Single Parent Support Thread

Yes I am a single mom too of two girls DD9, and DD3 both were adopted. We are going back to disney in Nov 11-11-11 ( I love that date). We are going to be their for a week and I can't wait. We have been going to disney for years I think my 9 year old has been their 6 times now. We all love to sit and plan what we are going to do, and where to eat, although this time we are not doing any sit down meals, the girls don't eat just want to see the charaters. Both of my girls are great travels, so I have very lucky. I decided when I was 40, since I was not married that I would adopt, I really wanted to be a mom and that was the best decision I ever made. Being a single parent is hard but it has some made life great. :cheer2:
Yes I am a single mom too of two girls DD9, and DD3 both were adopted. We are going back to disney in Nov 11-11-11 ( I love that date). We are going to be their for a week and I can't wait. We have been going to disney for years I think my 9 year old has been their 6 times now. We all love to sit and plan what we are going to do, and where to eat, although this time we are not doing any sit down meals, the girls don't eat just want to see the charaters. Both of my girls are great travels, so I have very lucky. I decided when I was 40, since I was not married that I would adopt, I really wanted to be a mom and that was the best decision I ever made. Being a single parent is hard but it has some made life great. :cheer2:

:thumbsup2 That is awesome! You are an amazing mom!! Have a wonderful trip!!!:goodvibes
Yes I am a single mom too of two girls DD9, and DD3 both were adopted. We are going back to disney in Nov 11-11-11 ( I love that date). We are going to be their for a week and I can't wait. We have been going to disney for years I think my 9 year old has been their 6 times now. We all love to sit and plan what we are going to do, and where to eat, although this time we are not doing any sit down meals, the girls don't eat just want to see the charaters. Both of my girls are great travels, so I have very lucky. I decided when I was 40, since I was not married that I would adopt, I really wanted to be a mom and that was the best decision I ever made. Being a single parent is hard but it has some made life great. :cheer2:

Aww, you are amazing! I love the trip date you chose too:goodvibes!!
I am also a single mom. I was married for 20 years, but he cheated and now I have custody of our 2 children. My DD is 15, and my DS is 7. They both love all things Disney as I do. My DD has been to WDW about 8 times and my DS has been there twice. My X didn't want my DS to go when he was little so I took my DD alone often.
I took them both in the summer of 09 (I was getting divorced) and a good friend of mine that had never been offered to come and help with the kids. It was great! My friend and DD were able to go off alone and even went back at night when I stayed in the room with my DS to decompress. We had a great time!
Then last summer I decided to take a trip with no kids. Again my friend said she'd love to go and we had a wonderful time, but I did miss the kids.
This July I am taking my 2 kids and my niece who is turning sweet 16 today. My niece and daughter are very close and are very excited to to Disney together! My niece thinks of course all the special jewrely gifts she's getting today are very nice, but she thinks my gift of 10 days in Disney is the best ever!! We are planning all our days out now and are getting very excited.
I am also a single mom. I was married for 20 years, but he cheated and now I have custody of our 2 children. My DD is 15, and my DS is 7. They both love all things Disney as I do. My DD has been to WDW about 8 times and my DS has been there twice. My X didn't want my DS to go when he was little so I took my DD alone often.
I took them both in the summer of 09 (I was getting divorced) and a good friend of mine that had never been offered to come and help with the kids. It was great! My friend and DD were able to go off alone and even went back at night when I stayed in the room with my DS to decompress. We had a great time!
Then last summer I decided to take a trip with no kids. Again my friend said she'd love to go and we had a wonderful time, but I did miss the kids.
This July I am taking my 2 kids and my niece who is turning sweet 16 today. My niece and daughter are very close and are very excited to to Disney together! My niece thinks of course all the special jewrely gifts she's getting today are very nice, but she thinks my gift of 10 days in Disney is the best ever!! We are planning all our days out now and are getting very excited.

When are you going in July? I am taking DD7 July 8-12, as a surprise, she doesn't know yet! Sorry about the ex, I have an about to be ex who also decided to cheat, not fun to go through! Glad your kiddos are getting to enjoy Disney!

that sounds great about the trip. I have to admit you are a great aunt. I don't know that my nephew would get that lucky! :worship:

Hope you have a great time. Sounds like you'll be in good company.
Hi everyone, how strong you all are! And how wonderful that you are continuing the Disney trips, it isn't easy to save and manage alone. :thumbsup2

I am planning for August 2012 and would love some feedback as this will be my first trip as a divorcee'. Am a little concerned about driving so I am thinking we will take the train and rent a car down there.

