Holy Cow! Chik-fil-a Backed Down

Where did they backpedal? If true, I'm disappointed.

Also, those against the guy, do you make sure that you know what all Management types support? I seriously don't know.
Where did they backpedal? If true, I'm disappointed.

Also, those against the guy, do you make sure that you know what all Management types support? I seriously don't know.

If you knew, you'd have a LOT fewer places to shop, that's for certain :rotfl:
Well according to the news today, Chikfila has already broken their word. They are just trying to save face and play both sides. Liar liar pants on fire.
Where did they backpedal? If true, I'm disappointed.

Also, those against the guy, do you make sure that you know what all Management types support? I seriously don't know.

Management types support with limited funds. Chic fil a supports with millions. That kind of money can spread a lot of hate.
Why can't they just sell chicken? :confused3

I am a super duper liberal (I know! Who would've guessed?) but it has been pointed out to me that if I insist others not impede on people's rights to live the way they want, love who they want, etc, I would be hypocritical to say I will no longer eat there because I don't agree with what he believes. How can I preach tolerance to others when I won't be tolerant myself? As repulsive as I find those groups, and regardless of how bigoted I believe he is, I feel I would be a hypocrite if I boycotted.

That said, I think years from now people will look back at the whole gay marriage issue and wonder what took so long. My parents generation, now in their 60s-70s are probably the last true generation holding it back. Once they are gone, my generation 40s-50s would probably let it go. My children's generation, 20s, think the entire thing is a non issue and there should not even be a question. We have done a good job, educating our children about equal rights, bigotry and racism, but we must not be complacent. We have not eliminated those problems.
Why can't they just sell chicken? :confused3

I am a super duper liberal (I know! Who would've guessed?) but it has been pointed out to me that if I insist others not impede on people's rights to live the way they want, love who they want, etc, I would be hypocritical to say I will no longer eat there because I don't agree with what he believes. How can I preach tolerance to others when I won't be tolerant myself? As repulsive as I find those groups, and regardless of how bigoted I believe he is, I feel I would be a hypocrite if I boycotted.

That said, I think years from now people will look back at the whole gay marriage issue and wonder what took so long. My parents generation, now in their 60s-70s are probably the last true generation holding it back. Once they are gone, my generation 40s-50s would probably let it go. My children's generation, 20s, think the entire thing is a non issue and there should not even be a question. We have done a good job, educating our children about equal rights, bigotry and racism, but we must not be complacent. We have not eliminated those problems.

I agree. They are more than welcome to their opinion- I don't agree with it, but not everyone has to agree with me. BUT I find their opinion so ugly and hateful I would be a hypocrite if I ate there since a percent of the money I spent would go towards financing violence and hate.
I'm sure there are plenty of business people I don't agree with politically. But when you see millions and millions being funneled into a group that is actively financing something that you find repulsive the responsible thing is to find out where those millions are coming from and not spend your money there. Not to punish the person who has an opinion different than yours, but to make sure that you aren't contributing to the problem.
In my town there are several pizza shops. One of them donates a lot of time and money to animal shelters. The owner is a big animal lover and puts his money where his mouth is. When I want a pie, I can choose between 2 that are equal sistance away, priced about the same, and tastes about the same. I pick the one that donates to the animal shelter because I feel good about a little bit of the money I spend ends up in a good place. At chic fil a A bit of the money ends up in a bad place.
I'm just throwing this out there for discussion, and it's really just an interesting observation to me. FTR, I wholeheartedly support gay marriage, but I generally don't tend to boycott companies for any reason.

I imagine everyone on here uses oil, and approximately 13% comes from the Persian Gulf. And, you can't just choose to use oil only from certain places. Even if you could, the companies you shop from, work for, build your house, etc. wouldn't necessarily use "good" oil.

In much of the Arab world, women are treated as less than animals. Are people boycotting oil because of these human rights issues? It's easy to boycott a greasy, fast-food chicken sandwich, but when it comes to giving up something that most of us consider necessary to our daily lives, I just don't see the same reaction.
I'm just throwing this out there for discussion, and it's really just an interesting observation to me. FTR, I wholeheartedly support gay marriage, but I generally don't tend to boycott companies for any reason.

I imagine everyone on here uses oil, and approximately 13% comes from the Persian Gulf. And, you can't just choose to use oil only from certain places. Even if you could, the companies you shop from, work for, build your house, etc. wouldn't necessarily use "good" oil.

In much of the Arab world, women are treated as less than animals. Are people boycotting oil because of these human rights issues? It's easy to boycott a greasy, fast-food chicken sandwich, but when it comes to giving up something that most of us consider necessary to our daily lives, I just don't see the same reaction.

