Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

So has anyone else found that all of the sudden their hair looks great? No, not really any change to your hair but now people keep telling you how wonderful your hair looks, or asking if you have new glasses? I just realized how many times in the last few months I have been getting compliments on my hair (it hasn't really changed in over a year, except the color which didn't last long), or asked if I got new glasses.:rotfl: Hmmmmmm, does something seem . . . different???? :rotfl2:

Started my day at the eye dr for a routine check up and decided that since DD got contacts last week I should try them again too! I haven't worn them in years. With young children it just became too much hassle to put them in and take them out every day. Wore them a few hours today and couldn't see the computer screen so may have to see if I need further assistance for that. :rolleyes: He mentioned that I am reaching the age where my close up vision may start to cause problems. He was very politely telling me I am getting OLD! :headache:

Then ran into an acquaintance in Walmart that is on the pool board with me (but hasn't been to any of the meetings lately) and mid sentence of discussing pool stuff she went "Hey, you have lost weight!" So that make TWO people! :woohoo:

After that I finally made it to the Good Feet store. Was dreading it since they seem to mostly have orthopedic shoes not fit for anyone under about 80 on the shelves. I was shocked when she bought out some actual athletic shoes that weren't half bad-- and FIT! I am going to try them on the treadmill tomorrow and see how I like them. DH about had a fit when he saw the price, especially since he figured we could get them cheaper on line. I explained that the woman there had spent at least an hour with me trying on all different shoes and different inserts and she deserved/earned the sale. Then he looked online and the price was only $10 cheaper. Having screwed up feet and needing good shoes ain't cheap!
Good luck with those contacts--I where monovision contacts, one for distance, one for closeup. I am not a big fan of it, but it works. And no one told me my hair looked good--it was falling out!:rotfl: (Another gluten issue). Too funny, though that that is what people keep commenting on! And woohoo for new shoes!

I haven't participated in a BL challenge in awhile, because I got tired of not losing weight! I have been on 3 cruises in the past 6 months, and I have NOT bypassed the desserts! I also slacked off on the great exercise habits I had for 13 months, and need to get back on track. I'm going on vacation in August (another cruise!) - and I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter by then.
Welcome! That's 4 Nancy's, 3 Lisa's and one Rose.:thumbsup2

I want to join too!! I've never done a BL challenge ever, but NewlyDisneyCrazed turned me on to it (I don't think she knew that before, but she does now!)

I'm a little confused, though: I want to be in the Healthy Habits AND Whittle Inches group...can I be in both?? I hope so! I know there are points rewarded for different achievements, I don't want to feel like I'm "cheating" or anything :)

I can't wait to get started!!!

PS: My real name is Kaiti :)
Welcome Kaiti! Everyone can participate in all the challenges--it's an individual thing. We'll talk more about it later this week. CC will post the directions for HH probably Thursday or Friday and Connie we'll post something about WIN. They are just added little things to help us track our progress.:goodvibes

So I have stayed on plan food wise for the day so far even though I left my packed lunch at home (I went to the store at lunch and bought essentially the same thing I had packed) and my daughter just lost her lunch so am dealing with a sick kid right now. I did get to my WW meeting for the first time in 6 weeks so am glad to be back on it. I need to go drink some more water.

Good job SarahMay! And I hope your DD is feeling better!

The plan for tomorrow is to get up and do the yoga video in the morning and then go to the park and try to get in a couple of miles before it gets too hot. I have a chiro appt at 1:00. Weigh-in could be interesting on Friday. I am so close to being back in my maintain range (still trying to get rid of the couple of pounds from our trip). But I keep doing things to sabotage myself--just little things, but still!

Have a good night!
Welcome! You can do it all. There are just several different components to the challenge that you can choose to do or not to do. You will track your results and report them to the person that is tracking them for the group. So you can be as involved as you want to be. :) The only person that you are cheating on is yourself. We celebrate the victories, commiserate with those having a rough time and offer unconditional acceptance and friendship. :goodvibes Glad to have you along.:cheer2:

Thank you! Well said. I was having trouble explaining things tonight!
I am so totally jealous of everybody's warm temperatures. This holiday weekend my youngest had a baseball tournament and his two games on Saturday were played in the SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow.:confused3

Are you in Central Oregon? We were camping over there and in snow on Saturday. :confused3
Good morning Team

Going to be hot today here in jersey. We are supposed to be hot and humid today and have a thunderstorm today. Doesn't sound like a great hair day and I have to go out to a dinner tonight.

