...And Then Scotty Happened. A Hawaiian Adventure (CHAPTER 32 Added 5/23--THE END)

• Favorite meal of the trip: Monkeypod Kitchen. I have a soft spot in my heart for the Hilo Burger Joint and Kua A’ina Sanwich Shop, though.

YAY Monkeypod! And Kua A’ina :goodvibes Holy cats, renting points is the way to go. Rack rates, even at an AP discount are just insane. I've a work trip this summer and man I'd love a night there but OY. Not gonna happen.

I will eat at Monkeypod if nothing else though!

The Oblivious Family Takes on the American Southwest

I am not much help on the food situation but hmmn, Claim Jumper? I admit, I'd be going for some killer SW cuisine. I like CJ but they changed up their menu on us a while ago and we are still cranky about it.

Sunday, Day 9: Longest driving day for distance/time. Get up early, drive 3 hours or so to Joshua Tree National Park in California. Break up the drive by exploring the park. Then continue west to Anaheim to get ready to explore some crappy tourist trap there.
Possible Dinner Location: Tortilla Jo’s, which my daughter loved when she was out there a couple of years ago.
Driving distance: 405 miles (7 hours)

Holy cats. That is a long day. Tortilla Joe's is a solid choice, lots of good options in DTD between that, Uva Bar, EOS...

Monday, Day 10: Disneyland! Cram in as much as possible in one day. Visit DCA first to try and ride Radiator Springs Racers and get FP’s for World of Color. Spend most of the day in Disneyland park trying to see things that are different from Florida. Eat Monte Cristo at Café Orleans. See World of Color in the evening. Understand that there’s no way we can possibly see everything in one day. Enjoy it anyway. Hopefully the kids will be surprised.
Driving distance: 0.
Possible Dining Locations: Café Orleans (don’t you pay attention?), Flo’s V-8 Café (mostly because the kids would think it was cool)

I am going to weigh in on this one. Flo's did not impress us. At ALL. At ALL. Cute interior, I will give you that. Meh in spades on the food. It was an unplanned dining choice and if you are just going for the cool factor, I'd hit the Cozy Cone instead. I wish we'd eaten there. The other CS food we had on the DCA side was quite good and if you eat in the wharf area and people can't decide what they want, it is quite easy to have a few be able to get mexican, others hit the wharf cafe, and others get Asian.

Tuesday, Day 11: Last day. Hang around Downtown Disney and the Grand Californian as long as possible in the morning, postponing the inevitable. Then drive to Las Vegas.
Driving distance: 260 miles (3 hours, 49 minutes)
Possible Dining Location: Slater’s 50/50 (burger joint in CA featuring patties that are 50% ground beef, 50% ground bacon)

Get beignets from Ralph Brennan's express for breakfast!

Total driving distance: 1493.3 miles.

In the desert. In the summer.

You can do it! We did 3600 miles from Seattle to the GC (via yellowstone, jackson hole, denver and santa fe) in a mini van with 4 kids over the 4th of July and camped 4 of those nights. We had a few more days but only a couple I think. That van was so full every kid had luggage under their legs and in between them. It was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, the kids were older (Eric was 7) but it can be done. Just add 1-2 hours to what you think your drive time will really be. :rotfl2: Or 4 on the very long drive days. We had a few that we thought would be 8-12 hour days...and they were longer. Multiple stops, eating taking longer than planned, later starts, all kinds of reasons but still, a few of those days took a lot longer than we were expecting.

And, if your kids are like mine, be prepared to stop at Barnes and Noble every 3 days or so to restock the reading material. If you plan it right, and the kids like some of the same reading material (if the ages work) they can cycle through a series. :thumbsup2 You can tell this was a pre-ebook kind of trip. LOL!

In the end, that’s what we want to achieve. Long after the toys have broken, the Xbox has its last red ring of death, and the comic books have fallen apart, the kids will not remember the stuff they had. They’ll remember the things we did together. Vacations are some of the most vivid memories, because that’s one of the few times in your life when you have your parents’ complete attention. It’s true family time, with no distractions. I guess that’s why we look forward to it so much. Time marches on, and soon we won’t all be together to have that time. It gets more and more valuable the older we get. And it seems to slip away faster and faster.

