"Detroit has never sounded so sexy!" A mother/daughter February 2012 NEW TR LINK

Those margaritas are lethal! Thankfully she always has her mama to look after her;) I can't even imagine what you must have thought when you came out and she was gone! Imagine Dale's surprise at the thought of that phone call:rotfl:
Those margaritas are lethal!

Yes they are! She won't be visiting there or The Ditch next month. Her grandpa would be shocked if he saw her like that :rotfl:

Thankfully she always has her mama to look after her;) I can't even imagine what you must have thought when you came out and she was gone! Imagine Dale's surprise at the thought of that phone call:rotfl:

When I came out and she was gone it was that seem scared feeling as when she was little and momentarily lost at the mall or somewhere. Afterall, they'll always be our little girls!:)
The food at Kona looks delicious! I could go for about any of that food right now. Especially those sticky wings, even if the picture is a little blurry lol And the restaurant is absolutely gorgeous. The Poly really out-does itself in EVERYTHING, doesn't it?

:thumbsup2 to tie-dye hoodie Caitlin got, very cool! It looks they have some really cool stuff at Curl. I'm also really liking D-Street. The Rapunzel one is very cool, I feel I am missing out on so many Vinyls lately. Another thumbs-up to Caitlin joining in on the YMCA! Pop sounds like such a fun resort.

Sorry to hear it had to rain on you guys when you got back to EPCOT. But it's a good thing you didn't have to walk very far from Spaceship Earth to get to La Hacienda. :goodvibes Everything does look very good especially that Empanada you really enjoyed.

But wow, Caitlin really did enjoy being 21 a bit too much. Good thing you got back to the resort quickly.

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
The food at Kona looks delicious! I could go for about any of that food right now. Especially those sticky wings, even if the picture is a little blurry lol And the restaurant is absolutely gorgeous. The Poly really out-does itself in EVERYTHING, doesn't it?

The food at Kona is soooo good! The Poly is a great resort. I stayed there several times as a kid and it was always wonderful :)

:thumbsup2 to tie-dye hoodie Caitlin got, very cool! It looks they have some really cool stuff at Curl. I'm also really liking D-Street. The Rapunzel one is very cool, I feel I am missing out on so many Vinyls lately. Another thumbs-up to Caitlin joining in on the YMCA! Pop sounds like such a fun resort.
DStreet and Curl have a lot of cool things!

Sorry to hear it had to rain on you guys when you got back to EPCOT. But it's a good thing you didn't have to walk very far from Spaceship Earth to get to La Hacienda. :goodvibes Everything does look very good especially that Empanada you really enjoyed.

But wow, Caitlin really did enjoy being 21 a bit too much. Good thing you got back to the resort quickly.

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

Our night at Epcot didn't turn out quite like we planned but it was memorable :rotfl:
After another early wake up and a surprisingly hangover free one :thumbsup2 We got dressed and headed to the food court to scrounge up some breakfast.

I ended up with something not so healthy but oh so good!


While Mom went for a banana bread and potato combo :confused3:rotfl:


I also took a moment to take a picture of the Vinylmations I had traded for so far this trip


I think we had to head back to the room to drop off our mugs ( does anyone else hate this?! I mean having the mug is awesome but it is such a pain in the butt to take back to the room in the morning :headache:) so I have pictures from our brief walk




Done with that annoying chore we headed to the bus stop and were soon on our way to AK! Now for those of us that have followed along with us on our past trips you know this is our least favorite park. We don't spend a lot of time here and we tend to skip it. Well this time we fell in love with it!!!! Honestly like AK is now one of our top parks! You will soon find out why. (but not too soon because honestly y'all know me and today will have a 100389283746548273293 pictures. Okay not really but there are 600 photos in the album on photobucket)

So let's begin with the picture tour of AK


We always love the flowers outside the ticket booths :lovestruc

After a short wait at the turnstiles we were let in and saw the cutest CM holding the ugliest animal :laughing:


We fast walked up to the rope and were right by the rope :banana:



While taking pictures and waiting two CMs started arguing over which show was better The Lion King or Nemo show. I sided with Nemo while my mom sided with The Lion King. It was pretty funny hearing them go back and forth and it turned out both of them worked at the shows they liked best :laughing:



Finally after waiting we started our slow walk towards our destination



Getting closer


Nope not there


Yep :)


Wouldn't you love to just sit here and people watch all day?!