Lisa congrats on the half

MinnieMouseMom and glss1/2fll I had heard about lots of snow in the west but I didn't realize that it was still coming down. I have camped once in Nov and it was very cold but I have never camped in snow. The boy scouts here once camped where on Sat it was 75/80 and then a cold front camp through and they woke up to snow.

Rose&Mike How is your knee is doing? I have been wearing my summer sandels and my knee has been bothing me.

sahbushka hope daughter is feeling bettter.

Kathy Thanks for the quote

dumbo_buddy How was the mommy and me party?

tigger813 I hope your mom gets the care she deserves. In this day and age there is no excuse for what she went through.

Hi to everyone else that I have missed.

Have a happy and healthy day
:eek: Okay, I am not happy with the heat but I will take it over snow!


I haven't participated in a BL challenge in awhile, because I got tired of not losing weight! I have been on 3 cruises in the past 6 months, and I have NOT bypassed the desserts! I also slacked off on the great exercise habits I had for 13 months, and need to get back on track. I'm going on vacation in August (another cruise!) - and I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter by then.

hi there fellow nancy. this is crazy! so many nancys!

welcome and good luck gearing up for the cruise!

I want to join too!! I've never done a BL challenge ever, but NewlyDisneyCrazed turned me on to it (I don't think she knew that before, but she does now!)

I'm a little confused, though: I want to be in the Healthy Habits AND Whittle Inches group...can I be in both?? I hope so! I know there are points rewarded for different achievements, I don't want to feel like I'm "cheating" or anything :)

I can't wait to get started!!!

PS: My real name is Kaiti :)

hi kaiti, wlecome :)

So I have stayed on plan food wise for the day so far even though I left my packed lunch at home (I went to the store at lunch and bought essentially the same thing I had packed) and my daughter just lost her lunch so am dealing with a sick kid right now. I did get to my WW meeting for the first time in 6 weeks so am glad to be back on it. I need to go drink some more water.


good job staying on plan. i'm having a hard time with that myself.

The plan for tomorrow is to get up and do the yoga video in the morning and then go to the park and try to get in a couple of miles before it gets too hot. I have a chiro appt at 1:00. Weigh-in could be interesting on Friday. I am so close to being back in my maintain range (still trying to get rid of the couple of pounds from our trip). But I keep doing things to sabotage myself--just little things, but still!

Have a good night!

yoga AND a run?! you're such an over-achiever rose! lol! i like yoga but my stupid bulldog always sits on me when i'm on the floor so i can never do it!!

Good morning Team

Going to be hot today here in jersey. We are supposed to be hot and humid today and have a thunderstorm today. Doesn't sound like a great hair day and I have to go out to a dinner tonight.

dumbo_buddy How was the mommy and me party?

Have a happy and healthy day

hot up here in the bronx too! i can feel the humidity and i even have a fan blowing on me. tomorrow though is supposed to be really nice and mild! so let's hope the weather people are right about that one!


the mommy and me party was really cute! one of the little girl who just turned 3 gave me a little box of candy and a $25 gift card to barnes and noble! she practiced saying "thank you miss nancy for a great year." aw! i was really touched. there was alot of food and i stuck to the fruit. i also let the cat out of the bag that i have a bun in the oven and everyone was really surprised. i'm still in regular clothes so nobody had any idea.

i was OP all day....and then evening hit. i was tired and stressed after a long day with the kiddo and i sent john out for goldfish. i made a lovely healthy dinner but had a smoothie after (frozen fruit, dollop of yogurt, apple juice). then had to take a bite of each of the chocolates i received. then the goldfish. like, almost the whole bag. i feel terrible today and slept so poorly. eating so close to bed always gives me bad dreams. i need something to occupy myself at night. or just go to bed. so of course i'm up a pound today and still feel full:sick: i had a nightmare last night that i went to the bathroom and saw lots of blood. if that doesn't deter me from eating i don't know what will. ugh, i don't know if it's the hormones or lack of sleep but i feel so weepy today.

today's a new day. i'm getting sick of saying that though.

the humidity is up already today so i think i will walk instead of jog.

i have to go to party city today to buy invitations for thomas's second birthday party. he will be two this month! it's funny though, i'm the same age ;)

have a healthy day everyone!
Hi everyone!