And that is EXACTLY why you do it. I couldn't agree more. Our kids will never forget that trip. I will be looking forward to the PTR/TR!
This is the first time I have read a trip report from someone I didn't know. I don't even remember how I came upon it. But it is one I remember for a long time to come. God bless you and your beautiful family.
Holy cow, that guy needs a haircut. :rotfl2:

Ya’ think? :lmao:
I just hated the notion of spoiling all them there pretty words with more of my pointless sarcasm.
Pointless understatement seemed a better choice at the time.

But as you can plainly see, all bets are off now…


That… that right there…
That picture says much.
And all of it: good.

I have to admit, we're worried about Baby Drew. Lately he's been on a Sleep Strike. :faint:

Ouchhhhh… May that clear up quickly.

I ‘m always both envious and thankful for those whose infants figure out how to sleep fairly quickly.
I love my boy, but he didn’t sleep well for nearly two years.
That was one of the most thorough and sustained physical beatings I ever took in my life.
And one I’d like never to repeat, thank you very much.
It’s no wonder that sleep deprivation is a primary choice for “enhanced Interrogation”.

That's the best I can offer. I have a face made for a text-only message board.

You’re just one of the many on that point. :lmao:

The Oblivious Family Takes on the American Southwest

As I’ve said at the end of nearly every other TR you’ve written…
I’m lookin’ forward mightily to reading along with the next one.
This will be quit the adventure, and I know from experience
that y’all will tackle it with just the right balance of style and obliviousness.

And just for good measure, how about another pointless GIF

All of the drama, excitement, adventure, and movie references that we have come to expect from a Captain Oblivious trip report. Thanks for including so many pictures of the beautiful scenery and your beautiful family (including the after trip pictures of baby Drew). I know that it was a fun trip because it was fun just reading about it. Nicely done! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading about your upcoming Southwest trip.
YAY Monkeypod! And Kua A’ina :goodvibes Holy cats, renting points is the way to go. Rack rates, even at an AP discount are just insane. I've a work trip this summer and man I'd love a night there but OY. Not gonna happen.

Yeah, it really is ridiculous. But I think Disney knows that if I'm going back to Hawaii, I'll probably try and stay there. I won't have to worry about it for many years, though. Maybe I can save up enough for rack rates by then.:confused3

I will eat at Monkeypod if nothing else though!

:thumbsup2 I could go for a slice of that chocolate creme pie right now!

I am not much help on the food situation but hmmn, Claim Jumper? I admit, I'd be going for some killer SW cuisine. I like CJ but they changed up their menu on us a while ago and we are still cranky about it.

I know, I figured I'd get grief from my West Coast pals for that one. All I can say is, Julie and I ate there when we visited in 2008 and enjoyed it. And there aren't any near us, so it doesn't feel like a common chain from our perspective.

I'm still open to ideas, though. I've looked through Road Food, Trip Advisor, etc., and nothing jumped out at me as being a place I really needed to try. That would also be family-friendly and not destroy the budget. :confused3

Holy cats. That is a long day. Tortilla Joe's is a solid choice, lots of good options in DTD between that, Uva Bar, EOS...

Alison recommended the Uva Bar as well. I will have to do some more menu research...

I am going to weigh in on this one. Flo's did not impress us. At ALL. At ALL. Cute interior, I will give you that. Meh in spades on the food. It was an unplanned dining choice and if you are just going for the cool factor, I'd hit the Cozy Cone instead. I wish we'd eaten there. The other CS food we had on the DCA side was quite good and if you eat in the wharf area and people can't decide what they want, it is quite easy to have a few be able to get mexican, others hit the wharf cafe, and others get Asian.

Hmmm...this will also necessitate further research. I was less concerned about the counter-service menu places, figuring food quality would be mostly the same anywhere. And I still haven't had a bad meal at Disney. I was just thinking that my boys, rabid Cars fans, would love to eat at Flo's and hang out in Cars Land. But I think it will probably be a spur-of-the-moment deal anyway, depending on where we are at dinner time. It'll be a busy day, for sure!

I did see that Hungry Bear in Critter Country has a fried green tomato sandwich. If Julie gets wind of this, we may not be allowed to go anywhere else.

Get beignets from Ralph Brennan's express for breakfast!

