Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

WOW gone for a day and I have 8 pages to read. I will get caught up... reading it all makes me excited!

Who am I?
Nancy, age 32, married to Keith (ex-Navy/ skinny runner) for 8 years. Mom to Ryan age 6 (high functioning autistic) and DD Emmalee age 4.

I have always been fat, I am the biggest I have ever been (i need to lose 1/2 of me)

Now is the time, I am sick and tired of it, I am angry at it. I am a manager of a gymboree and my body is in so much pain.

I have to run to work, newline and HUGE sale to set for tomorrow. I will come home late, in pain and catch up on all the posts.

Oh I should add I was drinking about 4 lg Mc's cokes a day and I cut them out last week. The headache is gone and this is the first of many changes in my life.
Inspirational quote 6/5/11

No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch

Love this! So true !!!

I guess I should do a little introduction since I am new here! My name is Trina (well Katrina but i HATE going by that) and I'm 25. My whole life I've always been the "skinny girl" and have never had a problem with weight, but my parents are overweight so my mother has always told me it would catch up to me. Well it finally has. I've been gaining weight steadily for a few years now, going up a size every few months but never really seeing it as a problem untill now. I'm at a point in my life where I weigh the most i ever have and honestly, i find myself disgusting. It hurts to say this, because I've always been super proud of my self and really secure and now i just feel so lost. I even cry in the shower because i hate the sight of myself naked, and i just feel so uncomfortable all the time.

Another issue is that i dont necessarily look overweight. I'm 5'6" at 166 pounds and in normal loose fitting close i look fine, but i can feel it. I know what i look like and im not comfortable in my clothes they dont fit right and i'm so frustrated putting on yet another favorite shirt to find it no longer fits! My biggest issues is my stomach. I look down and just burst into tears. I've never actually hated myself before but i do right now.

Around christmas time i started trying to "diet", watch what i eat, count calories, work out more. It's been a struggle. I lost 5 pounds but gained it back just as quick. My big stuggles are
1)im hungry ALL THE TIME. I eat and then two hours later im starving again. Im working on portion control but i dont know how many portions i should be having and nothing seems to fill me up. Plus i work and go to school crazy hours so its hard to plan meals and stuff.
2) because of the crazy hours its hard for me to find the movtivation to workout. By the time I get home im just exhausted. I do have a gym membership and i love to go hiking/walking with the dogs. i'm trying to get back into running (thinking about doing couch to 5k)and i just started the 30 day shred this week but im in so much pain after just 2 days.

Basicially I need to loose weight for my mental well being but I just dont know how. I don't know what i should be doing and i dont think i have the best support system. Im sick of hating myself and wanting to do better but just not knowing what to do different!

You all seem like a great group of people so hopefully i can find the support here that i so desperatly need.

I feel like i should also mention that I have fibro myalgia, chronic insomnia, Chron's disease, and an extremem anxiety disorder. I would love to take classes at the gym like yoga or spinning but im terrified of not knowing what to do or being judged!

Well that's me..sorry so long!

This post has been on my mind all weekend. It took me awhile to go back and find it. Hi Trina:hug: I love your name! I have a few friends who go by Trina as well. I think it's fun and cute.

I just calculated your BMI and you are JUST BARELY overweight:goodvibes I am sure you do not look overweight at all. You are only 12 pounds over. I think you are very smart to monitor this at your young age and the older Trina will be SO THANKFUL you did:goodvibes Here are my suggestions:

1. Start with baby steps. Concentrate more on building habits rather than losing weight to begin with. Don't worry, the weight loss will happen if you are consistent with healthy habits. Incorporate one thing at a time and build slowly. Maybe the only change you can make this week is to walk 3 times for 30 minutes or such. Next week, continue that and add in no eating after 8:00 pm or such. Build up slowly over time...

2. No more crying or feeling sorry for yourself:goodvibes Your beautiful body does so much for you and if you love it and take care of it, it will do even more!!! Love yourself first! You are awesome!

