followed by long weekend for July 4th. I'm trying but not committed! Anyhow, pixie dust to all for healthy choices and results that follow!

Busy, busy, busy around your house these days! Enjoy your vacation!!

Good morning everyone!! I am feeling like I am starting to be more in control again. The back pain is nearly all gone (there is still some left and I feel that I am now getting a headache from it, I have had headaches on and off for the last week) and I am nearly all back in healthy eating mode. Only had two minor off plan snack yesterday. One was low fat cheese, so really not too off the plan. I remembered the trick to close my kitchen door after dinner and it really, really helped!! Just that visual barrier reminding me that it was no longer eating time prevented me from getting at least two additional snacks.

Glad you are feeling better! Good job on keeping the kitchen door closed.... wish my kitchen had a door! I have no problem staying within my daily PPV target (usually I am under) but faaarrr too many of those PPV/calories are being eaten in the evening and too many of them are carbs!

Hey all! Good morning! Sorry I'm on a bit later than usual..... but it is the first day of summer vacation for me, so I slept in a bit and then puttered around before getting on here!

Off to post your QOTD!.............P


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