Should This Woman Have Her Life Ruined Because She Posted a Stupid Photo on Her Own F

No I saw that - but took it as she was making fun of the SIGN. Not a flip off to the Armed Forces.

Terrible judgement, but I do not think she meant anything by that. If she was really wanting slap the military in the face - screaming might have been more effective.
If the point was to slap the miliary in the face, then take the photo in front of a recruitment office -- not in a cemetary and certainly not at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

And if she doesn't get why what she did is so disrespectful, then perhaps a swing by the Visitor Center so that someone can explain it to her would be appropriate. It's one thing to "disrespect" a "No Smoking" sign (or a "No Stopping, Standing, Parking" sign). And another altogether to joke around in a military cemetery. She's certainly old enough to know that.

I think she's stupid for not realizing that people wouldn't "get" the joke (which I believe is at the expense of the sign...not the military, the country, or the unknown soldier). From just looking at the photo, it appears to me she's poking fun at a sign...a sign that could have been anywhere. As a poster above stated, she could've found a "no loitering" sign and taken a picture pf herself loitering next to it.
If the point was to slap the miliary in the face, then take the photo in front of a recruitment office -- not in a cemetary and certainly not at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

And if she doesn't get why what she did is so disrespectful, then perhaps a swing by the Visitor Center so that someone can explain it to her would be appropriate. It's one thing to "disrespect" a "No Smoking" sign (or a "No Stopping, Standing, Parking" sign). And another altogether to joke around in a military cemetery. She's certainly old enough to know that.


She might not get it. When people first saw the picture and got upset, she posted, "I don't see what the fuss is about" and "Haters gonna hate". Clueless
I "get" her joke. A lot of people take funny pictures in front of signs doing the opposite of what the sign says. Hardly innovative any longer.

It is the venue of her choosing that leads me to think she was full of disrespect for our soldiers. Adding the middle finger adds to that, too.
Here is why I have a problem with her choices: she was on a work related trip and her boss took the ugly picture, she works in a non-profit with special needs people which relies on donations from the public and my last reason is purely personal. Who the hell is she to go into any cemetary and flip the bird like she is freaking awesome?!

I don't care that it was a military cemetary or some local cemetary; her trashy actions just shows what kind of low class *** she really is. I'd like to see her have a nice meeting with some of the families of those buried in Arlington. I'm sure they could teach her a thing or two about class and respect.

Can i give this a LIKE? :thumbsup2
I have no confidence that this person wasn't also taking photos of her special needs clients and sharing with friends "for laffs." If I were her employer, I would let her go. She needs to find other work where she doesn't care for people, since she obviously lacks any sense of humanity.

I'm glad she wasn't at the national military cemetery in South Florida where my husband is buried. His marker is just a simple piece of stone, one of thousands, but under that stone is a man who volunteered for service, who went to Viet Nam twice, who retired from the Army with gunshot scars, and other surgical scars incurred during his service. He also had psychological scars that lasted a lifetime -- nightmares and sweats and sleeplessness. Yet he was so proud of his country and his service. It was foremost in his heart to the day he passed away.

The person in this story has no heart and needs to grow one.
I "get" her joke. A lot of people take funny pictures in front of signs doing the opposite of what the sign says. Hardly innovative any longer.

It is the venue of her choosing that leads me to think she was full of disrespect for our soldiers. Adding the middle finger adds to that, too.

This. Sounds like they were posing in front of signs and didn't think about the location of this one. But once someone complained she should have apologized and recognized what she had done if it was unintentional. It appears with the stupid apology she obviously doesn't understand what she did wrong. Or else is the type that just gets defensvie.
It sure is.

But no one has the right to call for her company to fire her for something *they* disagree with or her life to be "ruined" by what she did.

The decision about her job is up to her employer, not the general public.

They do have the right to call for the company to fire her. They don't have the right to force the company to fire her, but they have the right to say they want it to happen. Ultimately the decision of whether to fire her or not rests with her employer, but the public absolutely has the right to make their wishes known and the employer can choose whether or not to take that into account when making the decision.
Hrhpd said:

I do not think she should lose her job over the actual act of posting the picture. She has every right in the world to be a jerk and all those fine men and women in that cemetery fought for her right to be a jerk.

However, she should absolutely be fired for her conduct while an employee. As a chaperone to people with disabilities, one of the job requirements is to model appropriate public behavior. This was definitely not modeling proper socially appropriate behavior.

And if somebody brings up the argument that the group did not see her take the picture, well, that is also a grievous offense. You do not leave your group of adults with special needs to go off and take a picture.

And when you are chaperoning a group of adults with special needs, there is no "off" time. A trip like this would most likely need you to be with the group at all times. There would not be any down time to go off on your own with another employee to go take pictures. If she did leave the group to go take pictures, again a fireable offense.

If I were a parent who had a child with this organization and they had an employee who thought this was proper behavior to model for the group, I would be pulling my child from the group the next day.

She shirked her work duties, thus should be fired.

