Should This Woman Have Her Life Ruined Because She Posted a Stupid Photo on Her Own F

If I was their boss, I would fire both of them.

First for doing something like that on company time and the company dime.
Second for being so incredibly disrespectful.
Third because they are obviously both stupid and lacking in any kind of judgement and I wouldn't want a stupid person working for me.

Freedom of sppech? They can speak as freely as they want and then they can suffer the consequences of their free speech.

There really is no pill that cures stupid, but oh how I wish there was!
Everyone has the right to voice their displeasure at someone's actions but to contact their employer and demand they be fired???? What if YOU(general you) did something offensive and others caught wind of it and were offended and demanded that you be fired??? Sound fair? People that do business with your company that do not tolerate drinking and there is a pic of you enjoying some cocktails with your friends on you deserve to get fired? I don't give a crap if she works for a non-profit or one has the right to demand someone be fired because they are offended by behavior that is outside of their comfort zone. Once again, America turning into a police state:duck:

People boycott business all the time when they do something that people don't agree with. May I remind you of all the boycotting called for during the Chick fil A anti gay issue. It is essentially the same thing, the public thinks if you boycott enough the business will lose money and be forced to shut down, no different than being fired. Plus as I understand it, this person was on a company trip, I maybe wrong. Employers can an do investigate your Facebook, it can help or hurt you in your employment.
Everyone has the right to voice their displeasure at someone's actions but to contact their employer and demand they be fired???? What if YOU(general you) did something offensive and others caught wind of it and were offended and demanded that you be fired??? Sound fair? People that do business with your company that do not tolerate drinking and there is a pic of you enjoying some cocktails with your friends on you deserve to get fired? I don't give a crap if she works for a non-profit or one has the right to demand someone be fired because they are offended by behavior that is outside of their comfort zone. Once again, America turning into a police state:duck:

If I drank at work and damaged the reputation of my employer by doing something embarrassing or disrespectful of others, there could be a correlation. Also, if she was in DC on her own time and money, I don't think contacting her employer would be appropriate. However, like it or not, employees are the face of the companies that employ them and this was done while supposedly "working," and the blowback is going to impact the employer. Consequently, I think anyone that supports or is involved with LIFE has the right to voice their displeasure and their vote for her dismissal or, counter to that, their support for her continued employment. Whether LIFE wishes to listen to those voices is their choice.
People boycott business all the time when they do something that people don't agree with. May I remind you of all the boycotting called for during the Chick fil A anti gay issue. It is essentially the same thing, the public thinks if you boycott enough the business will lose money and be forced to shut down, no different than being fired. Plus as I understand it, this person was on a company trip, I maybe wrong. Employers can an do investigate your Facebook, it can help or hurt you in your employment.

Yes, she and seven (iirc) staff members were there with forty of their clients. Also, as someone mentioned previously, LIFE's clients include disabled veterans.
As an employer, it wouldn't matter if I discovered the picture or it was brought to my attention, the end result would be the same. She and the other employee would be terminated. She even gives an additional reason when she refers to herself as a d-bag.

The FB approach may have been over the top, but that is the nature of social media and the times we live in. We may not like it, but it's pretty much a fact of life.

At most, she'll suffer some short-term embarassment, as it's not as if she'll be anything more than a footnote in less than a week, so losing her job is not going to ruin her life in the long run.
Sorry, that's a slippery slope I'm not willing to go down.

If someone does something I disagree with, that doesn't give me the right to believe they should be fired.

Are you gay? Cheating on your spouse? Living together without being married? All things people may disagree with, but they don't have the right to call for you to be fired.

*general you

I don't really understand what you mean I think.

Of course you have the right to believe whatever - and to 'demand' someone be fired for being gay or cheating or anything else. No one has to go along with your demands.

I don't honestly care about the sign or 'disrespecting' the military, personally. I'm personally more offended by her apparent smoking next to a no smoking sign.

I just think she's an idiot because she finds doing this stuff not only funny but thinks it's somehow questioning authority or whatever.

This whole thing is sortof similar to the racist teens being outted online. Aside from every other way they're dumb, that they seem to think the stuff they say is witty or funny when it's demonstrably not (not not funny because it's racist, just plain old not even funny), is pathetic.
Not sure what the controversy about her losing her job is. She's dumb as a box of rocks. Stupid people get fired every day.
One small action should not loose a job for either of them. Come on lighten up she didn't commit murder she was just being daft. I suppose all of you who said yes have never ever done anything wrong in your lives. Where on earth did americans get this prudishness from?
PaulaSB12 said:
I suppose all of you who said yes have never ever done anything wrong in your lives. Where on earth did americans get this prudishness from?

I can say I have NEVER done anything disrespectful at any cemetery let alone Arlington National Cemetery.

She was on a work trip with persons with disabilities. Being out in public with clients means you should always try to be on your best behavior and use good decision making skills. She not only disrespected the cemetery, she disrespected the veterans buried there, the clients that were with her, and the non profit she works for.

Maybe if she had even cared one bit that people might think the picture was in poor taste people would feel differently about it. Her "haters gonna hate" comment leads people to believe she doesn't have a clue. Having poor judgement skills on the job with persons with disabilities is what bothers me the most.
I can say I have NEVER done anything disrespectful at any cemetery let alone Arlington National Cemetery.

