Sit down! Buckle up! & Hang On! Mickeystoontown's Gang is going to Walley World! 5/15

At my church they ask you to fast for one meal and then donate the value of that meal in goods. Works for me.
I'm in Lisa! Thanks for the reminder. You are so right...we need to be careful not to miss what is in our own backyards. ;)

Still grinning about John hating Stitch! He's Isaiah's favorite! We always do a meet and greet or photo op with him at least once each trip. He is really a fun character to meet..always very playful and interactive!
My DH is a letter carrier, so we are always reminded of this event - it's a little longer day for him! The USPS does a great job collecting food and delivering it to the food shelves.
I'm picking up extra stuff at the store tonight to put out.
Hello! I've been away for a few weeks, but I'm all caught up now!

Sea World sounds great, I haven't been there in 18 yrs! I'm be looking forward to seeing all your wonderful pics in your tr.

I laughed at your "It doesn't matter or Whatever" idea pure genius! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the heads up on Stamp out hunger. I've actually never heard of it before, I went over to their website and checked it out.

Also I noticed your 24 hrs at MK preview! Isn't it exciting!! I had to switch around our plans after I heard the announcement it sounds too fun to miss.
I have never heard of stamp out hunger, but I just searched to check it out and also posted it on facebook . I so agree we need to help the people who do not have enough. I hate the thought of a child being hungry :( That is one thing I do think of when I go to Disney and we have a table service meal with so much food we cant eat it all. I hate for all that food to go to waste when people are hungry in other places .
I have never heard of stamp out hunger, but I just searched to check it out and also posted it on facebook . I so agree we need to help the people who do not have enough. I hate the thought of a child being hungry :( That is one thing I do think of when I go to Disney and we have a table service meal with so much food we cant eat it all. I hate for all that food to go to waste when people are hungry in other places .

I haven't heard of it here. Mostly poel just give stuff when the local food banks have food drives around the holidays. They usually have large bins in grocery stores to collect it in. Also some stores sell a pre packaged bag of things that gets donated to a food bank.
Funny I should read your post this morning when I pulled the blue bag out of my mailbox yesterday and thought "what the heck is this?"

You know I will be filling up my bag on Saturday. Thanks for the reminder!
We love love love 'Ohana! Unfortunately, we are not dining there this year. We kept having to change our dates and by the time they were final, there were no times available. :sad:

Thanks for reminding us about the Stamp Out Hunger drive. It usually always falls on the weekend we're having Allison's birthday party!
ROTF. After that conversation about ‘Ohana I would have hung up the phone on him. He is funny though.
We did this 300 project at my church this past Christmas where we provided Christmas dinner for 300 families and a meal for them when they came and picked it up. In saying that we went through our local school district and it was shocking how many families are struggling here. I knew it wasn't great this is a mill area and mills are shutting down, but I was shocked at how many families need this food and were so grateful to just have the food. So many people need jobs now days and every little bit helps. Even if we think it's just a few items they add up when everyone that just has a few items add them together. :thumbsup2

This is SO important, Lisa. Thanks for highlighting it. I can remember early days of our marriage when everyone used glass coke bottles and there was a deposit, we would walk around and pick up bottles to redeem for the deposit when it got close to the end of the month! I volunteer at a church program affiliated with the food bank, and I KNOW how many hungry and often desperate people there are out there. If everyone could see them and hear their stories they would be much freer with their donations.

BAG UP THAT FOOD FOR SATURDAY!! And give to your local food bank whenever you can! :cheer2::cool1::cheer2::cool1:

At my church they ask you to fast for one meal and then donate the value of that meal in goods. Works for me.

I'm in Lisa! Thanks for the reminder. You are so right...we need to be careful not to miss what is in our own backyards. ;)

Still grinning about John hating Stitch! He's Isaiah's favorite! We always do a meet and greet or photo op with him at least once each trip. He is really a fun character to meet..always very playful and interactive!

My DH is a letter carrier, so we are always reminded of this event - it's a little longer day for him! The USPS does a great job collecting food and delivering it to the food shelves.
I'm picking up extra stuff at the store tonight to put out.

I just filled my bag to put out Saturday by my front door to help me remember.

I have never heard of stamp out hunger, but I just searched to check it out and also posted it on facebook . I so agree we need to help the people who do not have enough. I hate the thought of a child being hungry :( That is one thing I do think of when I go to Disney and we have a table service meal with so much food we cant eat it all. I hate for all that food to go to waste when people are hungry in other places .

