Avatar-land coming to DAK-just hit the Orlando Sentinel

While Avatar did impress me visually, I didn't care for the core of its content at all. I'm kind of a sci-fi geek, so while the world itself was vivid and pretty, the heart of the characters and the premise for the 'war' were really weak imo. Cowboys and indians anyone?

So this isn't great news to me, but what can you do really? Maybe it'll be totally immersive, or Disney will be using newer and more innovative ways to 'kick things up a notch'. Plonking down another big tree and some whirly lizards and calling the place Avatar Land isn't going to cut it anymore. That said, I'm curious as to how they will undertake the challenge of wowing us.

Honestly though, while Avatar was a really big deal when it came out, who knows how successful the sequels will be if they start to suck? Once numbed to this world and the cutting edge graphics, what's going to be left to impress people? Not to compare apples to oranges, but I can see Harry Potter faring the test of time far better than the demand for Naavi merchandise.
I'd rather they chose a different theme for the new land in Animal Kingdom. I really like animal kingdom but don't have any interest in an Avatar themed land.
Not a fan. I do not like extra-terrestrials, and I really do not like movies that try to make the Xenos out as the heroes and Humans as villains. Bad movie Cameron (stick with the Aliens format).

This could be the first Disney themed area I truly despise.


He did do the Aliens...

there was the ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter in Tomorrowland and people complained it was too scary for MK, so they closed it, and you got Stitch (and there are still complaints because IMO, people can't read a guidebook and figure out that it's going to be a little scary because this is not the tamed Stitch it's Experiment 626 before Lilo-duh)... And people complain about the Alien in the Great Movie Ride (wah! my kid was scared about the Alien coming out of the ceiling) so they toned that sucker down as well... Wouldn't be surprised if it disappears as well in the next rehab. :headache:

I do wish they'd do the Beastly Kingdom instead of Avatar just because I personally would like the Beastly Kingdom better, but I can see where it can be called an intrusion of WWOHP- all the creatures in Harry Potter would have been features in the Beastly Kingdom. Avatar doesn't do it for me but neither really did the early releases of the Fantasyland expansion... :goodvibes

I'll reserve judgement until they're done. :wizard:

BTW, pretty much all of the Disney properties are borrowed from other storytelling- Grimm Brothers covers all the popular princesses, Mulan and the one from Atlantis come from other storylines, and Mary Poppins was also from books as well as Winnie the Pooh. Even Pirates of the Caribbean were based on pirates legends and myths...

Exceptions that I can think of right now would be Dumbo, Bambi, & Lady and the Tramp... :hippie::flower3:
Because JRR Tolkien's estate would never in a million years approve such a deal. It was hard enough to get the movies done (and that only happened because Tolkien himself sold the movie rights to United Artists before he died. That movie never happened, and the rights bounced around from studio to studio until Miramax started the Peter Jackson films, and then sold the rights to New Line Cinema). Tolkien's son Christopher keeps a tight reign on what can & can't be done with LOTR (and it isn't much). A theme park would NEVER be OK'd as long as Christopher is head of the estate.

Yes, and nobody watches Dirty Dancing fanatically any more? Dirty Dancing is very much still around and a cultural icon. I don't think you can say that either Dirty Dancing or Titanic faded away after they opened because they were over-hyped.


many rumours place LOTR @ U:wizard: I'm sure you're familiar with the email survey of last year pertaining to LOTR. Hard to imagine them being able to test the waters with questionaire specific as to whether fans would enjoy visiting Middle Earth, Hobbits, etc (including usage ofTolkein's name) if they weren't granted permission:confused3

U was able to appease ms rowlings with a 'land' vs an 'attraction' and gave her of control of final product, it might just be the carrot needed for LOTR. I'd certainly enjoy it @ disney too, just think it'd be a better fit @ U.
My kids were thrilled when I told them at dinner! They're 9, 6 and 6. My husband who wouldn't care if WDW burned down tomorrow was excited. He even asked when it would be finished so we could go see it! I think this may have wider appeal than some people think.

I for one am very excited. At first I thought, "Avatar at AK not DHS?", but then I thought about the message of the movie and if anyone can do this the right way, it's Disney! For those who keep mentioning Beastly Kingdom... isn't this a movie about mythical creatures in a mythical land :confused3... just sayin'.

Same here! I emailed the story to my dad (who saw Avatar in the theater 4 times), and he was thrilled!

And people loved Avatar. It opened in December 2009, but I saw it for the second time 3 months later - we still had to line up outside the IMAX over an hour before it started because those shows were still selling out.