She was on a work trip with persons with disabilities. Being out in public with clients means you should always try to be on your best behavior and use good decision making skills. She not only disrespected the cemetery, she disrespected the veterans buried there, the clients that were with her, and the non profit she works for.

Maybe if she had even cared one bit that people might think the picture was in poor taste people would feel differently about it. Her "haters gonna hate" comment leads people to believe she doesn't have a clue. Having poor judgement skills on the job with persons with disabilities is what bothers me the most.

Can I ask if any of you liked the books of Mary Shelley author of Frankenstein? When she first fell in love with Shelley they showed this by having sex on her mother's grave. People do stupid things if we are going to get outraged about everything all its going to do is give you high blood pressure. If this had been ignored no one would have known and been offended so just ignore it and everyone get on with their life and let her go back to obscurity. Would I have sacked them NO.
This discussion absolutely fascinates me, and not in a good way. We see people on the Dis and IRL decrying the lack of respect people have towards others, that parents refuse to enforce consequences for misbehavior, and that there is a general lack taking responsibility for one's actions. Then, when someone actually might suffer consequences for their actions, many posters say that it was just one small mistake and she shouldn't be held accountable. You can't have it both ways.
Sorry, that's a slippery slope I'm not willing to go down.

If someone does something I disagree with, that doesn't give me the right to believe they should be fired.

Are you gay? Cheating on your spouse? Living together without being married? All things people may disagree with, but they don't have the right to call for you to be fired.

*general you

If I recall weren't you very supportive of the Chik Fil A boycott??? I am not sure that people withdrawing support to this nonprofit until she is fired is any different. I am not saying either is right in my book but not sure how they are any different.
I think she is so foolish, mean-spirited, insensitive to the feelings of others and ignorant as to socially appropriate behavior that it would be malpractice to allow her to continue working with the vulnerable population with whom she currently works. God forbid she uses her clients as props in one of her ignorant and insensitive pictures.

I understand that there are ignorant, stupid, uneducated, insensitive and foolish people in the world (sometimes they are all of the above, sometimes they are a few of the above, as the traits are linked but not always mutually inclusive), but they are not guaranteed jobs any more than the next person!
This discussion absolutely fascinates me, and not in a good way. We see people on the Dis and IRL decrying the lack of respect people have towards others, that parents refuse to enforce consequences for misbehavior, and that there is a general lack taking responsibility for one's actions. Then, when someone actually might suffer consequences for their actions, many posters say that it was just one small mistake and she shouldn't be held accountable. You can't have it both ways.


If I drank at work and damaged the reputation of my employer by doing something embarrassing or disrespectful of others, there could be a correlation. Also, if she was in DC on her own time and money, I don't think contacting her employer would be appropriate. However, like it or not, employees are the face of the companies that employ them and this was done while supposedly "working," and the blowback is going to impact the employer. Consequently, I think anyone that supports or is involved with LIFE has the right to voice their displeasure and their vote for her dismissal or, counter to that, their support for her continued employment. Whether LIFE wishes to listen to those voices is their choice.

Absolutely! Maybe now she will think twice before 'defying authority'.
donaldlovesdaisy said:
If I recall weren't you very supportive of the Chik Fil A boycott??? I am not sure that people withdrawing support to this nonprofit until she is fired is any different. I am not saying either is right in my book but not sure how they are any different.

Yes, I was. There is no comparison between being disrespectful/doing something stupid and being homophobic.

I also never demanded the man lose his job.
What she did was also against the law. She could have been arrested. Is that what she should be doing while working? Her job is to take care and be a role model for those she watches.

Would this be tolerated if she were to do something uncouth at the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace? From my research - absolutely not!
Yes, I was. There is no comparison between being disrespectful/doing something stupid and being homophobic.

I also never demanded the man lose his job.

No only that his company go under which is way worse IMOP. I guess that for many in America the idea of free speech only becomes valid when it is convenient for them or falls in line with their particular views and beliefs.
I am guessing this woman has already learned a very valuable lesson about posting stupid things on Facebook. Taking an offensive photo while touring is not something worthy of firing a person (unless she was degrading her own workplace/logo). Maybe her boss should have her give an apology and explaination to the other adults she was with, but other than that it's really not anyone's business. If she worked for some veteran's organization that would be a whole other story. JMHO.
People boycott business all the time when they do something that people don't agree with. May I remind you of all the boycotting called for during the Chick fil A anti gay issue. It is essentially the same thing, the public thinks if you boycott enough the business will lose money and be forced to shut down, no different than being fired. Plus as I understand it, this person was on a company trip, I maybe wrong. Employers can an do investigate your Facebook, it can help or hurt you in your employment.

I was thinking the exact same thing...many of these same posters wanted to crucify ChickFilA but what this lady did should not be a fireable offense:confused3

She did this on her employers dime, her employer certainly can (and I hope they do) fire her. And everyone is entitled to express their opinion of her being fired or not being fired.

I think this would be a much diffferent scenario if she was on a personal trip, still disrespectful and disgusting but maybe not a fireable offense.

And even if her page was Friends Only I can tell you she would not longer be my "friend"

Free speech and poor judgement have consquences!
Tinker'n'Fun said:
What she did was also against the law. She could have been arrested. Is that what she should be doing while working? Her job is to take care and be a role model for those she watches.

Would this be tolerated if she were to do something uncouth at the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace? From my research - absolutely not!

How is flipping off a sign against the law?


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