You just lost 80 pounds! What are you Going to do next? Ending TR

I know, I'm so sorry we won't be able to meet in Oct. I'm just hoping May will work out at this point, looks like my son may be graduating the following May instead of this Dec. I may have to do a solo trip, who knows. If he thinks he can do a trip the following May then I may have to postpone once again.....we'll see.
Graduating Dec. 2015!! That's awesome! How exciting! Where in the world does the time go?!? :confused3 It seems just like yesterday your boy was just going off to college and here he is about to Time really does fly by, doesn't it? Before we know it we'll be looking forward to weddings. :thumbsup2

I'm sure you will get the perfect trip arranged. I know it must be hard to be patent! Yayayayay! for putting up a ticker! That's a huge step forward!

Yup - he should have graduated in May 2015 but he got behind during the semester he lived at home. He only completed 6 credits and that put him into the school of business a semester late. Despite that, time really does fly.

Looking forward to another update from you soon!
HI Camille, trying to get caught up here; with work, church and our WDW trip coming up there are so few hours in the day:)

Congrats on being able to post a ticker toward your Disney trip next May. It may seem so far away but it will be here faster than you can imagine.

I can relate to you asking where has the time gone. Next summer my "little" girl will be heading into her senior year of high school; seems like yesterday she started pre-school. With that I'm afraid the Disney family trips are almost a part of history. :sad: Unfortunately a trip to WDW with her next year will not be in the works. She will be heading to Japan with her Japanese language class next June. Oh well, I still have the summer of 2016 to plan a big graduation celebration with her before she heads off to college.
AAch how is that I am so far behind Camille?
just catching up a bit tonight. this may seem random but I am writing comments as I read along without quoting yoru messages.
How nice that you got a tour of the BOG restaurant! I gave myself a tour when we went there for lunch and really wanted to eat in Belle's Library--i get why its your favorite.
I am LOL at your description of the salty fries & your discriminating taste when it comes to desserts and chocolate. I totally get it! when you don't eat a lot of desserts, you have your mind set on something in particular, and nothing else is worth the calories!
OMG I totally get your shoe issues with the Chaco's! I have really high insteps too and while I've never used the phrase, you're dead one with "choking toes! I try not to buy shoes that have straps or coverage over my instep, unless they are sneakers of course. too painful. and you are right - its not nearly as bad now that I have less pressure on my feet (i.e less weight!) but I still have to watch.

What a great Elvis shot. wow! I wonder if people stop him a lot.
Sounds like a fun afternoon and a good DisMeet, even if your plaza dinner was not all that.
you continue to be in my thoughts as you deal with so much family drama. sigh. I am glad that your niece is with her mother now - I hope she is able to deal with so much "stuff".
Wichita Falls sounds like a nice get away!
sigh. woke up with my has over the keyboard and I still have nto finish.ed. i'll be back !
Yay for a staff meeting where I can sneak in a bit of DIS time to finish reading up!! :goodvibes

Your pics are all great but I love these two -- you look wonderful and you are having such fun!

Okay, serious confession time.....Okay, not all that serious. :laughing:
I know this will sound strange but I'm not one for buying clothes with characters on them, never have been. I was one of those rare kids (for the 80's that is) that didn't have her walls plastered with the latest Teen Beat pictures of boys or boy bands, (never bought a Teen Beat come to think of it) nor did I buy every day clothes for my kids with popular icons. PJ's and undies yes, but for some reason I've always thought they were a bit on the tacky side.
I know, I know, how can I call myself a true Dis'er feeling this way, but that's how I've been in the past.
Of course as the years go by my kids have bucked the system more and more and with every trip to Disney my resolve has dissolved if you will. :laughing: It's still not easy for me to buy out and out cartoon characters on clothing unless it's something really cute and unusual, of course for trips I always make the exception. :goodvibes

We never did the whole fad thing as kids (who can afford fads with 6 kids!!!) so I cringe at the price tags on the cute character tee's. and now that we travel with a car, I am more likely to go shopping at a souvenir shop where I can get a cute Tink tee for $8 instead of $28.

Your floral shirt is dead on & looks great!

Aint he pretty? And I swear, none of that is makeup, it's all genetic blessing.

Yumm! and I don't mean the meal :rotfl: I love the name Armando....its so sexy. Of course, I am partial. when Hubby was a youth (late teens) he modeled & used the name Armando on his modeling materials.

Your Armando at lunch.....:rolleyes1:rolleyes1

I can see why Maroo was blushing.

and what an awesome day to meet up in person & spend the day with Maroo!
You really look great Camille!!!

Boo for having to give up October, but sometimes being a grown up has to win :(

May sounds like a fun trip to plan - F&G and graduation!

Next we check into the podium and excitedly wait it out. :banana: :yay: :banana:

Byyyyy doing this...

(I think by the pictures you can tell where we are eating. :) )

YAY a reader! Actually that is a big part why I have been so absent from DIS lately. I've gotten hooked on a few book series and spend every spare moment reading them. Its pathetic. I have overdrive & a nook app on my phone so that I can read them when I am waiting in lines, etc. The nook is great for using on the treadmill - that 20 minute mountain hike goes by in a breeze when I am deep into Game of Thrones!