Oooh...I like this idea. I like it a lot!:thumbsup2

You can do it! We did 3600 miles from Seattle to the GC (via yellowstone, jackson hole, denver and santa fe) in a mini van with 4 kids over the 4th of July and camped 4 of those nights. We had a few more days but only a couple I think. That van was so full every kid had luggage under their legs and in between them. It was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, the kids were older (Eric was 7) but it can be done. Just add 1-2 hours to what you think your drive time will really be. :rotfl2: Or 4 on the very long drive days. We had a few that we thought would be 8-12 hour days...and they were longer. Multiple stops, eating taking longer than planned, later starts, all kinds of reasons but still, a few of those days took a lot longer than we were expecting.

I'm tired just reading this! :faint:

I know we'll have to have some stops to nurse the baby, but overall I think it will work well being able to stop at overlooks in the National Parks. The days that worry me the most on the trip are the drive from Zion to Grand Canyon, just because it's over 200 miles of nothing but desert heat...and the drive from Phoenix to Anaheim via Joshua Tree, because it's a very long, hot day. Honestly, we wouldn't even be attempting that drive if not for Alison making Disneyland possible for us. And with Disneyland at the end, we're willing to take the risk!

And, if your kids are like mine, be prepared to stop at Barnes and Noble every 3 days or so to restock the reading material. If you plan it right, and the kids like some of the same reading material (if the ages work) they can cycle through a series. :thumbsup2 You can tell this was a pre-ebook kind of trip. LOL!

My kids are EXACTLY like that. Of course, their parents are also bookworms, so it's not like the voracious reading isn't encouraged. I like the cycling idea!:rotfl:

And that is EXACTLY why you do it. I couldn't agree more. Our kids will never forget that trip. I will be looking forward to the PTR/TR!

Well, this WAS the PTR. That's why I'm never on the PTR boards. I don't know what else I could possibly say other than, "Yep, that's the plan." :lmao::rotfl2:
Best item not available in the rest of the U.S.: deep-fried apple pies at McDonald’s.
Really??? I mean... really???? :lmao::rotfl:

Best host ever: my Aunt Carol.
Think she'd mind hosting another family that is completely unrelated at some point? :rolleyes1

I can’t stress enough how good the kids did on this trip. We thought the long flights would be really difficult, and they couldn’t have handled them any better. I think kids by and large are more resilient then we give them credit for. Sometimes they even put us to shame when it comes to handling inconveniences or things that don’t go according to plan. There’s always some fear about pushing them beyond their limits on an experience like this, but I have yet to find a time when it hasn’t been worth it to try.
Well said. Your kids seem like a pretty great group. And they seem to do very well with traveling and adversity. Hopefully Drew will follow their lead.

Total driving distance: 1493.3 miles.

In the desert. In the summer.
Who's idea was that again?

In the end, that’s what we want to achieve. Long after the toys have broken, the Xbox has its last red ring of death, and the comic books have fallen apart, the kids will not remember the stuff they had. They’ll remember the things we did together. Vacations are some of the most vivid memories, because that’s one of the few times in your life when you have your parents’ complete attention. It’s true family time, with no distractions. I guess that’s why we look forward to it so much. Time marches on, and soon we won’t all be together to have that time. It gets more and more valuable the older we get. And it seems to slip away faster and faster.



So, let’s get out there and do the best we can with it. Let’s explore and see something new. As I keep telling my kids (and myself), don’t be afraid to try something new. You either find something you love, or you end up with a great story.

Thanks to all of you for reading along.
Very well said. I always enjoy your TR's and you always seem to do a great job putting the bigger picture in perspective. Well done, and I look forward to the next one.

Now quick... somebody tell a fart joke. I can't stand seeing one of Mark's TRs taking such a serious tone!
Yeah, it really is ridiculous. But I think Disney knows that if I'm going back to Hawaii, I'll probably try and stay there. I won't have to worry about it for many years, though. Maybe I can save up enough for rack rates by then.:confused3

Well, it is comparable to WDW deluxe rack rates I guess but yowza.

:thumbsup2 I could go for a slice of that chocolate creme pie right now!

I did not have that, sounds good!

I know, I figured I'd get grief from my West Coast pals for that one. All I can say is, Julie and I ate there when we visited in 2008 and enjoyed it. And there aren't any near us, so it doesn't feel like a common chain from our perspective.

Makes sense, I crave some Steak n Shake when I have the chance in the midwest!

We are just crabby as they got rid of the fried chicken. Theirs was SO good! Which seems just WRONG if you are going to call yourself Claim Jumper and they actually sell it frozen in the grocery store still. Jeff and I actually go there often on date/movie night and eat in the bar. It's good grub for sure, a little on the pricey side for us for a friday night no cook take the kids out but for a slightly more special occasion we will do it.

