Turn Around and See What Happens -- It's Whoopi Time and that's a wrap 3/31; F&G add

We have not been to Coral Reef, but we have been to the Aquarium Restaurant here, which is pretty much the same thing. It's a Landry's restaurant, so it's the marine version of Rainforest Café.

Your dessert looks good. I am guessing it was rich!

We probably spend a more than average time in The Seas, since we check out every display thoroughly. We enjoy watching the manatees. It would be nice if they could have a larger area for that. That viewing area is very small.

Sorry that Mark wasn't feeling well. I hope it passed quickly and he was able to enjoy things more as the evening went on.
Kathy, I enjoyed the pictures of Coral Reef and glad to hear you were able to land yourself a table right next to the aquarium and far away from the loud and large party. :thumbsup2 I have to admit like you, it feels a bit odd eating an entree of fish while they are swimming and looking right at you. :goodvibes

I know a lot of people here on the DIS are not overly complimentary on the Coral Reef, but the three times we have been there the food has been good and the service has been decent. The last time we were there though, we did have to wait about 20 minutes past our ADR.

I booked a lunch ADR for Coral Reef for this June on our departing day at 11:30. However I may have to cancel it. Our flight originally was scheduled for 6:32 out of MCO, but I just received an email that the flight is now flying out at 5:30. That would mean DME would pick us up around 2:30 at the Contemporary. I don't want to feel rushed so it looks like we will either eat at one of the monorail resorts or perhaps LTT in the MK. :confused3
Sorry I’m a little late to the party. :guilty: It’s been a very busy couple of weeks. Hopefully things will settle down and get a little closer to normal……. for a while at least. :rolleyes:

Congrats on the big Jackpot win, and to Tony for his NCAA Championship! Great job to both of you. :banana:

:woohoo: on dinner at Captain’s Grille. The food looks great, and one of those steaks would be wonderful about now. :love:

Nice tour of WS and yes, those trains in Germany are a favorite! :thumbsup2 Cool that you got to see the VoL Christmas show. I’m sure it was spectacular. :goodvibes So glad Mark started feeling better, and was able to provide us some “hat” pictures! You got some really wonderful PP pictures.

So sorry you had a bad experience with your waitress at Coral Reef. :headache: At least you got a great table. One day I guess I will finally break down and give it a try. :rolleyes1

Enjoy your weekend and the wedding! ::yes::
Sorry Mark was strolling with a upset tummy.

You had a nice walk and looks like maybe a drink on the way?

AA can be a good nap time. You can get pretty comfortable in there. :lmao:

Have not been to CR in years. Had a seat by the aquarium and I remember I enjoyed my meal even if I didn't enjoy the company.... :rolleyes1

Sorry you had a longer than anticipated meal due to your waitress. Lucky you weren't by the loud table that would have made it seem even longer or shorter if you had to cut your meal short.
Hi Kathy! I’m new to your TR’s! Although, I’ve seen you around the DIS plenty I’m not sure why I never made it over!

Anyways… maybe I can find the question to this elsewhere but was Mary and the girls relatives or friends? I didn’t see an introduction for them so I was just curious!

I’m sorry your meal at The Plaza was disappointing. We are going there next month and looking forward to the simple food (and the fries!!)

That was an Amazing DISMeet! So nice you were able to meet so many all at once!

I would have never thought to watch the Fireworks from the Bridge over there. What a great idea!

Winnie the Pooh and Friends was one of the M&G’s I really wanted to do as well! Thankfully Brenda was on board to do it with me!!

Looks like you had a fun time at the Christmas Party!

We love the Safari! You saw a lot of animals. So Sorry your driver wasn’t better! Some of them are really good!

Y&Y is a sound place for a meal at AK. We have eaten there several times!

The Trails are the part of AK we keep missing and I am hopeful we can rectify that soon!

I love Lisa’s purse!! What another wonderful DISmeet!! I believe Marie is a member of one of my FB groups!

I won’t do Expedition Everest or Primevil Hurl!!

Rafiki’s Planet Watch! Another favorite we haven’t made it to in awhile… I’m thinking we need to get some more AK time in our trip!

Ohhh… Why do you not like WL?!? We haven’t had the best meals at AP but we love staying there!!

