Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

For dinner I made corn on the cob, parsley potatoes, and bbq chicken on the grill. I had small portions. I drank at least 80 oz of water today and although I didnt want to have any soda I did give in and had a few sips. Diet of course but still.:headache:

I then got out for a run. I think it was about 36min long and let me tell you it felt like it was the first time I had ever ran. It felt horrible and good at the same time but I really noticed the 10-15lbs I have put back on. It made me sad but I was not going to let it get me down. I am hoping I can get back in the groove quickly.

mm your dinner sound delish! TOM (well, if i ever actually had it) was never a good time for my eating. basically if it was a food, it went in my mouth. considering that, i think you did awesome!!

sorry the run was stinky but way to go on doing it for 36 minutes! that's a long time if you hadn't been running for a while! you'll get back in a rhythm. and it'll feel good. but i know what you mean about running being harder with extra weight. i'm up now too and it makes it that much more difficult to get my body moving!

I am here to say that this can be done. It can be maintained, but it takes continuing focus, support and intention. Without those things, it is all to easy for the weight to creep back on, even while training for distance running and lifting weights and eating healthy food (mostly). I'll try to share the things that have helped me along the way, but I'm really here because continuing to focus on healthy weight habits is crucial to my continuing to stay at a weight that is happy and healthy for me.

I also need to get a marathon training plan...cause I'm planning on the Twin Cities Marathon in October, followed by the Goofy Challenge in January. Which is Half Marathon on Saturday, Full Marathon on Sunday. I'm going to run it and stop for photos and have lots of fun with some other WISH teammates.

Soooo....that's probably enough for now. Thanks so much, Biggest Loser friends!

thanks for sharing your story and pics. very inspirational!

i'm really excited for you about the goofy! i would love to do that someday. i was hoping to do the marathon in january 2012 but now i will be doing it in 2013. i will really enjoy following you along as you train. what training method do you think you'll use?

As for my day...pretty good. I went for a 30 min walk/jog during lunch and then after my daughters gymnastics got cancelled, I took the opportunity to go to the gym and did 42 minutes on the eliptical. I ate within points...still have 2 more points to go. I had lots of water, ate my fruit, didn't have any soda and avoided all the junk food people brought in to share at work.

nice work! :thumbsup2

Is it too late to join in? I finally got fed up and went to the doctor today and asked for some help.

hi and welcome! :) i really hate going to the doctor, getting on the scale, and getting "the look." blech.

Got C25K week 7 day 1 in this morning.

nice! you're almost done! when is your 5k??

Good Tuesday morning.

BBQ was fine last night. I had a cheeseburger, salad and one small scoop of potato salad. For dessert I had strawberries and watermelon.

When I got home I got to see the reveal of the show of the new HGTV Disney show. THen I got a call from my mom. Whenever she calls after 8 at night it is never good news. One of my cousins died. I am the youngest of my cousins on my father side and she was one of the oldest. I don't remember the last time I saw her. My parents are going to the funeral. then I got a call from a friend about a friend that we are just learning about her lung cancer and how bad it is. It is very scary. She never smoked. The sad part is that she is not talking to anyone about it

i'm sorry to hear the news of the loss of your cousin. and i'm really sorry about your friend. is it really bad? what kind of treatment can they do. i'll be thinking of her. :hug:


morning all! thomas was up and at 'em at 5:30 this morning. what is UP with that? i keep reminding myself that when he's 13 and doesn't want to get out of bed i will appreciate the time when he got up early. but not THIS early!

no matter, i have to leave with him at 7:15 to head downtown for my OB appt. yesterday my friend said she'd take him for me but then last night she called and said that her guests who were supposed to arrive today were arriving last night. oh well. he will probably scream and cry but there's not much i can do about it. hopefully it'll be a quick appt. mostly i'm worried that the doctor will tell me that i've gained too much already. i'll be sure to tell him that i'm being active though so that should help...maybe.

i think i might have plantar faciatis in my right foot. GRR! it hurts to put any weight on my right heel. great. it's supposed to be in the 90s and VERY humid the next few days so it's a forced rest few days for me. still, it sucks and it hurts and it better go away soon!!!

have great day everyone!
LOVE APOLLO 13! I still cry every time I watch it.

Did well yesterday with food and drink though I probably could've drunk more water. Decided to sleep in this morning since we were up late watching the Bruins game!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Working from 9-2 today. Hope to run over to Market Basket to stock up on a few things that I'm out of. We'll have a big snack when the kids get home from school as we will then be having pizza after soccer and dancing with the rest of the team.

I got the laundry done yesterday so I will also try and get that folded this afternoon. I should be able to stay on track today and try to stick with just one or two pieces of pizza at practice tonight. I will drink lots of water earlier in the day as well.

Shake, water and tea for b'fast, protein bar for lunch. I will probably have one can of soda today.

Gotta get Ash moving...going to be a long day!

TTFN :tigger:
Inspirational Quote 6/7/11

Life isn't about finding yourself, It's about creating yourself

Are you creating the person you want to be?
Busy day today so I won't be around much.

TraceyDid you watch the game last night? I went to bed after the 2nd period but DS14 filled me in this morning.

NewbiesWelcome to the group!!! I hope you stick with us, this is a fabulous group of people!

Dave I may have missed it, just checking to see how Caleb is doing.

Everyone else Rock on and have a wonderful day!!!

Don't forget your organization challenges today!! If DH ever gets out of bed, I'll make it. LOL
But it sure was nice getting up to a clean sink this morning, which reminds me I need to start the dishwasher. I didn't want to start it while the game was on last night.
I will be posting the next challenge early because it's going to take some prep work ahead of time.
I'm excited to report that I have received WIN! numbers from TWENTY of you now! If anyone else would like to jump in, I'd love for you to join us.:thumbsup2
That's fabulous! I haven't sent mine in yet--I am just feeling really flabby and not wanting to measure, but hey hopefully all that means is that next time my numbers will be better!

As for my day...pretty good. I went for a 30 min walk/jog during lunch and then after my daughters gymnastics got cancelled, I took the opportunity to go to the gym and did 42 minutes on the eliptical. I ate within points...still have 2 more points to go. I had lots of water, ate my fruit, didn't have any soda and avoided all the junk food people brought in to share at work. I have started something new at work. I have taken it upon myself to email a few of my coworkers who are also trying to lose weight/be healthy some inspirational messages. My first one went out today and I got a very good response from it. It also helps me stay on track so it's a win/win situation. As for the exercise...I think just having my workout gear in my car all the time will help me take advantage of any opportunity to work out. I did make plans to go walking with some coworkers during lunch tomorrow and I have my WW weigh in tomorrow night.

Have a great night!
Great job on the exercise Sarah May!

Is it too late to join in? I finally got fed up and went to the doctor today and asked for some help.
Nope, not too late! Welcome! Pm donac your starting weight.:goodvibes

Good Tuesday morning.