Alison recommended the Uva Bar as well. I will have to do some more menu research...

Allison is big on the lamb burger, as are many others. I'm not big on lamb but 2 of our group got it, including Eric, and it was darn good! I had the corn arepas. YUM!!!!!!!! Everyone loved their food. No real kids menu per-se though so that may be a deal killer for you.

Hmmm...this will also necessitate further research. I was less concerned about the counter-service menu places, figuring food quality would be mostly the same anywhere. And I still haven't had a bad meal at Disney. I was just thinking that my boys, rabid Cars fans, would love to eat at Flo's and hang out in Cars Land. But I think it will probably be a spur-of-the-moment deal anyway, depending on where we are at dinner time. It'll be a busy day, for sure!

It's a cute concept and in a way, nice that they offer "homestyle" cooking as entree options with the roast beef and turkey. Unfortunately, to me, it was very much like the caefeteria special. It wasn't bad but it wasn't anything memorable either and honestly for the price I expected more. Probably didn't help that I was starving and cold and roast beef sounded like it should have been the perfect thing. And it wasn't. We really wanted to eat at the Cones but we were all cold and wanted to be inside and were short on time. Plus we needed a vegetarian option for my dad and honestly, we had a harder time finding that at DL than I expected. And again, it wasn't bad. For me though, I want good, preferably really good, and will go out of my way on the CS side to find it. Kind of annoyed my parents at times. :rotfl: But it's a thing and Jeff has it too so at least we are compatible that way. I think it's the whole eating out thing. I was in the restaurant business for so long that I have a hard time paying someone to make me/serve me "average" food. So, take my opinion with a grain of salt. The kids turkey sandwich meal, which is what I think my mom got, looked pretty good. :rotfl: The vegetarian thing was...interesting.

Not that it was all that cold out, we just didn't have time to go back to the room to get any kind of jacket or light sweater. I would give it another shot for breakfast or just dessert or a shake.

I did see that Hungry Bear in Critter Country has a fried green tomato sandwich. If Julie gets wind of this, we may not be allowed to go anywhere else.

We loved the French Market. But if you'll be at Cafe Orleans it is sort of along the same lines but mmmmm red beans and rice!

Oooh...I like this idea. I like it a lot!:thumbsup2

be prepared to be covered in powdered sugar. SO worth it!

I know we'll have to have some stops to nurse the baby, but overall I think it will work well being able to stop at overlooks in the National Parks. The days that worry me the most on the trip are the drive from Zion to Grand Canyon, just because it's over 200 miles of nothing but desert heat...and the drive from Phoenix to Anaheim via Joshua Tree, because it's a very long, hot day. Honestly, we wouldn't even be attempting that drive if not for Alison making Disneyland possible for us. And with Disneyland at the end, we're willing to take the risk!

Yeah, just factor in your stop times into the total travel. We did Santa Fe to Grand Canyon in a day. Long and hot is right! 8 hours drive time but it took closer to 12 total by the time we pulled into the campsite. Leaving Santa Fe late was definitely on us and we had to bail on our plan of eating at the campsite due to the time so a stop for dinner in Williams didn't help.

Setting up a tent in the dark with 4 tired kids after a 12 hour travel day....ah the stuff memories are made of.

My kids are EXACTLY like that. Of course, their parents are also bookworms, so it's not like the voracious reading isn't encouraged. I like the cycling idea!:rotfl:

Percy Jackson saved the day! Trick is to find a series they've not yet read and don't let them start. It was pretty cool. We had a dvd player, gameboys etc and they...read. :thumbsup2
Thank you for sharing your Hawaiian journey with us. Godspeed on traveling with a baby over the summer. I look forward to the trip report. Hopefully Baby Drew likes being in the car. With my youngest we would never have attempted it. She cried going to the grocery store!
This is the first time I have read a trip report from someone I didn't know. I don't even remember how I came upon it. But it is one I remember for a long time to come. God bless you and your beautiful family.

That's very kind. Thank you so much!

Ya’ think? :lmao:
I just hated the notion of spoiling all them there pretty words with more of my pointless sarcasm.
Pointless understatement seemed a better choice at the time.

It all fits in with the pointless TR, so you're good either way. :thumbsup2

That… that right there…
That picture says much.
And all of it: good.


I don't have a recent picture of Sarah posted, but she's up past my chin now. Not sure when exactly that happened.