We’ve missed Spaceship Earth our last 2 times. Why I have no idea why especially since we were in Epcot for 90% of our trip in October!

Ahhh… I can’t do Star Tours either. I tried it again on our last trip with my DH and he and I both agreed no more! We do however both love Rock n Roller Coater. In fact it is probably his favorite ride!!

So Cool you got to meet up with Nicki!! I haven’t seen her on the boards much anymore?? I always used to read her live dining reviews!

I’ve always thought it would be neat to have a meal at Coral Reef but with my husbands seafood allergy I’ve just always felt it would be better to dine elsewhere.

Sorry I had so many comments! Just made them as I read along! Can’t wait to read more about your trip.
I just don't like the menu at Coral Reef other than the steak nothing appeals and the desserts don't really stand out !!I am not a chocolate cake or pudding fan . I didlove the Aquarium when I went. Even though we were not near it !!
Glad you enjoyed your meal at Coral Reef! I have eaten there a couple of times now and always had a good meal. I know it gets mixed reviews here on the Boards. I LOVE the Lobster soup!!! :thumbsup2

Who can resist a last spin on Nemo?!

Congrats to your son's friend on his marriage!

Hope Mark doesn't freeze tomorrow umping the game. It is supposed to be warmer out. :cheer2: But I will believe it when I feel it!!! ;)
Poor Mark, what a time to feel ill - while on vacation. Come on gallbladder behave! In the end everything worked out well... ;)

I've enjoyed meals at Captain's Grille for the most part other than service on the slow side as well. Not sure why it's that way since they usually have at least two hostesses/hosts at the podium all the time. Makes it look like they have plenty of people. :confused3

I don't recall seeing Photopass photographers in Norway before. I like those photos since they had the festive décor there. Speaking of Norway, a 60 min. stand-by for Malestrom. No Way!

Wait, what?? No line at Character spot? That's awesome! Your interaction and photos with Minnie are adorable.

Love your pink print Vera bag! I may have said that before but it's worth saying again.

Nice seat at Coral Reef - front and center for the fishies. Em and I ordered the same entrees as you guys before - mahi mahi for Em, steak for me.... yum! It was good.

And finally, ENJOY that massage! :)
We had just finished watching O'Canada and decided to move on in World Showcase. The next stop was

We visited the shops in Morocco and then saw that there was a PP guy near Italy so we stopped for a photo:

As we passed Japan, the drummers were out:

We then hit America and arrived just in time to see the Voices of Liberty do their Christmas set:

They sound so beautiful!!

Mark needed a rest so we went to see

I may or may not have taken a nap during the show.

:rolleyes1 I vote You May!! But it's all good!

Next stop: Germany and every boy's dream:

We got some photopass pictures next:

Next stop, China. Mark was obviously feeling better as he decided to be funny.


I'm going to stop here as I am almost out of room for pictures and I have to clean up my desk and head for the train.

Up next, we visit Norway and then have a lunch ADR to get to.

Loved all the photopass pix in this update and the next one!
So is it still snowing in Chicago? :rotfl: Just kidding!

I had the same entree as Mark at Coral Reef and I loved it. SOOOOO good. I have no trouble watching and eating fishing simultaneously. :rotfl: I just love to sit by the tank and be entertained. I think if I ever do the CP I will pick Coral Reef. It's a cool spot. Sorry your waitress was a mess!
I promise to come back with responses tonight. Right now I have to clean and then I have a massage and then I have to cook dinner.

I just wanted to share these pictures. We went to Andy's best friend's wedding last night and had a blast.

Super pics! :thumbsup2 Glad you had a great time at the wedding! :woohoo:

Enjoy that massage........I could use one about now myself. :goodvibes
Catching up on your TR, Kathy. Love all of the updates. Great pictures from the wedding last night, you all look wonderful.
Really nice pictures from the wedding!

Sounds like a really nice afternoon. Not too many rides/attractions, but you got some FANTASTIC photopass pictures. I have never seen one over at Norway which is a shame. I think that closeup photo in front of the waterfall is so sweet!

Nice break at American Adventure.

It has been a few years since we have been to Coral Reef. We love fish and love aquariums, and although the food has always been decent, the view of the tank is the main attraction here!