Our destination was the Kilimanjaro Safari :) I thought the early morning and colder temps would give us a chance at seeing more animals.. Did it?



Let's see


Hmm none yet


How about a mud covered rhino?


Yep got one of those



If you squint really hard and look at the water you can see them :headache:

Oh wait one decided to say hi!


Oh hey two more came out to play!


Now some birds which are pretty elusive in Disney :rolleyes:


No animals over here


No animals at the upside down tree


Huh this isn't turning out to be what I thought it would be...


It's decided the animals decided to take a vacation. Figures their labor union would call for one on the day we decide to go to AK..


Oh wait what's that I see?!


One giraffe and some animal's butt


I feel like I have been on this safari ride before :rolleyes1

Hey there's something


What exactly it is I do not know but it is something :confused3


Two giraffes :lovestruc

Three more giraffes!!

Giraffes and the Wild Africa Trek eating area


I like this picture :)


An elephant. Elephants have actually become one of my favorite animals. Why I am not too sure but I think they are pretty adorable!


Rafiki decided to take some time away from painting his tree to say hi


A mama and baby Rafiki


I wonder if baby animals at AK get a big ceremony for when they are born like in the Lion King. I realize that it was just for the lion cubs but they must have some sort of ceremony for the other animals too.:confused3

My elephant friend was pretty thirsty


I can't imagine how gross that would be drinking water from your nose!

You can see another elephant off to the side


Those ankole cattle are trouble makers and always getting too close to the vehicles



There is another giraffe!


I am hoping to get giraffe print Toms from Crush when we go in September/October!

A herd of wildebeest all by their lonesome because no one ever forgave them for killing Mufasa...


Another giraffe couple


Giraffes may be the most photogenic animal


It was feeding time for the flamingos



This woman looks like she loves waking up and coming to work each morning.


Hey if I had to wear those overalls it would start my day off on the wrong foot too!

Some more rhinos



Now was the moment of truth would the lion be awake...



Omg I squealed I was so excited!


I then continued to go nuts taking pictures


Simba decided he would be nice and pose for a few shots

But the male diva made me make sure I got his good side


Now the other because as he put it "Who am I kidding? I don't have a bad side!"



Then he got a bit tired of the pictures



He decided to look out at his kingdom


Everything that the sun touches anyway.




and then we proceeded to watch him chase after this animal and eat it


:laughing: jk I know I would have been like this :scared1: then taken a bunch of pictures ;)

We caught him right before his nap


Waved hi to Nala



Then they hung out together


And we were done


Which way will we go?
Woo hoo for the lions being out and for getting a pretty nice view of the male! I would squeal too, it was so exciting the one time we saw him out on the rocks (though now it spoiled me because no safari compares to that one :rotfl::sad2:).
Now was the moment of truth would the lion be awake...



Omg I squealed I was so excited!


I then continued to go nuts taking pictures


Simba decided he would be nice and pose for a few shots

But the male diva made me make sure I got his good side


Now the other because as he put it "Who am I kidding? I don't have a bad side!"



Then he got a bit tired of the pictures



He decided to look out at his kingdom


Holy Lion Jackpot! :worship: I am totally borrowing one of these pictures. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So jealous. :worship:

I think I am going to have to try an am safari ride for sure. Very, very cool!
I LOVE your lion pictures. They are the best ones I've seen. All your pictures are great. Thanks for sharing.
I love this shot!

Thank you!