3. Carve out 30 mins each evening to plan out the next day. Write your plan down somewhere, either on paper or on the computer and then save it each day. I like a pretty paper journal to write in. Eventually, you can just refer back to the saved days and repeat them with no 30 minute planning session needed.

4. WHen you are ready, decide which plan you will follow - counting calories, limiting carbs, WW, SB, etc. Get books from the library or research online. My plan is simply to "limit my calorie intake". I don't track anything; I just try to eat less. It has worked for me but it has been slow. At your age, your body will be very responsive to any changes you make.

5. If you find you don't like the program you picked or it's too much work, try another one! Keep on trying until you find your fit!

6. Start small with exercise and build up. When you don't feel like working out, make yourself do it for 5 minutes and give yourself permission to quit after that if you still don't feel like it (the Rose rule). More times than not, you will finish your workout! Also, try working out at different times of day.

7. Try different types of exercise but don't force yourself to do anything you don't enjoy. I would try the gym but again give yourself permission to not go back if it's not for you. There are so many videos you can do on your own in addition to walking the dogs or C25K.:goodvibes I find I like to rotate between 3 primary forms of exercise and occaisionaly throw in something new.

8. Eat often throughout the day! You should have 3 meals and 2 snacks daily. Once you get into this habit, if you find yourself hungry, you should have a meal or snack coming up. After your last meal of the day, if you find yourself hungry at night try gum, hot tea or distractions such as chatting with a friend, needlework, etc.

9. Plan healthy snacks to eat while studying. Something about studying just goes hand in hand with snacking:goodvibes

10. Never, ever quit trying! If it all becomes too much for you, just focus on maintaining where you are for awhile. When you have more time or motivation, jump back in to trying to lose.

Gee, I hope this does not sound too preachy or bossy. And, I am by no means a weight loss expert!:wizard: But, your post touched me and I wanted to reach out and give you some ideas. Ultimately, it's all up to you. I like to tell myself that I may not be following some perfectly calculated plan but anyone knows the difference between a cookie and an apple:goodvibes

Good luck and we are all here to help you with anything.

Shawn I was wrong, Dirk is a who, not a what. But he road a roller coaster in Stuttgart on roller blades!!!


Oh!!! I finally found this story on google in English so I could read it. The article I read also said the park was in Stuttgart but actually it's no where near here:confused3 I think we may be the largest city close to this park.
Nope, I haven't been there and never heard of it but looks cool on the website. I'm going to have to forget it as I already have too many places I'm trying to get to in the last few weeks.

Hope you have conquered Mt Washmore :laughing: by now! Your mini sounds very cool - don't sell it !! Loving the quotes!!!

QOTD Saturday, June 4
What are your goals for the challenge? A lot of things I have read say that in order to be successful it works best to break a larger goal into smaller goals. Do you have intermediate goals? Do you have any rewards for along the way.

My goal is to lose 12.4 pounds and atleast 6 inches this challenge. I always set a too big goal for myself. I think if I set a small goal I would just do even worse:lmao:

I broke my goal into 6 chunks:

1. Lose 2.4 lbs. This puts me at 30 lost in total and BMI reduced to 32.

2. Lose 4.6 lbs. This puts me into a new decade on the scale:)

3. Lose 7.4 lbs. This is 35 lbs lost in total.

4. Lose 8.4 lbs. This is BMI reduced to 31.

5. Lose 10.4 lbs. This is a new 1/2 decade:rotfl:

6. Lose 12.4 lbs. This is 40 lbs lost in total:cool1:

QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

I have been doing this so long now, since February 2010, I just keep rolling through any setback. Maybe I should get more upset with myself when I have an off day or off week:rotfl2:

I agree that losing the "all or nothing" attitude is key!

Ds's baseball game was a little stressful.
it didn't seem very fair.
They don't seem to rotate all kids through all positions this year either, so that is new.

went to a park to see our neighbor get his Eagle scout award. It was a beautiful ceremony.

never, ever give up.

