Coming to Reverse Maleficent's Curse! A 16th Birthday to Disneyland PTR (COMPLETE)

Sorry to hear about the snowstorm. I live near the beach so I don't have to worry about it.

It's okay, it's gone now, so it's all good and also it's really fun watching all the snow come down for some reason, though this time it was just strange lol
My class president from last year has never been to WDW :scared1: She and I talked about Disney and asked me about the food on the Disney Cruise. I'm now her WDW teacher.
I understand Timmy. She also asked me what Disney Cruises are like. The only one of my BFFs that has been on a Disney Cruise and to WDW are my friends Christina and Kristi. My friend Nia has been to WDW but she has only been once.

Alright, I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't been very active on here lately. I've been very busy with endless schoolwork and a ton other stuff. Thank goodness, vacation is coming! Speaking of vacation, for those of you who remember, I have a school week in the Spring where I go on a trip to wherever and get to take something like a course on the place you are going to. Well, over a week ago, I found out where I'm going so... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!


I'm so excited! It's going to be such a fun trip especially knowing most of the people that are going are pretty awesome and one of my best friends is going as well! Oh, I'm just so excited! I'm bringing a camera and hopefully my new camcorder I've wanted, so there will be a lot to show.

Now, for a trip update...

As of yet, again, dead end. Nothing has happened. There has been no major talk between my mom and I. I'm a little nervous again about the awful thought of... this may not happen, especially when around the time, I'll be taking driver's ed so there will be even more money out the door at the time. I'll still leave this open since our vacation may be California and we'll stop by for a day or two if I get my say in the matter.

Yeah, there really isn't anything else going on. The week has just been too busy to mention anything besides that. I'll try to get back into a better updating schedule!

Have A Magical Day!

I understand Timmy. She also asked me what Disney Cruises are like. The only one of my BFFs that has been on a Disney Cruise and to WDW are my friends Christina and Kristi. My friend Nia has been to WDW but she has only been once.

I can talk to a few of my friends about it, but like everyone else I know they can only stand Disney for so long :/ Oh well...
You are going to LOVE Quebec! It is so beautiful and so rich in history ... it's amazing! Once you have your itinerery, please let me know where you are going and what you'll be doing! Fingers crosses you'll be going to Quebec's my favorite city!
You are going to LOVE Quebec! It is so beautiful and so rich in history ... it's amazing! Once you have your itinerery, please let me know where you are going and what you'll be doing! Fingers crosses you'll be going to Quebec's my favorite city!

I'm so excited to go! I've never been out of the country and this gives so much more reason for me to finally get a passport :cool1: I actually do have an itinerary, I'll probably talk more about this the next update. I know we are doing things like dog-sledding, x country skiing, the Ice Hotel, etc. etc. And my sister and I have looked up the hotel I'm staying in and it's beautiful! I can't believe they afforded a hotel like this :hyper: And yes, it's Quebec City, my dad automatically figured it out. He (well we) has relatives in Canada and has been there many times, so he knew it off the bat. I can't wait to share all the photos and videos I get when I'm back in the little ole' US :yay:

Hey guys!

I'm SOOOOO sorry I haven't been on lately. School and a lot of other real life situations have prevented me from a lot of DIS Time, the reason I was so quiet throughout most of this month, but I think I'm in real need of some Disney, so I'm trying to find time to get back on and finally time was nice enough to come out of hiding and I got on ;)

Alright, so about the trip... I haven't really discussed it in awhile and I've done that purposefully since we are seriously focused on the Quebec trip at the moment. I still need to get a passport and its just crazy. I'm hoping maybe by not saying anything until Quebec is no longer taking money out of my parent's pockets and we have time before Driver's Ed to persuade them into letting me go for my 16th birthday :-)

Yup, so that's it! I don't really have anything else going on, but let's just say this week started out stressful but I've gotten through it and there's only one more week until CHRISTMAS VACATION and I'm off the hook for awhile and we'll get everything back in order so I can be on here more often.

I hope everyone else is well. For those whose TRs I was reading I PROMISE I will get caught up on those soon enough and I know I'm REALLY behind.

Have a Magical Day! (Boy I need one of those hehe)

Quebec should be a fun trip for you. The schools in our district go on break today. Well, they already have at 1:19.
Quebec should be a fun trip for you. The schools in our district go on break today. Well, they already have at 1:19.

I'm so excited! The only problem is just getting that darn passport :sad2: Oh well, once I get it over break, all will be fine in the world lol

WOW! Your district got out early, but my school is always late when it comes to breaks and such so... you probably are going about the same time as everyone else, but I think I'm good for one last week :-)

I understand Timmy. My last day is tomorrow.

LUCKY! I wish my last day was today. One more week... one more week...


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