Your pictures from the Nemo ride and of the manatees are really, really good!
Yay for getting a table by the fish ! Dinner looks good, sorry you didn't gave a good waitress.

It was a lovely table and I know that every one has an off server every once in awhile.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks; we did.

Let me know if you have any questions on DLR! Happy to help!

Will do.

Oh yum! I've been waiting for that update! Of course now I'm hungry and I've still got a ways to go till dinner. Must. stay. out. of. the. candy. dish! I can make it, right? :rotfl:

I knew you were looking forward to that. So, did you stay out of the candy dish?

For some reason I don't have a problem eating fish while watching them. I probably should since I do a lot with animal rescue but it's just so tasty to eat! :thumbsup2

Hmmm...that might be a little odd. ;)

Someday I want to try that Chocolate Wave cake. The problem is I love the Bailey's Mousse that they serve so much I always get it. Maybe next time I'll get two desserts. That's got to be allowed at Disney!

I think it is an unwritten law that you can have as many desserts as you want at Disney at any given meal.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I have very little planned which is good because I desperately need to do some cleaning.

It was a fun weekend; we had a blast at the wedding, got my cleaning done and had my massage.

I have to say I love the Coral Reef but have had some awful service there. I actually complained one year it was so bad and I waitressed my way through college so it takes a LOT for me to complain.

I kind of felt bad for her because she was trying and I don't think they trained her very well before throwing her out on the floor, but it still made for a long meal.

The Living Seas or whatever the pavilion is called now is a favorite. I just wish they had better identification on the fish tanks.

I'm surprised they don't mark the fish tanks.

Love the manatees but they always make me laugh a little. One of my last trips as I was watching them get fed there was a woman next to me. She yelled at her family to come over and see he walruses. I could barely contain myself. There are signs right there that say MANATEES.

It's funny how oblivious some people can be.

Have fun at the wedding. My grandson had his first game with school yesterday. The lost and it was in the 40's so really cold. Thankfully it's starting to warm up. Hope Mark has nice weather.

We had a blast. Sorry they lost; but when it is cold it is so hard to play well.

Yes, but I only get 3 of them!!! I'm not wasting them on characters!!! :rolleyes1

Mary got us fastpasses for our second day at the MK to see Elsa and Anna; but it is easier to wait in line for other things since the girls are older.

That's all the explanation that is needed... :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

We had never eaten at Captain Jacks. Had you?

No it isn't! Just point and say, "I want that one!" :thumbsup2

Hmmm....I didn't see any crabs in there and that is my favorite.

Wanted to jump on and say hello… as I am waaayy behind… for sure I can comment there must be plenty of great Mark hat pix.. and adorable pix of the girls... and you guys always rock in your pix. :thumbsup2 Love all the PP pix!

Thanks, Janet.

Congrats on that casino win!! :woohoo; Earnarked for Disney. Hey I remember when you won the scratch offs on one of your Florida trips a few years back.:goodvibes And big congrats to your friend Tony! Quite a feat!!:cool1:

Thanks; it was nice to hit that jackpot. You have a good memory; we won that jackpot ($1000) our second year staying on Marco Island.

Malstorm is a take it or leave it for us… and at 60 minutes definitely a leave it! Just think of the drinks one could sip… or the number of hats Mark could of modeled in 60 minutes!

If there is no one there or it's 5- 10 minutes, we will wait. But no way we are waiting 60 minutes. I could have several slushes in that amount of time.

Good to read that Mark bounced back after not feeling well. No one wants to be sick, especially in Disney. Sorry about missing out on CP but he wouldn't of enjoyed the meal.

No, he probably would have been miserable at breakfast so it was a good thing we cancelled.

We will have to give Coral Reef another try. We had a similar waitress to yours and we were the furthest you can get from the aquarium. Just haven't been able to fit one in.

We are skipping it in September, but Mary and the girls and I are eating there in June.

Happy you all had a great time with Nikki, Todd, Mary and the girls. Have to go back to read all of the updates. :goodvibes

Thanks; it was a blast.

I've never heard good things about Coral Reef and just can't bring myself to eat there. Glad Mark enjoyed his food though and you didn't get stuck next to the large family!