Holy Lion Jackpot! :worship: I am totally borrowing one of these pictures. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So jealous. :worship:

I think I am going to have to try an am safari ride for sure. Very, very cool!

I was really excited!

You need too! The animals were very active! This wasn't our only safari this day though!

I LOVE your lion pictures. They are the best ones I've seen. All your pictures are great. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much!
Really great update Caitlin! I can't explain why but AK is one of my favorite parks. I think it's because I love the authentic atmosphere. I don't mind just walking when I'm there.

On one of our first trips, several years ago, we were right next to the lion. He was standing on the rock facing us.It was so cool. ::yes:: Suddenly, he ROARED. Loud! It was AMAZING!!! :cool1: Everyone was so excited. I don't think we've seen him on his feet since! :headache: LOVE LOVE seeing your pics and I'm so excited you got to see Simba!!

Can't wait to read more and find out why you changed your mind about AK!
After another early wake up and a surprisingly hangover free one

You're surprised! :rotfl:

We got dressed and headed to the food court to scrounge up some breakfast.

I love that. 'scrounge' some breakfast. It's like you had to depend on your gathering skills for your survival... at Disney! :laughing:

I ended up with something not so healthy but oh so good!

:faint: Oh, that looks good! And it's on vacation, so zero calories too!

I think we had to head back to the room to drop off our mugs ( does anyone else hate this?! I mean having the mug is awesome but it is such a pain in the butt to take back to the room in the morning

Oh no! Poor Caitlin! You had to walk all the way back to your Disney resort room before an entire day spent at a Disney Park! Are you okay? How traumatic for you!!!

:rolleyes1: As I wonder if I'll ever get back ...

Actually, kidding aside, I know exactly how you feel. Here's how everyday of our last visit there went. Our room was at ASMu... way at the back. No, wait, it was waaaaaay at the back. (That's bettter)

Wake up, get ready, walk 3 miles to food court with mugs. Fill mugs. Walk 3 miles back to room. Everybody ready? Walk 3 miles back to bus stop. Walk all day long in park (not complaining about that one!). Return to ASMu late at night, totally wiped out. Walk 3 miles to room. Grab mugs. Walk 3 miles back to food court. Fill mugs. Drain one 'cause I think I'm dehydrated. Refill mug. Try to walk 3 miles back to room. Stagger or crawl remaining distance. Repeat tomorrow.

Honestly like AK is now one of our top parks! You will soon find out why.

Wow, that really took me by surprise. I'm gonna guess you had some really good CM experiences.

y'all know me and today will have a 100389283746548273293 pictures.

You exagerate, I'm sure it's no more than 100389283746548273286.

After a short wait at the turnstiles we were let in and saw the cutest CM holding the ugliest animal :laughing:

We fast walked up to the rope and were right by the rope

Did you fast walk to get away from the bug? Was it a bug? Can't quite make it out in the picture.

Wouldn't you love to just sit here and people watch all day?!

Hmm... Can I get up every few minutes to jump on EE?

Our destination was the Kilimanjaro Safari :) I thought the early morning and colder temps would give us a chance at seeing more animals.. Did it?

I would guess yes, even without reading the rest. Don't most animals lay low during the hot part of the day?

Now some birds which are pretty elusive in Disney :rolleyes:

OMG! A bird! At Disney! ;)

It's decided the animals decided to take a vacation. Figures their labor union would call for one on the day we decide to go to AK..

Better hours, better perks, more food, more visits by Mickey, lions get to eat a tourist once in a while.

One giraffe and some animal's butt

:lmao: How... descriptive!

An elephant. Elephants have actually become one of my favorite animals. Why I am not too sure but I think they are pretty adorable!

But if you tell me that Dumbo is now you're favorite ride... :sad2:

I wonder if baby animals at AK get a big ceremony for when they are born like in the Lion King. I realize that it was just for the lion cubs but they must have some sort of ceremony for the other animals too.

