WISH Away the Pounds -- Jolly June AND JULY Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

Oh My Helen you look fab!!!!!

I am off all next week - so good luck on the last weigh in for the month and here we come Aug!!
:goodvibes Well just had my half gluten free breakfast. haha. Just kidding. Thanks for lightening things up for me everyone. Most of the time I laugh at stupid comments, but that whole thing hit a nerve. I think cause I am sick of the but why can't you questions. Luckily I work with some really awesome people who are so good about the whole thing.

MrsJessica--Sorry you are dealing with the gluten stuff. But I do hope you are feeling much, much better. A bakery?? Can you come up with an edible g-f pizza crust?:goodvibes

I have yoga today then I am coming home to pack. My plane leaves at 6:00am. We only live 15 min from the airport, so it is no big deal. Can't wait to see my son. Of course I am thrilled to be going to wdw, but even if all we did was sit at the resort pool and eat out I would be happy. Just really missing my DS this summer.:goodvibes

The real estate agent comes next week to take pictures to list the house. Mike is on the list to be considered for a position in Jacksonville. :goodvibes The next step will be additional phone screenings in about two weeks. I know nothing about Jacksonville, though we have driven through there several times. It will be so much closer to DS, closer to Carolina football, closer to GKTW to volunteer more often, close to the beach, and closer to mickey.:goodvibes And hopefully warmer. This has been the nonexistent summer around here.

Anyhow, sorry to be off topic. My weight is not great, but I am hanging in there. I think I might have a 100 mile month, so I am definitely trying!

If I don't get back on, have a great weekend!:goodvibes
:goodvibes Well just had my half gluten free breakfast. haha. Just kidding. Thanks for lightening things up for me everyone. Most of the time I laugh at stupid comments, but that whole thing hit a nerve. I think cause I am sick of the but why can't you questions. Luckily I work with some really awesome people who are so good about the whole thing.

MrsJessica--Sorry you are dealing with the gluten stuff. But I do hope you are feeling much, much better. A bakery?? Can you come up with an edible g-f pizza crust?:goodvibes

I have yoga today then I am coming home to pack. My plane leaves at 6:00am. We only live 15 min from the airport, so it is no big deal. Can't wait to see my son. Of course I am thrilled to be going to wdw, but even if all we did was sit at the resort pool and eat out I would be happy. Just really missing my DS this summer.:goodvibes

The real estate agent comes next week to take pictures to list the house. Mike is on the list to be considered for a position in Jacksonville. :goodvibes The next step will be additional phone screenings in about two weeks. I know nothing about Jacksonville, though we have driven through there several times. It will be so much closer to DS, closer to Carolina football, closer to GKTW to volunteer more often, close to the beach, and closer to mickey.:goodvibes And hopefully warmer. This has been the nonexistent summer around here.

Anyhow, sorry to be off topic. My weight is not great, but I am hanging in there. I think I might have a 100 mile month, so I am definitely trying!

If I don't get back on, have a great weekend!:goodvibes

I may be jumping the gun here, so let's just call it a practice run...

:welcome: to FLORIDA!!!! :banana: pixiedust: :cool1:

And this will be me :wave2: at you tomorrow. I'll be at my friend's house, out on their boat on their lake, watching the fireworks from :mickeyjum !
thanks Kimberley! Probably too soon to get excited (we have been down this road before), but it is positive news. We are taking it one minute at a time. :) Where do your friends live? Last time we were in Orlando we road bikes at the state park near Lake Mary and the West Orange Trail around Lake Apopka. :)
Morning all! It is "D" day....aka PARTY DAY!

Rose....I know you are flying right now, so prayers for safe travels going out now! Hugs to DS and enjoy you time together!

I am at DD' s last Saturday morning practice of the summer! Wish I was home cleaning and cooking though. I am so behind schedule for the party. I may have to shut a few doors and call it good enough! I was really hoping to have the entire house clean so that I wouldn't have to do that, but I never got to my bedroom or bathroom yesterday ....oh well.

Hope everyone is well and healthy and you can count me IN for August!

I will be back tomorrow or Monday to play catch up here! ..........P
Rose have a great trip.

Pamela Have a great party. I am sure it will go over great.

I have to go back to school today. The class of 1983 is have a reunion this weekend and the school was completely redone in 2000 so they would like a tour of the building. There are only 1 or 2 teachers still in the building and I am one of them. One of the teachers in the school is on the reunion committee so she asked me to lead a tour.

