Biggest Loser--Fall 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!!

Hi everyone, I'm in! I need to do this and have decided to work toward doing a 1/2 marathon at Disney in 2013 so I need to get this done!

Oh--and I'm a vegetarian--for anyone who is veg or veg-curious, I'd love to compare tips and recipes...


I'm not sure if this should maybe be a PM, but maybe someone else can chime in too! I'm not veg, and not really intending to go veg, but I have a specific question. I travel weekly (leave Monday morning, home Thursday night) so I spend at least 3 nights a week in a hotel. It's an efficiency so I have a fridge, two burners and a microwave. I just started bringing my cat with me (an incredibly good idea! I'm so grateful the hotel allows it!) so I have a bit of a garbage problem. I can't leave meat in the garbage can overnight because Barney gets curious. I know I could just shove it in a cabinet or something, but then I forget about it.

So - I thought I'd go vegie (or vegie-ish?) while I'm in the hotel. I work 12 - 14 hours a day, so I'm looking for quick and easy. Right now I'm eating salad - spring mix with kidney and/or garbanzo beans - and really enjoy it, but not twice a day 3 days a week! I love pasta and it is my normal meatless go-to meal, but I'm trying to cut down on white flour and I HATE whole-wheat pasta. I usually take some vegies to lunch - carrots, cukes, peas in the pod - what the heck are those things called?? I'm looking for something easy to pack for lunch (usually not refrigerated at work) and easy and super quick to eat when I get home at 9pm. I guess I could pack lunch and dinner for work, but then I feel like a packhorse going into work!

Do you have any really good, really easy vegie recipes that might work for me? I've also considered cooking at home and bringing it with me since I drive. I'm open to non-meatless suggestions as well, I just need to keep the interesting-to-Barney garbage to a minimum, so especially no seafood! He goes bonkers over the little packets that tuna come in!

I'm not sure if this should maybe be a PM, but maybe someone else can chime in too! I'm not veg, and not really intending to go veg, but I have a specific question.

Hey! Thanks for the challenge... I hope I can help you and I picked out a few of my favorite recipes. I admit they are more involved than a quick no-cook salad though--but it's hard doing healthy, very quick, no-oven vegetarian without pasta... usually in those cases I'd probably do Lean Cuisine or something microwaveable from Morningstar Farms! But I do have a few suggestions that I posted in my WISH Journal...
ok I am all fired up and ready for the challenge to start. I am totally going to be the biggest loser here :cool1: sounds funny to say that. Fall weather is in effect outside so get to walk again and planning all sorts of healthy dishes to facilitate weight loss. Plus I think any pound lost should count as two due to holidays when it is normal to gain about 20. That totally makes sense to me :idea:
Is it too late to join? If not, I'd really like to join (as a loser) for the fall. I have a trip to WDW in early November which will be a challenge, but then everyday is a challenge!
Hi all! No time to read here, since I spent my morning computer time on the Summer challenge thread. Just wanted to pop in and say GOOD Morning!!! .............P
I'm back on the wagon my friends!!! Sign me up for the fall challenge!! I feel so bad that I neglected all of you this summer :( I'm still gluten free (it's been 4 months and I am still learning!) and the pounds are not coming off (way too much ice cream!). I can't wait to begin and get back in the loop here!!
Hi everyone, I'm in! I need to do this and have decided to work toward doing a 1/2 marathon at Disney in 2013 so I need to get this done!

:welcome: So nice to see you, Vija! :flower3:

I'm not sure if this should maybe be a PM, but maybe someone else can chime in too! I'm not veg, and not really intending to go veg, but I have a specific question.

We do have a BL recipe thread that you might want to check out. Sounds like you got some good ideas from kollerbear! :thumbsup2

ok I am all fired up and ready for the challenge to start. I am totally going to be the biggest loser here :cool1: sounds funny to say that. Fall weather is in effect outside so get to walk again and planning all sorts of healthy dishes to facilitate weight loss. Plus I think any pound lost should count as two due to holidays when it is normal to gain about 20. That totally makes sense to me :idea:

Nice to see you ready to rock n' roll! :rockband:

Is it too late to join? If not, I'd really like to join (as a loser) for the fall. I have a trip to WDW in early November which will be a challenge, but then everyday is a challenge!

:welcome: Never too late to join a BL challenge! ::yes::

Hi all! No time to read here, since I spent my morning computer time on the Summer challenge thread. Just wanted to pop in and say GOOD Morning!!! .............P

Good morning to you, Pam, and thank you! :hug:

I'm back on the wagon my friends!!! Sign me up for the fall challenge!! I feel so bad that I neglected all of you this summer :( I'm still gluten free (it's been 4 months and I am still learning!) and the pounds are not coming off (way too much ice cream!). I can't wait to begin and get back in the loop here!!

Karen, so happy to see you, too. :hug: We were wondering how you have been!