All the grown up animals celebrate by going out for Margaritas. Which is good for the tourists, 'cause then they just get propped up against a tree when they can't feel their legs and it makes for good photo ops.

My elephant friend was pretty thirsty

Sucking back 20 gallons of Margaritas will do that to you.

I can't imagine how gross that would be drinking water from your nose!

I've never thought of that! Gee, thanks for the visual image that I'll never be able to get rid of. :sad2:

Those ankole cattle are trouble makers and always getting too close to the vehicles

Those horns are huge! I'd be a little concerned to come across one in a farmer's field.

A herd of wildebeest all by their lonesome because no one ever forgave them for killing Mufasa...

Hey! They had places to go, people to trample.

This woman looks like she loves waking up and coming to work each morning.

Hey if I had to wear those overalls it would start my day off on the wrong foot too!

:lmao: I can't possibly imagine you in anything other than the latest fashions.

Omg I squealed I was so excited!

Causing the driver to swerve in reponse, throwing guests violently from the vehicle. Most were able to reboard. Some were never seen again.


I then continued to go nuts taking pictures

Really? You? No. Way. ;)

Some great shots, though, Caitlin. :thumbsup2

and then we proceeded to watch him chase after this animal and eat it

Nah. I'm not buying it. He had to be full already from the tourists that you caused to be dumped out of the truck.

Could you imagine, if Disney actually did that? You'd see it on a real African safari, but whoo boy! The park would be shut down faster then you could say "Circle of life".

:laughing: jk I know I would have been like this :scared1: then taken a bunch of pictures ;)

:laughing: Yeah, I could see that.

"OMG! <click> I can't believe <click> this is happening! <click> That poor, <click> poor <click> animal. <click><click> I can't bear <click> to <click> watch. <click><click> This is terrible! <click><click><click> Oh! <click> Yuck! <click> That's disgusting! <click><click> I'm not gonna watch anymore!" <click><click><click><click><click><click><click><click>

Which way will we go?

Your own way, of course... <click><click><click> You got some great pics there!
Thanks for the update(s)! :goodvibes
I just caught up! Wow, I can't believe you got such good shots of the lion! :goodvibes Every time we go he is always sleeping and I've only ever managed to catch glimpses of him sleeping. AK gets a lot of people who dislike it but to me its one of my favorite parks. I love the animals and I even love Dinoland (I know, shocker right?).
Really great update Caitlin! I can't explain why but AK is one of my favorite parks. I think it's because I love the authentic atmosphere. I don't mind just walking when I'm there.

Thank you!

So much effort went into making those parks! It is sad it took us so long to appreciate it!

On one of our first trips, several years ago, we were right next to the lion. He was standing on the rock facing us.It was so cool. ::yes:: Suddenly, he ROARED. Loud! It was AMAZING!!! :cool1: Everyone was so excited. I don't think we've seen him on his feet since! :headache: LOVE LOVE seeing your pics and I'm so excited you got to see Simba!!

That would be an awesome experience!

Thank you! I was so excited too!

Can't wait to read more and find out why you changed your mind about AK!

More should be coming up soon!

You're surprised! :rotfl:

I got away easy with my first several months of being 21 now the alcohol gods have begun seeking revenge on me :worried:

I love that. 'scrounge' some breakfast. It's like you had to depend on your gathering skills for your survival... at Disney! :laughing:

You never know what person will try to cut in front of you or what little kid will be so hungry he will start eating your foot :confused3

:faint: Oh, that looks good! And it's on vacation, so zero calories too!

Oh no! Poor Caitlin! You had to walk all the way back to your Disney resort room before an entire day spent at a Disney Park! Are you okay? How traumatic for you!!!

:rolleyes1: As I wonder if I'll ever get back ...