BBQ was fine last night. I had a cheeseburger, salad and one small scoop of potato salad. For dessert I had strawberries and watermelon.

When I got home I got to see the reveal of the show of the new HGTV Disney show. THen I got a call from my mom. Whenever she calls after 8 at night it is never good news. One of my cousins died. I am the youngest of my cousins on my father side and she was one of the oldest. I don't remember the last time I saw her. My parents are going to the funeral. then I got a call from a friend about a friend that we are just learning about her lung cancer and how bad it is. It is very scary. She never smoked. The sad part is that she is not talking to anyone about it

It is not too late. pm your weight to me. Welcome this is a great group.

I teach AP calculus and when we are done my first year class watch Apollo 13. I watch it about 2 -3 times a year and ahave been doing this for 8 years. Then the students write about astronauts and the space program. This year they are also doing 20 minutes presentations about some aspect of the space program. Last week a kid was ushered into my classroom to the theme of 2001 a space odyssey wearing 2 rolls of foil wrapped around his body and a foil covered box over his head. It was a lot of fun.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Dona--I'm sorry about your sad news.:hug:


morning all! thomas was up and at 'em at 5:30 this morning. what is UP with that? i keep reminding myself that when he's 13 and doesn't want to get out of bed i will appreciate the time when he got up early. but not THIS early!

no matter, i have to leave with him at 7:15 to head downtown for my OB appt. yesterday my friend said she'd take him for me but then last night she called and said that her guests who were supposed to arrive today were arriving last night. oh well. he will probably scream and cry but there's not much i can do about it. hopefully it'll be a quick appt. mostly i'm worried that the doctor will tell me that i've gained too much already. i'll be sure to tell him that i'm being active though so that should help...maybe.

i think i might have plantar faciatis in my right foot. GRR! it hurts to put any weight on my right heel. great. it's supposed to be in the 90s and VERY humid the next few days so it's a forced rest few days for me. still, it sucks and it hurts and it better go away soon!!!

have great day everyone!
I hope the appointment goes well, Nancy! And I wrote something about it on the Princess thread, but you might have a bruised fat pad in your foot. I thought I was doing the pf thing again, but it wasn't that.

Inspirational Quote 6/7/11

Life isn't about finding yourself, It's about creating yourself

Are you creating the person you want to be?
Thanks for the quote Buffy. Food for thought for the day.:goodvibes

Busy day today so I won't be around much.

TraceyDid you watch the game last night? I went to bed after the 2nd period but DS14 filled me in this morning.

NewbiesWelcome to the group!!! I hope you stick with us, this is a fabulous group of people!

Dave I may have missed it, just checking to see how Caleb is doing.

Everyone else Rock on and have a wonderful day!!!

Don't forget your organization challenges today!! If DH ever gets out of bed, I'll make it. LOL
But it sure was nice getting up to a clean sink this morning, which reminds me I need to start the dishwasher. I didn't want to start it while the game was on last night.
I will be posting the next challenge early because it's going to take some prep work ahead of time.
I am just loving the organizational challenge. I love the thought that everyone else is making their beds, too. There are made up beds all over the place now.:goodvibes

I got up and did a tiny bit of yoga to stretch out my legs. Still debating whether I am going to run tonight. Mentally, I really need it. We'll see how the knee behaves today.

Have a great, on plan day today. And drink your water--it's going to be hot!:goodvibes
Oh yes, we watched the whole game! Very scary starting off when Horton got nailed but glad to hear he should be ok!

I was on a planning chat for our NE Cars 2 Dis Meet and kept posting GOAL whenever the Bruins scored!

One kid off to school, the 2nd one dressed and ready to go. Going to do a few things around here before I leave for work!

TTFN :tigger:
Happy Tuesday friends!

Sorry I have been MIA so much lately. Busy, busy time for us lately. Relay went really well on Friday/Saturday. Then I came home, took a quick nap, showered, and we met a bunch of swim families for dinner and we all went to the NH Philharmonic that night (DD has a swim friend who plays the violin). It was really nice. Then Sunday DD had an out-of-town swim meet about 2 hours away.

Yesterday was a field trip with DS to the seashore and a "babyless baby shower" for Rainbow Girls (the Worthy Advisor's project for her term was a pregnancy center).

I am at work today so I finally might have a few minutes to try to catch up here! I can't believe how much I have missed! There is a movie on the schedule for this morning for my students, so hopefully I can hop on here and at least read the last few pages! I have a wrap-up team captains meeting for Relay tonight, so hopefully I will be caught up with you all by the time school ends today!

I'll be back later!...................P
Thanks for the advice. I have done some research and have started counting calories as well, i have an app for my phone that works really well for that. And im working on portion control and measuring. I have talked to my doctor and he's honestly the least helpful person ever, so im kind of learning on my own and figuring out whats best for me in terms of my health problems. Im trying to make healthier meal choices and snack choices but when i look at myself i just feel so discouraged.

Maybe you should find a naturopath or homeopath or at least a good nutritionist to help you. I would hate to have a weight-loss diet negatively affect your health issues. I'm glad you are doing some research though.

Believe it or not i do schedule excersice time, its the follow through that gets me. Getting up early is a nice idea but i only get about 4 hours of sleep a night, so when you dont fall asleep till 6am you sure dont want to get up early haha!

Four hours of sleep on a regular basis is definitely NOT enough to be healthy and lose weight. Getting enough sleep is a definite MUST for this healthy journey! You should be looking at your schedule to see what can change. I know sometimes it seems impossible.... everything is a priority... school, work, family... but if you do some research into sleep, you will discover that there are a boatload of health issues that come along with less than optimal sleep patterns.

im trying to get better at planning, at least a day before think about what i should eat. ugh i would really like to see some pounds come off. or even better my fat stomach start to dissapear!

I am a HUGE advocate of a Weight Watchers and eating a wide variety of all types of good foods.... that said, if you are looking to drop weight primarily in the belly area, South Beach seems to be a good alternative. I've done WW for over 3 years now and was just trying to shake off the last few pounds..... and I wanted to lose them primarily in my belly. And it has worked. I don't LOVE the lower carb diet, but it has worked and I am feeling good. I still follow my WW Points, but I'm much more careful about what type of carbs I am eating and at what time.*************

I had a bit of a milestone today that i wanted to share. I did my first day of couch to 5k today! That makes 4 days in a row that ive done at least 20 minutes of excersice (plus all the walking i do at work). I was def tired by the end and i have a bit of a headache now but i did it and i made it through! My workout buddy is one of my dogs and she's taking a well deserved nap now (at only 7lbs she was hurting by the end).

Im also trying to make a conscious effort to eat better and make better meal decisions. I actually ate breakfast today (2 spoonfuls of plain yogurt and 1/2 cup of special K) had snacks throughout the day, a healthy choice meal for lunch and a big salad with a frozen chicken breast on top which im hoping holds me over untill the end of my 4 hour philosophy class.

