Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread - Take 2

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I did 10 miles in the "hamster wheel" today. It was too icy to go outside so I went to the track. I hate to say this because I support anyone's desire to get fit at any level, but right after New Years is always such a rough time for those of us continuing our fitness plan. Whether it's gym etiquette, track etiquette, bike path, etc. These newbies don't know the rules and some are great learners but others...:furious: I almost knocked this girl down today and I felt terrible about it. We have a 3 lane track and the signs couldn't be more clear that walkers belong on the inside and runners on the outside. Never fails there wil be a group of 2-3 people who want to walk next to each other and then you get one or two walkers who just willy-nilly walk anywhere. Well, it's all fine and well until they clump:crowded: together and then you collide trying to get around them. It wasn't pretty!!!! I asked the girl at the front desk to put up a few more signs asking walkers to stay on the inside. I thought there were more, but she said she thinks they took them down to clean and probably forgot to put them back up. I looked for the girl to apologize but she was gone. I hope I didn't scare her from her goals.

Oh, as to our Hot Chocolate runners, don't let that experience dissuade you! I signed up to run it this year in Chicago and didn't because of my bum knee but I heard nothing but bad things and then when I talked to others, they said it's generally a poorly run event with lots of drama. Don't take today's experience and let it get you down. Like all things, Disney does it better!!!!

I run on an indoor track as well so I can completely relate to what you experienced!! I've switched to early morning runs to avoid the crowds because people do not respect the track and I was very worried I'm gonna get hurt, or hurt someone else. :furious:

I am so excited for the Princess half..finally bought my plane ticket. I'm arriving Friday evening and leaving Sunday evening. I'm going after my Coast to Coast - running Tinker Bell on Sunday!!! :banana: But right now, I'm fighting off whatever illness I've caught.
Princess on the Run said:
I know we've talked about this before but I must have been spacing out since before my ITBS issues I didn't do intervals. I would just run for as long as I can and then walk a bit and then run some more. On a short run day, I run the whole 5K without walking at all. On a long run, I aim to run the first 5K and then let myself walk .1 or so and then from there I kind of play mind games saying "You have to run at least _____ before you can walk again." At the end of it, I run more than I walk. But as I am increasing distance after PT, I am finding intervals to be helpful in keeping my ITBS in check.

Yesterday in the hamster wheel, I did 4 laps running and 1 lap walking for 10 miles. I found it was hard to get into the run at first whereas normally during the 1st mile I find my pace. With all the transitions, it took me almost 3 miles to get into a good groove. Is that normal? Toward the end, I felt very energized like I could easily keep going, so I am assuming that overall it's a good strategy. But it was so hard to get into it. Is that normal for those of you used to run/walking? Will it get easier? Or do you think I should modify and run a few miles before stating my intervals just to get myself in a groove?

And also, how frequent are the pace groups at PHM? I normally use my phone app to help me pace but my plan is to have that in my spibelt and carry my camera instead. I'll take it out now and again to check, but I don't want to be looking every 4 minutes to do interval training.

Yea, this is totally normal for me. The first 2-3 miles are the hardest but then I find my groove. I do significantly more running for my short runs in that my running intervals are about 3 times longer than what I use for long runs. Doing this has helped me get into my groove sooner for the long runs, making them much easier. I figure, I'm not going to find my groove during short runs anyway so might as well run as much as I can stand, as hard as I can stand it. The effect this strategy has had on my long runs has been remarkable, for me anyway. Lol
I hate to say this because I support anyone's desire to get fit at any level, but right after New Years is always such a rough time for those of us continuing our fitness plan. Whether it's gym etiquette, track etiquette, bike path, etc. These newbies don't know the rules and some are great learners but others...:furious:
+1. ::yes:: In my case, it's the new bikes at the nature park I run. Mostly retirees who feel they own the road, whether on two wheels or four, and kids with their first bike or bigger bike. The signs clearly indicate pedestrians on one side and wheels on the other and there's enough room for two bikers and two pedestrians to pass each other side by side, but the retiree bikers are dead-set on being on their right, no matter what the signs say. I was cruising down my side of the path Saturday and an oncoming biker never moved out of my way - I had to dodge at the last minute to get out of the way! Ridiculous. :sad2:

Is that normal for those of you used to run/walking? Will it get easier? Or do you think I should modify and run a few miles before stating my intervals just to get myself in a groove?
Yea, this is totally normal for me. The first 2-3 miles are the hardest but then I find my groove. I do significantly more running for my short runs...