It's wonderful to see so many folks! :goodvibes I will be posting our first QOTD (Question of the Day) later this afternoon. :cool2:
Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm so excited for Friday. I have been busy prepping Healthy Habits and cannot wait to unveil my new plan.

I was ecstatic to read that some of you have new notebooks, etc. Mine is waiting anxiously to be used by the milisecond. :rotfl2:

Here is another hint: Spend a few minutes taking note of what you have in the house for food and exercise equipment/DVDs, etc. Also, check your calendar for upcoming events, business trips, etc. And, finally, don't worry. For those of you who "know" me, I can be wordy. ;) I promise you that I will explain everything.

OHHHHHH, now I'm intrigued!!!

Is it too late to join? If not, I'd really like to join (as a loser) for the fall. I have a trip to WDW in early November which will be a challenge, but then everyday is a challenge!

It's never to late to join!!!! Welcome aboard!

I'm back on the wagon my friends!!! Sign me up for the fall challenge!! I feel so bad that I neglected all of you this summer :( I'm still gluten free (it's been 4 months and I am still learning!) and the pounds are not coming off (way too much ice cream!). I can't wait to begin and get back in the loop here!!

Woohoo!!!! welcome back Karen!!!!!!
Hey everyone!!

This is going to be short because it takes really long to make posts from my Blackberry. Re reading and responding when we get to the hotel tonight.

I am sitting out in the front yard enjoying one of my last few beautiful days in TX. We have had a pool table come out and take apart the table and crate it. The packers are busy packing up the house. The kitchen is packed, the living room is almost done, and they will start on our bedroom shortly.
I'm back as a loser, count me in!

:welcome: to all the new participants, what a great turnout!

I was going to volunteer to be the new WIN coach, but I see you found someone. Fantastic!
I'll give it a go! With Weight Watchers Online, but can always use new motivation. I lost 55 lbs for a trip to WDW 2 years ago, have gained back 25. Planning another trip to WDW/US in April and want to be looking good and in good shape to tackle the parks :goodvibes!

I've been on my diet since Tuesday and still dealing with the feel hungry all the time phase. Once I get past that, I plan to start exercising again!
I'm getting really scared for my starting weigh in tomorrow. :eek: I think I'm up AGAIN! :guilty: AHH :scared1: All this "holiday" eating over the weekend. I did swim for an hour yesterday but not quite as much lap swimming as I had done the last time we went. Thinking of going today again now that I got a working key and no worrying about gong through the office and getting locked out like we did before.

I'm trying tostick to more whole foods to keep sodium down so I can see just how much its causing of this high heart rate and rounds of crazy symptoms. I HAVE to get some weight off and praying I can feeling better after I get 30-40 lbs off. I know it may take a lot more to come off the meds for good(except my dumb allergy meds) but I will fight for this. I'd like to feel normal again and be able to go about my normal life again. Hopefully when I do make an appointment to see her I can ask about exercising stronger what would be a safe high heartrate as I know when I exercise it can go SUPER high. She had asked if they ran EKG and I said no but they did a 24 holter(same as EKG for most part) and she said there was only one bleep and its normal reading. All my blood work was normal. My triglycerides were still a few points on high side but nothing to worry about she said. Thyroid and blood sugars still good. Can't wait for the mystery to be solved though with this health stuff.
Thank you Connie96 for developing the WIN! Challenge. And a special thank you goes out to satorifound for tracking the results for the Fall BL Challenge. Tomorrow is the day to send in your measurements. Below are the instructions.

The WIN! Challenge (Whittle Inches Now!)

WIN! is here for us to challenge ourselves to achieve fit and healthy bodies!! In addition to reporting your official weigh-in each week, you can measure your success in terms of inches. Many of you may be doing this anyway, but as an incentive to those of us who need incentive (like ME!!) we can now challenge each other by reporting percent-of-inch-loss just as our Top Ten(-ish) weight-losers are determined each week.

Since the WIN! is optional, no one will be dropped for not reporting and there is no need to be “excused” from measuring. All stats will simply be based on who does report in. Weekly Biggest WINners will be determined by percent of change between the current and previous WIN! numbers reported by each participant. When measurements are reported after having skipped the previous time(s), the percent loss will be divided over the missed weeks. Final Biggest WINners will be determined by percent of difference between the final and originally reported measurements. If you miss the first scheduled reporting day, just jump in anytime and that will be your “original” measurement for the remaining weeks.