This is going to be a long hard road, i know. Even as good as i felt after my run today when i looked in the mirror i felt defeated once again. I really hope i can see some improvement, especially in my midsection/stomach area! Im sick of my mother telling me i look pregnant (and then getting paranoid that i might be! haha)

Hope everyone had a good first day of the challenge!

It is always a long hard road.... but nothing good every comes easy, right? Keep up with the running (if you are enjoying it) and the healthy eating and before you know it you will be at a healthy weight!! Think of it this way.... if you try and it takes 3 years, then in 3 years you will be feeling and looking great. If you DON'T try, then in 3 years you could still be overweight and unhealthy. It seems like a no-brainer to me!

QOTD Friday, June 3rd
Introduce yourself! Why are you here?

Hi everyone!

My name is Kristina and I'm 27 years old. My husband and daughter were killed in 2008 when we were hit head on by a drunk driver. These past 3 years have been an emotional/phyiscal/mental rollercoaster but somehow throughout it all I've managed. I'm in a new relationship with a man that has helped me through the darkest days of my life. I honestly don't know where I would be without Alan (or my best friends) in my life.

I participated in the Spring Challenge and started off very well. Toward the end I slacked off and lost momentum. I only lost 5 pounds that challenge. I want to lose 20 during this challenge. I'm hoping I do better this time because its the summer and I love to swim this time of year. Its the best way to keep cool in this crazy Texas heat. However, if everything goes as planned next year will be my last Texas summer.

I finished my Bachelors in Hospitality Managment last month. We spent 9 nights at Disney just kicking back relaxing. We are looking at houses and/or building one near Disney and relocating to FL. I have a better chance of finding a job down there then I do here in Texas. Plus, I feel its time to move away from Texas. I swore I'd never leave after they passed away but I need a change of scenery. I need my new beginning. I need to do things for me now and not what everyone else thinks I should do.

Good luck everyone with the challenge!

You are probably right about needing a change of scenery and a new beginning. It probably is tough to think that way.... maybe it feels like you are "forgetting" your DH and DD. But you KNOW you never will... they will be in your heart forever, no matter WHERE you live. But you need to be happy and healthy.... I'm sure that is what they would want for you. If a move to FL is what is needed, then so be it.

I don't have access to an elliptical here, but they do have them at school. They are one of my favorite things to use, because they don't actually put pressure on my shins. What is this "stick"? I've never heard of it!

Hi, I'm Gretchen. ("Hi, Gretchen". Oh wait, wrong group. ;)) I'm 20 years old, going to be a senior in college. Audiology major. I'm here because I need to a)lose weight and b)get into a lifestyle that will allow me to keep the weight off. I'm here specifically because challenges keep me more motivated to do things, and you all seem like a great support group.

Thanks to all who recommended the Lands End bathing suits. I'll definitely check them out. I told my mom about them and her first comment was, "Why would you buy one now? You have no idea what size you'll be then?" and then when I tried to reapproach it later I got, "You don't have the body for a bikini." Well, maybe not now, but hopefully I will! :cheer2:

My mom is very overweight herself. She did LA Weightloss several years ago and lost a lot, but then gained it all back and then some. She always talks about how I need to lost weight, but she never seems supportive of me doing so.

I'm off to stretch and then do Week 1, Day 1 of the Couch to 5K plan!

ETA: Just did the C25K. I really didn't know if I was going to be able to do the whole thing, but I did! I'm quite proud of myself! Plus, I did a little better than I should have. I thought it said "60 seconds walking with 90 seconds jogging" so that's what I did, but it was really the other way around!

You cannot rely on ANYONE else to get you through this journey.... even your Mom, as tough as that sounds. If you have to buy your own groceries (do you live with Mom??) and cook your own meals separately, so be it. You need to be responsible for your own success. And it can be SO DIFFICULT when the people in your life don't support your effort.... either in words or deeds. But that is what we are all here for!!

Nice job with the CK5K!

Well, I have done a few productive things today. I have started bagging up the piles and piles of clothes in our extra bedroom for goodwill. I found my old "skinny jeans" and tried them on just for fun--still too big, that's all I'm going to stay! I am going to keep them (they are a size 10) just for because and a couple of pairs of slightly bigger shorts just cause they are comfy, but everything else is gone! I feel like this is a HUGE step for me. If I gain now, I will have to go buy bigger sizes. And I don't want to do that. So, no gaining!

I posted Day 4 of my TR on my journal in case anyone is interested.

Have a great evening!

Why is is SO TOUGH to get rid of our "fat clothes"? Is is a comfort factor? But I will say, I felt SO GOOD when I got rid of mine! It felt like I was closing a door.... the door BACK to my former fat life! No reason to go back there.... nothing left for me there but MISERY!

You are right.... it is a HUGE step in the right direction!

I still continue to get rid of clothes as they get too big or when I decide I don't like the way I look in them. Life is too short to walk around feeling like you look lousy!

DH also made me so angry today as he had to reboot my computer so he could print something out and he deleted my to-do list which I keep on Word at all times minimized. He says its my fault that I didn't have it saved!
This is a very complicated to-do list that I spend about 30 mins on every night before bed and I carry stuff over and keep detailed notes on, etc. Of course I had lots of stuff about our move and going-away party on there and now I am afraid I will forget something! It is very rare for DH to need my computer but it's the only one hooked to the printer.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! See you tomorrow!


OMG... that would make me NUTS! I LIVE by my lists! Sorry that it happened. HOpefully you can recreate it..

Off to correct morning work!.....................P
Good morning all! :goodvibes A bit of quick catching up here.

Taryn, I was so happy to see you checking in! :hug: We do miss you and hope you can stop by every once in awhile!

QOTD Monday, June 6
Do you have an exercise plan?

::yes:: It's my training plan for my half in September -- running 3 days a week. That is the priority to get every single run in. It would be nice to have something for cross training two days a week -- maybe the Shred. And two days of rest a week -- because that is when your body gets stronger! :hippie:

Shawn, glad that you could take a break. :hug: You have a lot going on girl so be kind to yourself.

Karen, I think that you are going to have a wonderful summer! :flower

Hi LTS! It's a busy time of year for sure! ::yes::

Trina, your running buddies are as sweet as they can be! :love:

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? i just did a reply to pretty much every single person and the post is gone. :crazy2::faint: that stupid post took just about all of thomas's nap to complete and now he's awake! waaaah! so frustrating.

:headache: I hate that stinking poof fairy! Good luck with your doctor appointment today! :hug:

One day at a time, Vija! :thumbsup2

Corinna, I always love your inspiring story! :goodvibes And I must say that you were a beautiful bride in pink! :bride: I'm so proud of you for getting ready to do a marathon and Goofy! :worship: You so totally :rockband:

I'm excited to report that I have received WIN! numbers from TWENTY of you now! If anyone else would like to jump in, I'd love for you to join us.

Wow! That's a great turnout for the summer challenge! :banana: Thanks, Connie!

Is it too late to join in? I finally got fed up and went to the doctor today and asked for some help.