We found with youth sports that some seasons were great, some not so great, some coaches were fair and some were awful but baseball was definitely the worst for some reason. You really have to speak up if you are not happy with things. It may or may not help but better to speak your mind. (sounds like Michael is getting plenty of playing time) Some of our coaches played DS like a superstar and others wanted to stick him in the OF or sit him out. I always hated that DH was never able to help with coaching since he travelled so much with his job. Hope you have some better games coming up:goodvibes Glad to hear Michael is getting his playing time and good positions:goodvibes and glad that you are noticing ALL the kids as well!

The eagle ceremony sounds beautiful. I hope DS makes it to Eagle one day!

I am so proud of you for never giving up:cheer2: This has become my mantra as well. If I never quit, I'm bound to succeed one day, right?

So, we went to my ancestral village in Switzerland yesterday. It was alot like DH's in Germany, very small, neat and tidy with not too many people out and a beautiful old church and well tended cemetary.

DS said he studied "alot, like 2 hours". Um, we were gone for 7 hours:laughing: I just have to hope for the best on the exam. DH has made himself available for anything DS wanted help with and they have gone over some things the past week. It's no one's fault but DS if he doesn't do well!

I've had a good day today with eating and did 45 mins on the elliptical. Feeling very motivated at the beginning of a new challenge!

Hello to all the lovely losers ! :flower3:

QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

I try to remember a saying I heard on these boards 2 years ago. Just because I break one plate doesn't mean I need to go and break the rest. I just get back on track. Now lately it has been taking me longer than it used to so I am hoping that being on these boards will help me stay on track or get back on track if I fall off more quickly. Also, I have my friends wedding in just under 3 weeks and my birthday another few weeks after that. Plus, I have all of my summer clothes that are not quite fitting so I have good things to work towards. I am hoping others have some good ideas because I could sure use some!

Today I am working around the house, going to the gym for the first time in over a week, and hopefully going on a walk or hike with my family. It won't be very intense as I have a 2 year old but it is better than nothing.

I still can't figure out this multi quote thing :( I still screw it up every time.

Welcome to all the newbies!

QOTD GOALS: My goals this time around are to not make goals :laughing:. Everytime I make a freaking goal I get ticked off when I don't meet them. So this time I'm just going with the flow. I do want to lose 20 pounds but I'm not going to beat myself up if it doesn't happen.

Yesterday was a CRAZY day. Long story short I fired our mechanic because let's just say he was doing an illegal drug and I found out about it. When I called his wife to tell her that he was fired (he conviently didn't have his phone on) she went on and on about how it was HERS and not his and that it wasn't real. I told her fake or not he's fired. Now, he's being a complete **insert bad word here**. Whatever I don't care. You risk running my name through the mud along with my company then you don't deserve a job. He was referred to us by our former insurance lady (he was her BIL). Alan called her and told her what happened and why we fired him. She's calling CPS tomorrow to report it. They have 3 children and the mom is breastfeeding the newborn. Yeah, that's no bueno.

Then my best friend came over and we hung out until 2am eating junkfood and watching movies. Then Alan and I went to bed. I'm getting ready to get dressed (yes I'm still in pj's) and we're going to grab some lunch and then go get pedicures. Yes, you read that write my big ole tow truck driver of a fiance is going to get his toes done :laughing:.
I will get to replies later im at work on my phone but I jus had to stop by and announce my good news! I will be registering for my first 5k tonight!!! Its sunday sept 18 so it give me a little over 9 weeks to prepare!! Im so excited and proud!


Sunday QOTD: Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

I wouldn't say I have a plan in place for if I fall off the wagon. I usually try to start back on track the next day. I really should sit down and think about my plan of action.
QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

For me I have realized that this is not a race to the finish line. This race ends when I die and I want to live for a long time. I want to enjoy life, not deny myself everything that I enjoy. Therefore I will have off plan days, off plan for my weight, but maybe on plan for enjoying life. That doesn't mean that I can eat what I want all the time, but it is okay some of the time. I know that I can get back on track, I know that I can be a healthy weight and I know that I and only I am in control. And when push comes to shove I remember my favorite quote "just keep swimming, just keep swimming". Life will throw us curveballs and we've had some doozies, but we worked through them and have moved forward. I know that there will be more curve balls in my future, but I also know that I can handle what life throws at me.
Kristina: I am still in my PJ's. I didn't wake up until almost 1 PM. I was quite lightheaded too. Unbelievably, when my mom came in to ask if I was awake and I told her how I was feeling, she actually seemed to care! I'll take what I can get. :cool1:

