Stroller Locks?


Earning My Ears
Sep 10, 2011
Anyone have experience with stroller locks? I know there are quite a few out there and we are looking into getting one for our next disney trip. I need one thats easy to lock a City Mini GT. We have had our stroller stolen before at Hollywood studios. It wasn't a case of mistaken strollers, it had a stroller shade attached, and also a bag of snacks attached to the handle. Disney handled it well, brought us a rental to use for the day free of charge as we reported our stroller stolen. We always park in the marked areas, and several cast members checked the other stroller areas near buy for it as well. Long story short, we where just about to leave the park when I spotted our stroller, I ran over and told her I would appreciate my stroller back. She said someone gave it to her, and as she was taking her daughter out she was screaming its mine I picked it out! I will be locking our brand new stroller up on our next trip, so I am in the market for a good lock.
Oh my goodness. I can't really say I'm shocked since I prosecute criminals for a living and know that people do incredibly crazy things. We have been so fortunate at WDW. Even when we've lost/left things behind, they've been turned in to Lost and Found.

I've never used a stroller lock so I can't give any advice on that, but I will now be more cautious with my stroller.
I was told by a former CM that a little chain bike lock ran through the wheels works great (if you don't have solid wheels).

It could be cut off or tampered with but it stops the person looking to grab a quick stoller upgrade and go and it's a low cost.
While I can understand why you'd want to make your stroller harder to steal, I hope that people don't lock them up so much that the poor CMs have to carry strollers to tidy up the stroller parking area. Just saying...
While I can understand why you'd want to make your stroller harder to steal, I hope that people don't lock them up so much that the poor CMs have to carry strollers to tidy up the stroller parking area. Just saying...

People just have to lock the two front wheels together. The CMs can tip the stroller onto the back wheels and move it into place.
If you're concerned about it getting stolen, maybe consider renting a stroller from some place like Kingdom Strollers (they rent out City Minis)? It's extra money, but it may be worth it if you're concerned about your personal stroller being stolen.
We also had a stroller stollen in HS and now ALWAYS lock it up when we bring it. I know some people think its overkill but its totally worth it to us. Im protecting my investment:blush:

We had a buggy guard.... that thing worked for 1 trip and broke. Its cheap and flimsy.
Next we got a good old combo bike lock. Thick and works great!
If you're concerned about it getting stolen, maybe consider renting a stroller from some place like Kingdom Strollers (they rent out City Minis)? It's extra money, but it may be worth it if you're concerned about your personal stroller being stolen.

We rent from Kingdom strollers (LOVE THEM!), and plan to rent a double for our trip. This is what actually turned us on to the baby joggers in the first place. However there will be times when I want to hit the park with one stroller not a double, and will use our own. I have a 6 year old and 2 year old, and we split our time between the parks with trips to the room to rest. During the morning my son will not want to ride, but later that night he will. This worked great for us because we do go back to the room a couple times a day.
If you do decide to lock your stroller, just remember that you can't lock it to anything - only to itself. The CMs will get the bolt cutters out and cut your lock, as walkways must remain clear for safety reasons.
If you do decide to lock your stroller, just remember that you can't lock it to anything - only to itself. The CMs will get the bolt cutters out and cut your lock, as walkways must remain clear for safety reasons.

I have never seen them cut a lock before, good to know! We always park in the stroller parking, and ask the attendant if there is one where they want it before parking.
I use a bike lock like this one. If you buy in store you can look at the combinations before you buy and I found one that was easy for me to remember. I lock our stroller up when I walk the girls to our library in it and when we travel sometimes too.