So sorry about your cousin and friend, donac. :hug:

Inspirational Quote 6/7/11

Life isn't about finding yourself, It's about creating yourself

Are you creating the person you want to be?

Trying -- some days are easier than others! ;)

QOTD Tuesday, June 7
What is your favorite vegetable/vegetable dish?

Roasted vegetables in any shape or form! :thumbsup2

Yesterday was a field trip with DS to the seashore and a "babyless baby shower" for Rainbow Girls (the Worthy Advisor's project for her term was a pregnancy center).

And speaking of beautiful brides who wore pink . . . . Hi Pamela! :bride: Thank goodness that was a babyless baby shower :scared: although for a good cause. :thumbsup2

The last couple of weeks of school are always busy. There seems to be a lot going on at work. We are selling our office building so have people coming through and my Mom is coming next week -- whew! :faint: Keeping on track, though, and that is the important thing.

Have a great day all!
QOTD Tuesday, June 7
What is your favorite vegetable/vegetable dish?

I really like cooked brocoli and I really enjoy asparagus but I never buy it because I don't know how to cook it. Maybe I will try that next time I go to the store.

I am planning on a walk with coworkers at lunch and then my WW meeting tonight. I looked at the scale this morning (I am a daily weigher) and I hate when it goes in the opposite direction my actions indicate. I worked out well and ate well yesterday and my number went up! Why does it do that. So frustrating. So now it looks like I have only lost about a lb and a half since my last ww weigh in and at this stage (having just started back on program) that is unusual. Usually I have some really good numbers the first few weeks. Maybe it's the stress. I don't know. Still, frustrating. GRRRR.

I feel like I am barely holding it together here. I faked it during the weekend, but things are catching up with me a bit. We have a little bit of family stuff going on, but hopefully it will settle down soon. My knee(s) have been tweaking since I ran on Saturday.:sad2: So probably no runs this week. And I really, really could use the stress relief.

My food has been all over the place--though I am still maintaining. I just need to get my act together and suck it up and do other forms of exercise whether I want to or not. I AM NOT gaining back weight and having to buy new clothes again. Ok, sorry for the little pity party.

It was great to see so many people with exercise plans!

Have a great evening!
Hang in there Rose!! One day at a time....

Umm, ok, but it is nothing impressive. I get a box of Chiquita banana bread mix, and follow the directions on the package. :blush: You get 12 muffins and it's at a fraction of the cost of Vitatops. I know the fiber content is less, but honestly, I'm just as satisfied with these and they do taste better...

Is everyone ready for the HGTV Disney yard show?! It's on tonight at 8 Eastern time. I can't believe how excited I am to watch this! I just want to see something happy on my tv, and my regular outlets (History, Discovery, Travel), haven't had new and exciting for awhile. I'm so happy it's a series and not a one-time thing. ::yes::

Maria :upsidedow
YUM!! I'm hungry now :p. The yard show just makes me jealous :headache: My deck just doesn't have the same feel as a full yard with fun stuff, like grass! I am excited to watch something other than stupid reality tv. Summer tv is just a bummer :(

Hey guys! I did okay today. I had a bowl of frosted shredded wheat for breakfast, at 9:30am, a normal time! :thumbsup2 For lunch I had the leftovers from last night's shrimp pasta, just a small portion. I also had a small dish of sherbet. For dinner we were going to make steak, but we had some poor time planning and ended up getting pizza and breadsticks from the Pizza Hut in Target. I had half of a personal pan cheese pizza and 1.5 breadsticks. No soda! I had a fruit salad as a snack earlier (grapes, strawberries, watermelon). I've also had a few pieces of taffy today. I'm working on the water.

I did try and mow the lawn. Problem is our grass is about a foot high. We bought a new push mower, but it was the floor model and long story short, it doesn't have a grass chute right now, just the bagger which is a PITA when the grass is this long. Plus the handle is too long for me and it needs to be adjusted-I kept hitting myself in the rib with my elbows. Hope to do some more C25K tomorrow.
Ok, now I am happy I don't have a lawn (well, there is a lawn company that takes care of all the landscaping at the condo!). Way to go on the no soda and the fruit salad!! Keep up the great work!!

I am happy to report a pretty alright day:thumbsup2 After lunch I got a little snacky but tried to pick the best choices. Strawberries, cheese stick (1/2), tiny pack of graham crackers. This part of the day was TOM taking over.:lmao:
For dinner I made corn on the cob, parsley potatoes, and bbq chicken on the grill. I had small portions. I drank at least 80 oz of water today and although I didnt want to have any soda I did give in and had a few sips. Diet of course but still.:headache:

I then got out for a run. I think it was about 36min long and let me tell you it felt like it was the first time I had ever ran. It felt horrible and good at the same time but I really noticed the 10-15lbs I have put back on. It made me sad but I was not going to let it get me down. I am hoping I can get back in the groove quickly.

I came home and had two tiny choc. chip cookies which again was TOM taking over but I am journaling and counting everything so its ok.

I am now going to go directly to my bedroom so I am not tempted to eat anything else.:laughing:

I will talk to you all in the morning.!!!!
What a great day!! Any day OP is a great day!! Just keep swimming :fish:

As for my day...pretty good. I went for a 30 min walk/jog during lunch and then after my daughters gymnastics got cancelled, I took the opportunity to go to the gym and did 42 minutes on the eliptical. I ate within points...still have 2 more points to go. I had lots of water, ate my fruit, didn't have any soda and avoided all the junk food people brought in to share at work. I have started something new at work. I have taken it upon myself to email a few of my coworkers who are also trying to lose weight/be healthy some inspirational messages. My first one went out today and I got a very good response from it. It also helps me stay on track so it's a win/win situation. As for the exercise...I think just having my workout gear in my car all the time will help me take advantage of any opportunity to work out. I did make plans to go walking with some coworkers during lunch tomorrow and I have my WW weigh in tomorrow night.

Have a great night!
It's so great that you are helping others!! I have found that helping others with weight loss has really helped me too :thumbsup2

Is it too late to join in? I finally got fed up and went to the doctor today and asked for some help.

Good Tuesday morning.

BBQ was fine last night. I had a cheeseburger, salad and one small scoop of potato salad. For dessert I had strawberries and watermelon.