I am feeling better, but already feel the start of a panic attack. My heart is racing. There's something about church that is really not making me a happy person. I've debated not going again until it starts back up in the Sept., but I really don't like to quit things. I committed to giving out Communion and without getting religious, I'd feel guilty about quitting that. Hoping that this unpleasant anxiety won't lead to stress eating...

So far, I've had a blueberry pancake today. I considered making myself an egg and my father says, "Dinner will be in a few hours." Thanks Dad. He's usually my support. I've had 4 points today and it's 4 PM. Umm, yeah, that's a lot of food. Okay, I am definitely stressed out.

I just PMed my Friday weight to Donac and I've weighed myself since then and I'm down a good amount. If I can stay OP, I'll be very happy with myself for the week. You are right on the money when you say, WDW is a great motivator!

QOTD: I think the biggest thing for me to do is to forget about the word "binge." I then need to get back OP immediately. I've had a great challenge so far, and I intend to keep it that way.

I'm not sure what my OT hours will look like this week. I can't stay too late on Tuesday, but I'm guessing I'll be staying late at least the other 4 days. I may have to go to the college I went to on Wed. to help plan our 5-year reunion, but I haven't received a confirmation e-mail. I'll plan to be there and "only" stay an extra hour at work.

I stopped writing this posting to WDW dining. I'm nervous Le Cellier isn't a good enough restaurant for my parents' anniversary dinner. I want it to be perfect. When we go out to dinner, we usually order and entree each and maybe soda. Occasionally, my mom orders a glass of wine. My mom wants us to order apps and desserts each, plus probably a bottle of wine for the table. I've read some worrisome reviews lately and I'm nervous. Any thoughts? TIA!

Have a great day everyone! I may or may not be back on before tomorrow night.
Hello, everyone. I was away camping for the weekend, and just got caught up. That was a lot of reading. I am still trying to keep everyone straight in my mind. There were too many posts to respond to, but I think this is going to be a good challenge. :thumbsup2 I will try to keep up better this week.
QOTD Saturday, June 4
What are your goals for the challenge? A lot of things I have read say that in order to be successful it works best to break a larger goal into smaller goals. Do you have intermediate goals? Do you have any rewards for along the way.

My goal is to be a maintainer FOR LIFE by the end of the challenge. As I have been losing weight this time, I would say I will never see this number on the scale again. I don't really have rewards, but I have enjoyed reading everyone else's ideas about that - maybe I should try something like that. But it has been a great reward to be feeling better, more energetic, and almost completely free of pain in my back, neck, and shoulder which have bothered me for 5+ years (I think the exercise has improved this tremendously).

QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?
This is a great question for me right now. I am 2 weeks away from vacation, and getting nervous [the last time I lost weight before vacation I gained 8 lbs. (free dining at WDW!!!) and came home and never got back OP, and gained all of it back by January this year, when I finally got serious again.] I keep thinking about how to make good decisions on vacation, without making the whole family focus on what we eat and where, and how much, and how often ... (although, that is what we did at WDW - only not for healthy reasons!! :rotfl: which is why I gained 8 lbs.) I think I am going to split meals with my DD - she is a tiny girl for 13 yo and doesn't ever eat a whole meal when we go out. The only problem is we don't always want the same thing, but she is willing to help me out, so I think we might take turns getting to pick, or something like that. We are going to the Smoky Mountains this year, so we have lots of hiking, and outdoor activities planned as well. And I'm writing this post right now so that in 3 weeks if you don't see me posting, you can call me out and get me back on track!!!
Any suggestions for staying OP on vacation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Linda (oh by the way, maybe the Lindas can start to catch the Lisas and Nancys!:laughing:)
QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