If the issue had been that some chicken farmers donate to hate groups then it would be a different situation. It would have been near impossible to find out which grocery stores, fast food places, restaurants etc. are buying from the chicken farmers that donate to hate groups. As it stands, we know that Chick Fil A wholly owns a foundation that donates to hate groups. That makes it very easy for people to figure out where not to spend their money that they don't want a portion of funding hate groups.

I've got no problem with the owner's beliefs. He is entitled to them. I would stand by him and defend his right to say and think whatever he feels no matter how much it makes me cringe and throw up a little in my mouth by doing so. I can NOT however, in good conscience eat another waffle fry and know that any portion of my purchase will be directed at supressing the rights of a number of very good friends. My moral code dictates that my friends will always be more important than a waffle fry.

You have stated exactly the reason why oil doesn't get boycotted. We can't choose where it comes from and most don't even know. If I knew for certain that say, ABC Lube Station uses XYZ oil which comes directly from Nameyouroppressivetowomencountry then I could very easily not get oil changes at ABC Lube.
I'm just throwing this out there for discussion, and it's really just an interesting observation to me. FTR, I wholeheartedly support gay marriage, but I generally don't tend to boycott companies for any reason.

I imagine everyone on here uses oil, and approximately 13% comes from the Persian Gulf. And, you can't just choose to use oil only from certain places. Even if you could, the companies you shop from, work for, build your house, etc. wouldn't necessarily use "good" oil.

In much of the Arab world, women are treated as less than animals. Are people boycotting oil because of these human rights issues? It's easy to boycott a greasy, fast-food chicken sandwich, but when it comes to giving up something that most of us consider necessary to our daily lives, I just don't see the same reaction.

For starters it is not about gay marriage. These are hate groups that Chik Fil A donates to.

Huge difference.

I am not one to boycott either due to all the issues with human rights across the board, however when I saw the leaders of these hate groups speak I was so disgusted by WHO Chik Fil A was donating to that I stopped eating there.
I'm just throwing this out there for discussion, and it's really just an interesting observation to me. FTR, I wholeheartedly support gay marriage, but I generally don't tend to boycott companies for any reason.

I imagine everyone on here uses oil, and approximately 13% comes from the Persian Gulf. And, you can't just choose to use oil only from certain places. Even if you could, the companies you shop from, work for, build your house, etc. wouldn't necessarily use "good" oil.

In much of the Arab world, women are treated as less than animals. Are people boycotting oil because of these human rights issues? It's easy to boycott a greasy, fast-food chicken sandwich, but when it comes to giving up something that most of us consider necessary to our daily lives, I just don't see the same reaction.

All the gas we purchase is made from North American crude and refined in Pennsylvania. The company actively advertises the fact, and that is why I use them.
For starters it is not about gay marriage. These are hate groups that Chik Fil A donates to.

Huge difference.

I am not one to boycott either due to all the issues with human rights across the board, however when I saw the leaders of these hate groups speak I was so disgusted by WHO Chik Fil A was donating to that I stopped eating there.

Playing devil's advocate here, but it sounds like you are saying that a company who supports hate groups against homosexuals is worthy of a boycott, but companies supported by governments and religious leaders that allow the beating and killing women for no reason isn't? I just don't see the difference.

All the gas we purchase is made from North American crude and refined in Pennsylvania. The company actively advertises the fact, and that is why I use them.

Is that just for your home, or for all of the energy you use? And, do you only purchase products where where no parts are made in countries where child labor is rampant?

I'm sorry, but all of the folks (in general) who are patting themselves on the back for boycotting someplace that is easy to give up when they don't boycott other businesses that sell/produce things they want just seem incredibly hypocritical to me.
Playing devil's advocate here, but it sounds like you are saying that a company who supports hate groups against homosexuals is worthy of a boycott, but companies supported by governments and religious leaders that allow the beating and killing women for no reason isn't? I just don't see the difference.

The difference is I can make a conscience decision to not support Chik Fil A. I do not need to eat at their restaurant.

I need gas and oil for use in my daily life.

The fact you cannot make a distinction between the two is not my issue but yours alone.
I generally don't tend to boycott companies for any reason.
I'm sorry, but all of the folks (in general) who are patting themselves on the back for boycotting someplace that is easy to give up when they don't boycott other businesses that sell/produce things they want just seem incredibly hypocritical to me.

Let me get this this straight. The people who don't boycott companies and spend their money, knowing that some of it will go to issues they don't agree with are not hypocrites. Those same people that turn around and judge others who do take a stand on issues by boycotting companies are also not hypocrites. But the people who do boycott companies that they find out are supporting issues they don't agree with are the hypocrites :scratchin uhm ... okaaaay ....
I'm still waiting for the source of the news that Chik Fil A intends to keep donating to these groups. Anyone?
Playing devil's advocate here, but it sounds like you are saying that a company who supports hate groups against homosexuals is worthy of a boycott, but companies supported by governments and religious leaders that allow the beating and killing women for no reason isn't? I just don't see the difference.