When I got home I got to see the reveal of the show of the new HGTV Disney show. THen I got a call from my mom. Whenever she calls after 8 at night it is never good news. One of my cousins died. I am the youngest of my cousins on my father side and she was one of the oldest. I don't remember the last time I saw her. My parents are going to the funeral. then I got a call from a friend about a friend that we are just learning about her lung cancer and how bad it is. It is very scary. She never smoked. The sad part is that she is not talking to anyone about it

I teach AP calculus and when we are done my first year class watch Apollo 13. I watch it about 2 -3 times a year and ahave been doing this for 8 years. Then the students write about astronauts and the space program. This year they are also doing 20 minutes presentations about some aspect of the space program. Last week a kid was ushered into my classroom to the theme of 2001 a space odyssey wearing 2 rolls of foil wrapped around his body and a foil covered box over his head. It was a lot of fun.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Sorry to hear about your loss :hug: I'm always in awe of the creativity of my students (mostly good)! The last weeks of school should be fun!

morning all! thomas was up and at 'em at 5:30 this morning. what is UP with that? i keep reminding myself that when he's 13 and doesn't want to get out of bed i will appreciate the time when he got up early. but not THIS early!

no matter, i have to leave with him at 7:15 to head downtown for my OB appt. yesterday my friend said she'd take him for me but then last night she called and said that her guests who were supposed to arrive today were arriving last night. oh well. he will probably scream and cry but there's not much i can do about it. hopefully it'll be a quick appt. mostly i'm worried that the doctor will tell me that i've gained too much already. i'll be sure to tell him that i'm being active though so that should help...maybe.

i think i might have plantar faciatis in my right foot. GRR! it hurts to put any weight on my right heel. great. it's supposed to be in the 90s and VERY humid the next few days so it's a forced rest few days for me. still, it sucks and it hurts and it better go away soon!!!

have great day everyone!
Hope the Dr apt goes well, Nancy! Thomas is an early riser huh? My nephew was the same way until he turned 3 1/2. Now (he's 4) and gets up around 7am...much more humane hour for me (since all he wants to do is play when I am visiting!) Rest that foot and roll a frozen water bottle or tennis ball under your arch...always made my pf feel better :)

Inspirational Quote 6/7/11

Life isn't about finding yourself, It's about creating yourself

Are you creating the person you want to be?
Working on this one! It's tough being 37 and single :(

QOTD Tuesday, June 7
What is your favorite vegetable/vegetable dish?
I just made a fun dish Sunday night: In a pan: diced red onion, chopped red bell pepper, fresh spinach, a can of spicy diced tomatoes, and a can of chick peas. Ok, the chick peas are not a veggie, but the entire dish was really yummy!

Happy Tuesday friends!

Sorry I have been MIA so much lately. Busy, busy time for us lately. Relay went really well on Friday/Saturday. Then I came home, took a quick nap, showered, and we met a bunch of swim families for dinner and we all went to the NH Philharmonic that night (DD has a swim friend who plays the violin). It was really nice. Then Sunday DD had an out-of-town swim meet about 2 hours away.

Yesterday was a field trip with DS to the seashore and a "babyless baby shower" for Rainbow Girls (the Worthy Advisor's project for her term was a pregnancy center).

I am at work today so I finally might have a few minutes to try to catch up here! I can't believe how much I have missed! There is a movie on the schedule for this morning for my students, so hopefully I can hop on here and at least read the last few pages! I have a wrap-up team captains meeting for Relay tonight, so hopefully I will be caught up with you all by the time school ends today!

I'll be back later!...................P
Missed you! Glad things are going well as the walk was successful :)

Good morning all! :goodvibes A bit of quick catching up here.

Have a great day all!
Great to see you Lisa!! Your half marathon schedule is soooo wonderful!! I'm still thinking I need a year to get where you are! Keep up the AWESOME work!!

I am sooo looking forward to my 3 day weekend....granted it is only Tuesday! Great eating day yesterday and exercise day! I'm doing well with my g-f menu too! Hard boiled egg and brown rice cereal with skim milk, lara bar, salad with carrots and chick peas and oil and vin dressing, lara bar before my walk. Dinner was great too (see below!)

Since my work out friend bailed AGAIN :mad: I asked my mom and dad to go with me for a walk. Mom and I have done over 3 miles before but this was a first for dad! It was hot and just a slight breeze so dad made it to 2 miles and mom and I completed 3.35 miles. When we got home dad had made turkey burgers with shallots and Mrs. Dash (no bun), brown rice, and was beginning our salads. My parents usually eat pretty healthy since my dad was diagnosed with diabetes and prostrate cancer (it's actually pre-cancer so no radiation is needed). They are so supportive of my g-f diet and have really begun to read all the labels in the house so they know what I can eat. With their support, I know I will be able to have an enjoyable week at the beach with the family :)

I'm bored out of my skull today at work!! Last day of exams today and the official last day for the underclassmen tomorrow. Beach on Thursday with the Student COuncil and Friday off! I just need to get through today and tomorrow!! I'm taking today off ffrom walking since we have out end of the year dinner long as I can figure out what I can eat!

Make great choices today and get those water points in!! I'm off to the water cooler!
Work and life have been so busy I don't have to time to read all the posts I missed, but I don't want to live in the past playing catch up so here I am. :)

I read a quote today I loved and had to share.
If you rest you rust so get out there and SHINE

It is going to be 100 here today which is crazy for Minnesota!

As I said before I cut out my 100oz (no lie) of regular coke. I am doing really well.

Have a wonderful Tuesday
Wed - I have been eating oatmeal - plain. I nuke some water and mix it with my quick oats. My dr. said my cholesterol is a little high and since I am only 32, but both my parents are already deceased it really motivated to clean up my act!

Thu - :eek: and :yay:

Fri - well, besides what I already said above, I need to lose weight. I have never weighed this much when not pregnant. I think some accountability might help.

If you are eating oatmeal in an effort to reduce your cholesterol, you might want to try steel cut oats.... they have more fiber, which is what helps with the cholesterol. If you don't have the time in the morning for those (they take about 20 minutes to cook) then the quick oats are a good alternative.... much better than instant.

You don't need to eat them plain (unless you like them that way) to get the health benefits. Try stirring in a bit of applesauce or fruit spread or even fat free yogurt.... a tiny bit of brown sugar goes a long way too! Or honey or molasses or agave (which has a lower GI than regular sugar). Raisins, Craisins, or other dried fruit is yummy too. Sometimes I dice up an apple and then steam it to soften it... .then I dump the hot oatmeal on top of it to "cook" it a bit more. A small sprinkling of cinnamon and brown sugar.... practically like dessert!:thumbsup2

Latest update:

My mom is sedated so I'm not sure when I will talk with her. My sister had no choice but to admit her! They don't do radiation over the weekend so she will be in the hospital until at least next weekend.

My dad is doing ok and he agrees with admitting Mom. He is staying at the house with the dog tonight. My sister is letting a neighbor know that he will be alone. She is also going to look into life alert for him and will be there first thing in the morning while he showers and then take him to the hospital.

I'm feeling overwhelmed and really need to take some time on Monday to figure out everything!

Thanks for all of your love and prayers! You guys are the best!!!

TTFN :tigger:

While I'm sure it was a tough decision, it was probably the right one. Prayers continue, of course.

QOTD Thursday, June 2 How do you feel about stepping on the scale for the first weigh in tomorrow?
NOT good at all. Because my home scale no longer can weigh me.:sad2::sad1: How did I ever let myself get this bad?

QOTD Friday, June 3rd
Introduce yourself! Why are you here?