When it ended, I heard an older couple behind me say "that was wonderful!" and a few kids in front of us asked to see it again as soon as it ended.

No, it's not the most original story in the world...but it was a good movie and it was very popular. If the sequels are anything close to the artistry of the first film, I think there's a lot of potential for an awesome new land at the parks.

I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
Yes, and nobody watches Dirty Dancing fanatically any more? Dirty Dancing is very much still around and a cultural icon. I don't think you can say that either Dirty Dancing or Titanic faded away after they opened because they were over-hyped.


Too true. Obviously the trick for me is to go opening night before I hear too much about a film. lol. Some films that have widespread appeal might still not work for me, dork that I am, but the great ones would be that much better. :woohoo:
OK. I've read a lot of these comments..well the first three pages...and I really can't believe some of the comments and criticism that had came about. I mean if you have watched the movie and really paid attention to it, you would see that it does fit with AK.

I've always believed this saying:"People don't like change. Not because they don't want it..maybe some don't..but because they don't understand it. This is where ignorance and stupidity come to play."

I totally agree with this!! There are things I don't like..but I'll never dismiss it. Maybe one day I'll be able to understand it, maybe even like it!!:thumbsup2 The theme of humans and nature being one has been around for a very long time..just maybe hasn't been portrayed like it has in AVATAR. People need to stop being so negative about this and give it a chance. The announcement just came out today and all it basically said was that it was still in tue designing stages. They could move it to a different park or keep it where it's at!!

Personally...I LOOVE this movie and can't wait for this to come about!!! I've alwaysed loved James Cameron and usually whatever project/movie he does...it becomes gold and a huge hit!!! And people have to really stop and think if Disney would really plan something this huge just to have it flop, as far as a themed land/attraction goes. There's soo much to this story and more will be exposed as it develops. So..until I see a model or some pictures of this..I'll wait to pass judgment on something that I don't have a clue about...

Why do some people on this board think that the peple that dont like Avatar dont like change and dont support Disney and new attractions? I dont get these comments. I LOVE new stuff, thats why I follow these boards so I can read about new things. I just hated that movie. Why do people have to like it? People who dont like something you like are ignorant and stupid?
With all the questioning about whether it would be a better fit for DHS... I can see that it could fit there, but I think Disney can do a good job of working in at AK as well. I suppose that part of this is just the fact that I have a very optimistic outlook on what I think they can do, but still...

supposing they do move it to DHS, considering how many have mentioned AK needing some love I'd hope they find some fresh new inspiration to fire up the imagineers to do something just as big at AK at the same time. In fact, frankly, I'm surprised that they haven't yet with all the love the beastly kingdom idea got, the possibilities of buying into an animalia thing or a dinotopia thing. OK I get why dinotopia was a no go when they had their own competing disney dino thing they felt they had to go with, but still I believe the inspiration is out there somewhere and they will find it. What are the ideas y'all have for this? (I mean partially fleshed out ideas about what new things should be added to AK)

And question number 2: What do y'all think about them making new attractions that don't have to cost millions and use the simpler magic of some of the best older rides? While the cutting-edge-tech angle on a new avatar project excites me and probably will excite many others, I really think they could also have some great "new" projects that simply combine older technologies in new ways and with fresh new themes.
With all the questioning about whether it would be a better fit for DHS... I can see that it could fit there, but I think Disney can do a good job of working in at AK as well. I suppose that part of this is just the fact that I have a very optimistic outlook on what I think they can do, but still...

supposing they do move it to DHS, considering how many have mentioned AK needing some love I'd hope they find some fresh new inspiration to fire up the imagineers to do something just as big at AK at the same time. In fact, frankly, I'm surprised that they haven't yet with all the love the beastly kingdom idea got, the possibilities of buying into an animalia thing or a dinotopia thing. OK I get why dinotopia was a no go when they had their own competing disney dino thing they felt they had to go with, but still I believe the inspiration is out there somewhere and they will find it. What are the ideas y'all have for this? (I mean partially fleshed out ideas about what new things should be added to AK)

And question number 2: What do y'all think about them making new attractions that don't have to cost millions and use the simpler magic of some of the best older rides? While the cutting-edge-tech angle on a new avatar project excites me and probably will excite many others, I really think they could also have some great "new" projects that simply combine older technologies in new ways and with fresh new themes.

Even tho Im not an Avatar fan in any way I definitely see how they can make it fit in AK . they definitely share the same ideals. No argument from me on that. it makes sense for what they want to do. do I think its a good idea? no not really. Do I like Avatar...nope. but thats just an opinion of a movie not of Disney or whatever it decides to build.