I'm waiting now for book 4 of the Game of Throne and for the Insurgent book to be available from the library. Its a mixed blessing. I want read them BUT as long as I am waiting, I can catch up on DIS and maybe even stay on top of the laundry :laundy:or a change!

Have a great day Camille!!
I'm sorry you had to cancel your October trip. I'm still really hoping for November but the bank account is loudly shouting NO. Sigh.... :sad:

Dang real life!

I think Mackie reading in the park is a-ok. I'm such a huge introvert that being around large crowds all day is kind of draining. I also bring a book with me everywhere. Your girl is smart! :thumbsup2
CONGRATULATIONS on the new ticker for May! At least that is working out for a F&G trip still. ::yes::

It will be a nice belated Mother's Day trip to have your son with you. :goodvibes

I need to get caught up with you soon! It's been a crazy and I mean :crazy2: last couple of weeks. (It wasn't enough to manage 2 teams apparently, they are giving me another.) I'm looking forward to escaping for a couple weeks. Starting at 5pm today I'm officially on VACATION! :banana:

Take care. :hug:

Oh Ms. Brenda, I'm so happy you are getting away for a little while. You soooo need it. Three groups?!? :faint: I know you love to work, and that you are really good at it, but I'm thinking an assistant is a must! :laughing:

I've been hearing from you from time to time so I'm hoping you are still having a wonderful time. pixiedust:

I'm sure you will get the perfect trip arranged. I know it must be hard to be patent! Yayayayay! for putting up a ticker! That's a huge step forward!

Yup - he should have graduated in May 2015 but he got behind during the semester he lived at home. He only completed 6 credits and that put him into the school of business a semester late. Despite that, time really does fly.

Looking forward to another update from you soon!

Trying to. I've got a few things in mind that I think will be pretty amazing. But I think I'll reveal most of that as time goes on, or when I think my readers have all but jumped ship because I'm so dang slow at bringing y'all something good to read. :rotfl:

Just a little teaser....So far I'm trying to rent some DVC points for two nights at AKL or AKV, pool or savannah view. I want to see those giraffes! :goodvibes

Honestly, I'd just be happy renting the points no matter where we end up, but it sure would be amazing to get that view, especially since the first couple of days we'll be hanging tight and not doing any parks. :)

Sorry I haven't gotten another update done, I've just haven't had it in me I guess. :confused3 I will work on one or two this weekend. :thumbsup2
:guilty: Okay, I will. :rotfl:

I didn't even think about it until we were already there and then I felt like it was too late. Since it was the kids and I and I knew you worked I didn't think it would be a good timing. But next time I will for sure let you know. :goodvibes Especially when Lana comes. :dance3:

I knew with the kiddos it might not have been a good time to call - I was just giving you a hard time to see you squirm, :lovestruc Really, I work right next door to SeaWorld, so I could probably pop over at lunch if nothing else. A DIS meet with Lana sounds great:woohoo:
The more the merrier :thumbsup2

I was just going to PM you as we have FINALLY booked our flights! It was $900 more expensive for me to leave when I was planning to :eek: So I've had to leave a bit earlier :sad1: I will now be arriving in San Antonio on Tuesday 16th September, and leaving on Friday 19th.

Thank You! I get a half day on Wednesdays!!!:yay:
The more the merrier :thumbsup2

I was just going to PM you as we have FINALLY booked our flights! It was $900 more expensive for me to leave when I was planning to :eek: So I've had to leave a bit earlier :sad1: I will now be arriving in San Antonio on Tuesday 16th September, and leaving on Friday 19th.


Can't wait!!
HI Camille, trying to get caught up here; with work, church and our WDW trip coming up there are so few hours in the day:)

Congrats on being able to post a ticker toward your Disney trip next May. It may seem so far away but it will be here faster than you can imagine.

I can relate to you asking where has the time gone. Next summer my "little" girl will be heading into her senior year of high school; seems like yesterday she started pre-school. With that I'm afraid the Disney family trips are almost a part of history. :sad: Unfortunately a trip to WDW with her next year will not be in the works. She will be heading to Japan with her Japanese language class next June. Oh well, I still have the summer of 2016 to plan a big graduation celebration with her before she heads off to college.

Bob!! :yay:

Trust me, I totally understand. Life gets away with you, it happens. :) Look at me, I've not post an update in over a month. :scared:

One thing after another comes up and then before you know's flying by!

We're hoping to have a big trip for Mackenzie's graduation too. :)
AAch how is that I am so far behind Camille?
just catching up a bit tonight. this may seem random but I am writing comments as I read along without quoting yoru messages.
How nice that you got a tour of the BOG restaurant! I gave myself a tour when we went there for lunch and really wanted to eat in Belle's Library--i get why its your favorite.
I am LOL at your description of the salty fries & your discriminating taste when it comes to desserts and chocolate. I totally get it! when you don't eat a lot of desserts, you have your mind set on something in particular, and nothing else is worth the calories!
OMG I totally get your shoe issues with the Chaco's! I have really high insteps too and while I've never used the phrase, you're dead one with "choking toes! I try not to buy shoes that have straps or coverage over my instep, unless they are sneakers of course. too painful. and you are right - its not nearly as bad now that I have less pressure on my feet (i.e less weight!) but I still have to watch.