Well, I am desperate to find that "thing" to motivate me to get back to the journey of losing weight I am 42, married to HS sweetheart and have 2 great kids. I almost died last August, and still haven't figured it out yet. I weigh more now than I ever have.

I think what holds me back is that I have over 1/2 my body weight to loose, and I see how LONG this is going to take. In my head I make the excuse that one more day won't really matter. I can have one more "last hurrah" with the foods that I crave. But each day runs into the next and then a week, a month, a year have gone by and I am still miserable.


That is why we are ALL here.... because we need HELP! Whether we need to lose 100 pounds of 10 pounds... we all need moral support and help and we find it here!

YOu need to take that same attitude about "one last hurrah" and apply it in the opposite direction. YOu are thinking..."one more day of eating junk and I can/will.........." You need to think "one day of eating on plan and eating healthy".... take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. And if you mess up, then start again.... and again and again. Soon the days WILL run into the next and a year will have gone by and you will be healthier and slimmer.... maybe just 10 pounds or 15 pounds.... but maybe 50 pounds!

Come talk to us whenever you need.... we are all in this together.

Trying to catch up:

Pamela Yes, 5:30 am Monday - Friday starting July 5, then he leaves cross country early for the french honors bridge class from 7:30 to 10:30. If DS needs the world History credit recovery class that starts at 10:45 - 1:45. Poor kid is going to be exhausted! Let's hope he gets the grade up so he doesn't need the history class.

YIKES! DD was going to try to take some summer classes to get ahead, but it hasn't worked out. In the long run I think I'm glad it hasn't... she really needs some time off of school work. Her summer will be busy enough with swim, driver's ed, and maybe a small part-time job.

Good for him for taking the initiative to get some extra education over the summer!

inspirational quotes - Yeah, for some reason reading it or hearing it from someone else clicks better than saying to ourselves. But then again if we believed what we said to ourselves, we wouldn't be in a place where we needed help losing weight. Self doubt is a mighty beast!


OK, so sorry I was late doing the organizational challenge. I had to open the school library today for book fair. And I have no cell service in that room so I had to get on the school wireless system. OMG, what a pain!
But it's up.
Basically it's just trying to get our houses under control because stress is a known factor in weight gain. If we can make our homes calm and serene we will have a positive place to take care of the mind and the body.

Isn't this the truth!!

I was going to do prizes every week, but honestly I'm doing this challenge because I'm super disorganized and prizes really aren't in the plan for my brain at this point. Maybe in the Fall or something.

I'll do the prizes if you would like. If you want to just skip it for now, that is fine too!*******************************

My day was ok. DH is driving me crazy about a potential move. Yes I get the fact that the house is small, to small, but the kids are in a really good place with school and I don't want to mess with that. It's becoming a battle though because he doesn't like it in this house and he doesn't like the fact that the kids and I want to stay.

I need to do my weigh in tomorrow, didn't get time to do it today.

QOTD June 3 The short version
I'm Buffy, AKA BAMB. I'm 37, married 18 years, 4 kids - boys age 14, 10 and 9. Daughter age 5. This is my 3rd or 4th BL challenge. I actually completed the last one! Yay me!!!
Why am I here? Because I'm tired of wearing a fat suit all day long. I'm tired of being invisible. I'm tired of being tired. I don't want to be like my mother or her father (diabetic (mom) or dead at 50 something (her Dad)). I want to set a good example for my kids.

Bolded statement.... that is how I felt ALL THE TIME! LIke the "real me" wasn't fat.... I was really a THIN, active, healthy person, stuck inside a costume!

Inspirational Quote 6/4/11:

you don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great

Good evening everyone.

I am Kathy, 47 yo single mom to 9 yo Michael who is truly the light of my life. I work as a nurse in endoscopy, monday-friday with occas weekend call. I have also done more BL challenges than I can remember. I am here, because I do not think I would be here without the support of my friends I have made here. My weight has been up and down pretty much my whole life, and about 6 years ago, I said I was going to lose the weight once and for all, and over about 2 years had lost 40 pounds, but some started creeping back on, though I didn't really give up, and when my mom got sick and passed away 2 years ago, I gained a lot more back. It was such a difficult time in my life, and the support I received here was amazing, and really one of the major factors that got me through it. I did the c25k and completed it, and kept going with the goal of the princess half in feb this year, which was amazing. I had thought I'd be thinner than I was, but haven't been able to stay focused on the food as much lately.
I'm hoping I will stay focused this challenge, and lose and keep off some actual weight.

I am off to a good start, and had my first big challenge tonight. The woman who runs my son's after school program called me at work this morning and offered me 2 tickets to the Red Sox tonight. It's the rec dept bus trip. I got someone to cover so I could leave work early and surprise ds. He was over the top excited. The game was so much fun to watch too, and to top it off, they won. I thought about what I would eat before I left, and had a little chicken and corn before we went, and at the game had a hotdog, a soft serve ice cream cone, and half a bag of swedish fish. I finished my daily ww points, and 14 flex points, so not too bad. I skipped the beer, easy to do with the 8 dollar price tag. Though the 5 dollar hot dog seemed a bit more worth it to me. And it was good. Plus didn't want to need the bathroom on bus home.
So I journalled all when I got home, and had fruit with bkfst and lunch, so got my hh in today.

Since I didn't make my bed this morning, I'll let the dishes go another night as well. I think I'm going to like the organizational challenge, and can definitely use it.

Good luck with this. I was talking to a guy on the bus to the game about disney, he has dvc, was with his son, and no wedding ring, so got me thinking. We were chatting all about restaurants and rides, and when I asked him how long he had dvc for, he turned around to ask his wife, and that was it. :lmao: I haven't met too many disney-loving men around here, and the ones I have seem to be taken already. Perhaps we'd have some luck over marathon weekend one year.

Oh well... at least you gave it some thought. THe right Disney-loving, little boy loving, nurse loving man is out there! I know it. And he will show up when you least expect it.

Ds has to be at the park at 9, so I'm off to bed. I enjoyed reading everyone's stories, and am so happy to see so many newcomers. The support and friendship here really is priceless.

Tracey- So sorry your mom is having such a hard time. :hug:

Have a nice saturday.

We ran today. It went pretty well. 4.25 miles running + some walking fro almost 6 total. I am icing my knees. I would say this was probably the best run I have had since the Princess Race:goodvibes

Have a fabulous Saturday! Drink your water and make good choices!:goodvibes

I'm happy to hear about your good run!

... but it starts with "Jack" and does NOT end with "Sparrow... :)

I was out doing my 5k walk today, with DD4 (DD7 usually comes, but she skinned her knee and didn't want to) and DD7 stayed home with Dad. Well, today is BL day 2, but WW day 4, so my body is in total rebellion... I'm soooo hungry. Came home from the walk to have a yummy, virtuous homemade ham sandwich with the leftovers from last night... yeah, he ate them. All of them. Not his fault, he didn't know... so THEN I decide I'm going to Subway, since PBJ doesn't fit my limits for the day and we didn't have anything else that sounded good... so as I'm going out the door, he asks me to pick him up a chocolate malt, from Baskin Robbins, next to the Subway.

