Bama Ed Is At The Fort April 2013

Just wondering would you take that way again to epcot or would you drive and park in their lot?

Well, generally I would say I would still drive.


If I got going early enough in the morning and wasn't staying too late, I'd do the boat/monorail. But the way we do the parks is get there before rope drop and stay till the close. By the time the close rolls around, I'm anxious to get back to the camper as quickly as possible. But if I wasn't staying till close and I wasn't stressed about getting to the park at rope drop, I would do it.

Usually in the mornings we run late (always) but if that's not your MO, go for it.

Bama ED

PS - the drive is easy only 10-15 minutes.
Thanks for taking the time to do the report. It is much appreciated and makes me giddy as a kid again thinking I'll be there shortly. Who says you have to grow up?

Thank you so much for the report!!! It's making me so excited for our trip!!!! We will be there in two weeks!!!
Wow, has this weather been great here at the Fort or what? Even with it 'really' looking like rain yest. nothing happened, today looks a little better. Definitely not going to stress over it, the radar doesn't look bad.

You are camped just across from us. Most of the time one or the other of us has been gone so haven't had a chance to "Hi' you! :) Was terrible what happened to those folks' RV in 200 with that huge tree. :scared1:

We have AP's so don't linger around the cc very much. We go to the parks, then usually eat at one of the resorts (no cooking for me here ;)) so have very full days and are generally 'pooped' by the end of the day! :)

You would be at US today, hope the band doesn't get rained on. Hope y'all have a great day!

Surely, we'll be able to catch you before you leave. :goodvibes
To satisfy Readerbug, I am here because my kid's high school band is marching over at Universal and I wanted to be here to see it ?...

This is what I like. Both DH and I performed in bands at the Disney parks, but never did our parents come, let alone multiple times, as you have, together! I remember how it felt to be in such a family designed place, without mine, all week watching those who did have loved ones to share it empty that felt.

And I like the absentMickey Musket sign....That's better than sweet.
DH has had to come to WDW alone for business, and had an unfulfilling time.
While I thought any trip to the world that's just "okay, I guess" a crazy attitude, and sure I would have found better pixiedust: myself, were I in his shoes, I'm so glad he'd rather share it with me!

WDW is a place to share it, spread it.

And thanks for doin' that with this TR, Bama Ed, to this wider circle.
You're right, the live bits are more fun and satisfying to read than the summary. Still, a bit of a sacrifice! Thanks.
I so love the sounds of the Fort too...especially first thing in the morning!! I soooo have Disney fever now.

The hubbie and I are heading to Disney for our anniversary in June, but we're staying at Shades of Green. I gotta feeling we'll be visiting the Fort often though. :goodvibes

FLteacher, you are so right. This morning I heard a big ol' hoot owl somewhere in the trees in 200 as I left the Comfort Station this morning. Think they have that at All Star Sports? :rolleyes1

I know what you mean by wanting to watch your kid march at universal, we watched our DS march down Disney main street in '98, what a thrill.

Thanks rajak. It is a thrill. I'm going to try to post a band picture later on.

I always look for your posts. My family will be at the Fort for the first time in November and I already feel like I've been there through your descriptions and pictures.

Thanks Gwen, that's nice of you to say. And November is a very pleasant time to be at the Fort, almost the same as now only not quite as warm. But very nice weather. Hope you have a great first trip!

I have no idea why I never thought of scooters before. They fold up nice and small and 3 out of 4 of my kids already have one. Thanks for the pic/inspiration!

You are quite welcome, Jessie.

I lurk FAR more than I post, but I wanted to say that I'm following along and a huge THANK YOU for doing this TR. It is nothing short of wonderful to be able to at least experience the fort vicariously through you since we won't be able to head down for quite some time.

Can't wait for your next updates and keep it up!


You're welcome Sunshine. I know what I like so I am trying to put THAT out there. Not every TR has to be live as it is a commitment of time but since I have the time, this gives me a chance to know folks better and visa versa.

And please post as often as the thought hits you. We don't bite. :sad2:

Thank you for sharing. I especially enjoyed hearing about the Hoop-de-Doo.

We will be there in May, and plan on attending our first HDDR ever!

Maxine, I promise you will love HDDR. It's corny fun and all ages seem to love it. The free pitcher refills of Bud Light had no influence on my opinion of the show WHATsoever... :drinking1

Looks great Ed! We did the HDR in June and I have to admit it was probably the best dinner show after Dixie Stampede in Pigeon Forge, but that show has horses so it is a little hard to beat. I was curious, you said the show had changed, has that been since we were there in June or have we probably already seen new show?

I'm trying to think when the right dispute took place. The original opening HDD opening song is gone. They also had a song that ran through all the state names in alphabetical order quickly which is no longer there. I have a decent live mp3 recording set of the old show/songs but other than "O My Darling Clementine" I think very little carried over.