Jill in CO

I've eaten there three out of my last five trips and the food has always been go; just wish the service was a little better.

Poor Mark not feeling well. I hope that he did okay after that meal at Coral Reef! What a great table you got - that would be the main reason that I would want to eat there.

Spoiler alert...he was fine the rest of the night. It was a perfect table and we saw lots of fish and even saw the huge turtle.

Ian is 3 1/2 now, but he was 2 1/2 when we were at Disney World last year. When we visit my parents the boys spend most of their time asking to go down to the basement so they can watch my dad's model railroad layout, plus we have tons of train toys at our house.

That's very nice that the boys have a real interest in that so young. And I bet your dad loves that they like sharing that with him.

The last time we got to eat at Coral Reef was when Ryan and I went on our honeymoon and we were very close to the aquarium wall too - perfect place to sit. I'm sorry you had such a horrible server though.

The food and ambiance made up for it.
:The Chocolate Wave looks amazing! I'm afraid to try Coral Reef, though. And I also have a hard time ordering fish when sitting by an aquarium!

The Chocolate Wave is amazing! I have to say that I've been having issues with candy and upset stomachs lately (it's no fun getting old), but that cake does NOT bother me. Thankfully!

We have not been to Coral Reef, but we have been to the Aquarium Restaurant here, which is pretty much the same thing. It's a Landry's restaurant, so it's the marine version of Rainforest Café.

I'd never heard of the Aquarium Restaurant...that sounds really interesting. Unfortunately, we are not fans of Rainforest (although we've never eaten at the ones at Disney).

Your dessert looks good. I am guessing it was rich!

Very rich...but oh so good.

We probably spend a more than average time in The Seas, since we check out every display thoroughly. We enjoy watching the manatees. It would be nice if they could have a larger area for that. That viewing area is very small.

Caren, I agree; especially during crowded times as there isn't a lot of room for a lot of people.

Sorry that Mark wasn't feeling well. I hope it passed quickly and he was able to enjoy things more as the evening went on.

He was fine for the rest of the evening, thankfully.

Kathy, I enjoyed the pictures of Coral Reef and glad to hear you were able to land yourself a table right next to the aquarium and far away from the loud and large party. :thumbsup2 I have to admit like you, it feels a bit odd eating an entree of fish while they are swimming and looking right at you. :goodvibes

It was really a nice meal.

I know a lot of people here on the DIS are not overly complimentary on the Coral Reef, but the three times we have been there the food has been good and the service has been decent. The last time we were there though, we did have to wait about 20 minutes past our ADR.

It's funny; we all have different experiences and tastes. People love WCC, us not so much. We've never had a bad meal at Coral Reef, but a lot of people really dislike it.

I booked a lunch ADR for Coral Reef for this June on our departing day at 11:30. However I may have to cancel it. Our flight originally was scheduled for 6:32 out of MCO, but I just received an email that the flight is now flying out at 5:30. That would mean DME would pick us up around 2:30 at the Contemporary. I don't want to feel rushed so it looks like we will either eat at one of the monorail resorts or perhaps LTT in the MK. :confused3

That's too bad. We really enjoyed our lunch at LTT so it wouldn't be a bad back-up option.

iWe have never had a bad meal at Coral a Reef but we have had some very bad service experiences! Great seats!

It was fun being that close to the action. :)

I'll finish up updates tomorrow; long weekend and I'm exhausted.
While we were waiting, Mark and I both looked at each other and prayed that we would NOT be seated by the family of seven that was waiting in the lobby with us. Grandma and Grandpa were arguing, the kids were hitting each other, bouncing off the walls and the parents were oblivious to it all because they were both on their phones.

Did you at least say hi to our family? Sheesh. :rotfl:

We had a table for two right next to the acquarium. SCORE!


You want to see more fish? I will tell you now, I did NOT order fish off the menu...a little tough with them swimming right by me. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

I thought that was the appeal! You can taunt all the fish swimming by.:thumbsup2

When we FINALLY got our bill and settled it, Mark wanted to go see Nemo one more time.

Can't say I'm surprised.

Up next, do we end up in the back row? And what's happening with the choir?

Looking forward to it!

Looks like you guys had a great weekend at the wedding.


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