I would love to join as a Loser. This would be just the ticket to keep me accountable. I gained weight over the winter due to medical issues and of course, the terrible weather that encouraged major couch time!

Thanks for organizing this thread!
Hi Rose,
Count me in for the summer challenge. Looking forward to it.

Hey.... glad to see you. How is Caleb doing? We are walking an hour for him at our Relay on Friday.... just thought you'd want to know.:)

QOTD: I am officially back on plan as of Sunday after a week of too much celebrating for my birthday (some of those meals this week were OP, but not nearly enough!). I definitely ballooned this week and am hoping to get back to where I was at the end of the last challenge soon. I had a great run with the new Garmin on Sunday (loved it!!! :lovestruc) and am hoping to get out again today.

I had a very busy weekend. I went clothes shopping, out to lunch and dinner with DH (the kids went to a Rockies game with the grandparents and were happy to finally be on the jumbotron), lots of cleaning and organizing (I even got the kids to clean out their bookshelves), shampooed the carpets, put in the garden, cooked up a storm, went to a BBQ at my parents' house, and cleaned some more! I have a few more things to finish up this morning, but the place is getting there!

I didn't share this when the tornado initially hit Joplin, but my cousin's family lives there. Her (half)brother was working in the Pizza Hut when it was hit and was almost sucked out into the storm. The entire building was reduced to rubble and 4 of the people he was with died. I guess there is a clip of him on the news online somewhere. When I talked with my cousin (online) last Monday, they were so happy that he was alive that she didn't mention that he also lost everything. His van and apartment were also destroyed. He even lost his wallet-sucked into the storm. His only posession is a bass guitar that was sucked out his van and was still in the vicinity. The case was battered but it was intact. Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.

I'm so glad to see some new people here, this is a great supportive group. It sounds like everyone is pretty busy. I don't have time for replies, but I read every post and hope everyone has a great week!

Definitely will include a specific prayer for your cousin along with my prayers for everyone in that area. How horrific. I hate blizzards, but I'd take them any day over tornadoes.

Which Garmin did you get? I'm looking at one but can't decide which one I should get. I don't really care about my HR -- I can pretty much figure out when I am overdoing it already.

It was a very fun week-end. WICKED was fabulous. Our seats were in the first row so I got to really check out all the costume details. Those people can really sparkle! princess:

And I finished my first half marathon on Sunday.

Yeah, I weigh 10 pounds more than I did at the Princess but I finished this one and I'm actually stronger than I have been in years. Can't wait to work on my half for September and get some speed. :cool2: A lady in line with me at the portapotties was telling me that she was doing her 101st marathon at age 61! I should be so lucky! ;)

Have a great day all!

WOOHOO! I read a bit about your run over on the Princess thread. Nice job!

Glad you enjoyed Wicked. I'd love to see it someday.

I am still On Program. I did have a splurge day on Saturday. I have realized that I kind of need maybe one day a month to just enjoy the things I am limiting myself on, or to have something a little less "on program".

Absolutely. Happy to hear he is okay but that is going to be a long difficult road for him to recover from.

I will try to get back here later. Off to the first real Swim Team practice of the season! Always excited for the first one. Give it a week and I won't be nearly as excited about it as the usual mama drama starts to build and the hot hours at the pool get unbearable. Of course that is when I go and turn the AC on in the clubhouse and sit in there away from everyone and find something else to do!

I agree with needing a day once in a while for a splurge!

A/C in the club house? LUCKY! In the summer we sweat in the sun and get wet in the rain when the kids swim outside and in the spring/fall/winter we swelter on the pool deck and in the stands inside. Can't win.

Afternoon everyone!

Well, its been crazy since we got home Friday afternoon. I feel like I've been going nonstop since I got home (even though I've not done a lot). Yeah, that probably just made no sense. I think my brain is going a hundred miles an hour while my body just stays put :laughing:.

We got home Friday afternoon. Saturday I spent all day in my PJs. We were going to go to the cemetary for Memorial day but I just didn't have the emotional capacity to handle it. I did okay yesterday but just didn't really care to do anything. Alan went to the shop and worked for a few hours. My best friend came over and we hung out for a few hours and had steaks and baked potatoes for dinner.

