Dr. Jones and the Spitting Camel - Link to Alaska Cruise TR 9/18

Well, I seem to have lost a lot of folks along the way but for those of you still hanging on, one last update. It’s was a fun, albeit exhausting weekend for me. We start VERY late for school this year, at least the E’s do. They just started today! Among the back to school craziness, Evan was kidnapped by the church youth group. As an official middle schooler as of tomorrow, he moves up to the Jr High group. He had NO clue it was coming, it was a riot! 30 teens stomping though my house grabbing and Evan looking at me saying “what IS this?”

Ok, back to the update. I really should make it a photo update.

  1. DME rockstar
  2. MSB. ALWAYS! I wish I had a picture but oh well.
  3. Being upgraded to a Pool view at WL
  4. Sanaa
  5. Raglan Road
  6. Seeing my friend Julie
  7. Photo session at WL
  8. Rooms being ready at check in at the YC, and a killer location
  9. Spending time with Sandie and Paul
  10. Grey Goose Slushies
  11. BC Concierge
  12. Fireworks cruise
  13. Pizza and wine on the fireworks cruise
  14. The Yacht Club bedding, room, EVERYTHING!
  15. Date night at the WS
  16. Tea at the GF
  17. Almost being locked IN at the WS
  18. TSI
  19. Swiss family Robinson treehouse
  20. Tiki Room
  21. Frozen Butterbeer
  22. The Lone Palm Airport
  23. WWOHP and the FJ
  24. Beetlejuice graveyard review
  25. Hulk
  26. Dragon Challenge
  27. Mama and the E’s alone time
  1. Stolen kids clothing from the dirty clothes hamper
  2. Disney’s response to the theft
  3. Getting stuck on Splash
  4. The weather
  5. Missing pool time due to lightening
  6. Grandparents and teens wasting dining plan credits
  7. Teens sleeping the mornings away and grandparents indulging them
  8. Political diatribe from cab driver

Things for next time
  1. Tiki room after remodel
  2. New fantasyland!
  3. Riding Dumbo
  4. Not going in August
  5. Stay DVC even if we don’t own yet (rent points). After the laundry fiasco, much as I could move into the YC, I need a washer and dryer in the unit. So we’ll be looking at OKW, AKL, BWV and BCV as our contenders depending on the size of the group and the time of year.
Ok I KNOW there are other things that are on this list but I’m spacing right now! LOL!


  • I know I did a dining review already, just thought I'd put it all in one place tool.
  • Sanaa – would do again in a heartbeat
  • Raglan Road – same as above
  • Tusker – too loud, long wait, crowded for a buffet. No rush to do again
  • 1900 Park Fare – great character interaction but meh on the décor. Food was ok but no rush to do again
  • Cape May Breakfast – great character interaction. Food was fine, incredible service. Would do again if kids wanted.
  • WCC Breakfast- food was fine, service ok. Overall wouldn’t go out of my way to eat there again.
  • Tutto – great food, service and ambiance. Would go again if on DDP, not for OOP.
  • YC Room Service Pizza. Two thumbs up. On your balcony or on a baot, a great option when short on time (and options)
  • Ohana – enjoyed it very much, kids LOVED it. Would do again if they want. Not a must do for me but would be happy to do it again.
  • Jakes American Grill – would definitely go again
  • Margaritaville – I think everyone knows the answer to that one
  • Hard Rock Café – I’m sure we will go tot eh Seattle one again, or another one somewhere but it’s definitely not a must do for me
  • The Kitchen – would definitely go again, want to try breakfast there
  • The Beach Club (at HRH) would go again, great lunch spot!
  • Three Broomsticks. Would go again, maybe try it for dinner (seems a bit too much food for lunch)
  • Mythos. Would go again but not a must do. Gorgeous though!
Which brings me to…when will that next trip be?
Honestly, I don’t know. We had some plans for a giant xmas of 2012 trip with my entire side of the family but that doesn’t appear likely for a couple of reasons. We do want the next trip to be with that side so if it isn’t holiday 2012…it could end up being another August trip which no one really wants. Compared to no trip, I guess it’s better than the alternative but…not our ideal by a long shot. We would also like do to a cruise but have Kendall with us. However, Jeff doesn’t want the family WDW trip and the cruise in the same year (which I totally get) and with the E’s and K on totally different break schedules, it’s making planning a challenge. It’s a little frustrating but I’m hoping that over the next few months, by Christmas maybe, some things will settle to where we can agree on plans all around.
Despite the expanded itineraries, our August issues hold true and the Dream offerings just don’t do anything for us. Plus honestly, that July and August heat on and off a boat it’s appealing…nor is the hurricane possibility. The fact that the Dream sailed right into Irene while basically telling people everything was fine and reading those TR’s give us pause. As we get out late (June 22) and early August is the best time for K, it makes vacationing a challenge.