Ouchhhhh… May that clear up quickly.

Well, he only got up once last night. That's progress. I almost feel awake today.

I ‘m always both envious and thankful for those whose infants figure out how to sleep fairly quickly.
I love my boy, but he didn’t sleep well for nearly two years.
That was one of the most thorough and sustained physical beatings I ever took in my life.
And one I’d like never to repeat, thank you very much.
It’s no wonder that sleep deprivation is a primary choice for “enhanced Interrogation”.

Amen! 2 years of that? God bless you. This baby thing is for younger people.

You’re just one of the many on that point. :lmao:


As I’ve said at the end of nearly every other TR you’ve written…
I’m lookin’ forward mightily to reading along with the next one.
This will be quit the adventure, and I know from experience
that y’all will tackle it with just the right balance of style and obliviousness.

Thank you, sir. And for being a faithful reader.

And just for good measure, how about another pointless GIF



All of the drama, excitement, adventure, and movie references that we have come to expect from a Captain Oblivious trip report. Thanks for including so many pictures of the beautiful scenery and your beautiful family (including the after trip pictures of baby Drew). I know that it was a fun trip because it was fun just reading about it. Nicely done! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading about your upcoming Southwest trip.

Thanks Mike!
Really??? I mean... really???? :lmao::rotfl:

It was either that or poi. :crazy2:

Think she'd mind hosting another family that is completely unrelated at some point? :rolleyes1

Not at all. In fact, just show up, knock on the door, and ask where your room is.:thumbsup2

Well said. Your kids seem like a pretty great group. And they seem to do very well with traveling and adversity. Hopefully Drew will follow their lead.

Please, God, let that be the case. :rotfl2:

Who's idea was that again?

Some idiot.:rolleyes1

Very well said. I always enjoy your TR's and you always seem to do a great job putting the bigger picture in perspective. Well done, and I look forward to the next one.

Thanks, Andy. I appreciate you being a faithful reader, no matter how long this drags on and on and on...

Now quick... somebody tell a fart joke. I can't stand seeing one of Mark's TRs taking such a serious tone!

Three doctors are discussing which types of patients they prefer. Doctor Watson says, ''I prefer librarians. All their organs are alphabetized.'' Doctor Fitzpatrick says, ''I prefer mathematicians. All their organs are numbered.'' Doctor Ahn says, ''I prefer lawyers. They’re gutless, heartless, brainless, spineless, and their heads and rear-ends are interchangeable.''
Well, it is comparable to WDW deluxe rack rates I guess but yowza.

Thank goodness they offer discounts from time to time. That's the only way I ever get to stay at these places. Besides the renting points thing, of course.

I did not have that, sounds good!



Makes sense, I crave some Steak n Shake when I have the chance in the midwest!

There you go. It's exotic if you don't see it every day.

We are just crabby as they got rid of the fried chicken. Theirs was SO good! Which seems just WRONG if you are going to call yourself Claim Jumper and they actually sell it frozen in the grocery store still. Jeff and I actually go there often on date/movie night and eat in the bar. It's good grub for sure, a little on the pricey side for us for a friday night no cook take the kids out but for a slightly more special occasion we will do it.

I can understand that. Taking away good fried chicken is a crime. Maybe I should boycott them too!

Allison is big on the lamb burger, as are many others. I'm not big on lamb but 2 of our group got it, including Eric, and it was darn good! I had the corn arepas. YUM!!!!!!!! Everyone loved their food. No real kids menu per-se though so that may be a deal killer for you.

I'm not big on lamb, either, so I'm not sure it would be up our alley. The other burger on the menu was $16. :eek:

It's a cute concept and in a way, nice that they offer "homestyle" cooking as entree options with the roast beef and turkey. Unfortunately, to me, it was very much like the caefeteria special. It wasn't bad but it wasn't anything memorable either and honestly for the price I expected more. Probably didn't help that I was starving and cold and roast beef sounded like it should have been the perfect thing. And it wasn't. We really wanted to eat at the Cones but we were all cold and wanted to be inside and were short on time. Plus we needed a vegetarian option for my dad and honestly, we had a harder time finding that at DL than I expected. And again, it wasn't bad. For me though, I want good, preferably really good, and will go out of my way on the CS side to find it. Kind of annoyed my parents at times. :rotfl: But it's a thing and Jeff has it too so at least we are compatible that way. I think it's the whole eating out thing. I was in the restaurant business for so long that I have a hard time paying someone to make me/serve me "average" food. So, take my opinion with a grain of salt. The kids turkey sandwich meal, which is what I think my mom got, looked pretty good. :rotfl: The vegetarian thing was...interesting.