My plan for when I'm tempted to eat something that's not OP is to remember this quote from Deepak Chopra. I don't remember it exactly, but it's something like "So many people are only interested in instant gratification, so they have the second piece of cake. But how do you feel after the second piece? Are you satisfied? Or do you feel sick because you just had too much sugar?" That really made an impact on me. So everything I eat now, I ask myself how I'm going to feel after I'm done eating it and what good it's going to do for my body. But my plan for when I fall off the wagon (and yes it's "WHEN" not "IF") is to remember that I am not perfect and I can only do better next time, and next time is not so far away (Having written that down, I realize how preachy I am to myself :laughing: )

But I am having trouble with the challenges this week. I am craving soda something BAD, and I am not even a normal soda drinker, except for maybe a can a day. I think having been told the challenge is No Soda and I want the point from it so bad, I keep thinking about it. *exhales* Only a few more days though, I got this!!
QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

The key for me is to keep the snacks, meals, or days from turning into weeks. It's always hard to do what you don't want to -- part of being an adult is that dizzying freedom to do whatever you would like -- but with great power comes great responsibility (already looking forward to Henry Cavill :blush:), and I have to do a better job of taking responsibility for my choices, which will hopefully lead to better ones.

My plan is to divert myself whenever possible -- DIS, read, do something on my endless list, etc., and to make the next eating situation a good one. :thumbsup2

I'm feeling really relieved right now because I was able to renew my drivers' license online. I don't know why the eye test makes me so nervous, but it does. Now I don't have to worry about it for another 5 years :yay: My stress level has already gone down for tomorrow.

Today was a rest day, I'm looking forward to 3M tomorrow, and now I don't have to rush to get to the RMV!

What I do need to do is take my measurements and send in my weight. I'm going to do it right now before I forget again...

Maria :upsidedow
So, its 100+ degrees here (gotta love Texas heat, ha ha). We went to IHOP for lunch and I had 3 eggs over easy, 2 peices of toast, 2 peices of turkey bacon, side of hashbrowns and large chocolate milk. We then went over to Northern Tool to look for something that Alan needed. After not finding it we headed back to the house. I told him we'd go and get our nails done next weekend. I just wanted to get home to the nice air conditioned house.

I sat around for a little while and then decided that it was probably a good time to get the suitcases unpacked from our trip, :laughing:. I threw all of my clothes in the washer and then sat back down for a few minutes. I'm getting ready to jump up again and check all the rubbermaid bins that my mom left here for me. I need to figure out what is staying and what is going so Alan can get them upstairs and out of the entryway.

Back later...
i had a nice day of freedom today. dh and ds are back from the poconos and the little guy is still in one piece so i'm happy :)

i again didn't do great with eating but i'm just going to have a smoothie for dinner instead of ordering in (what dh wanted to do). i made the two of them some chicken nuggets and calling it a day.

instead of running or walking i decided to do something different. i did 30 minutes on the elliptical and got a good sweat in. i had a fruit smoothie for breakfast (put a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese in it and it was really good!). i did a whole bunch of laundry and folding then headed to Queens to a theater to see water for elephants. i brought a bologna and cheese deli sandwich with me and baked lays and had Dots candy. oh well. earlier i ate carrots and hummus too.

my friend scott called me today and he and his girlfriend are moving to charlotte from chicago next week! sure, it's not closer to here really but it feels closer as he'll now be on the east coast. plus, we went to college in NC so i visit there more often :)

did grocery shopping and menu planning and hoping for a nice healthy week.

oh, guess what! i am pretty sure i'm feeling the baby fluttering! a little here and there. it could be gas though. i have an ultrasound on wednesday and i think i will be able to see if it's a girl or a boy :)
oh i forgot ...

did you know that disney doesn't make any maternity clothes anymore?? i found two maternity t-shirts on ebay. they each have thumper on it from bambi. one says "what's kickin?" and the other says, "just kickin' it." cute, right?

can you tell i'm really trying to think positively that a september WDW trip will happen??
my friend scott called me today and he and his girlfriend are moving to charlotte from chicago next week! sure, it's not closer to here really but it feels closer as he'll now be on the east coast. plus, we went to college in NC so i visit there more often