I totally agree with this. It was bad judgement to take the pic. But she should be fired because this was inappropriate behavior for someone who is supposed to be acting as a role model.
I don't feel that a Facebook page should have been started over the issue. I agree she was disrespectful and I agree she should be fired, but I also think starting a Facebook page like that is juvenile.
They do have the right to call for the company to fire her. They don't have the right to force the company to fire her, but they have the right to say they want it to happen. Ultimately the decision of whether to fire her or not rests with her employer, but the public absolutely has the right to make their wishes known and the employer can choose whether or not to take that into account when making the decision.

Sorry, that's a slippery slope I'm not willing to go down.

If someone does something I disagree with, that doesn't give me the right to believe they should be fired.

Are you gay? Cheating on your spouse? Living together without being married? All things people may disagree with, but they don't have the right to call for you to be fired.

*general you
I agree. People take silly pictures in front of signs. She just happened to do it in the wrong place with the wrong sign.

Its disturbing that people actually think her life should be ruined because of this photo. Yeah, she should apologize and feel like an idiot, but her life ruined? That's a bit much. Its obvious she wasn't trying to make a disrespectful statement to the military,.

From my perspective, I don't believe it is "obvious" what her intention was.

It sure is.

But no one has the right to call for her company to fire her for something *they* disagree with or her life to be "ruined" by what she did.

The decision about her job is up to her employer, not the general public.

People bombard companies all the time, pushing boycotts for supporting ideas or individuals with whom they differ, unless they change positions or fire spokespersons/employees. Why should her employer be treated differently?
I dont see the humor in what she did but i'm sure it was a case of bad judgement that seemed funny at the time. I am sure we have all been guilty of that at one time or another. Does she deserve to get fired over something posted on a personal Facebook (in my opinion) I realize that things posted on the internet come back to bite you in the *** (one of the reasons I hate Facebook and will never have an account) BUT we need to lighten up on the Facebook crap. Poor judgement...absolutely but not life changing worthy. I sure hope that my every indescretion isn't scrutinized and is capable of getting me fired:confused3
It sure is.

But no one has the right to call for her company to fire her for something *they* disagree with or her life to be "ruined" by what she did.

The decision about her job is up to her employer, not the general public.

Exactly. That really crosses a line. I find what she did very offensive, and I suspect she wouldn't be someone I'd like as a friend. But calling her boss to complain, much less starting a campaign to have her fired is just wrong. Start a campaign to call her a jerk if you must. But unless you have dealings directly with her employer, leave them out of it.
Exactly. That really crosses a line. I find what she did very offensive, and I suspect she wouldn't be someone I'd like as a friend. But calling her boss to complain, much less starting a campaign to have her fired is just wrong. Start a campaign to call her a jerk if you must. But unless you have dealings directly with her employer, leave them out of it.

Her employer, LIFE, is a non-profit. Not sure on their funding, but if taxpayer dollars supports her salary, why shouldn't they voice their displeasure?
I'm going to start taking pictures of people doing stupid, vulgar or offensive things (or record them saying stupid, vulgar or offensive things) and petitioning their employers to fire them. Why should we stop at one idiot on Facebook?

Seems there are tattletales outside of the DIS after all.
Exactly. That really crosses a line. I find what she did very offensive, and I suspect she wouldn't be someone I'd like as a friend. But calling her boss to complain, much less starting a campaign to have her fired is just wrong. Start a campaign to call her a jerk if you must. But unless you have dealings directly with her employer, leave them out of it.

I have read both her and the woman who took the picture have had their addresses and phone numbers posted online.

The have issued public apology. People just seem to want blood. The whole Facebook campaign to get her fired is so lame. Its actually ridiculous that with all the problems with cyber bullying, people think a Facebook page (to get these woman fired and talk about how horrible they are) is just fine. Is this now how adults behave?

She did something jerky. She looks like an immature idiot. They issued an apology. Let it go.
I'm going to start taking pictures of people doing stupid, vulgar or offensive things (or record them saying stupid, vulgar or offensive things) and petitioning their employers to fire them. Why should we stop at one idiot on Facebook?

Seems there are tattletales outside of the DIS after all.

If the "idiot" does something while employed on someone else's dime, yeah, anyone who contributes to/does business with that employer has the right to voice their displeasure. ColorofChange does this all the time.
If the "idiot" does something while employed on someone else's dime, yeah, anyone who contributes to/does business with that employer has the right to voice their displeasure. ColorofChange does this all the time.

Everyone has the right to voice their displeasure at someone's actions but to contact their employer and demand they be fired???? What if YOU(general you) did something offensive and others caught wind of it and were offended and demanded that you be fired??? Sound fair? People that do business with your company that do not tolerate drinking and there is a pic of you enjoying some cocktails with your friends on you deserve to get fired? I don't give a crap if she works for a non-profit or one has the right to demand someone be fired because they are offended by behavior that is outside of their comfort zone. Once again, America turning into a police state:duck:


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