I got up this morning and went to a training session for the first time in probably 6 weeks. It kicked by butt! He doesn't have many occupational therapy patients this week (his full time job) so he's going to get me in every day this week. I have a feeling I'm going to sore as heck by the time Friday rolls around.

I need to call my dr in the morning and get in to see her. I've not been in a few weeks. I need to have her look at my foot. Its been really sore (feels like I dropped something on it but I didn't). I also need to have my COumidin levels checked.

I just got off the phone with a sales representative from Mercedes home in Florida. Alan and I are starting to discuss whether we are going to build a house or just buy one that's already built. Its crazy to think I can build a house in FL for the same price I bought my house for in TX. I'm going to call my realtor up tomorrow and find out what she thinks about when we should put it on the market. Once that's figured out then I can call Mercedes homes back and give them an idea of when they can start building. It could be beginning part of next year but I like to have a plan of action for an event this big.

Other then all of that I need to get suitcases unpacked and get this house somewhat picked up. Alan said we're going to do burgers for dinner when he gets home. The vet will be here around 730 to do another treatment on Taylor's feet. They are healing slowly and she's starting to walk around a lot more.

Everyone have a great night! I'm excited for the Deadliest Catch's new episode tonight. NCIS and Biggest Loser are over for the year. Now I have to watch NCIS reruns to cure my addiction.

Glad you are home and getting settled back into routine. Remember to stretch and ice after those trainer sessions so you don't get too sore!

I heard on the news this morning that home prices and interest rates will probably continue to drop for the next year to 18 months, so you may want to hold off on buying or building for now. I know that home prices are crazy low in Floriday right now too, so you may be able to find a distressed sale or short sale much cheaper than building new. But I definitely know the appeal in building to suit yourself!

**********Happy Wednesday morning friends!

I'm at work today and this may be my only time to hop on a computer, so I only had a chance to catch up on one or two pages.

Another crazy busy day/week here with work, Relay stuff, etc. But I am definitely feeling a bit more organized with Relay after concentrating some time on it yesterday.

Next up to add to my busy schedule.... a Scrapping crop to benefit my son's Robotics team. Gotta stop at the town hall today to book the space and then start creating some advertising! YIKES! Why do I put myself in this position? I must be NUTS!

Food is going well and I DID manage to get in 45 minutes on the TM yesterday, varying the intensity and incline randomly, so I feel like it was a decent workout, although not quite long enough. No workout this morning, but hopefully I can hit the workout room at the Y for at least 45 minutes tonight while DD is swimming.

I'll try to hop on later today/tonight to catch up more!......................P
Rose&Mike: You have a different distance lens in each eye??? :eek: That gives me a headache just thinking about it:headache:! I thought they actually made bifocal type contacts that worked like glasses?

So I have stayed on plan food wise for the day so far even though I left my packed lunch at home (I went to the store at lunch and bought essentially the same thing I had packed)
:cheer2: for just buying another healthy lunch. So many times it is just easier to grab whatever is cheap, easy and usually not healthy. My mantra now if we need to grab something quick is I don't care where we go, just NOT Taco Bell. Because a) they really don't have anything on plan for me, and b) I LOVE Taco Bell so no way I could stick to being on plan!

i was OP all day....and then evening hit. i was tired and stressed after a long day with the kiddo and i sent john out for goldfish. i made a lovely healthy dinner but had a smoothie after (frozen fruit, dollop of yogurt, apple juice). then had to take a bite of each of the chocolates i received. then the goldfish. like, almost the whole bag.

i don't know if it's the hormones or lack of sleep but i feel so weepy today.
I swear they put crack in goldfish!!! I think just about every mom I know has had pig out sessions with bags of goldfish. They need to steal the Lays ad campaign, because there is no way you can eat just one!!

Probably hormones and exhaustion. Don't push yourself to hard. You deserve some time to just relax and let your body focus on growing that baby.:hug:

Next up to add to my busy schedule.... a Scrapping crop to benefit my son's Robotics team. Gotta stop at the town hall today to book the space and then start creating some advertising! YIKES! Why do I put myself in this position? I must be NUTS!
Make sure you get those kids to help out. It is THEIR team and they can contribute to the fundraising work. And their parents (although I know that is harder).