Finally getting a chance to post and say "awesome report"! Loving it! I will definitely be showing your pictures to my mom- she hasnt' been there in about 15 years, and we've talked her into going down with us this Christmas! She's riding down with us in our motorhome, and we'll be there almost 2 weeks! She's going to spend a week at POP, and the rest of the time with us- we are so excited. She has never been able to go to Disney with younger children, so to be able to share this with her grandchildren- they are going to be 8, 8, 11, and 11- it's going to be such a special memory! Being able to share your trip report with her is going to make her even more excited!

We are buried in snow up here in MN- the winter that never ends this year. So we are very envious of you being in that beautiful warm weather- rain or not! Have a wonderful time!!

Hold on serenitygr. Spring is coming. I know it is. In fact, I'm sure because my friend here says he will make sure it shows up. Isn't that right, buddy?

I also am a big fan of the multigenerational trips (grandparents, parents, kids, etc.) I know it requires a little give-and-take on several fronts. My parents have come with my family and I have enjoyed it. If it had been my inlaws (who are wonderful people, don't get me wrong) my wifre would have probably enjoyed it and I would have endured it. But I'd have still done it.

Wow, has this weather been great here at the Fort or what? Even with it 'really' looking like rain yest. nothing happened, today looks a little better. Definitely not going to stress over it, the radar doesn't look bad.

You are camped just across from us. Most of the time one or the other of us has been gone so haven't had a chance to "Hi' you! :) Was terrible what happened to those folks' RV in 200 with that huge tree. :scared1:

We have AP's so don't linger around the cc very much. We go to the parks, then usually eat at one of the resorts (no cooking for me here ;)) so have very full days and are generally 'pooped' by the end of the day! :)

You would be at US today, hope the band doesn't get rained on. Hope y'all have a great day!

Surely, we'll be able to catch you before you leave. :goodvibes

Okay thanks NoM. See, I thought you were giving me the cold shoulder since I brought my lowly little popup into a loop with all the big beautiful motorhomes including yours. :confused3 :rotfl2: Hope to talk soon.

This is what I like. Both DH and I performed in bands at the Disney parks, but never did our parents come, let alone multiple times, as you have, together! I remember how it felt to be in such a family designed place, without mine, all week watching those who did have loved ones to share it empty that felt.

And thanks for doin' that with this TR, Bama Ed, to this wider circle.
You're right, the live bits are more fun and satisfying to read than the summary. Still, a bit of a sacrifice! Thanks.

Readerbug, I am back from US already today and saw my son (he marches sousaphone aka tuba). He said he saw us too as they went by. So you are right even though we couldn't speak to each other at the time, it meant something to him that we were there. And of course we hooked up later for ice cream!

And the live TR is a sacrifice but I have the time here to make it. My problem is that I know myself and if I did a TR after I got home, it would get done but life gets in the way and the real world might infringe on my story telling and the TR might not get done as well. So in a way I am happy to get it over with (and I mean that in a good way) for the most part while I am here.

In other news I caught up yesterday with the first DISser I ever met here at the Fort and a former poster, Stacktester. Seems like I run into him nearly every time I am here. Good to see him again.

I've got a few pix I hope of Universal to get to later today.

Bama ED
So here are the Saturday pix from Universal Studios. There aren't many pix but we did a fair amount of riding before lunch (and caught my son's high school parade), had a pretty good lunch at Finnegan's, the Irish food place in the New York section, and then caught the Blues Brother show right outside the restaurant. We didn't dilly dally after that and headed back to the Fort about 330pm. It's 20 minutes one-way between the front of the Fort and the Universal parking decks (if you use Hwy 536 on the Disney side).

So all you former high school band members and parents, here it goes.

My DS18 nearest the camera in the center with the glasses on sousaphone.

I also wanted to show what I do when I leave my pup for the day. If the weather is questionable, I always drop my canopy. Now today was beautiful but when I doubt I drop it down. Replacement pup canopies are expensive and I had one tear/rip because it puddled a huge amount of rainwater even though I thought I had slanted it enough. Better safe than sorry.

Finally, I want to tell about the "No Tailgating" sign I showed in the first post along with my green DIS sign and Bama feather. Tailgating at Bama games has grown tremendously the last few years even before the Saban years. The Quad is the central green grassy area of campus at the University of Alabama and that's where we tailgated for years.

As the crowds grew, I moved across the street to the Woods Square quad which was close to the main Quad but sheltered and quiet. Two years ago the Dean of Arts and Sciences (whose building surround Woods Quad) posted these signs that said we were no longer welcome. He hosts alumni, dignitaries, and big wigs there during game weekends (the Dean's office is in one of the buildings on Woods Quad).