My sons and one gf is coming for lunch tomorrow. I just hope the rain holds off so we can barbeque.

Off to get the day going.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Woweeee...results just in from this morning's 5K....37:51.....I'm so happy, seem to be shaving off a minute each week at the moment. I didn't think I'd done too well today either because it was really hot.
Had a scare this morning - once again I had these 3 pound jumps (up, the scale never jumps down). I had not been on the scale since last Friday. But I know that I can't have put on three pounds in one week. My eating was not perfect, but it was not that bad. That would be over 10,000 calories to build up that much fat. So I am just ignoring it. We do have a heat wave going on at the moment and it is TOM time, so I am counting on a lot of those three pounds being water.

I still have trouble getting back into really good eating. Was so proud of myself that when we went for lunch I resisted the cheesy spätzle (they are delicious) and instead got a salad. And then had dinner which was on OP, but after dinner I had a huge carb hunger attack and ended up eating some bread...

Hopefully the more I try to get back into my old routine those will go away as well!

Those jumps in weight are ridiculous! One day it's there, then it can be gone the next. I wish they would jump down, though, instead of up :rotfl: I wouldn't worry about it, but I hope it disappears as fast as it showed up!

Lost .6 at WW today which puts me at 25% for my goal this month. I'm going to work hard this week for another loss not only to meet my goal but to hit that 20 pound loss finally -- watch me go! ::yes::

Good luck with tomorrow's weigh in all!

Wow! Congrats and keep up the good work!

It's been fun being coach for the week, hope I did okay for a noob.

QOTD - Who will be gracing us with their presence and positive energy next month for the August Challenge!?!?!

Count me in!!

Thank you for coaching! I will totally be here for August!

Almost Friday! Just have a minute, but I wanted to post here to get caught up with the week. Thanks for the well wishes! I'm just about recovered from the wild illness. I found out that I'm probably gluten intolerant instead of just wheat, which I'm almost happy about because being ill without knowing why is stressful. Thankfully, I do cook/bake wheat-free primarily already, so I do know how silly it would be to mix AP and GF flours... ;) I've been eating a paleo diet the past few months, but have been eating a bit of regular cake recently (my husband and I have a cake decorating business) as I've been working on a few new flavors. Guess it'll be up to him to be the official tester now... I'm sure I'll have to twist his arm to do it too... :goodvibes

I would weigh so much more if I owned a cake decorating business! That is so cool! I'm sure my DH wouldn't mind being a cake taster, either :)

Good morning all! Just a quick hello from "crazy cleaning land":lmao:

Did my weigh-in for the week yesterday and it was good! I am delighted to be back at the lower end of my WW maintenance range. All of this crazy running around cleaning, shopping, weeding, painting has definitely helped!

Congrats on the weigh in!

I have yoga today then I am coming home to pack. My plane leaves at 6:00am. We only live 15 min from the airport, so it is no big deal. Can't wait to see my son. Of course I am thrilled to be going to wdw, but even if all we did was sit at the resort pool and eat out I would be happy. Just really missing my DS this summer.:goodvibes

The real estate agent comes next week to take pictures to list the house. Mike is on the list to be considered for a position in Jacksonville. :goodvibes The next step will be additional phone screenings in about two weeks. I know nothing about Jacksonville, though we have driven through there several times. It will be so much closer to DS, closer to Carolina football, closer to GKTW to volunteer more often, close to the beach, and closer to mickey.:goodvibes And hopefully warmer. This has been the nonexistent summer around here.

How exciting for a possible move! I hope everything works out for you!

I hope you had a safe trip and enjoy your time with DS! Tell Mickey that I miss him :(

Morning all! It is "D" day....aka PARTY DAY!

Rose....I know you are flying right now, so prayers for safe travels going out now! Hugs to DS and enjoy you time together!

I am at DD' s last Saturday morning practice of the summer! Wish I was home cleaning and cooking though. I am so behind schedule for the party. I may have to shut a few doors and call it good enough! I was really hoping to have the entire house clean so that I wouldn't have to do that, but I never got to my bedroom or bathroom yesterday ....oh well.

Hope everyone is well and healthy and you can count me IN for August!

I will be back tomorrow or Monday to play catch up here! ..........P

I hope you had a fun, relaxing time at the party! How was it?

Rose have a great trip.

Pamela Have a great party. I am sure it will go over great.

I have to go back to school today. The class of 1983 is have a reunion this weekend and the school was completely redone in 2000 so they would like a tour of the building. There are only 1 or 2 teachers still in the building and I am one of them. One of the teachers in the school is on the reunion committee so she asked me to lead a tour.