The one we like the best in 2012 is an April offering that includes Key West (which Jeff and I adore) and would work for the E’s spring break, but not for K. Her break is Easter week so a 7 day instead of a 5 and at Easter break prices, basically TWICE as much as the 5 day, 2 weeks later. We did book it to get our on board rebooking discount, but I’m sure I’ll need to move it as she can’t miss school. So…we may hold out for the Med which hopefully they will offer in 2013. I’m ok waiting till then, if it’s for the Med!
Still…financially…that might be out of reach. We’ll have to see what October brings with 2013 itineraries.

In a nutshell, nothing is officially planned for the clan. I do have a plan to go for F&W in Oct of 2012 with the East West Girls but sadly that’s still over a year away! Thankfully that isn’t stopping some of us for starting to plan already or I might have withdrawal!

Thank you ALL for joining along and if you haven't stopped by the cruise TR yet, please do so, I'd love to see you there :goodvibes
Great Summary!!! I will be going next year on a Free Trip, which will either be April/May or Sept/ Oct 2012!!Won;t know for a while !!
Great report! I especially loved the WWOHP section....I'm planning on visiting sometime next year.

Jill in CO
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your TR, Cynthia!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

I had no idea the Dream sailed right into Irene!!! :eek: I need to go find those cruise reports!!! It gives me pause as well!
I have loved reading your report. We will be at WL in about a month and even though we have stayed there before, I've learned more about the Lodge after reading your report. I can't wait to start the cruise report, I would love to go to Alaska sometime! Thanks for the wrap up and happy future planning. That school part for the kids just gets in the way!

Fun summary. I don't frequent the cruise boards so hadn't heard the Irene stories either. :scared1::scared1:

Hope that a plan jumps out at you for the family trip. All those schedules sound like quite a challenge.
Thanks for the great summary Cynthia. So many positives on your trip and I am so glad we ate at Raglan Rd. I sort of regret I didn't schedule it for December, but I guess its not too late. Though maybe I will save it for June!

Sorry it is so difficult for you to plan a family vacation! They are so important and its amazing how complicated people's schedules become.

But I am so happy you are comitted to the October 2012 trip. We will have to start working on dates!!!!! Dawn asked me several weeks ago on the QT if I would take some before Wedding pictures for Caitlin and, of course, I was thrilled to say yes. So I definitely want to be there for October 18th and 19th and then I'm flexible in terms of arriving earlier or staying later.
Great Summary!!! I will be going next year on a Free Trip, which will either be April/May or Sept/ Oct 2012!!Won;t know for a while !!

Both are great times of year!! :thumbsup2

Great report! I especially loved the WWOHP section....I'm planning on visiting sometime next year.

Jill in CO

Thanks Jill!

You will love WWOHP! It's a ton of fun

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your TR, Cynthia!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

I had no idea the Dream sailed right into Irene!!! :eek: I need to go find those cruise reports!!! It gives me pause as well!

Thanks Jackie. I didn't either. We were obviously on board during all of that and I didn't hear about it at all from DCL or anyone on board but have since seen some TR's that....:scared1:

Let's just say, that new boat, was really "broken" in! I'm sure it didn't sail in, it sailed around or whatever but they had to skip Nassau on their scheduled day, same with Castaway and then went back to Nassau for one day. The Dream wasn't the only one, there were other boats in port. What upset me, reading the TR's was Disney's response. Outright denial that there was any upcoming bad weather, lots of glossing over, things will be fine, etc. I'd have been livid to have spent that kind of money for a vacation like that. I know it's the risk you take traveling durring hurricane season but....