All of us who tailgated back there (and took damn good care of it too - left it cleaner than we found it) were disappointed and I moved just outside the Woods Quad. But I was pissed. So I did what any mature, responsible, honorable alumnus (2x) of the University of Alabama would do.

I stole one of the signs.

Now I take it camping with me everywhere along with my feather to show my school spirit. True, I STILL can't tailgate in my old spot on Woods Quad; after all, the Dean does have the UA Popo on his side. :cool2: But I felt like I did my rebellious duty for us blue collar fans.

I'm around the Fort tomorrow and I hope to have many pictures to share.

Bama Ed
Have been enjoying the rest of the pictures and your posts about this trip.

I have been pondering today what it would be like to take a trip to the Fort and not include any time in the parks. There is so much to do there, and really, even the boat ride across to MK and a ride on the monorail is fun in itself---just as you have described.

But I guess I'm pretty much old school, and it doesn't take much to entertain me. I remember camping with my family at the Fort the first year it opened, and we were beyond thrilled to even be there. I really miss those days.....

Oh, and I'm looking for Adam Scott to sneak up and win tomorrow..(But if Fred Couples wins, I'd probably give a big cheer, too.)
Scupper, it was the logo after all, you Big 10 guys can't be fooled. And hey, if you have some Hungarian in you, I've got some Slovak in me. We could be related. Brother, can you spare a dime?

"Dobré Ráno, Bama Ed" *
1) No.
2) But how about
. . . a Slovakian Koruna, or
. . . a Magyar Forint
3) BTW, am loving the Live Trip Report, and Finnegan's!

* "Jó Napot!, Bama Ed" (if you prefer "Good Morning" in Magyar instead of Slovak)
Oh, and I'm looking for Adam Scott to sneak up and win tomorrow..(But if Fred Couples wins, I'd probably give a big cheer, too.)


The Masters has been one of the side pleasures of this trip.

During the 1990s, my Dad (on this trip to the Fort with me) and my brothers went to the Wednesday practice rounds before they had a ticket list for it. We could just pay $20 and walk in the gate. I probably went 6-7 times in those 10 years. My other two brothers would join when they could. But those are pleasant memories of walking Augusta National during Masters week.

So here at the Fort watching it with him and kibitzing ("that putt is downhill" or "do you remember...") is a treat.

I'm happy because I pull for ABT (Anyone But Tiger). All the majors should not be assumed to go to him so he can beat Jack's record. He's going to have to earn it against these young bucks.

Bama Ed

PS - and oh, my DW says I look like Freddie but when I challenge her on it, she smiles and blushes. I don't look like Freddie but it's her excuse to pause in the room and watch the tv whenever he's on. As long as he is unattainable, I can live with it I guess.... :happytv:
Bama Ed, really enjoying your report here in upstate NY. I can relate to your enjoyment of the Masters tournament as I watched it with my Dad every year on TV while growing up. Five years ago I took my Dad to see a few days of the practice round including the par three tournament on wednesday and it was an incredible place to see in person. We especially liked sitting in the stands at the par three 16th where they purposely skip the ball across the water to green. I am booked at the fort for ten days next year during the playing of the 2014 Masters and have plans to watch it while I am there. Great trip report and thanks for sharing.
jeffrey 66
Bama Ed, enjoying your TR!
Question for you, when you drop your canopy (great idea), do you secure it in any way in case the winds come up?
Bama Ed, I am really enjoying your TR. Being in Vermont and seeing all the wonderful pictures makes me wish I was there now. I do have a question though, in the picture with your pup, could you tell me what the white stuff around your jack and stands is/for. I have a new to me pup and was just wondering. Thanks for the report and cann't wait to get there. 244 days and counting.:rolleyes1
Bama Ed, I am really enjoying your TR. Being in Vermont and seeing all the wonderful pictures makes me wish I was there now. I do have a question though, in the picture with your pup, could you tell me what the white stuff around your jack and stands is/for. I have a new to me pup and was just wondering. Thanks for the report and cann't wait to get there. 244 days and counting.:rolleyes1


I put down ant powder to keep ants out of the popup where the food is. I dust around everything that contacts the ground. Even behind the tires. So far it is working. I'm currently using Ortho Ant Powder from Home Depot. I've also used a Sevin Powder, also from the Home Depot garden section.

I have an aerosol general bug spray I use on the water hoses and electrical cord. Tiggerdad has also suggested using a thin ring of Vaseline on the hoses and cords which the ants won't cross.

One time camping I forgot the electrical cord and the ants got in that way. It looked like they were operating a bucket brigade passing buckets from hand to had to put out a fire.

No mosquitos to report either currently.