And yep, AC in the clubhouse. The funny thing is that a few years ago someone threw a fit because I and a few others were sitting in the clubhouse with the AC on during practices. Usually we were actually working on Swim Team stuff while in there, sometimes not. They were complaining about how expensive it is to run the ac and that our bill was going to go through the roof and of course we can't afford it blah, blah, blah. DH is an engineer that has worked with ac compressors for most of his career. He said that it might cost $25 extra to run the ac for those few hours and that if they wanted to complain to just send us the bill and we would pay the difference from last year to this year. I told them I would give them $50 flat out if it made them feel better (I wasn't on the board then). I never heard anything back and no one has ever complained again. ;) The pool is stock holder owned so we all own stock and pay membership dues each year and it isn't cheap. But people think they can't go in the clubhouse. Hello! You are paying for this! There is a kitchen and refrigerator and clean bathrooms in there. As long as you clean up after yourself and are respectful of the property then there is no reason that anyone can tell you not to go in there (well, unless it is rented to a private party).

This is also why I have volunteered to be in charge of ribbons the last few years-- we write them in the clubhouse in the ac. Well that and it is the only sitting down job that doesn't involve math. :teeth: I do miss a lot of the meet though, I just run out to see my kids swim. So that is part of why I asked to not be actually scheduled this year to work. I am there early and set up the inside (scorekeepers, timers. ribbons, hospitality) and then stay after to clean it all up along with being the last to leave usually to be sure everything is cleaned and locked. Plus I spend several hours on prepping the ribbons and during all the meets I am supervising the ribbon writers to be sure there are no problems. My husband also helps with clean up, helps out when I need him and is the Head Timer for the home B meets. We put in way more than the 8-10 hours that most other parents do so I am going to try to relax a little this year. :lmao::rotfl2::lmao::rotfl2: Yeah, like I know how to relax! A few years ago when my feet were at their worst and I was still trying to do things DH and some of my friends threatened to handcuff me to my wheelchair so I would stop getting up.

I sure wish I were as motivated and detail oriented at home as I am with my volunteer jobs.:rolleyes1

No big plans for today. May try out my new shoes on our treadmill. I need to figure out dinner. DD15 has to stay after school for play practice so I get a few extra hours of peace and quiet. I am waiting for fedex to come by because I missed them yesterday and they are delivering DD11's new Ipod touch and she is just dying to get it! I told DH I may plug it in to charge when it gets here, but not tell her about it because until DD15 is home to help set it up and put things on it she can't do anything with it. No bigger bummer than a great new toy that you can only stare at. I can give it to her after swim team and they can set it up after dinner.

Better go figure out what that dinner will be and find some breakfast. Everyone have a great ON PLAN day!:cheer2:
Sounds like a fabulous weekend, Lindsay! And I don't do Rosie, but Mike and my sisters call me Roe, or Roey. Kind of a weird name, I know. Mostly I just go by Rose or Mom.:thumbsup2

I knew you would not go for Rosie.:lmao:

QOTD- I am currently OP since I woke up this morning. It is now 930am! So thats a start right. I splurged for the past few months and now I will pay the price and reloose those pounds plus some. I am committed now that it is June 1st!

I just started a book called Cinderella Rules, and thought of many of you when I read the first rule, especially you CC. :hug:
While life occassionally makes it appear otherwise, no one has control over your life... but you. Make decisions with care, because in the end, you have only yourself to blame for the outcome. I thought it was a good rule for weight loss/healthy living, and many other areas of our lives.

I love this quote too. So true.

but I want to watch last night's Extreme Makeover Weight Loss show and the ONLY way I will fit that in is if I watch from the TM.... so there you have it.

whew P you are one busy lady. I watched the weight loss show the other night and thought it was good. Very inspiring.

I didn't share this when the tornado initially hit Joplin, but my cousin's family lives there. Her (half)brother was working in the Pizza Hut when it was hit and was almost sucked out into the storm. The entire building was reduced to rubble and 4 of the people he was with died. I guess there is a clip of him on the news online somewhere. When I talked with my cousin (online) last Monday, they were so happy that he was alive that she didn't mention that he also lost everything. His van and apartment were also destroyed. He even lost his wallet-sucked into the storm. His only posession is a bass guitar that was sucked out his van and was still in the vicinity. The case was battered but it was intact. Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.

Wow I am so sorry to hear about this. Truly so sad. I am glad he was ok but it is so sad to loose so much and go through such a tragedy. Many prayers will go out for him.

And I finished my first half marathon on Sunday.

