Hogwarts RP!

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Veronica: Veronica was enjoying dinner immensely. It was good, as usual. And soon the dessert would be out, and no one made dessert like Hogwarts did. She wasn't fat by any means. She was actually really skinny, she would eat a lot on the first and last meals of the year, but during the course of the year Nic ate much smaller means, sometimes even skipping because she had gotten too interested in a book, she was like a Ravenclaw that way. And she worked out a lot. She wasn't on the Quidditch team, she preferred racing over the sport, but she very well could play Quidditch if she wanted to.
Cindy: "The main one is Divination. I don't really care for it much, but it sounds cool," she said.

(OOC I'm making a class schedule now)

Kami: "Yeah, I took that last year. Not the most enjoyable class."

Lucas: "That's great. So, what year are you? And did you have a good summer?" August seemed nice, and being that Luke didn't know where his friends were and wasn't sitting near them, he was happy to talk to this boy.

August: "I'm only a second year." August hoped this fact wouldn't make Lucas stop talking to him. "I had a fine summer. Nothing all that interesting happened. What about you?"
Kami: "Yeah, I took that last year. Not the most enjoyable class."

August: "I'm only a second year." August hoped this fact wouldn't make Lucas stop talking to him. "I had a fine summer. Nothing all that interesting happened. What about you?"

Lucas: Lucas nodded. "My second year was pretty cool, DADA gets more fun after first year. I'm in my fifth year now. I had a nice summer too, my godfather got me a new broom so I've been practicing with it." The kid was a second year, but he was an interesting kid, and Luke liked him. The Sorting Hat had definitely placed him in the right house.
Lucas: Lucas nodded. "My second year was pretty cool, DADA gets more fun after first year. I'm in my fifth year now. I had a nice summer too, my godfather got me a new broom so I've been practicing with it." The kid was a second year, but he was an interesting kid, and Luke liked him. The Sorting Hat had definitely placed him in the right house.

August: "Oh, good. I kind of hated DADA last year. How are electives?" Electives were what August was most excited for next year. August looked around, realizing he was glad he was in Hufflepuff. In this house, at least older students weren't too cool to talk to younger ones.
August: "Oh, good. I kind of hated DADA last year. How are electives?" Electives were what August was most excited for next year. August looked around, realizing he was glad he was in Hufflepuff. In this house, at least older students weren't too cool to talk to younger ones.

Lucas: Lucas chewed his food in thought for a moment. Then he replied, "Well, Divination's kind of rubbish. Care of Magical Creatures is good, especially if you like animals. Arithmancy is good, though it can be challenging sometimes. Ancient Runes is also a good class, but it can be boring."
Brielle: "It's was really relaxing and nice. How about yours?"

Gabrielle: you already asked me silly! She giggled. "What classes are you taking this year? I'm so excited for care of magical creatures!"
Lucas: Lucas chewed his food in thought for a moment. Then he replied, "Well, Divination's kind of rubbish. Care of Magical Creatures is good, especially if you like animals. Arithmancy is good, though it can be challenging sometimes. Ancient Runes is also a good class, but it can be boring."

August: "Thanks. I think I may take Muggle Studies." August laughed. "Since I was raised in muggle family, it would be a slide course." August was kidding, though. "Does anyone actually do that?"
August: "Thanks. I think I may take Muggle Studies." August laughed. "Since I was raised in muggle family, it would be a slide course." August was kidding, though. "Does anyone actually do that?"

Lucas: Lucas shrugged. "I don't know. It makes sense, it would be a really easy grade. I think there might have been some muggleborns in my Muggle Studies class last year."
Jackson: *notices two girls talking across the table from him and he thinks their names are Brielle and Gabrielle. He decides to say hi.*

Hi there. I'm Jackson," he says shyly.
Professor Linus: *He is staring at the children in the Great Hall. Slightly glaring at some of the arrogant looking child and feeling pleased with his Slytherin students*
Jane: Jane was sitting next to Cindy " Hi, I'm Jane. I don't think I've met you before."
Jane: Jane was sitting next to Cindy " Hi, I'm Jane. I don't think I've met you before."

Cindy: Cindy turned and gave a small wave to Jane. "Hi. I'm Lucinda Jay, but you can call me Cindy," she said brightly. "Are you in the third year, too? I feel like I've seen you, just haven't met you, perhaps."
" Yeah. Funny since we've been together for years." She liked Cindy immediatly.
" Yeah. Funny since we've been together for years." She liked Cindy immediatly.

(OOC Don't forget the Jade: ;) )

Cindy: Cindy smiled. "Yeah. So, how was your summer?" she asked casually, taking a drink of pumpkin juice.
Jane: "O.K. I've got 5 siblings, so there's never a dull moment."
(OOC Don't forget the Jade: ;) )

Cindy: Cindy smiled. "Yeah. So, how was your summer?" she asked casually, taking a drink of pumpkin juice.
Jane: "O.K. I've got 5 siblings, so there's never a dull moment."

Cindy: "Ah, lucky you, I suppose. I'm an only child, it's only been my and mum. Most of my summer was spent here studying and memorizing spells, with no practicing at all."
Cindy: "Ah, lucky you, I suppose. I'm an only child, it's only been my and mum. Most of my summer was spent here studying and memorizing spells, with no practicing at all."
Jane: " I've been doing the same! Maybe we can practice together tonight? " Maybe she had finally found her match.
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