What a great Elvis shot. wow! I wonder if people stop him a lot.
Sounds like a fun afternoon and a good DisMeet, even if your plaza dinner was not all that.
you continue to be in my thoughts as you deal with so much family drama. sigh. I am glad that your niece is with her mother now - I hope she is able to deal with so much "stuff".
Wichita Falls sounds like a nice get away!
sigh. woke up with my has over the keyboard and I still have nto finish.ed. i'll be back !

Thank you for still reading along, Mary Ellen. I think there are more faithful readers than I've been with updates! :laughing:

Bless y'alls hearts. I promise I'll get to it, hopefully before the week is out. I've had my back out most of the week and not been able to get a lot done. I finally got a break with my back in the last couple of days so I wanted to get to my plants I've been meaning to get in the ground or pots. Thank goodness I've gotten half of that done today. So far my back is holding up. :thumbsup2

Hello Camille :wave2:

It's been a long time. Not sure if you remember me.

Looking good with your weight loss. Sorry to hear the loss of your grandfather and your mother. More importantly, now the family drama. Hopefully, it's all behind you now or soon I hope.

Glad to see you have so much fun with your daughter at the park.
Don't stress about a small delay in posting. Why, it's even given me a chance to get caught up! ;) Looks like you liked Be Our Guest! :laughing: That twit photobombing you kinda ticked me off...I mean, okay, photobomb one, that's funny, but photobomb all of them? :sad2:
Still checking in, as I can. Which isn't much these days. :confused3 With working, planning a wedding, gearing up for a kick-butt nursing program, dealing with family stresses.... it's.... hard.

But I love having a virtual Disney trip on occasion, and what better way than through those in the know?

I love your pix with Mackie! So adorable!
Hello Camille :wave2:

It's been a long time. Not sure if you remember me.

Looking good with your weight loss. Sorry to hear the loss of your grandfather and your mother. More importantly, now the family drama. Hopefully, it's all behind you now or soon I hope.

Glad to see you have so much fun with your daughter at the park.

TOP DOG!!!! :banana: :woohoo: :banana: :woohoo:

party: :welcome: party:

Oh my goodness, of course I remember you!! :thumbsup2 I remember you forgetting your camera at home one trip, and then having someone send it to you, allllllllll your beautiful pictures and your lovely wife. :)
How the heck have you been?!? I'm so glad to have you on here. I don't post often so it's easy to catch up. :laughing: Welcome, and make yourself at home!! ::yes::

Oh, and thank you for your kind words, it's so sweet of you. And yes, things are a lot better now with the silly, family drama. At least I hope. Cutting them out of your life helps, A LOT.
Don't stress about a small delay in posting. Why, it's even given me a chance to get caught up! ;) Looks like you liked Be Our Guest! :laughing: That twit photobombing you kinda ticked me off...I mean, okay, photobomb one, that's funny, but photobomb all of them? :sad2:

Thank you, Glenn. I feel bad but I can only do what I can. So glad you are able to get caught up!! :banana:

BOG, you'll soon find out. :rolleyes2

And thank you about the photo bombing twit! I was pretty ticked too. :laughing: I guess she didn't realize you pay to have those photogs to take your essence. :rolleyes2 And what makes it worse is the photog probably knew it. :headache: I'll be sure next trip I say something to the photog.

Thank you for being here, Glenn. It means a lot. :thumbsup2

Still checking in, as I can. Which isn't much these days. :confused3 With working, planning a wedding, gearing up for a kick-butt nursing program, dealing with family stresses.... it's.... hard.

But I love having a virtual Disney trip on occasion, and what better way than through those in the know?

I love your pix with Mackie! So adorable!

My sweet friend, I'm just so thrilled you get to be here at all!! :yay:
Not having you on here for a couple of years was the pits, I understand, but so glad you are back. :hug:
You have a lot on your plate so no worries, you get here when you can, I know that. :) And before you know it......we'll be planning a HUGE girls trip!! :banana: I can't wait!! :goodvibes

Love you my sweet friend. :lovestruc
Hi guys. :wave:
This is a tough week since it's Mother's Day, but not near as hard as it has to be for Kat.

TarzansKat lost her Nana this week. :sad1:
For those who know her know she lost her mom unexpectedly just four years ago. This was her Mama's, mom.

Kat and her Nana had their annual girl's WDW trip planned and were to leave next Wed., so when she called me I assumed it was to call about how excited she was getting for their trip and last minute packing/planning details. :sad2:

Please, if you know Kat, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you as you have your first Mother's Day without your Mom, my friend. :hug:

My heart is just breaking for Kat. Mark and I had the pleasure of meeting her at Disney two years ago when she did a solo trip. We had dinner with her and I remember her talking so fondly of her Nana. She and her family are in my prayers at this very difficult time for them.


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