Ditto that for me. When I was doing my longer run intervals (pre-ITBS), I found my groove by the end of the first mile on long runs, but having reduced my running intervals, I don't really "feel" it until 2 or 3.
Another Princess here debating the rest of my training plan. Right now my long runs look like this:

9-10 miles (this week)
11-12 miles
10K race
12-13 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half

I have serious concerns about those back-to-back long run weeks followed by a 10K race. The last two back-to-back long weeks totaled me; my muscles simply stopped recovering altogether and I've been exhausted ever since. Now, much of that is due to an auto-immune issue that's flaring up big-time due to stress, but that means I need even more rest to battle it. So I'm thinking this is a better bet:

9-10 miles this week
4-5 miles
10K race
11-12 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half

I was at the outdoor track yesterday, to get my 11 miles in. It's a half mile loop. The third time around I noticed the water bottles which dh and I left by the fence had disappeared! Really! So annoyed. We had written our initials on top, so it's not like they looked as if they belonged to nobody.
PrincessV said:
Another Princess here debating the rest of my training plan. Right now my long runs look like this:

9-10 miles (this week)
11-12 miles
10K race
12-13 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half

I have serious concerns about those back-to-back long run weeks followed by a 10K race. The last two back-to-back long weeks totaled me; my muscles simply stopped recovering altogether and I've been exhausted ever since. Now, much of that is due to an auto-immune issue that's flaring up big-time due to stress, but that means I need even more rest to battle it. So I'm thinking this is a better bet:

9-10 miles this week
4-5 miles
10K race
11-12 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half


I like your amended plan better! I think I may do something similar. So far I've managed to stay almost completely injury free except for a few twinges here and there that I've found I can manage by rolling and stretching. I really don't want to overdo it now, causing injury. I understand "cramming" miles in is one common pitfall of being in the late stages of training. I'm thinking conservative is the way to go.
Another Princess here debating the rest of my training plan. Right now my long runs look like this:

9-10 miles this week
4-5 miles
10K race
11-12 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half


This is a better plan. Do not to high miles back to back, you will set yourself up of injury going in to the Princess.

I did 10 on Saturday and my knees are still sore at work.

My plan is
6 (1/19)
11 (1/26)
7 (2/2)
12 (2/9)
6.5-7 (2/16)
Another Princess here debating the rest of my training plan. Right now my long runs look like this:

9-10 miles (this week)
11-12 miles
10K race
12-13 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half

I have serious concerns about those back-to-back long run weeks followed by a 10K race. The last two back-to-back long weeks totaled me; my muscles simply stopped recovering altogether and I've been exhausted ever since. Now, much of that is due to an auto-immune issue that's flaring up big-time due to stress, but that means I need even more rest to battle it. So I'm thinking this is a better bet:

9-10 miles this week
4-5 miles
10K race
11-12 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half

I agree with pull back weeks for recovery. I would make the shorter runs a little more intense than the LR.
I know we've talked about this before but I must have been spacing out since before my ITBS issues I didn't do intervals. I would just run for as long as I can and then walk a bit and then run some more. On a short run day, I run the whole 5K without walking at all. On a long run, I aim to run the first 5K and then let myself walk .1 or so and then from there I kind of play mind games saying "You have to run at least _____ before you can walk again." At the end of it, I run more than I walk. But as I am increasing distance after PT, I am finding intervals to be helpful in keeping my ITBS in check.

Yesterday in the hamster wheel, I did 4 laps running and 1 lap walking for 10 miles. I found it was hard to get into the run at first whereas normally during the 1st mile I find my pace. With all the transitions, it took me almost 3 miles to get into a good groove. Is that normal? Toward the end, I felt very energized like I could easily keep going, so I am assuming that overall it's a good strategy. But it was so hard to get into it. Is that normal for those of you used to run/walking? Will it get easier? Or do you think I should modify and run a few miles before stating my intervals just to get myself in a groove?