You need to either label the food or hide it (usually behind the vegetables is good! :lmao:. When I leave in the morning I usually leave DH a list of "suggested" meals (he works at home a lot). That way I can be sure he doesn't eat something I have planned for my meal or snack or something that is set aside for supper.

QOTD- My goal is simply to stick with it and not cheat. Whatever happens with size and numbers, happens... Last year was terrible for our family, so I didn't have the time, energy, money, or desire to make the healthiest choices, made worse by bad people where I worked. I would feel very rewarded to run into any of them and hear them say I look great or "have you lost weight?" because I put a lot of that weight on because I was working too much, eating whatever I could grab, never having the time or energy to exercise. So I suppose my reward is to quite literally lose my emotional baggage, which is physically manifesting in my backside! :)

Slowly catching up here!..................P
QOTD Tuesday, June 7
What is your favorite vegetable/vegetable dish?

Can I say mac 'n cheese?:rotfl2:

Seriously, I love salad and a good salad bar:thumbsup2 Runners up for me would be green beans or asparagus. I also love the tomatoes in my bruschetta!!!

OMG... that would make me NUTS! I LIVE by my lists! Sorry that it happened. HOpefully you can recreate it..

I knew you would understand Pamela! I've got my list back up and running but I have a feeling in the back of my head that something was left off:confused3 I guess I may never know! I love pulling up my list and deleting things off of it when they get done.

Hello fellow losers!:goodvibes I've gotten a lot accomplished today. I put out a list of things we are selling for our move to a few friends and sold almost everything on the list! Only things left are the washer/dryer, our clothes closets and my hair appliances. I sold 380 euros worth of stuff ~ $532:banana: Of course we paid about 3-4 times that much for the stuff so I don't know why I should be so excited:headache:

Today is my good friend's birthday and I invited her to go on a bike ride rather than go to her breakfast gathering this morning. We had a good time but it was very HOT today. It is unusually hot for here. I still need to get her a present but there is another group going out for her next week and I'll give her something then.

Congrats to the Bruins fans, I heard they won big last night.

Buffy, did I tell you how cute your Mini is?? I love it! Glad to hear that DH is in your bed on a weekday:cool1:

Dona,:hug: for all your sad news today.

Disneylush, I LOVE that quote!!! You will see some good results from dropping that much soda!

BronxNancy, I hope it is OK if I call you that! Good luck with the Dr appt today. There is a lot you will be wishing for when your son is 13;) (if he's like mine that is:lmao:) Your foot does not sound like PF. That usually bothers you when you are off your feet. As soon as you hit the bed at night, a dull throbbing pain starts...

Karen, your veggie dish sounds yummy! I can't quite imagine the taste so I'm going to have to make it for myself. I have some frozen spinach that needs using. ENJOY your single days!!! Easier said than done I know. Have you ever tried online dating?

SarahMay, the easiest (and tastiest, I think) way to cook asparagus is to roast it or grill it. To roast, just put the spears on a baking sheet, sprinkle with a little kosher salt, drizzle with olive, add some garlic if desired and/or tiny bit of balsamic vinegar and roast at 450 for about 10 minutes. Yum!

Corinna, thanks so much for sharing your pictures! Very inspiring!

Lisa, glad you are keeping on track with all you have going on! Good luck selling; are your relocating your law office somewhere else?

Hello to everyone else! Make it a great day!


PS I do not leave my bedroom in the morning w/o my bed made!!! I wouldn't be able to stand myself!
QOTD: At the holidays I love green bean casserole. I love salads in the summer. We had a grilled chicken salad last night for supper. On really hot days we have a taco salad for supper. I was excited to see that Ken's now has a lite thousand island dressing which is what I used on the salad last night. I will also start using it on the taco salad. It takes exactly the same as the regular. I am also becoming addicted to eggplant! I bought some breaded patties at TJs last week and had them in my steak roll-up on Friday. I think I'm going to pick up some pesto to have in the house too. That's another new addiction of mine. The Italian place next door to the spa has a grilled chicken and eggplant roll-up with pesto and mozzarella that I eat at least once a week. I also like to get the eggplant and mushrooms on my pizza!

Boss won't be in today and my client postponed until Thursday so I'm listening to Deathly Hallows on my ipod and browsing the net. A few people have been in to tan and people have been calling for appointments this morning. I was hoping to leave here by 1 but will now be stuck here until 2 when my co-worker gets here. I need to run to Jo-Ann's and Market Basket and hopefully will get home before Ash gets off the bus which shouldn't be a problem.

I need to read through the manual for Ash's sewing machine tonight so we can start using it! She is really excited about it. Her class isn't until August so we have almost two months to play around with it.

Weather is getting hotter every day this week. Should be in the 90s on Wednesday and Thursday and then back in the 80s on Friday. Izzie has her Kindergarten field trip to the zoo. There is a possibility of t-storms on the morning. Monday is the rain date for the trip. If it gets rescheduled until then I will have the whole day to myself as that's my day off! I am meeting a high school friend for b'fast but I will then be able to get my house in better shape. I have tomorrow morning off but I have to go to school and then redwalker comes to walk and the girls have half days and we are meeting another family down at the lake and finishing up plans for field day.

New discovery last week at the $ Store! Skinny Cow candies! They are quite tasty and 110-120 calories. They have caramel chocolate clusters and another called Heavenly Crisp which is a wafer covered in milk chocolate creme! That's my snack in a few minutes.

OK, enough babbling!

TTFN :tigger:
My boss was laughing at me yesterday because it was day one of the challenge and she brought donuts! She didn't know about my diet. Although she's supposed to be doing weight watchers! I resisted those yummy demons. And I made sure the mom who brought the class cupcakes for her kiddo's birthday took all the extras home. None for me! They sure looked yummy with the round sprinkles floating on all that icing. But NO! I went home and had a piece of fruit. So yesterday I was OP, well pepperoni pizza may not be great, but one small slice with a humongous salad is far less than what I would normally eat.

Got my water in and bed made. No clean sink/dishes because it is my children's job to empty the dishwasher and they hadn't been home to do it.

Doing good today. About to have a salad for lunch and get ready for DS2's double header baseball games. Maybe I can squeeze lawn mowing in before they start.

Nice job resisting the cupcakes and donuts. Fortunately for me they are two things that I don't really care for.... but there are plenty of other things out there I CANNOT resist!

oh, a friend just stopped by and gave me a HUGE hershey kiss - they just got back from hershey park. it's calling me...

Put it in the freezer. Next time you need to make choc. chip cookies for a bake sale or church or something, take it out and chop it into chunks and use it up. Then you don't waste it AND you don't eat it yourself!