I will be recording measurements and posting the WIN! report on a 3-week interval. The challenge is a little shorter this time around, so the last reporting date is only 2 weeks from the previous.These dates correspond to the current Friday weigh-in schedule:
September 9
September 30
October 21
November 11
December 2
December 16

There will be a reminder post, so as long as you hang around here you shouldn’t have to worry too much about forgetting. Since taking measurements requires more time that just stepping on the scale, I’m sure many of us will do this part over the designated weekend. Measurements can be reported up thru the following Monday, and results should be posted on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Here’s how we’re gonna do it:
Take a measurement at each of these locations:
Left or Right Upper Arm (stick with the same one for subsequent measurements!!)
Bust or Chest
Left or Right Thigh (remember which one for next time!)
Add these five measurements together
Send only the sum of the measurements to me (satorifound
) via Private Message

If you need more information or tips about how to measure, please refer to How to Take Body Measurements (from

If you still have questions, please feel free to PM me or post in the thread and we’ll try to get you the info you need to participate.

Whether or not you choose to participate in this optional challenge, I’d like to encourage EVERYONE – especially anyone new to this thread – to take your measurements at the very beginning. This is something so many of us never did when we first started losing weight and I think we’re fairly unanimous in wishing we had that information to encourage us in our continued loss and maintenance.
The movers left about an hour ago. The truck driver is here now taking inventory of everything we have. Then we are going to finish packing little things, make sure animals are ok for the night, go grab dinner, and head to the hotel.
Welcome all to the Biggest Loser 12 Fall Challenge! :thumbsup2

Thanks to Janis, Sue, CC and satorifound (sorry I don't know your first name) for taking care of us this challenge. :flower3:

I am Lisa and I will be your coach this week. :wave2:

As the challenge starts there are just a few things that you need to do:

1. PM your beginning weight to our lovely weightkeeper, dvccruiser76.

2. PM your beginning WIN! numbers to satorifound (if you are doing WIN!)

3. Keep an eye out for CC's post about HH (Healthy Habits) this week (if you are doing HH)

I am in the Pacific Time Zone so will try and post the QOTD for each day the day before so you Easterners will have something to read in the morning.

QOTD Friday, September 9, 2011: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your goals for this challenge. :goodvibes

All right let's get this party started! party:
Count me in as a LOSER! :)

I'm not going to be able to turn my weight in until next Friday. Our household goods are getting packed up tomorrow for our move. I can hear Alan upstairs as I type this taping up more boxes.

I fell off the band wagon during the summer challenge because I was so busy getting ready to make this move. I'm hoping that being in a new location (and having a brand new inground pool) will help me. I also will have a fitness center in my brand new subdivision. I'm determined to get weight off this go around.

Good luck with the move.

All right, I'm going to bite the bullet and join you all! It's been a challenging year in our house, and I handled it poorly and managed to gain a bunch of weight. I'm not exactly sure how much--I guess I'll find out on Friday, lol. Please add me to the list as a loser.

Thanks Rose&Mike for posting this on the DISUnplugged board. It was the kick I needed to finally get over to check out the WISH board after hearing so many great things about it.


Hi everyone, I'm in! I need to do this and have decided to work toward doing a 1/2 marathon at Disney in 2013 so I need to get this done!

Wow!!! Now that's a goal to work towards.

Is it too late to join? If not, I'd really like to join (as a loser) for the fall. I have a trip to WDW in early November which will be a challenge, but then everyday is a challenge!

It's never too late.

I'm back on the wagon my friends!!! Sign me up for the fall challenge!! I feel so bad that I neglected all of you this summer :( I'm still gluten free (it's been 4 months and I am still learning!) and the pounds are not coming off (way too much ice cream!). I can't wait to begin and get back in the loop here!!

Welcome Back.

I'm back as a loser, count me in!

:welcome: to all the new participants, what a great turnout!

I was going to volunteer to be the new WIN coach, but I see you found someone. Fantastic!

Welcome Back.

I'll give it a go! With Weight Watchers Online, but can always use new motivation. I lost 55 lbs for a trip to WDW 2 years ago, have gained back 25. Planning another trip to WDW/US in April and want to be looking good and in good shape to tackle the parks :goodvibes!

I've been on my diet since Tuesday and still dealing with the feel hungry all the time phase. Once I get past that, I plan to start exercising again!


Welcome all to the Biggest Loser 12 Fall Challenge! :thumbsup2

Thanks to Janis, Sue, CC and satorifound (sorry I don't know your first name) for taking care of us this challenge. :flower3:

I am Lisa and I will be your coach this week. :wave2:

As the challenge starts there are just a few things that you need to do:

1. PM your beginning weight to our lovely weightkeeper, dvccruiser76.

2. PM your beginning WIN! numbers to satorifound (if you are doing WIN!)

3. Keep an eye out for CC's post about HH (Healthy Habits) this week (if you are doing HH)

I am in the Pacific Time Zone so will try and post the QOTD for each day the day before so you Easterners will have something to read in the morning.

QOTD Friday, September 9, 2011: Please introduce yourself and tell us about your goals for this challenge. :goodvibes

All right let's get this party started! party:

I would like everyone to go to the first page of this thread and make sure I have your name down as a participant. I don't want to miss anyone.



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