Very cool!!! I live in a suburb of Charlotte...I love it! Where did you go to school?
Vija, baby steps, baby steps. :hug: Don't think about the big, big picture. Go for that first 5 pounds, then 5%, then 10 pounds. You'll be on your way in no time. Glad to hear that your Dad is doing well. Are you okay, too? I recall you were very ill last year

Vija--baby steps. Make this the time you stick with it! Forgive yourself when you mess up. You can do it!:goodvibes

Thank you ladies! I agree with you so much. I often get these grandiose plans in my mind and try to change everything, right away. This time it has to be different! I will write about it in the next post...

QOTD Saturday, June 4
What are your goals for the challenge? A lot of things I have read say that in order to be successful it works best to break a larger goal into smaller goals. Do you have intermediate goals? Do you have any rewards for along the way.

QOTD Sunday, June 5
So, I think everyone has some great goals. But as I have learned the hard way, things don't always go exactly as planned. The hardest thing about healthy living in my opinion, is just staying on the wagon. Do you have a plan in place to deal with weeks when you may not loose or days when you just fall off the wagon?

Well, I gues for this challenge my goal is to stay with the challenge all the way through to the end. I think I have only made it to the end a couple of times. When the going got tough, I just stopped posting, and inevitably gained weight in the process. so my challenge is to simply stick with it and loose weight in the process.

As far as what to do when things get goofed up, I just have to make the commitment to come here and post.
I really got inspired!!! I started a journal on WISH and in the last couple of days things have come together. I am going to just copy what I wrote, as I am so excited about this, it is a bit long though...

Day 1, 364 to go.

June 5th, 2011

OK, I have been inspired by a few ladies.

I have been reading the Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl. She is so funny, and her story is heartwarming and inspiring. She had a lot to loose like me and she did it. It took a long time, but she did it!

I happened to be clicking through the TVguide and came across the movie Julie and Julia. Something she said in there while she was talking on the phone to her mom in the beginning inspired me to focus on 1 year. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it really inspired me to do something every day for a year to help myself get healthy.

and finally a lady right here on WISH inspired me. From her user name she is BernardandMissBianca ( I think I saw her name is Buffy) She posted an inspriational quote yesterday and it really seemed to touch my soul.

you don't have to be great to start,
but you have to start to be great

Between these 3 ladies I really got inspired and saw a vision for myself. 1 year... 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days... OOOPS, actually it is 366 because it is leap year next year! So I get an extra day to get healthy! :banana:

I need a start, I know I can be great at weight loss, I just need to actually do it, and prove myself!

So, for today I really wanted to work on breaking my addiction to fast food. So for today we didn't have any fast food meals. THAT is an accomplishment itself.

I also went for a long walk outside up and down hills, and I made the commitment to not snack after dinner.

So far so good for day 1!!!!!

In the afternoon we went out for a walk in the local park, we also went to the batting cages, hit some golf balls and went for one round in the goKarts. I was so scared it wouldn't work for me, but I took a chance and was able to ride.

I'm tired of being scared and not living life to the fullest. I am so excited about this year long journey! As I stepped off for my walk, I thought of the saying that A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step... I am really looking forward to that journey and took that one step today!
Awwwww, Vija I'm so happy I could inspire someone!! You just made my day!! I think I'm gonna cry! It's nice being on the other side. There are a whole group of ladies here that inspire me every day, I'm honored to stand with them today.

I like your plan of taking a whole year. they did that on Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition. They gave the person mini goals, 3 months at a time and the trainer worked with the girl for some of the time. They showed her a year later and it was great.

this is another quote I like "You didn't put it on in a day, it won't come off in a day"
I have to remind myself of that a lot.

We've given up fast food too. Give it about a week, you will physically feel so much better and mentally you will too.
I think that is a great start!! One small change at a time!
Shawn, here is a pic of my car. It's a 1960 Morris Mini Minor.


There were 250+ cars, about 30 different classes, and there were 15 classic Mini's in our class. I got 3rd place!!!!!


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