I would like to join too!! My name is Jenny. I work from home doing medical transcription. I have 3 kids. I have been gaining weight since having 3 kids. I have been gaining weight for about 10 years now. I need to lose about 80 pounds to get to my ideal weight. I joined another thread "Walking to Disney." So my plan is to do lots of walking and hopefully start jogging as well. Also, I love doing Zumba. Also, I plan on eating a lot better than I have been. With working at home, I do a lot of snacking, so I have to work on that as well. We are going on a Disney cruise next April (first cruise ever) and my goal is to wear a cute, single digit size sun dress. I know I can do this! Thanks and I look forward to meeting you all!!

You are fortunate to have a transcription job. I have done it for years in the past, but so many of the offices and hospitals I worked for have outsourced to services that use transcriptionists in India. I just gave up. It wasn't worth the huge effort to find the local work. It is too bad because I was making good money! I could make more in 2 hours doing that than I can in a full day of substitute teaching! But now I've been out of it so long, I'm afraid it would be tough to get back into.

How long have you been doing it??

My goal is to lose 20 lbs by the end of this challenge. So that's less than 2 lbs per week - doable. My first goal is to be below 150 by the end of June.

Since I have been eating only 1000 - 1200 calories I'm taking a gamble from things that I've read and increasing my calories to 1300 - 1500. But I'm trying for the no diet soda thing and my goal is to make good food choices even with the increase in calories - which means no sugar or white bread for me.

Exercise goal is to walk 1 hour or run 30 minutes minimum of 4 days per week. :)


I would agree that 1000-1200 calories is not enough (assuming you aren't super petite). It might work for a few weeks and you could lose.... but then the weight loss would come to a screeching halt. You need to eat at least a certain minimum or else your body will go into starvation mode and shut down. But it seems like you realize that. Nice job eliminating the soda and white bread.

Hi Everyone!

Not much to report. I got in some exercise today and it was outside so I feel like I'll be able to handle walking around WDW without any problems!

I did okay with eating today. My father made blueberry muffins and expected me to eat them, so those ate up a lot of my daily points. Overall, though, I did fine. I ate a lot of salad for dinner. I needed the veggies and was in the mood for salad, so that worked out perfectly. Of course, my parents went to the grocery store and next to refused to let me go, so we had red meat tonight and will also have it tomorrow night and Monday night. :eek: They buy lean red meat, but still. :rolleyes1

Why MUST you eat the blueberry muffins? Can't you just admire them and then say.... "they look great." And then NOT eat it??? Or eat just a half?? Or put one in the freezer for another day when perhaps you can plan it into the menu better?

And why can't you go to the store yourself? Buy yourself a piece of chicken or a veggie burger to enjoy when they eat something you don't want. I know you live at home and would like to move out.... but I don't understand why you are letting them control SO MUCH of your food-life right now. I'm not trying to give you a hard time CC... I'm just trying to understand and maybe make some helpful suggestions.

I ran 6M this morning and it was not pretty. I didn't get into my rhythm until about 3.5, I was just not mentally there.

But at least you did it!! :thumbsup2

Just a note from my poor brain -- if people don't mind, could you add your name at the end of your posts? Until we learn each other better it would really help. Otherwise I'm going to be calling you by your screen name if I don't already know you (or unless your name is in your screen name, like shawnprincess)!

I agree!!
Maria :upsidedow

My day was busy. Hauled 10 loads of laundry down the the basement, still have 2 more in my room but I ran out of hampers to sort them in. I have 10 that get moved to the basement, 3 in the boys room and 1 in my room, those don't get taken down. So, the beginning of the week will be trying to conquer Mt. Washmore.
I've got all my challenges in today except for Dishes, I'm headed to do those in a second.

Oh my! Lots of laundry! I'm sure I will be facing that myself later this week. I haven't done a single load since last THURSDAY! Kind of scary! Why the HECK is my life so busy all of a sudden????

Tomorrow I will be gone all day. We have a car show by the ocean so we have to leave really early. Normally it's a 30 minute drive but in the Mini it's more like an hour to an hour and a half. We have friends coming that are looking for an original Mark 1 Mini so they want to look at it close up. I hate to sell it because it's a 1960 Mini and was built in the first year of production, but it's really not my thing and I can't drive a stick to save my life.

So I won't be around much tomorrow during the day but I will check in at night. Have a great day everyone!!!

Hope you enjoyed the car show!

Inspirational quote 6/5/11

No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch

Well said!

I will get to replies later im at work on my phone but I jus had to stop by and announce my good news! I will be registering for my first 5k tonight!!! Its sunday sept 18 so it give me a little over 9 weeks to prepare!! Im so excited and proud!

WTG! I've always been too chicken to sign up for a "real" race!!

Yesterday was a good OP day. Today has started off with a chocolate chocolate chip muffin which was eagerly anticipated because it's my "Sunday treat." It was dry so I am disappointed but telling myself: see what happens when you eat naughty food?!

So did you eat the whole thing? I have finally learned, in situations like that, to make a decision after one bite.... either it is WELL WORTH the calories and finish it.... or decide it isn't worth it and toss it after one bite. After a lifetime of "clean the plate club" it is hard to toss it.... but I've finally learned to do it.

Only about 8 pages left to get caught up!.......................P
Apollo 13 just landed safely in the water at my house. Don't know how many times we've seen that movie, but my boys are always glued to it when they find it.

I do the same thing. And then I cry when they splash down. Every time.

I teach AP calculus and when we are done my first year class watch Apollo 13. I watch it about 2 -3 times a year and ahave been doing this for 8 years. Then the students write about astronauts and the space program. This year they are also doing 20 minutes presentations about some aspect of the space program. Last week a kid was ushered into my classroom to the theme of 2001 a space odyssey wearing 2 rolls of foil wrapped around his body and a foil covered box over his head. It was a lot of fun.

I love learning new things about the space program. My Grampa was an engineer at Johnson Space Center back in the 60s and I have some of his papers and other documents about the Gemini and Apollo missions. He passed away about 15 years ago when I was 22. When I was a child, Grampa was... "inaccessible". Or, at least, he seemed to be. As a young adult, I wish I had thought to talk more with him, but I guess I was a bit consumed with finishing college, starting my career and planning my wedding all at the same time. Although I do know some of the technology that he developed, I like to watch Apollo 13 and the HBO "From the Earth to the Moon" series and imagine how he may have been involved in each event that is portrayed.

QOTD Tuesday, June 7
What is your favorite vegetable/vegetable dish?

This time of year, I really enjoy squash and zucchini from the farmer's market. I found this recipe for Summer Squash & White Bean Saute last summer and I still really enjoy it.
QOTD - Favorite veg = roasted asparagus. Mmmmmmmmm

The heat, bad for my exercise, good for my diet. Had 3/4 of a banana, coffee with cream no sugar and some water. Too hot to overindulge today.
QOTD: My favorite veggies are brussel spouts, roasted with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. I've been know to eat leftovers for breakfast.

I did a sweaty six miles last night - hoping to get a zumba class and a swim in tonight


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