We might stay for a couple of nights at a WDW resort. I will also be using my timeshare for at least a week but have never been on property. What is the best kid friendly value resort in your opinion?

Take care and best of times to all of you!
Hi everyone im kj have a ds whos 2 we are going on the disney magic and then to wdw in sept , cant wait so excited:yay: please say hi peeps xx:)
I am a single mom of one DS age 11, almost 12 his entire life and was never married. We have been on numerous trips alone and I enjoy being able to travel and have my son experience family vacations just as my parents did for me. Sometimes, my parents come along, but we have been to Georgia, Colorado, Puerto Rico, the Jersey Shore and last year to Orlando with one day at WDW. My parents took me to Disney 3 times as a child so this year we are going August 22nd and I have planned everything out to the extreme LOL. I am so glad and encouraged to see so many single moms taking their children on vacation actually I think we go more places than my married friends! Yes it's hard sometimes I get lonely on trips but at WDW there is so much to do and see I know we will have a great time!!!!!!!! Glad to see us here and for some of you with heartbreaking stories, stay strong and you are in my thoughts!!!!!:thumbsup2
I'm a single mom of a (as he will quite proudly tell you) 5 year old boy. :rotfl2: We haven't made it to WDW yet. I have our first trip planned for this September. He just doesn't know it yet!

It depends on my boss not being a *BEEP* and actually letting me take leave. :worship: < That may be required, which would mean no leave for us:headache:

Still, fingers crossed and happy dance planned!
It's funny how seeing similar stories makes one feel less out of the loop. I am a SM to a DS(12). I have definately found that being a single parent is a lot easier than being with someone you shouldn't be with...especially when it comes to child rearing.

That said, since I never married the father, I decided to purchase my first DVC in 2008 (having loved my 2006 WDW trip with DS (then 6 years old). I figured people spent more on a wedding than I did on the DVC time share so it was a life bargain. True to form, since I never had that second child I always thought I would have, in 2010 I bought more DVC points.

Disney themed vacations are now our go to spot, and for all of you that have expressed aprehension, I find some of the best one-on-one time I can have with DS happens at Disney. Sure, we have tiffs now that he is a tween...but there is something to be said for walking down Mainstreet having a conversation about forced perspective or practicing Chinese in the China pavillion at EPCOT. We have now gone every year, and when I go without him...he tells me "how could you, that's our place?"

Sure, being a single mom can be stressful...but the joys that come with it are priceless. :wizard:
Hi. I too am a single mom. My boys are 15 and 18 and I have been a single parent since they were 2 and 5. My ex-husband left me (he was cheating) while my youngest was recovering from brain tumor surgery :sad2:.

I started taking my boys to Disney World once a year back in 2000 and those trips have undoubtedly been the best family memories that we have ever had.

My oldest graduated high school June 10 and had to be on a plane June 13 to start a mandatory summer collegiate program at the university that he will be attending in the fall (which is 2,500+ miles away!!!!). He didn't get a summer or graduation trip as time just did not allow.

He flew home last night (I have missed him something terrible!) and during the hour drive from the airport he said, "I can't stop thinking about Disney World. I want to go back soooo more time as a family before I go away to college. Maybe we can go next summer."

I almost lost it because WE ARE GOING TO Disney World in 17 days!! My boys have NO idea!! They think that the 3 of us are flying to Wisconsin to move my oldest into his dorm. Yes, that is true, but we are taking a slight detour to WDW on our way! We can only spend 6 days in Orlando but it's better than nothing. From Orlando we will fly to Wisconsin and spend 3 days getting him settled and then me and my youngest will return home to Oregon.

I am so excited I could just ink! :yay:

Hi. I too am a single mom. My boys are 15 and 18 and I have been a single parent since they were 2 and 5. My ex-husband left me (he was cheating) while my youngest was recovering from brain tumor surgery :sad2:.

I started taking my boys to Disney World once a year back in 2000 and those trips have undoubtedly been the best family memories that we have ever had.

My oldest graduated high school June 10 and had to be on a plane June 13 to start a mandatory summer collegiate program at the university that he will be attending in the fall (which is 2,500+ miles away!!!!). He didn't get a summer or graduation trip as time just did not allow.

He flew home last night (I have missed him something terrible!) and during the hour drive from the airport he said, "I can't stop thinking about Disney World. I want to go back soooo more time as a family before I go away to college. Maybe we can go next summer."