My sons and one gf is coming for lunch tomorrow. I just hope the rain holds off so we can barbeque.

Off to get the day going.

Have a happy and healthy day.

School on Saturday? Yuck! :lmao: Hope you have a great visit with DS.

Woweeee...results just in from this morning's 5K....37:51.....I'm so happy, seem to be shaving off a minute each week at the moment. I didn't think I'd done too well today either because it was really hot.

Congrats on the time! You're doing great!


You would think being off in the summer I would have more time for the Dis. But, I swear, I have less! I guess my kids are keeping me busier than I had anticipated. We just finished a week of Bible School where I volunteered. I was put on snack duty. Ugh. I actually resisted the snacks...even the cupcake in an ice cream cone! That was a tough one :rotfl2: I was doing so good with eating, but lost it the last couple days. I guess I better get back on track tomorrow. I forgot to weigh myself the last 2 days as well, so I need to remember to do that.

FIL is picking up my boys at 7:00 am tomorrow to rent a pontoon and go fishing on a lake about 45 minutes away. They are pretty excited and the weather is supposed to be beautiful. But, I have to get up early & get them up early! I guess I'll take the dog for a walk after they leave then head to church. DH has a soccer game at 2:30. I am going to make myself do some strength training at some point in the day. I need to stop saying the I will try to fit it in, and actually make myself do it. I am thinking of renting a Wii game like EA Sports Active or Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum to try something different. If not, I'll stick to the 30 Day Shred dvd :rotfl: Any Wii suggestions? I've tried the Zumba and like it, but I am looking more for strength and not cardio.

Well, I am pretty tired, so I am going to get ready for a little tv and then an early bedtime! Enjoy your night :)

Kim, hope you are having fun with your friends! :goodvibes

Rose, hope you are having fun at WDW! :teeth:

Pamela, hope you had a great time at the big bash last night! party:

Helen, great job on the 10k time improvement! :yay:

Jill, enjoy your quiet house today. Maybe you can even take a nap! ;)

For exercise ideas, do you have Netflix or Hulu or anything like that? Or maybe do a Google search for possible YouTube videos that might be out there. I know Sparkpeople has a bunch of videos that are free on their site. You may just have to register but you can opt out of the emails and they don't seem to share email addresses any worse than anyone else does. :cool2:

bigsis1970 , enjoy your week off! :goodvibes

Dona, I think you should have given those tour folks a pop quiz to start the tour. ;)

MrsJessica, glad that you are feeling better. :flower3:

Zim, thanks for coaching last week! You did a great job! :thanks:

And now I will leave you with this last thought for the day from Sparkpeople

Thank you to all of our July coaches so far - donac, Eliza and Zim!!!

And now it is my turn to take over the last few days of July.

But before we get started with a QOTD, I do have another important issue to bring up. It seems that we have a vacancy to fill:

We need a host for the August thread!!!

Amanda had signed up for it, but she has disappeared from the thread and I sent her a PM some time ago. So I think we need to find a replacement.

Your responsibilities as a coach are to set up the thread (you can copy the first few posts from the previous months and just update them).

Then you need to keep track of everyone's weight. Rose made a great Excel spreadsheet for that which she was so nice to provide for me. I am sure any future host can use it, too! And once a week you need to update the first post with the current results for everyone.

It seems to have become tradition to find volunteers for each week to coach (i.e. post a question of the day etc.), the host does not have to do the coaching as well, but is certainly free to do so.

I hope someone out there is willing to take on August on such a short notice!!

And finally your QOTD for today:
Who is your favourite Disney character?

As a kid it used to be Cinderella for me. But I think of the current crop of Disney and Pixar characters it would be Remy from Ratatouille.
Page 1 is updated with the losses I have received for this week so far!

We have added a lot of colour, especially our latecomers this month are doing very well! Congratulations to all of you!

Unfortunately I am still not adding any colour... I am only 1.2 pounds over my start weight and I can feel that I still have lots of water in me from the current heat. My watch does not fit, a sure sign that there is some swelling going on. We are having the hottest weekend of the year, nearly 100°F. Tonight we are supposed to get some storms, so hopefully things will cool down. I have difficulty staying on track at the moment, somehow the hot weather makes me want to snack all the time... But I am trying to just hang in there and then start into August with a lot of motivation for a new goal!
As you have all been so supportive to me for 7 months, I'll take on hosting for August. I don't know my way around the pages very well but I'm sure I'll figure it out!!!!