Yeah, I weigh 10 pounds more than I did at the Princess but I finished this one and I'm actually stronger than I have been in years. Can't wait to work on my half for September and get some speed. :cool2: A lady in line with me at the portapotties was telling me that she was doing her 101st marathon at age 61! I should be so lucky! ;)

Have a great day all!

I just love this pic Lisa. So Proud!!!!!

I am so totally jealous of everybody's warm temperatures. This holiday weekend my youngest had a baseball tournament and his two games on Saturday were played in the SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow.:confused3

OMG that is insane. I hope the warmth heads your way soon.

i have to go to party city today to buy invitations for thomas's second birthday party. he will be two this month! it's funny though, i'm the same age ;)

have a healthy day everyone!

How nice of that mom to give you a gift for teaching the class.:goodvibes Sorry about the nightmare ewww thats scary. What kind of party will Thomas be having?

Hello Friends!

Today is another hot and humid day.:goodvibes It looks like my week off next wk is going to be nice and sunny too. I am thinking of taking Ryan to the pool a few days that week. He is finished with school on tuesday.:cool1:

Not much else other than work today and Ryan's tball game tonight. I guess thats enough for one day but looking at Pam's schedule it makes me feel bored.:lmao:

Good luck getting it all done and keeping sane Pam!
I'm here!!!! Again!! LOL

I've been reading (skimming) but haven't posted much. I've been sick all weekend so I've been laying low.

Lisa you look great! I'm jealous that you finished a 1/2, I don't think I could do that yet!

LTS Saw your pics on the other thread, you look marvelous! And yes, your hair looks way better!! I've noticed too that as soon as I stopped eating fast food my hair stopped falling out at an alarming rate. And it looks way better.

Dave Welcome Back!!! I hope Caleb is doing well!!!

To the newbies :welcome: Welcome welcome!!! I hope y'all enjoy our summer beach party here! And please stick around and post so we can get to know you!

To my returning faves Welcome back!!!! I hope we all get to spend a glorious summer together!


Well, 2 more weeks til everyone is out of school, yay!!! Then we start getting up at 5:30 instead of 7 to take DS14 to Cross Country practice, boo!!
SO the little kiddos and I will be running every morning to train for the Family 5K at WDW in October.

Yesterday I had a parent/teacher ask if I've lost weight!! YES!!!!!! She said I looked great! WOOHOO!!! :woohoo: She made my day!
I did slide on a pair of 14 shorts yesterday as well. They were tight in the butt, but I could button them! :banana: I didn't wear them though, because we were going to be sitting down and I didn't want to pop a seam! LOL
I have size 16 shorts on today, and they are ones I wore to WDW with Pamela, and they fit a little better now then they did in May.
So while I haven't lost much in the way of pounds I must be losing inches.

And I've been wearing my pedometer every day, wow!! There are days when I barely hit 3000 steps then there are days (like yesterday) that I hit 5000 before 10. The days I hit 3000 I walk around the house til I get at least 5000. LOL I'm aiming for 10,000 to 15,000 a day, which I know I can hit if I run.

OK, must get off this thing. I have a scrapbook swap that is due Friday and I have yet to finish! Gonna have to over night everything. $$$ Ouch!

OK, y'all have an awesome hump day!!!!!!
So last night my teenager rear-ended somebody. :headache: Nobody was hurt :) but I am so mad at him because our car leaked out all the anti freeze and had to be towed home. Now today it'll have to be towed to the repair shop. Thank goodness for AAA.

In good news, I got my C25K week 6 day 2 run in this morning. I had to repeat that day instead of moving on to day 3 because the holiday weekend messed up my schedule. But now I'm back OP and happy about that!
Hi Dona! My knee is doing pretty good.:goodvibes It's only bothering me now when I run, and then it's very minimal--like a dull ache. I am so happy it is getting better! I do wear running shoes most of the time--except at work. I bought two pair of good running shoes and that's what I walk around in now. My ankle gets pretty sore if I'm in sandals too much--minor strain. Hope it's not too humid!

Hi BronxNancy! Too cute about the little girl at Mommy and me--but a box of chocolates! Too dangerous! I am so not a fan of yoga, but it seems to be really helping with all the itb tightness. I only ended up doing the 9 minute sun salutation stuff and then I went to the park. I am not very flexible!

Hi everyone!

I would love to join as a Loser. This would be just the ticket to keep me accountable. I gained weight over the winter due to medical issues and of course, the terrible weather that encouraged major couch time!