And what I don't know is if you had trip insurance (which we rarely bother with), if you decided you weren't comfortable going, if that would cover it. It covers if if DCL decided not to sail but if you decided you didn't want to...I don't think so. Jeff's position is he just wouldn't get on the boat. Great in concept... but a LOT of $$ to just "eat".

I have loved reading your report. We will be at WL in about a month and even though we have stayed there before, I've learned more about the Lodge after reading your report. I can't wait to start the cruise report, I would love to go to Alaska sometime! Thanks for the wrap up and happy future planning. That school part for the kids just gets in the way!


Thanks! WL will be wonderful in the fall!!! Enjoy!

The school part sure does get in the way! Mine just started yesterday and I'm very overwhelmed with new schedules and trying to put together some carpools. I hope you can join us over at the cruise report, the link is in the siggie.

Fun summary. I don't frequent the cruise boards so hadn't heard the Irene stories either. :scared1::scared1:

Hope that a plan jumps out at you for the family trip. All those schedules sound like quite a challenge.

I hope a plan does to. What cracks me up is apparently Jeff is now turning into a long range planner as he wants my family to figure it out so it doesn't hold up our cruise plans. :rotfl:

Yeah, the Irene stories aren't a fun read. Both from an Irene standpoint but some other stuff with a new, huge, boat that make me far more inclined to focus on the Magic for our next outing.
Thanks for the great summary Cynthia. So many positives on your trip and I am so glad we ate at Raglan Rd. I sort of regret I didn't schedule it for December, but I guess its not too late. Though maybe I will save it for June!
no, it's not too late. I actually think it would be fun to just eat at the bar but that would have to be an adult only trip. You'd have great seating for the entertainment!

Sorry it is so difficult for you to plan a family vacation! They are so important and its amazing how complicated people's schedules become.

Well it's nothing new, as you know, and we will have to just put our foot down and fight for K to make something happen this summer which we are committed to doing. We won't plan the giant family WDW trip around her schedule, that's just not possible but need to figure the cruise around it. At this point I'm really hoping the med works out. It would be far enough away to save up for it and different enough for her to be really excited (and her mom not to put up nearly the same kind of fight). Hopefully itineraries will come out in Oct. I would LOVE to do the April Key West one but I just don't think it will happen. As for the WDW trip, who knows.

But I am so happy you are comitted to the October 2012 trip. We will have to start working on dates!!!!! Dawn asked me several weeks ago on the QT if I would take some before Wedding pictures for Caitlin and, of course, I was thrilled to say yes. So I definitely want to be there for October 18th and 19th and then I'm flexible in terms of arriving earlier or staying later.

Yep, I'm in. I'm flexible on which weekend as well. Right now it looks like the one before might be better as that's technically a Kendall weekend the week after so maybe the 13th-18th for me if we go before? I don't want to miss more than 4 days of work, 3 would be better but unless I get a trip figured out before then, I'll want all those days there!

Jeff can handle it, it just gets a bit complicated to juggle the schedules so I like to avoid it. But if the later one is better I am sure I can make that work though he might grumble.
I've been here all along....probably not posting much because I am just trying to stay current. Of course, that will all go out the window again, because I will be gone next week! But it's a good kinda gone....it's a "squeeze in one more trip before the AP expires" trip....and a solo one on top of that! So I am willing to risk falling behind on the DIS again. :rotfl:

Really enjoyed your recap. Sometimes following along with different reports over a long period of time I forget who did what! I still think the pizza party/illuminations cruise sounds awesome! And I am so with you on avoiding August. That is when we have been going recently due to school schedules. But DH is talking about Sept/Oct next year. The boys don't seem as enthused about going with us anymore....so they can sit out a trip and see if they change their minds. :rolleyes1
Thanks for a great report and taking the time to do the wrap ups! I've enjoyed getting to know you over your PTR and this TR. Cheers!
Nice job, Cynthia. And I love that the bedding at the YC was one of your highlights. :thumbsup2 Right there with you on that one. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every single entry in your TR and can't believe it was a year in the making. Thanks for sharing it all with us and I'm sure I'll enjoy your cruise TR just as much. I hope that you can make some more travel plans soon, but October of 2012 isn't too far into the future. :goodvibes
I've been here all along....probably not posting much because I am just trying to stay current. Of course, that will all go out the window again, because I will be gone next week! But it's a good kinda gone....it's a "squeeze in one more trip before the AP expires" trip....and a solo one on top of that! So I am willing to risk falling behind on the DIS again. :rotfl:

That is the BEST kind of gone and solo too :cool1: how fun!