Bama Ed

PS - the ant powder is probably overkill here at the Fort but it's a habit/part of setting up so I do it anyway.
Bama Ed, enjoying your TR!
Question for you, when you drop your canopy (great idea), do you secure it in any way in case the winds come up?

No I don't. Laying so close to the camper it would take a lot of wind to lift it up given the weight of the canopy and the cross-bar at the end. And if the wind were blowing hard enough to do that, the canopy would be the least of my problems.

We are watching tv outside (the Masters mostly) and I leave it outside when I go and the dropped canopy protects it. I also put bikes under it and sometimes under the pup bunks. Just depends on how much protection I want.

I''m going to take a few pix and show you the mod I did on my awning poles.

Bama Ed
. . . I'm happy because I pull for ABT (Anyone But Tiger) . . .

{Semi Off Topic}
1) Especially, now.
3) If you violate rules, you are DQ'd
. . . by officials
. . . by yourself
4) All the greats have done this as a sign of sportsmanship.
. . . Michele Wie
. . . Nick Gillespie
. . . Sergio Garcia
. . . Chris Dimarco
. . . Camillo Villegas
. . . Doug Sanders
. . . Ed Oliver
. . . Craig Stadler
. . . Greg Norman
. . . Nick Faldo
. . . Davis Love
. . . Lee Jansen
. . . etc
5) But, Tiger just shrugged-off any DQ.
6) He even admitted to going back further than allowed to not be in mud.

NOTE: Joe Namath did a tweet and said that if officials didn't catch it,
the penalty should not be assessed later. Like overturning a Super Bowl.
But, golf, is not a game like football. As a past Big-10 defensive tackle,
I was taught to disguise penalties and get way with what we could. In
golf, one is expected to be honorable and above board.

NOTE2: Of course, we all know Bobby Jones called a penalty upon himself
that cost him to lose The Open to Walter hagen, even though no else saw
the ball move. My goodness, THAT IS HONOR !!!
Kevin, if I haven't said it yet, CONGRATULATIONS on the new pup. party:

Bama Ed

Thanks, Bama Ed. I have been really enjoying the TR. All the times I have been to WDW I have never seen the HDDR. Although last night the DW and I were talking and looking at your Pics. Either we have been there and don't remember or the Country Bear Jam was set up with tables and chairs in the 70's. She was raised in Florida and has been there to many times to count and my 1st trip was 1971.

We had a report not too long ago about the 4 Seasons resort being built near the Fort behind the golf course. The report was that the resort (which is being built in the exclusive Golden Oaks community of million dollar second homes) was so tall it could be seen from the Fort campsites.

I checked it out yesterday and from 1800 and 1900 over there and couldn't see it. Maybe the trees have leafed out enough to block the view. However, when leaving the Fort near the overflow parking lot automatic gate, once through the gate you can see it.

I went for another 5k jog/walk that I had mapped out. Basically this was down the nature trail near Wilderness Lodge, out the road to the TTC, out the back of the TTC bus parking lot toward the Contemporary, under the Bay Lake-Seven Seas Lagoon channel, around to the entrance to the MK, then over to the Contemporary to ride the boat back to the Fort. The steam train was coming into the Main Street Station at 7:05am this morning as I was going by so I snapped a picture of it. And a picture of my string bag to prove I was there. Or at least, it was.

While waiting at the CR dock for the boat to the Fort, one of the big boats came through the pass (they were training a new captain so no colored pennant and no passengers on it). But note the two pontoon boats (one on either side) that were the paid fishing excursion folks. I bet when that big boat cruises through the fish run for cover. :laughing:

Finally my limo pulls up. I am the only person on the ride back to the Fort.

Also from the CR dock, you can see the tip top of the aforementioned 4 Seasons. How much you want to bet a restaurant will go up top along with some expensive suites and you can watch the MK fireworks from up there?

After a bite of breakfast I set off on my bike. It's Sunday morning and lots of folks are packing up to go home. The first stop was the Meadow pool.

Here is the tank at the slide. As was discussed here years ago, the tank is the same one that was back at River Country. But this tank never served the old FW railroad. The logo on the tank says FWRR but it is not the real logo that was used on the FWRR.

This is the mythological FWRR graphic:

And here is the real authentic FWRR graphic (also referred to as a drumhead IIRC).

Lastly for this thread, here is the post that challenges me when I bike ride. It is on the bridge near the pool and tennis courts headed over toward 1500. As you can see it's a pedestrian bridge and not meant for golf carts. I take my bike over it but I always worry about my handle bars clipping the post or the side rail. If they did, the bike would decelerate quickly but I'm afraid my spleen would keep going. So I mentally cross my fingers every time I cross it.

More on the bike ride later.

Bama Ed


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