Actually, kidding aside, I know exactly how you feel. Here's how everyday of our last visit there went. Our room was at ASMu... way at the back. No, wait, it was waaaaaay at the back. (That's bettter)

Wake up, get ready, walk 3 miles to food court with mugs. Fill mugs. Walk 3 miles back to room. Everybody ready? Walk 3 miles back to bus stop. Walk all day long in park (not complaining about that one!). Return to ASMu late at night, totally wiped out. Walk 3 miles to room. Grab mugs. Walk 3 miles back to food court. Fill mugs. Drain one 'cause I think I'm dehydrated. Refill mug. Try to walk 3 miles back to room. Stagger or crawl remaining distance. Repeat tomorrow.

That is the worst! I remember on one trip my mom and I got tired from wheeling my grandma in her wheel chair around the parks. We got back to the room and mom wanted some pop so she gave me a $50 disney gift card if I would go get it for her :lmao:

Wow, that really took me by surprise. I'm gonna guess you had some really good CM experiences.

It was just everything!

You exagerate, I'm sure it's no more than 100389283746548273286.

Did you fast walk to get away from the bug? Was it a bug? Can't quite make it out in the picture.

Tarantula under the leaf. It wasn't that bad. Spiders don't freak me out.

Hmm... Can I get up every few minutes to jump on EE?

Yes you may.

I would guess yes, even without reading the rest. Don't most animals lay low during the hot part of the day?

I think that is true but I think we had to amazing safaris!

OMG! A bird! At Disney! ;)

Better hours, better perks, more food, more visits by Mickey, lions get to eat a tourist once in a while.

Lucky sons of a hyena.

:lmao: How... descriptive!

But if you tell me that Dumbo is now you're favorite ride... :sad2:

All the grown up animals celebrate by going out for Margaritas. Which is good for the tourists, 'cause then they just get propped up against a tree when they can't feel their legs and it makes for good photo ops.

That's my idea of a celebration!

Sucking back 20 gallons of Margaritas will do that to you.

I've never thought of that! Gee, thanks for the visual image that I'll never be able to get rid of. :sad2:

I know I had never thought of it either but I was like wait a second.... Imagine if you had a cold or the flu!

Those horns are huge! I'd be a little concerned to come across one in a farmer's field.

Hey! They had places to go, people to trample.

:lmao: I can't possibly imagine you in anything other than the latest fashions.

Why thank you!

Causing the driver to swerve in reponse, throwing guests violently from the vehicle. Most were able to reboard. Some were never seen again.


Now that would have been awesome to have seen. I could have sold the pics to either Disney to keep it under wraps or TMZ for a ton of money!

Really? You? No. Way. ;)

Some great shots, though, Caitlin. :thumbsup2

Thank you!

Nah. I'm not buying it. He had to be full already from the tourists that you caused to be dumped out of the truck.

Could you imagine, if Disney actually did that? You'd see it on a real African safari, but whoo boy! The park would be shut down faster then you could say "Circle of life".

I would be somewhat amused. Everyone should teach their children about survival of the fittest :lmao:

:laughing: Yeah, I could see that.

"OMG! <click> I can't believe <click> this is happening! <click> That poor, <click> poor <click> animal. <click><click> I can't bear <click> to <click> watch. <click><click> This is terrible! <click><click><click> Oh! <click> Yuck! <click> That's disgusting! <click><click> I'm not gonna watch anymore!" <click><click><click><click><click><click><click><click>

That is exactly how it would be too!

Your own way, of course... <click><click><click> You got some great pics there!
Thanks for the update(s)! :goodvibes

No problem!

I just started getting caught up on your TR! It is so good!

I just caught up! Wow, I can't believe you got such good shots of the lion! :goodvibes Every time we go he is always sleeping and I've only ever managed to catch glimpses of him sleeping. AK gets a lot of people who dislike it but to me its one of my favorite parks. I love the animals and I even love Dinoland (I know, shocker right?).

Thank you!

He is usually sleeping for us too!

Nice! I am also a fan of Dinoland!


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