Obviously being in the UK, the times I update will be a little strange for most of you in the US, but I'm sure we'll manage. Would be very grateful if Floss could email me the spreadsheet at the end of the month (I'll pm my email address)

I have set up the thread here: (hopefully!!)


And my fave Disney character is Mickey....he IS Disney!!
As you have all been so supportive to me for 7 months, I'll take on hosting for August. I don't know my way around the pages very well but I'm sure I'll figure it out!!!!

Obviously being in the UK, the times I update will be a little strange for most of you in the US, but I'm sure we'll manage. Would be very grateful if Floss could email me the spreadsheet at the end of the month (I'll pm my email address)

I have set up the thread here: (hopefully!!)


And my fave Disney character is Mickey....he IS Disney!!

First of all: Thank you so much for jumping in and getting the new thread up already! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

To all others: We will need hosts for September onwards as well!! So, please think about whether anyone of you could do a month in fall or winter!!

Mickey is a good choice! I do have a soft spot for Minnie as well. Especially in her old fashioned outfit with that little hat with a flower (instead of a bow).
Not a problem, did it now as I had time to spare for a change. OH has gone to Huddersfield for the Rugby League semi-final (we got through, so off to London at the end of August for the final!!) so I'm home alone, chilling out for a change. Lots of things I could be doing, but I thought, NO, I'll have some me-time instead!!

Getting through to the final is going to be a bit of a problem for me........we have had an Earl of Sandwich open in London, and also a Five Guys.......will be visiting both in one day..:scared1: better have a really good loss in August first!!!
Jill, enjoy your quiet house today. Maybe you can even take a nap! ;)

For exercise ideas, do you have Netflix or Hulu or anything like that? Or maybe do a Google search for possible YouTube videos that might be out there. I know Sparkpeople has a bunch of videos that are free on their site. You may just have to register but you can opt out of the emails and they don't seem to share email addresses any worse than anyone else does. :cool2:

I did enjoy my quiet day & caught up on dvr'd shows :)

Thanks for the suggestions. I did look up stuff on YouTube & tried a 10 minute toning workout & liked it. I only did a short workout since I walked 11 miles Saturday then walked the dog for 30 yesterday. My legs are sore today so I need to find an upper body/abs workout for cross training days. No more squats or lunges until after the half lol.

And finally your QOTD for today:
Who is your favourite Disney character?

As a kid it used to be Cinderella for me. But I think of the current crop of Disney and Pixar characters it would be Remy from Ratatouille.

This is a tough one because, of course, I love them all! I have a super love for Sulley, though. I get my pic with him by myself when we go & I'm like a little kid lol. My latest pic is my profile pic. As a classic character, I would have to say Mickey. It all stated with a mouse, after all :)

As you have all been so supportive to me for 7 months, I'll take on hosting for August. I don't know my way around the pages very well but I'm sure I'll figure it out!!!!

And my fave Disney character is Mickey....he IS Disney!!

Thank you for hosting! I posted this morning.

Mickey totally IS Disney! Without him, who knows if we'd be chatting on these boards!


Good morning! Not much going on today here. My dingy dog decided that DS10's soccer ball that we've owned for 4 months looked like fun, so now we need to go buy another one before practices start next week. Poor ball never stood a chance lol. I am also going to look for paint samples for DS7's room. He wants orange & red (for fire) but I've convinced him to just go with one color. I'm going to try to find muted orange colors. I told DH we may have to go with a pumpkin/spice color. Poor DS7 got stuck with his room & it was already painted a pale yellow. We thought since he gets so many hand me downs, he could use a fresh coat of paint in his chosen color (with approval by me). That's it for now. I'm off to eat breakfast & get ready for the day. Have a good one!

MrsJessica--Sorry you are dealing with the gluten stuff. But I do hope you are feeling much, much better. A bakery?? Can you come up with an edible g-f pizza crust?:goodvibes

Thanks. It seems to fit a lot of mystery symptoms that I've been treated for a long time now so crossing my fingers its the answer! GF pizza crust! I'm on it :) I've made a few grain-free versions, but they're not close to being "real" pizza. We like thinner, crisper crust, so that might be a head start to liking GF...hmmm... I'll let you know what I come up with :goodvibes Good luck with your (possible) move as well! That's scary, but exciting and hopefully not too stressful! And 100 miles in a month... Impressive! :goodvibes

I'm going to try to find muted orange colors. I told DH we may have to go with a pumpkin/spice color. Poor DS7 got stuck with his room & it was already painted a pale yellow.