You know what I think? They will make Journey to the center of the earth from Tokyo disney and theme it with Avatar...just something that was crossing my mind. Wasnt JTTCOTE a possibility already to come to AK?

I do think its crazy that they already have rights to Lucasfilm stuff and theres not a whole star wars land somewhere or either one of Disneys indianna jones rides.(which both would fit into AK IMO)
You know what I think? They will make Journey to the center of the earth from Tokyo disney and theme it with Avatar...just something that was crossing my mind. Wasnt JTTCOTE a possibility already to come to AK?

I do think its crazy that they already have rights to Lucasfilm stuff and theres not a whole star wars land somewhere or either one of Disneys indianna jones rides.(which both would fit into AK IMO)

All of this really gets my imagination going. Too bad that I don't have the engineering skill set to go with it! :lmao:
And question number 2: What do y'all think about them making new attractions that don't have to cost millions and use the simpler magic of some of the best older rides?

Unfortunately, it seems that the vocal majority wants thrill rides. The whole appeal of Disney parks used to be (as Walt intended) that it was a place where the whole family could have fun together. More and more, however, family rides are getting outnumbered by thrill rides with a laundry list of warnings that young kids, older folks and people with health issues can't ride. That's where the big money is getting spent. Just look at WWOHP and Forbidden Journey. Months and months of hype for a ride that lots of people can't get on or is too intense for many who can get on it. Neither my wife nor daughter will ride it again. But a low-tech ride like Winnie the Pooh we will ride every chance we get.
Unfortunately, it seems that the vocal majority wants thrill rides. The whole appeal of Disney parks used to be (as Walt intended) that it was a place where the whole family could have fun together. More and more, however, family rides are getting outnumbered by thrill rides with a laundry list of warnings that young kids, older folks and people with health issues can't ride. That's where the big money is getting spent. Just look at WWOHP and Forbidden Journey. Months and months of hype for a ride that lots of people can't get on or is too intense for many who can get on it. Neither my wife nor daughter will ride it again. But a low-tech ride like Winnie the Pooh we will ride every chance we get.

i def agree. i wish they would make more attractions for the whole family not things I have to go on alone or just with my dad. i remember when i was a kid going with my family and my mom and dad and me and my sister rode everything together with just a few exceptions (space mountain) but thats what disney is all about to me enjoying something with your whole family. you can go to an amusement park in anywhere USA and go on a roller coaster
+1 I hope they keep it family oriented for sure. Yeah we all like thrill rides, but it's about bonding with the fam, not thirll rides, especially for Disney. I think as long as they keep it more like a play area with a few rides it'll work out. *shrug*
I agree with these opinions on the need for attractions for the whole family and I guess what I'm hoping for in the future is a mix of the two kinds of things. Lots of whole family with still a sprinkling of thrill rides coming along :goodvibes
Why do some people on this board think that the peple that dont like Avatar dont like change and dont support Disney and new attractions? I dont get these comments. I LOVE new stuff, thats why I follow these boards so I can read about new things. I just hated that movie. Why do people have to like it? People who dont like something you like are ignorant and stupid?

I'm not saying people who don't like what I like are stupid and ignorant. That was a saying I've always been told since I've been little. If everyone liked the same things, this world would be boring. It's in the same context of people who don't like a certain race/culture because they don't understand them/it. It's in the same context who won't give someone a chance because they have tattoos all over them so people assume that they're mean and bad. These are not my own opinions, but stereotypes from all around. It is known that when people don't like something..don't like change..the first thing they do is complain and buck about it. I've done it and then once I've gotten to know someone or tried whatever it was, I either liked them/it or I didn't.

All I'm saying is that people need to give something a chance before try start bashing it and saying that it won't work especially when it hasn't even been created yet or shown yet. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I can appreciate that. But sometimes, we humans, tend to complain a bit too much before understanding something we don't know about and that is new to us.
This rates a big meh. I thought the movie was overrated and have no plans to watch the rest of the trilogy. Is this supposed to be Disney's answer to WWOHP? And like one poster mentioned, my kid could care less about this.

But I have to give Disney credit for one thing, they will probably do a great job with the theming. But since AK closes around 5pm, won't be be missing one of the best visuals on the movie the fantastic dark affects? The glowing trees and such could be amazing to see...if the park opened late enough for us to enjoy.
But since AK closes around 5pm, won't be be missing one of the best visuals on the movie the fantastic dark affects? The glowing trees and such could be amazing to see...if the park opened late enough for us to enjoy.

... But... Disney is so great with the "dark rides". It can be a crazy hot and bright day outside and the crowds can love the coolness and dark of the attraction. :lovestruc


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