So, no vegetarian dish. Not an issue with this family. :thumbsup2

We'll see where we end up. As you know, my standards aren't especially high. :rotfl2:

Not that it was all that cold out, we just didn't have time to go back to the room to get any kind of jacket or light sweater. I would give it another shot for breakfast or just dessert or a shake.


We loved the French Market. But if you'll be at Cafe Orleans it is sort of along the same lines but mmmmm red beans and rice!

Give me the deep-fried sandwich!

be prepared to be covered in powdered sugar. SO worth it!

You say that like it's a bad thing. :rotfl:

Yeah, just factor in your stop times into the total travel. We did Santa Fe to Grand Canyon in a day. Long and hot is right! 8 hours drive time but it took closer to 12 total by the time we pulled into the campsite. Leaving Santa Fe late was definitely on us and we had to bail on our plan of eating at the campsite due to the time so a stop for dinner in Williams didn't help.

Setting up a tent in the dark with 4 tired kids after a 12 hour travel day....ah the stuff memories are made of.


This sounds like a great story!:rotfl2:

Percy Jackson saved the day! Trick is to find a series they've not yet read and don't let them start. It was pretty cool. We had a dvd player, gameboys etc and they...read. :thumbsup2

Sounds like good parenting! Ours beg for a movie after a while. :lmao:

Thank you for sharing your Hawaiian journey with us. Godspeed on traveling with a baby over the summer. I look forward to the trip report. Hopefully Baby Drew likes being in the car. With my youngest we would never have attempted it. She cried going to the grocery store!

:eek: Yeah, that would change things considerably!

Thanks for reading along!

I'm so far behind on the DIS can I just borrow this and put it on each one of the TRs I'm subbed, too.

I have something in common with Julie - I have not watched the end of a rental movie since long before 2006. :rotfl2: Couch + movie = sleeping pill. It's a disease, I tell you!

I loved your TR. But I totally missed the part where you talk about this summer's plans. Cynthia had to fill me in since apparently I am not a good reader.

I love Julie's dress.

I agree that East to West is so much worse.
A-DORABLE!!!!!!!! Love it! They are TOO cute!

OK - NOW I am seriously up to speed on your plans. They sound great. It never even occurred to me to fly into Las Vegas as an option. I'm going to do the DL thing next February.

Can't wait to read all about it!
I'm so far behind on the DIS can I just borrow this and put it on each one of the TRs I'm subbed, too.

Why not? It sure makes responding a lot less time-consuming.

I have something in common with Julie - I have not watched the end of a rental movie since long before 2006. :rotfl2: Couch + movie = sleeping pill. It's a disease, I tell you!

Want me to tell you who Keyser Soze is?

I loved your TR. But I totally missed the part where you talk about this summer's plans. Cynthia had to fill me in since apparently I am not a good reader.

That's ok. We did a whole recap of it anyway.

I love Julie's dress.

She does too!

A-DORABLE!!!!!!!! Love it! They are TOO cute!

And so young! What happened??

OK - NOW I am seriously up to speed on your plans. They sound great. It never even occurred to me to fly into Las Vegas as an option. I'm going to do the DL thing next February.

Can't wait to read all about it!

Thanks! It was pretty amazing how much cheaper the flights were into Vegas. I wonder if the rates are subsidized by the casinos or something. :confused3
What an entertaining and helpful trip report! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely family's memories with us! I have so enjoyed reading along and have to thank you for the help it was for our own Hawaii trip. We just came home a few days ago. We spent 4 of our Oahu nights at Aulani renting dvc points and 2 nights on the Big Island. We loved Aulani also. I had bought the background music on itunes before the trip and love listening to it now.

On your recommendation I did have a tasty apple pie at McDonalds. So good! And we rented a house on the Big Island also on your recommendation. Amazing! And inexpensive. We liked Monkeypod also. I had to laugh at your bathroom sign photo. I took the same picture last Saturday. Lastly, your closing couple paragraphs wrapped it up so well. That is what we want too, to make memories with our kids.