Thanks for organizing this thread!

Hi Pamela! Glad you got some exercise in!

I'm in! I keep trying to do this challenge, but this time I am commited to see it to the end.
Welcome! Are you feeling better??? How is your Dad--do I remember that he was having some health issues in January?

Rose&Mike: You have a different distance lens in each eye??? :eek: That gives me a headache just thinking about it:headache:! I thought they actually made bifocal type contacts that worked like glasses?
Yep. I have some issues and they weren't sure the bifocal contacts were going to work. So my left eye is just not corrected to see as far so that I can read and my right eye is corrected to see distances. I have regular glasses for when I don't have my contacts in. It was weird at first and some days it works better than others, but for the most part I have been pretty happy with it. I still can't read teeny tiny print with my contacts in or pluck my eyebrows:rotfl: but that's ok. I can do most things and I have managed to avoid reading glasses for at least another year or two.:goodvibes

So, I slept awful--don't know what that was about. But I got up and did a little bit of yoga and stretching and then went to the park and ran 4 miles (run 4 min, walk 30 sec.). Boy it was hot and humid! Which I think is good cause it really slowed me down. I think I ended up just under 11 min miles. My knee did pretty good--just got a little sore. I go to the chiropractor this afternoon.

I never answered yesterday's QOTD. I am trying to be On Plan. And I am doing pretty well. But not great. I feel like I am self-sabotaging a little bit, cause I know if I am not careful I will start this challenge outside of my maintain range--and I don't know if I have been outside of my maintain range (except for a day or two after getting back from vacation) since I went to maintain last September. I typed up the third day of my trip report last night and that was really theraputic. And something Corinna said yesterday helped me to feel a little better about things. Suffice it to say eating meat free/wheat free gets old and I've been struggling a bit--which brings back that whole throw in the towel attitude. BUT I am NOT throwing in the towel! I can't afford to gain weight back cause I would have to buy all new clothes--again!:thumbsup2 How's that for a motivator!
QOTD- I am currently OP since I woke up this morning. It is now 930am! So thats a start right. I splurged for the past few months and now I will pay the price and reloose those pounds plus some. I am committed now that it is June 1st!
Go Lindsay!:cool1: Go Lindsay! :cool1:

Hi Buffy! :goodvibes You'll be in those 14s in no time!

So last night my teenager rear-ended somebody. :headache: Nobody was hurt :) but I am so mad at him because our car leaked out all the anti freeze and had to be towed home. Now today it'll have to be towed to the repair shop. Thank goodness for AAA.

In good news, I got my C25K week 6 day 2 run in this morning. I had to repeat that day instead of moving on to day 3 because the holiday weekend messed up my schedule. But now I'm back OP and happy about that!

I'm glad everyone was ok!:goodvibes
Just a reminder, here is what I have for the coaching schedule:

6/3/2011 Rose
6/10/2011 Pamela (pjlla)
6/24/2011 Nancy (dumbo_buddy)
7/1/2011 Sue (dvccruiser76)
7/8/2011 Lindsay (mommyof2pirates)
7/15/2011 Kathy (mikamah
7/22/2011 Cam (keenercam)
7/29/2011 Dona (donac)
8/5/2011 Lisa (Liesel)
8/12/2011 Maria (Worfiedoodles)
8/19/2011 Lisa (lisah0711)
8/26/2011 Kristi (KristiMc)
9/2/2011 Shawn??

Pamela has graciously volunteered to coach the week of the 17th, BUT it would be awesome if someone else could step up and take it. I hate to have Pamela have to do two weeks in a row.

Please let me know if you can help out. Thanks!:goodvibes

I've been kind of lazy this week, but just a reminder, this is what the QOTD should look like to make it easy for Lisa to post in the archive post. The color, etc isn't so important, but the date really helps to find them and put them in order. Here's today's question.:goodvibes

QOTD Wednesday, June 1--What did you have for breakfast? Do you regularly eat breakfast?

Have a great day!:goodvibes
Good morning to everyone!

Looks like another beautiful rain free day in the Cleveland area. We have had so much rain this spring that I am shocked when we have a few dry days in a row. My boys were done with school last Wednesday, so we have been busy doing the pool thing.

I have had a productive morning, took our dog for a walk and mowed the lawn.