How fun! I just went to a friend's housewarming and the room her daughter moved into has neon green walls! Not even lime, but neon :) The 7 year old quickly told me she was going to paint them pale lavender :)

Only .1 lb to go for my July 31 goal! I will definitely be back for August. Time to buckle down so i keep meeting goals! I'm in that group of people that sees small progress and eases up because "things are going well". Surprise, I end up back where I started! So this time, nose down and keep on...

QOTD: Belle and Mrs. Potts :) I'm not a princess-type, but seeing beauty in people that aren't so is something that I connect with. And who else could be so elegant, even as a stout tea pot? Genius :)
Hi everyone! I love to hear about your favourite characters and the reasoning behind it!

Jill - that sounds like an interesting home improvement project that you have there! I think a room in an orange/red colour scheme could be very cool! Maybe do just one wall in a fire scheme and the rest in white?

Helen - being in London (or the UK in general) is always bad for my diet! I lived in London for a year in college and then again for another half year later on. And there are so many delicious things I need to eat when I visit there now. It starts with a Pret-a-manger sandwich (luckily they seem to have discontinued my favourite Coronation Chicken, so one less temptation), then the English cheeses like a good cheddar and blue shropshire and blue stilton. Oh - and the crisps! And chips! And if I am in the West Country: cream tea. Everything not really good to lose weight - or even maintain it. :scared1: So, good luck with your London visit! I hope you manage to not get too much of a set back! :goodvibes

QOTD for Monday:

Do you have any useful tips on what to do if you feel like you really want a snack, but should not have one to stay on plan?

I am asking partially because I have been struggling with this topic over the last few days. And now that I think of it, I do have tips for myself that I haven't followed. :headache: So writing them down should be helpful!

First, the easiest thing to try first is to get a drink. I find that a hot drink works better than just water. So some tea or coffee work really good for me (I do have decaffeinated versions of both for the evenings).

Besides that: make sure to have some snackable vegetables at home. I love carrots and tomatoes and those make a good snack.

Hope to hear some more useful tips to try out the next few days!
Magdalene, thanks for coaching this week and hostessing this month! :thanks: I think sometimes in the dog days of summer a maintain, or just about a maintain, is all we can expect. :sunny:

As you have all been so supportive to me for 7 months, I'll take on hosting for August. I don't know my way around the pages very well but I'm sure I'll figure it out!!!!

Helen, thanks so for stepping up to hostess for August! :flower3:

I will volunteer to hostess October.

First of all: Thank you so much for jumping in and getting the new thread up already! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

To all others: We will need hosts for September onwards as well!! So, please think about whether anyone of you could do a month in fall or winter!!

Mickey is a good choice! I do have a soft spot for Minnie as well. Especially in her old fashioned outfit with that little hat with a flower (instead of a bow).

I will volunteer to hostess October. :goodvibes

I did enjoy my quiet day & caught up on dvr'd shows :)

Thanks for the suggestions. I did look up stuff on YouTube & tried a 10 minute toning workout & liked it. I only did a short workout since I walked 11 miles Saturday then walked the dog for 30 yesterday. My legs are sore today so I need to find an upper body/abs workout for cross training days. No more squats or lunges until after the half lol.

LOL! Good idea! ::yes::

I did 11 miles this week-end, too, and it felt long -- thank goodness only two more long runs until taper for me. :dumbo:

When is your race again?

MrsJessica, so great to be so close to your goal this month! :yay:

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a great finish to my month, too!
QOTD for Monday:

Do you have any useful tips on what to do if you feel like you really want a snack, but should not have one to stay on plan?

I do like your ideas of having a drink and then something healthy to snack on, Magdalene.

I will also track the points of what I am thinking of for a snack as well as what I plan on eating for the rest of the day -- it is amazing how much adding and subtracting I do to keep within my points allowance -- sometimes that little extra time is enough to change your mind or at least make a better choice. I've also been known to eat my activity points for the next day as long as it is not the day that my points reset for the week. And last but not least, if I really want something I will go ahead and have it because I've found that sometimes it will end up less calories just to eat what you want and then some stuff you don't want and then what you do. :lmao:
Snacking for me involves a lot of red grapes and pots of cottage cheese (not together!!)
Grapes I can snack on at work as they're easily portable, and a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese when I'm at home seems to fill me enough to take the edge off my hunger. Weird I know, but it works for me!!


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