May I ask why people don't put their names on their strollers? Like with permanent marker or paint? My sister had a kayak stolen from her own home, so when they got a replacement, they (neatly) put their name on the bow. Very few people would want to take a kayak that clearly had someone else's name, so I wonder, why not put your name on your stroller somehow? Is it because you're hoping to sell the stroller later? Or that you don't want to walk around with a stroller saying "Smith"? Our stroller (still in the box, waiting for baby's arrival!) isn't particularly expensive, so if we were to take it to WDW, I wouldn't be heartbroken if it were stollen...but it would certainly be inconvenient and wreck my day! I was pondering stenciling our name, or at least our last initial, on it someplace visible. I also like the bike lock idea mentioned above. It will at least keep the opportunists at bay.
May I ask why people don't put their names on their strollers? Like with permanent marker or paint? My sister had a kayak stolen from her own home, so when they got a replacement, they (neatly) put their name on the bow. Very few people would want to take a kayak that clearly had someone else's name, so I wonder, why not put your name on your stroller somehow? Is it because you're hoping to sell the stroller later? Or that you don't want to walk around with a stroller saying "Smith"? Our stroller (still in the box, waiting for baby's arrival!) isn't particularly expensive, so if we were to take it to WDW, I wouldn't be heartbroken if it were stollen...but it would certainly be inconvenient and wreck my day! I was pondering stenciling our name, or at least our last initial, on it someplace visible. I also like the bike lock idea mentioned above. It will at least keep the opportunists at bay.

Our strollers are all marked with our name if you flip it over under the seat. Incase our stroller gets lost, mixed up, or stollen we have a way to identify that that stroller in in fact ours.
I also bought a buggyguard (just got it on Friday)

It's to secure our expensive stroller when we travel and on local outings when we have to leave it unattended. We'll see how it works out.

It wouldn't prevent someone who's really determined to take the stroller using bolt cutters, but it should prevent a theft of opportunity. Ideally, someone would take an unlocked stroller before they'll bother with mine.
May I ask why people don't put their names on their strollers? Like with permanent marker or paint? My sister had a kayak stolen from her own home, so when they got a replacement, they (neatly) put their name on the bow. Very few people would want to take a kayak that clearly had someone else's name, so I wonder, why not put your name on your stroller somehow? Is it because you're hoping to sell the stroller later? Or that you don't want to walk around with a stroller saying "Smith"? Our stroller (still in the box, waiting for baby's arrival!) isn't particularly expensive, so if we were to take it to WDW, I wouldn't be heartbroken if it were stollen...but it would certainly be inconvenient and wreck my day! I was pondering stenciling our name, or at least our last initial, on it someplace visible. I also like the bike lock idea mentioned above. It will at least keep the opportunists at bay.

I have known people who have had their names written on their strollers, special markers, name tags, ribbons and even added fabric to them, have their stollers stolen before. It's not much to take those things off or cover up a name.
I think a lock is a little more likely to detour someone from stealing your stroller. Sure, it's not fool proof, but most people are just looking for a crime of opportunity, and an unmarked, unlocked stroller is more of an opportunity.
I don't know if you want to do this but, you can easily take one of the rear wheels off and keep it with you. I don't know if you will have a bag handy or not. I saw a video on Orlando Stroller Rentals on the Citi Mini GT. It looks really easy to take off and put on. I don't think anyone will take your stroller if it's missing a wheel.

I don't know if you want to do this but, you can easily take one of the rear wheels off and keep it with you. I don't know if you will have a bag handy or not. I saw a video on Orlando Stroller Rentals on the Citi Mini GT. It looks really easy to take off and put on. I don't think anyone will take your stroller if it's missing a wheel.


::yes:: Great advice, I thought about doing that when we went to WDW, but we just bought a bike lock and locked up all the wheels instead:headache: I might just try that this time and bring the lock along for the ride in case I change my mind:thumbsup2
Anyone have experience with stroller locks? I know there are quite a few out there and we are looking into getting one for our next disney trip. I need one thats easy to lock a City Mini GT. We have had our stroller stolen before at Hollywood studios. It wasn't a case of mistaken strollers, it had a stroller shade attached, and also a bag of snacks attached to the handle. Disney handled it well, brought us a rental to use for the day free of charge as we reported our stroller stolen. We always park in the marked areas, and several cast members checked the other stroller areas near buy for it as well. Long story short, we where just about to leave the park when I spotted our stroller, I ran over and told her I would appreciate my stroller back. She said someone gave it to her, and as she was taking her daughter out she was screaming its mine I picked it out! I will be locking our brand new stroller up on our next trip, so I am in the market for a good lock.

Did the lady who had your stroller end up giving it back to you? :confused3


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