QOTD: I had a banana this morning for breakfast. I usually have something a banana or some oatmeal.

I want to be near my "ideal weight" this time next year, when we are celebrating my little one's 5th birthday at WDW. I'd settle for a BMI of 25, though... :) so the goal is 37.5 lbs. Funny thing, I tried on swimsuits yesterday, and, while I'll never be a model, I didn't look as bad as I thought... but the scale doesn't lie (much) and the waistband is confirming it... it's time to get back on the wagon! And while losing is challenging, I've done it twice before after my kids were born... but, clearly, I suck at the "maintaining" part.

I just renewed my WW subscription, and, while I'm happy to say I've "only" gained 3 lbs "net" this year after breaking my leg (badly) in January... I really gained 10, because I had already lost 7 lbs before the accident and months of inactivity and eating junk has really caught up... add into that the massive muscle atrophy in my right leg, and I've lost muscle and gained fat. Ack.

So hopefully y'all will be able to keep me on the wagon. I'm going to need cheerleaders for exercise, though. I'm not medically cleared yet to jog or run or jump or even hop, so that leaves swimming, biking, and walking, all of which I can do, but the only one I actually enjoy is walking, which always lands me on the couch with my leg up and iced.

I *LOVE* the decluttering idea! 3 months of "Mom on the couch" truly does BAD things to a house!
Hi, I'm Ruthie and I would LOVE to join. :-)
I'm excited! This is just what I need to stay motivated!
QOTD Wednesday, June 1--What did you have for breakfast? Do you regularly eat breakfast?

I had hot tea, blackberries, a homemade banana muffin, WW yogurt and an orange. I do regularly eat breakfast, but I spread it out over the morning, I have the first item around 7, and the last about 11.

I got up and ran 2M this morning, even though it was muggy it felt good to be moving.

We're taking my boss out to lunch for her birthday today. It's a local pub, so I'm going to try to get a grilled chicken sandwich. That's pretty much the best choice...

I have to prep for a presentation tomorrow, and manage to not do any nervous eating. This is not a big deal and I shouldn't stress about it. I also have a church meeting tonight, which will definitely be more stressful. We will be changing pastors in July, our current one is retiring. I'm the chairperson of the personnel committee, so I find myself in charge of her retirement party, as well as welcoming the new pastor. Plus, our secretary is retiring too, so we need to hire a new one. No word on the youth ministers yet, that would just be the cherry on the cake. I've been on this committee for 3 years, and agreed to be the chairperson this year on a year by year basis. Four years is more than enough, I'm telling the new pastor I'm done in December. I'm sure that won't be popular, but I feel freed by just typing it, so I know it's the right thing to do. Bi-monthly meetings have become monthly, and I don't really care about the church politics, so I'm probably not a good fit, anyway. ;)

Hope everyone is having a happy First Day of June! Great time for a fresh start! :cheer2:

Maria :upsidedow
Howdy folks! :wave2: I was totally MIA for the last challenge and I apologize for that. :flower3: I'm the WIN coach, for pete's sake. I should be involved, right? :confused3

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Connie.:wave: I'm 37 years old, married for 14 years to Gary :love: and mom to 4-year-old Erin :cutie:. I work full time as database administrator :surfweb: for an insurance company. As far as my weight challenges, I don't think I've ever crossed the line into obese, but I tend to hang around in overweight most of the time. I did manage to lose 25 pounds a couple years ago, which felt fabulous :goodvibes, but I got off track and couldn't get back in that groove. I did well here last summer but burned out pretty bad :confused:and have been backsliding terribly ever since the end of last August.:sad2: I don't plan to set a particular weight goal for this challenge, but my ultimate long-term goal is to lose about 20-25 pounds.

Oh, also, I did lots of running last year and wound up with a stress fracture in my hip. And, yes, six months later, still NOT healed. It doesn't hurt anymore, but I still have discomfort after I've been on my feet too long. So, I'm about to spend the next 6 weeks on crutches to take the weight off of it and, hopefully, it'll finally heal and I'll be able to run again. And even if I can't run, we have every intention of taking Erin to WDW for her first time this Fall and I do NOT want to do that in a wheelchair! (How would we look with Gary pushing the wheelchair and me pushing the stroller??! :lmao: Like our own sad little train. :sad2:)

So, this is me and that's where I am. I'm excited to be back with y'all. "For real" this time. :thumbsup2


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