Really enjoyed your recap. Sometimes following along with different reports over a long period of time I forget who did what! I still think the pizza party/illuminations cruise sounds awesome! And I am so with you on avoiding August. That is when we have been going recently due to school schedules. But DH is talking about Sept/Oct next year. The boys don't seem as enthused about going with us anymore....so they can sit out a trip and see if they change their minds. :rolleyes1

I know exactly what you mean! The pizza/cruise was definitely a highlight, a night we will never forget. We did August for that exact reason and it's possible it will happen again. I'd really prefer not to go then.

I have a funny feeling ditching them for a trip might change their minds...:rotfl:

Thanks for a great report and taking the time to do the wrap ups! I've enjoyed getting to know you over your PTR and this TR. Cheers!

Thanks Heidi! You had a lot of input into the trip, whether you know it or not, tons of great advice!!! I've enjoyed getting to know you to and love your new FB group. I hope to keep seeing you over on the cruise TR.


Nice job, Cynthia. And I love that the bedding at the YC was one of your highlights. :thumbsup2 Right there with you on that one. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every single entry in your TR and can't believe it was a year in the making. Thanks for sharing it all with us and I'm sure I'll enjoy your cruise TR just as much. I hope that you can make some more travel plans soon, but October of 2012 isn't too far into the future. :goodvibes

Thanks Tina!

Yes, the bedding was a highlight. It's the little things sometimes. It was a year in the making and a year in the reporting. Somehow I turned a 2 week trip into a 2 year event. :rotfl: So when you look at it that way, what's a year anyway?
Beautiful wrap-up, Cynthia! You had so many wonderful highlights to make it such a great trip in general. You ate at some fantastic places and it looks like you really enjoyed most of them. :thumbsup2

The stolen clothing thing really sucked hard, but in the grand scheme of things, it's something that although will leave a bad taste behind, will be overshadowed by all the fun you all had!
Beautiful wrap-up, Cynthia! You had so many wonderful highlights to make it such a great trip in general. You ate at some fantastic places and it looks like you really enjoyed most of them. :thumbsup2

Lots of good eats and TONS of highlights. It was a wonderful trip!!

The stolen clothing thing really sucked hard, but in the grand scheme of things, it's something that although will leave a bad taste behind, will be overshadowed by all the fun you all had!

In the big picture of life, and even the trip, a blip.

Though I did think of it today as I looked at my Sept calendar which features a picture of Eric, from the trip, in front of his birthday towel cake in a shirt he adored that is gone forever. Still, I look at the boy, the smile and that wonderful "cake" and that's all I really see and it makes me smile.
Hi Cynthia!:goodvibes

I'm sorry I've done such a horrible job keeping up on your TR.:guilty: I've been behind on all TR/PTR's I follow. I'm slowly trying to get all caught up!:thumbsup2

Great resort and dining review! I'm really hoping we can stay at the WL in the near future. Hoping for a Christmas trip in 2013...so that may be just the place!;) Loved your final thoughts! So happy to see so many highlights!

I enjoyed reading your TR (as always). Thank you for sharing!!:goodvibes

I'm off to check out your new cruise TR.:thumbsup2 Can't wait!:)
Hi Cynthia!:goodvibes

I'm sorry I've done such a horrible job keeping up on your TR.:guilty: I've been behind on all TR/PTR's I follow. I'm slowly trying to get all caught up!:thumbsup2

Great resort and dining review! I'm really hoping we can stay at the WL in the near future. Hoping for a Christmas trip in 2013...so that may be just the place!;) Loved your final thoughts! So happy to see so many highlights!

I enjoyed reading your TR (as always). Thank you for sharing!!:goodvibes

I'm off to check out your new cruise TR.:thumbsup2 Can't wait!:)

Hi Angie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No worries, I am usually behind everywhere as well. WL would be gorgeous at Christmas. Definitely lots of highlights, it was a great trip!!


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