And also, how frequent are the pace groups at PHM? I normally use my phone app to help me pace but my plan is to have that in my spibelt and carry my camera instead. I'll take it out now and again to check, but I don't want to be looking every 4 minutes to do interval training.

I live up north as well and I run exclusively in an indoor track because I'm a giant wuss. So as for your previous post, I can completely relate. The runners have certain lanes and the walkers have certain lanes and there are always clumps of walkers that walk three across - right into the runners lanes. Grrr! :sad2: And also, there are basketball courts in the middle of the track (there are nets around the inside so the basketballs don't roll out) and they walk across the track to get to the water fountains without even looking to see if there are runners coming or they'll just stand in the middle of the lanes.

I also take a little while to find my groove when I start out. When I first got the ok to start running after injury I'd walk 4 laps, run 3 (7 laps for a mile). Then gradually increased run time so it was walk 1 lap, run 6. But I find it so hard to start running again after doing the walk because I still get a little pain. I did an 8 mile on Saturday and I did two laps walking for a warm up and then started my watch and began running. I figured I'd stop and walk/water after three miles. As I got further and further into my run I felt good but got scared that I wouldn't be able to start running again after walking so I just kept going! I ran the whole darn thing even though I didn't mean to! And for some reason, it all felt pretty good after the first three. But I'll take that!
sherekhan said:
I had also figured this out as this is the fundraiser we have for Shot@Life. I organized it last year and now I'm bailing on them. At least I'm running for the same charity! Here's pictures of us "winning Oscars" at last year's party.
Anyway, I'm resigned that we'll be at the MK (extra magic hours are that evening, too) until the kids or mommy poop out. Maybe we'll be back for some of it due to the time zone lateness.

I love that you made an Oscar Party fundraiser! Love that you all dressed up too:) I will totally support your charity! As for the show, I'm just gonna have to DVR it. We're celebrating DD turning 5 that night at CRT, then Wishes and extra magic hours, so no shot at catching it.
Yesterday in the hamster wheel, I did 4 laps running and 1 lap walking for 10 miles. I found it was hard to get into the run at first whereas normally during the 1st mile I find my pace. With all the transitions, it took me almost 3 miles to get into a good groove. Is that normal? Toward the end, I felt very energized like I could easily keep going, so I am assuming that overall it's a good strategy. But it was so hard to get into it. Is that normal for those of you used to run/walking? Will it get easier? Or do you think I should modify and run a few miles before stating my intervals just to get myself in a groove?

And also, how frequent are the pace groups at PHM? I normally use my phone app to help me pace but my plan is to have that in my spibelt and carry my camera instead. I'll take it out now and again to check, but I don't want to be looking every 4 minutes to do interval training.

It usually takes me only a mile before I can get into a groove, but I've been doing intervals for quite a while. However, I used to do 1 mile intervals, walk for 1 minute, so I wasn't stopping and starting so often. Since I have been getting back into the swing of things from being off most of the summer, I switched to half mile intervals and I'm pretty happy with that right now. It might just take some getting used to.

I don't believe the pace groups (if they have them this year; there was chatter that they would not) do intervals. I just look at my watch for my timing, but as I'm sure you are getting from a lot of others, there are tons of apps that you can set. However, that would require you to keep the phone out of the spibelt, b/c there is a whole lot of beeping going on at this race!
I asked Clifs and they said no pace groups at the halves- only able to support marathons right now (fulls)

So I don't think there will be official pace groups

Now unofficial groups may have pacers you could follow. My online running group had pacers at marathon weekend and they said they nailed their pace. But the groups would stop for pics, then go sprinting when needed to make up pace- so they weren't like normal pace groups. Still finished in their times with pics but were not doing a steady 12 min mile for example.
Has anyone heard if New Balance will have the Disney shoes at the PHM expo? The more I look at them, the more I want them!:earsboy:

I even think I like the men's shoe better than the ladies because it has the Mickey heads. Glad a have a wide foot!
Mommy to Two Princes said:
Has anyone heard if New Balance will have the Disney shoes at the PHM expo? The more I look at them, the more I want them!:earsboy:

I even think I like the men's shoe better than the ladies because it has the Mickey heads. Glad a have a wide foot!