I haven't heard of it here. Mostly poel just give stuff when the local food banks have food drives around the holidays. They usually have large bins in grocery stores to collect it in. Also some stores sell a pre packaged bag of things that gets donated to a food bank.

Funny I should read your post this morning when I pulled the blue bag out of my mailbox yesterday and thought "what the heck is this?"

You know I will be filling up my bag on Saturday. Thanks for the reminder!

To all of you...Thank you so very much for helping fight Hunger in America! There's a real need to help those right here in our own cities and towns As I said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with helping those in other countries but we have many in need in our own backyards.

For those of you who had not heard of Stamp Out Hunger, I hope that you'll go to the Feeding America website and learn more. It has a wealth of information!
Hello! I've been away for a few weeks, but I'm all caught up now!

Sea World sounds great, I haven't been there in 18 yrs! I'm be looking forward to seeing all your wonderful pics in your tr.

I laughed at your "It doesn't matter or Whatever" idea pure genius! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the heads up on Stamp out hunger. I've actually never heard of it before, I went over to their website and checked it out.

Also I noticed your 24 hrs at MK preview! Isn't it exciting!! I had to switch around our plans after I heard the announcement it sounds too fun to miss.

Welcome back! It's been over 10 years since we've been to Sea World so we are super excited to go and see all of the changes.

I'm telling you....I really think that those restaurant names would work.

Hunter will be celebrating his 16th at the Magic Kingdom on the 24th! :cheer2:

We love love love 'Ohana! Unfortunately, we are not dining there this year. We kept having to change our dates and by the time they were final, there were no times available. :sad:

Thanks for reminding us about the Stamp Out Hunger drive. It usually always falls on the weekend we're having Allison's birthday party!

So, what are your dates exactly? Will we still be there at the same time? I forgot to look at your ticker.

Oooh, you should tell all of Allison's friends to bring food to donate!
Real life update before moving on

We leave for Disney on the 20th and I have so many more updates to post to my pre-trip report. I've been a total slacker!

So, what have I been doing instead of writing? Um, I must confess that I went a little cray cray watching the Jodi Arias trial. :crazy2: When I heard that they were handing down the verdict yesterday, I thought "oh no, I'm going to miss it!". Then, I realized that there was a time difference and I could possibly see it on livestreaming IF I were to convince the boss to leave the office early. He had a appointment at 2:00 and they came a little early which was good since we allot about an hour per appointment. The verdict would be handed down at 3:30 p.m. our time. It looked more and more like I'd get to see what the jury had to say.

As the hour ticked by and I could still hear them deep in conversation, I began to wonder if it would be a little rude of me to pop into his office and tell 'em to make it snappy. :rotfl: I heard the ding ding ding of his office clock and they were still talking. Um, excuse me but do ya'll know that I have something other than office work to do? Finally, the client left. The boss started shutting things down in his office and said that he was leaving. :dance3: But, first, he was going to return a "few" phone calls. Dadgum it! :mad:

Thankfully, as had been the case during the entire Jodi Arias trial, they were not on schedule. They were running late! There was still time to kick the boss out and watch the livestream.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the boss left and I instantly tuned in to see the verdict. I was so scared that this would be another O.J. or Casey Anthony fiasco. But it wasn't! She was found guilty of premediated murder as well she should have been.

Other than watching a crazy woman being found guilty, what have I been up to? Let's see....I finished up the last of the backsack orders that I needed to do before we leave for vacation. I have all of the suitcases airing out (not going to have a stinky SCAR this trip) in my sewing room so I had my sewing "stuff" in the corner of my bedroom. I was ready to get it back into the sewing room and out of my way. I'll be starting back sewing once we get home from vacation. **lovethattink, the postman picked up your package and it's on it's way to you and JJ.

I've now fallen deeply into the "I've got to get this house sparkling clean before we go on vacation so that we don't come home to a messy house" mode. I want my house cleaned top to bottom before we leave. I can't stand the thought of leaving or coming home to a messy house. :scared:

Oh and I've been picking up last minute things here and there. I have a couple of little things left on my "need to get" list but not many. Hopefully, those will be done this weekend.

Blessedmom4 has a son who is graduating so I went shopping for a gift for him. Her daughter is about to celebrate a birthday as well so I'm on the lookout for just the right present. KatMark has a son who is getting married soon and I pulled out their wedding gift last night so that I can get it in the mail before we leave.

It's been busy! Busy! Busy! But, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Okay, enough chit chat! Let me get to work on my next update!
Oooh, next year's trip already?!?!?!

Aren't you ahead of the game! :cool1:

I can't believe you leave so soon! You better get cracking on the updates, girl!


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