Is that just for your home, or for all of the energy you use? And, do you only purchase products where where no parts are made in countries where child labor is rampant?

I'm sorry, but all of the folks (in general) who are patting themselves on the back for boycotting someplace that is easy to give up when they don't boycott other businesses that sell/produce things they want just seem incredibly hypocritical to me.

This is that old argument of "Well if you can't change everything why try to change anything?" And you seem to go a step further and say that if you try and change one thing, but not all things than that also makes you a hypocrite.
It would be exceedingly difficult and expensive for the average American family to avoid buying any product that is manufactured in a country (like China and parts of the Middle East) with poor human rights policies.
It is exceedingly easy to give up tasty chicken sandwiches, milkshakes, and waffle fries to further the human rights in this country, and doing so doesn't make you a hypocrite anymore than recycling but not choosing to use a composting toilet does. We all do what we can. Some selfless people do amazingly more, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do anything.

I'm sure you've heard the story of the starfish? A tourist comes upon a man at the beach throwing starfish into the ocean. The sun is getting hot and the starfish that have washed up on the beach will perish if left to dry on the sand. He asks the man "why are you wasting your time with this? There are hundreds of starfish here and you are just one man racing the sun, throwing back these starfish one at a time will hardly make any difference at all!"
To this the man picked up another starfish, tossed it into the ocean, and then turned to the tourist and said "Made a difference to that one."
I'm still waiting for the source of the news that Chik Fil A intends to keep donating to these groups. Anyone?

There was a zillion and one news articles about it yesterday, so just head on over to google and do it up. Dan Cathy tweeted a photo of himself at an event of one of those organizations. And then CHIKFILA released a second statement back peddling on their recent back peddling.
The difference is I can make a conscience decision to not support Chik Fil A. I do not need to eat at their restaurant.

I need gas and oil for use in my daily life.

The fact you cannot make a distinction between the two is not my issue but yours alone.

Thank you, you just proved my point. The fact that you choose to only boycott those companies whose products you can live without cheapens your so-called dedication to your selected cause.

Let me get this this straight. The people who don't boycott companies and spend their money, knowing that some of it will go to issues they don't agree with are not hypocrites. Those same people that turn around and judge others who do take a stand on issues by boycotting companies are also not hypocrites. But the people who do boycott companies that they find out are supporting issues they don't agree with are the hypocrites :scratchin uhm ... okaaaay ....

I don't choose to make my stand by boycotting companies, and I'm (obviously) willing to state that. I work against injustices in other ways.

My posts are referring to those people who have jumped on the boycott bandwagon and put others down who haven't done so, yet continue to financially support other cases of human right abuse in other ways. You can't have it both ways.

I have NO problem whatsoever with people who choose to boycott CFA and still are capable of understanding that someone who doesn't boycott isn't automatically hateful and against gay rights.

ETA, enjoy the rest of your day. I'm done.
Thank you, you just proved my point. The fact that you choose to only boycott those companies whose products you can live without cheapens your so-called dedication to your selected cause.

I don't choose to make my stand by boycotting companies, and I'm (obviously) willing to state that. I work against injustices in other ways.

My posts are referring to those people who have jumped on the boycott bandwagon and put others down who haven't done so, yet continue to financially support other cases of human right abuse in other ways. You can't have it both ways.

I have NO problem whatsoever with people who choose to boycott CFA and still are capable of understanding that someone who doesn't boycott isn't automatically hateful and against gay rights.

Where did someone put others down for not boycotting or told them they are hateful for not boycotting? Which post?
Thank you, you just proved my point. The fact that you choose to only boycott those companies whose products you can live without cheapens your so-called dedication to your selected cause.

I don't choose to make my stand by boycotting companies, and I'm (obviously) willing to state that. I work against injustices in other ways.

My posts are referring to those people who have jumped on the boycott bandwagon and put others down who haven't done so, yet continue to financially support other cases of human right abuse in other ways. You can't have it both ways.

I have NO problem whatsoever with people who choose to boycott CFA and still are capable of understanding that someone who doesn't boycott isn't automatically hateful and against gay rights.

Do tell.
You can't have it both ways.

I have NO problem whatsoever with people who choose to boycott CFA and still are capable of understanding that someone who doesn't boycott isn't automatically hateful and against gay rights.

But you can have it both ways! You can choose to not boycott companies that would be very difficult if not impossible to boycott, but then boycott some that are easier.
In fact I don't call that hypocritical at all, I call it being a decent human being.

I can completely understand why someone can't stop buying fuel for their car. I understand why they can't afford to buy American made.

I don't understand why someone has to buy a chicken sandwich or shop at Urban Outfitters. Sorry. It's the truth.
I understand why some don't think it's an issue, and while that makes me sad, I actually have a much softer spot for ignorance than I do for people who know better.


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