I almost lost it because WE ARE GOING TO Disney World in 17 days!! My boys have NO idea!! They think that the 3 of us are flying to Wisconsin to move my oldest into his dorm. Yes, that is true, but we are taking a slight detour to WDW on our way! We can only spend 6 days in Orlando but it's better than nothing. From Orlando we will fly to Wisconsin and spend 3 days getting him settled and then me and my youngest will return home to Oregon.

I am so excited I could just ink! :yay:


This is awesome!!! Have a fabulous trip!!! I am sure it will be magical!!! :goodvibes
What a wonderful surprise for your boys!

I'm also surprising my ten year old dd with her FIRST trip to DW.We (my parents and I - best grandparents EVER!) just booked our trip for November. It'll be my mom and dad, me, and my daughter. I'm so excited.

Life has been so much better for me as a single mom. :) Nice to meet you all!

This is my first post in four years, lol!
He flew home last night (I have missed him something terrible!) and during the hour drive from the airport he said, "I can't stop thinking about Disney World. I want to go back soooo more time as a family before I go away to college. Maybe we can go next summer."

I almost lost it because WE ARE GOING TO Disney World in 17 days!! My boys have NO idea!! They think that the 3 of us are flying to Wisconsin to move my oldest into his dorm. Yes, that is true, but we are taking a slight detour to WDW on our way! We can only spend 6 days in Orlando but it's better than nothing. From Orlando we will fly to Wisconsin and spend 3 days getting him settled and then me and my youngest will return home to Oregon.

What a fantastic surprise! I can't wait to hear their reaction. You are a great mom to make such special memories for your son(s). Have a wonderful trip!
Yes I am a single mom too of two girls DD9, and DD3 both were adopted. We are going back to disney in Nov 11-11-11 ( I love that date). We are going to be their for a week and I can't wait. We have been going to disney for years I think my 9 year old has been their 6 times now. We all love to sit and plan what we are going to do, and where to eat, although this time we are not doing any sit down meals, the girls don't eat just want to see the charaters. Both of my girls are great travels, so I have very lucky. I decided when I was 40, since I was not married that I would adopt, I really wanted to be a mom and that was the best decision I ever made. Being a single parent is hard but it has some made life great. :cheer2:

I did the same thing. My adopted son arrived in my home when I was 44. I was divorced many years earlier and didn't want that fact to be the reason I never became a mother.

My DS6 has been to WDW 5 times with a 6th trip coming up in November. He truly loves it and I know that we are creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Yes I am a single mom too of two girls DD9, and DD3 both were adopted. We are going back to disney in Nov 11-11-11 ( I love that date). We are going to be their for a week and I can't wait. We have been going to disney for years I think my 9 year old has been their 6 times now. We all love to sit and plan what we are going to do, and where to eat, although this time we are not doing any sit down meals, the girls don't eat just want to see the charaters. Both of my girls are great travels, so I have very lucky. I decided when I was 40, since I was not married that I would adopt, I really wanted to be a mom and that was the best decision I ever made. Being a single parent is hard but it has some made life great. :cheer2:
We will be there then too.. it is dd's birthday!
Hi everyone, how strong you all are! And how wonderful that you are continuing the Disney trips, it isn't easy to save and manage alone. :thumbsup2

I am planning for August 2012 and would love some feedback as this will be my first trip as a divorcee'. Am a little concerned about driving so I am thinking we will take the train and rent a car down there.

We might stay for a couple of nights at a WDW resort. I will also be using my timeshare for at least a week but have never been on property. What is the best kid friendly value resort in your opinion?

Take care and best of times to all of you!
I really like the values..and so do my kids. The theming is great for them. They love the bright colors, the food courts have plenty to choose from and they are just plain fun...not fancy, but we like them.
I'm leaving Sunday with ds and dd for a week at ASmo, I am getting very nervous! This is our first trip alone, and I hope I didn't bite off too much planning a whole week for just the 3 of us. Somebody please tell me I didn't make a big mistake.
I'm leaving Sunday with ds and dd for a week at ASmo, I am getting very nervous! This is our first trip alone, and I hope I didn't bite off too much planning a whole week for just the 3 of us. Somebody please tell me I didn't make a big mistake.

You will be great, I took DD7 for 6 days in July alone for the first time and was nervous, but it was an amazing trip and we have so many great memories. You will have a great time and so will they!:goodvibes


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