I chatted on Fb with someone who said she wants to buy them at the expo... She also said that they will be $125. I assume she isn't just speculating.... So I took it to mean that they would be sold for $125 at the expo
Has anyone heard if New Balance will have the Disney shoes at the PHM expo? The more I look at them, the more I want them!:earsboy:

I even think I like the men's shoe better than the ladies because it has the Mickey heads. Glad a have a wide foot!

I was thinking the same about the men's shoe. I heard they will have them at the Tink expo this weekend, I would imagine if they can produce them fast enough they'll be looking to make money off of those of us who like to spend $ at the expo.
Has anyone heard if New Balance will have the Disney shoes at the PHM expo? The more I look at them, the more I want them!:earsboy:

I even think I like the men's shoe better than the ladies because it has the Mickey heads. Glad a have a wide foot!

They sold out first day of marathon expo. I talked to rep and she said they totally missed it but they would have more at the PHM. And yes $125
Can anyone who has ITband syndrome try to explain what it feels like? Its what the dr and PT diagnosed me with, but I'm just not sure I agree with it. I can foam roll my ITband all day and don't find a single spot that hurts (and I've heard that foam rolling the ITband hurts!). They show me stretches that should be slightly painful, and they're not. Yet after the half today, my knee once again is killing me. I've been icing off and on all day but still have a heavy limp. My pain is on the outside of the knee (which is why it leads to the ITband thought) but it feels like its the actual bone to me. It doesn't hurt above or below the side of the knee, but the bone right where it bends. I'm so frustrated that nothing in PT worked. And I have an other 5k on Saturday.

Mine is the exact same way. After long runs, my right knee kills. It's on the outside of the kneecap, and sometimes around the bottom and top on that side. Up until yesterday, it has only really been after long runs that it hurt. But yesterday it was after mile 4 that it got really bad, I had to stop and walk a lot and all day after, I could barely walk. Bought a foam roller and rolled my hip and thigh and it felt better this morning. Not completely, but better. I went to the chiropractor today and he worked a bit on it and it feels so much better. I'm going to be rolling that area out more, and seeing my chiro weekly between now and PHM, to hopefully avoid being in pain for the half.
I run on an indoor track as well so I can completely relate to what you experienced!! I've switched to early morning runs to avoid the crowds because people do not respect the track and I was very worried I'm gonna get hurt, or hurt someone else. :furious:

I am so excited for the Princess half..finally bought my plane ticket. I'm arriving Friday evening and leaving Sunday evening. I'm going after my Coast to Coast - running Tinker Bell on Sunday!!! :banana: But right now, I'm fighting off whatever illness I've caught.

Good luck at Tink !:cool1: Loved reading your blog on your Disneyland race...good inspiration for us newbies! :)

Another Princess here debating the rest of my training plan. Right now my long runs look like this:

9-10 miles (this week)
11-12 miles
10K race
12-13 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half

I have serious concerns about those back-to-back long run weeks followed by a 10K race. The last two back-to-back long weeks totaled me; my muscles simply stopped recovering altogether and I've been exhausted ever since. Now, much of that is due to an auto-immune issue that's flaring up big-time due to stress, but that means I need even more rest to battle it. So I'm thinking this is a better bet:

9-10 miles this week
4-5 miles
10K race
11-12 miles
4-5 miles
Princess Half


Since I am a newbie (and exercise asthma!) here is the training schedule my running coach gave me based on this being my first and the goal to get me across the finish line in the allotted time.

10 mi last week
7 mi this week
Hero Half Marathon in San Antonio 27 Jan
7 mi 2 Feb
8 mi 9 Feb
6 Mi 16 Feb
And then PHM ! Yeah!

My three maitenance runs during the week are 4-6 mi varying with pick ups and hills. :( Running coach didn't want me over training and wanted my muscle recovery to be good. I do have to say the next day after my recent 10 mil I felt GREAT!