Can't wait to hear about your next trip. Sounds like a great plan! Told my husband about the 1/2 beef, 1/2 bacon burger. Eager to hear how that goes! Yum.
What an entertaining and helpful trip report! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely family's memories with us! I have so enjoyed reading along and have to thank you for the help it was for our own Hawaii trip. We just came home a few days ago. We spent 4 of our Oahu nights at Aulani renting dvc points and 2 nights on the Big Island. We loved Aulani also. I had bought the background music on itunes before the trip and love listening to it now.

I'm glad you had a good time! When you got home, did you start making plans to get back to Aulani as soon as humanly possible?

On your recommendation I did have a tasty apple pie at McDonalds. So good! And we rented a house on the Big Island also on your recommendation. Amazing! And inexpensive. We liked Monkeypod also. I had to laugh at your bathroom sign photo. I took the same picture last Saturday. Lastly, your closing couple paragraphs wrapped it up so well. That is what we want too, to make memories with our kids.

:thumbsup2 And memories have to involve deep-fried food, right?

Can't wait to hear about your next trip. Sounds like a great plan! Told my husband about the 1/2 beef, 1/2 bacon burger. Eager to hear how that goes! Yum.

I can't even talk about that burger with a straight face. The idea of it just cracks me up. And makes me hungry.
I'm glad you had a good time! When you got home, did you start making plans to get back to Aulani as soon as humanly possible?

When we planned our vacation, we always said this would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip, but before we even left I was scheming about how to get back. It was a splurge for us and well worth it, but I have to admit it will probably be a long time until we return, because there are so many other places we want to see while our kids are still at home, including many national parks and historic places that just seem obligatory, but certainly worth the visit. And then there are the mandatory Disney World (and in a couple years for us, Disneyland) trips... I can't give those up. I won't. Whenever I go somewhere else I end up comparing it to Disney in my mind and thinking of the many ways Disney World is better. When I went to Europe many years ago, I recall I actually thought to myself, "Maybe I should have just gone to Epcot World Showcase instead. That would have been as good, with better food, a lot less hassle, no language issues, etc."

This trip was incredible, but I have to say we stayed in 4 different places and rented 3 minivans and ran around a lot. We loved what we did (we knew we'd be busy, because we wanted to see and do a lot), but after this Disney World will be a relaxing vacation. It seems backwards, but Magical Express, Disney transportation, and Magic Bands sound so simple and easy in comparison.

Eventually I very much hope (and expect) we will return, and I think Aulani would be a must-do on any Hawaii trip for us.

I am going to try to do some kind of trip report on our Hawaii vacation. We'll see how that goes... It is nice to go through day-by-day and try to hold onto the memories. It would be my first one and I have no idea what I'm doing, so I am sure it will be far from perfect, but that's okay.

I look forward to your next report! Have a wonderful, safe trip.:)
When we planned our vacation, we always said this would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip, but before we even left I was scheming about how to get back. It was a splurge for us and well worth it, but I have to admit it will probably be a long time until we return, because there are so many other places we want to see while our kids are still at home, including many national parks and historic places that just seem obligatory, but certainly worth the visit. And then there are the mandatory Disney World (and in a couple years for us, Disneyland) trips... I can't give those up. I won't. Whenever I go somewhere else I end up comparing it to Disney in my mind and thinking of the many ways Disney World is better. When I went to Europe many years ago, I recall I actually thought to myself, "Maybe I should have just gone to Epcot World Showcase instead. That would have been as good, with better food, a lot less hassle, no language issues, etc."

This trip was incredible, but I have to say we stayed in 4 different places and rented 3 minivans and ran around a lot. We loved what we did (we knew we'd be busy, because we wanted to see and do a lot), but after this Disney World will be a relaxing vacation. It seems backwards, but Magical Express, Disney transportation, and Magic Bands sound so simple and easy in comparison.

Eventually I very much hope (and expect) we will return, and I think Aulani would be a must-do on any Hawaii trip for us.

I am going to try to do some kind of trip report on our Hawaii vacation. We'll see how that goes... It is nice to go through day-by-day and try to hold onto the memories. It would be my first one and I have no idea what I'm doing, so I am sure it will be far from perfect, but that's okay.

I look forward to your next report! Have a wonderful, safe trip.:)

Sounds like you did great! I agree, Aulani was so special that I think we would really want to incorporate it again on a return trip. Not that we can afford it, but when has that ever stopped us? :rotfl2:

Let me know if you get your TR started, I'll be happy to follow along. :goodvibes


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