Right now DH and I are doing between a 12:49 and 13:24 on our long runs. Cooler means shorter time, humidity longer time. Since I do most of my training on a TM (life in the country means no street lights etc. ) I have the TM at a 1.5% incline and find my time is right around 13:45 for training yet my longer runs outside are shorter...Go figure! :confused3

I am also doing an interval of 2:2 and have done variations during my training. I think if I had gone to Doc sooner and gotten the Albuterol I might actually be able to do a 4 or 5 min and 1 in walk but I will take what I can right now!
I actually started doing intervals about 6 months ago because of ITBS and asthma issues, so I have some thoughts! :) I found it really hard to get into the groove of my run when I first started doing intervals, but now it's not a problem, so I think you might get used to it as you do it more. But if it doesn't bother your IT band, you could try out running a mile or two and then doing intervals. The nice thing about intervals is the flexibility.

Yea, this is totally normal for me. The first 2-3 miles are the hardest but then I find my groove. I do significantly more running for my short runs in that my running intervals are about 3 times longer than what I use for long runs. Doing this has helped me get into my groove sooner for the long runs, making them much easier. I figure, I'm not going to find my groove during short runs anyway so might as well run as much as I can stand, as hard as I can stand it. The effect this strategy has had on my long runs has been remarkable, for me anyway. Lol

Ditto that for me. When I was doing my longer run intervals (pre-ITBS), I found my groove by the end of the first mile on long runs, but having reduced my running intervals, I don't really "feel" it until 2 or 3.

I also take a little while to find my groove when I start out. When I first got the ok to start running after injury I'd walk 4 laps, run 3 (7 laps for a mile). Then gradually increased run time so it was walk 1 lap, run 6. But I find it so hard to start running again after doing the walk because I still get a little pain. I did an 8 mile on Saturday and I did two laps walking for a warm up and then started my watch and began running. I figured I'd stop and walk/water after three miles. As I got further and further into my run I felt good but got scared that I wouldn't be able to start running again after walking so I just kept going! I ran the whole darn thing even though I didn't mean to! And for some reason, it all felt pretty good after the first three. But I'll take that!

It usually takes me only a mile before I can get into a groove, but I've been doing intervals for quite a while. However, I used to do 1 mile intervals, walk for 1 minute, so I wasn't stopping and starting so often. Since I have been getting back into the swing of things from being off most of the summer, I switched to half mile intervals and I'm pretty happy with that right now. It might just take some getting used to.

Thanks ladies! I guess I'm doing it right then if it's the same for everyone. I think what I will try next time is running a mile or 2 and then intervals and see if that works better, worse or the same I just hate the thought of wasting precious time that I could be standing in line for pictures!!!:cutie:

Another Princess here debating the rest of my training plan. Right now my long runs look like this:

I have serious concerns about those back-to-back long run weeks followed by a 10K race. The last two back-to-back long weeks totaled me; my muscles simply stopped recovering altogether and I've been exhausted ever since. Now, much of that is due to an auto-immune issue that's flaring up big-time due to stress, but that means I need even more rest to battle it. So I'm thinking this is a better bet:

I think your revised plan looks a little more doable given everything going on.

I was at the outdoor track yesterday, to get my 11 miles in. It's a half mile loop. The third time around I noticed the water bottles which dh and I left by the fence had disappeared! Really! So annoyed. We had written our initials on top, so it's not like they looked as if they belonged to nobody.

:furious: What is wrong with people!?!?!?!

I don't believe the pace groups (if they have them this year; there was chatter that they would not) do intervals. I just look at my watch for my timing, but as I'm sure you are getting from a lot of others, there are tons of apps that you can set. However, that would require you to keep the phone out of the spibelt, b/c there is a whole lot of beeping going on at this race!

Yeah, I have apps but I was hoping to not have to keep my phone out. Hmmm, may need to use the mile markers or something else.

I asked Clifs and they said no pace groups at the halves- only able to support marathons right now (fulls)

So I don't think there will be official pace groups

Now unofficial groups may have pacers you could follow. My online running group had pacers at marathon weekend and they said they nailed their pace. But the groups would stop for pics, then go sprinting when needed to make up pace- so they weren't like normal pace groups. Still finished in their times with pics but were not doing a steady 12 min mile for example.

Oooh, this is what I need!!! I'm willing to haul tutu when needed if it means getting all the pics I want.
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