TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

I'm very excited about meeting my goals for this week!! Worked out everyday this week so far....just have to make it to tomorrow morning WOOT WOOT!!

Last night I went on a snacking binge, but finally stopped myself and brushed my teeth (works every time) and didn't eat the rest of the night, so the damage wasn't too bad!!

Water drinking is going great and I have made my veggie goal!! So I'm very excited for tomorrow's weigh in!! One thing I have changed is that I use to weigh myself everyday well that yoyo was making me nuts so my hubby said no more, only weigh in on weigh in I can't wait to get on the scale tomorrow!!!!!!
Good morning, everyone! I am so excited that I am going to Disneyworld today. But crazy busy at work.

Just wanted to pop in to say that notwithstanding a lot of not-so-smart choices, I was down 1.2 today at weight in. I know I've said it before but I LOVE the new WW plan. My body is just feeling and looking better. I had a bit of a binge last night and ate too much sodium yesterday but still did okay. I really, really do not want to break this losing streak so I hope I have some serious willpower at Disney. EEK!

Oh, and I enjoyed a new 2 mile walk on a Leslie Sansone DVD last night - 30 minutes of that, plus some resistance band work and stretching + 25 crunches and 25 push-ups. That is 5/100 days for the 100 day challenge. I am taking my pedometer to Disney. I hope I remember to wear it. LOL!
Good morning,

I had a pretty good day on plan yesterday - even with a evening out. My book group met last night to discuss Julie & Julia. I loved the movie, but the book was pretty crappy. For our meeting everyone brought a Julia Child recipe. We had some yummy stuff and I was able to taste everything but not go overboard.

That sounds pretty neet! What recipe did you bring? Why was the book crappy? The movie I thought was pretty good. Did you read any of the actual blogs the woman wrote? I am not surprised that Julia did not want to meet her because some were very crass. I was surprised because the character in the movie didn't really come off that way, but the Real life Julie I think isn't as wholesome as Amy Adams portrayal.

The start of my Perfect Disney day would be waking up in Cinderella's Suite where I have just won a week's stay!!! I get ready and head down to CRT where I have a private area to enjoy a breakfast of fruit and yougurt. After that I'm taken over to the Haunted Mansion before park opening (I am an early riser) and they allow me to wander the halls of HM with the lights on completely on my own to explore every nook and cranny of the ride. I'm then dressed in the maid's outfit and officially allowed to ride the first ride of the day then open it up for the rest of the guests!!!! After my stint as maid at HM, I head over to the GF spa where I indulge in a massage, mani/pedi, and facial!! After being completely relaxed, I head over to DHS where I get head of the line at TSM and GRM (gangster side of course). The day ends with a lovely early dinner at Brown Derby than I'm whisked away to my own private boat viewing of Wishes and when that is done I head to MK for special seat viewing of MSEP (the second parade). I then watch MK close for the night and head back to the castle for pixie filled dreams LOL!

Not that I have given this any thought at all LOL!

THAT is great! to walk the halls of HM! GREAT idea! I think I want to add that idea to my list as well as Pirates of the Carribean and Splash mountain LOVE the themeing!!!

okay, let the dreaming begin

COMFY TEMPS - 80s, low humidity. Stay in a 1 BR at BLT, dead on castle view. Wake up to see a dark sky with a BEAUTIFUL castle all lit up and changing colors. Go for a run, a few laps to MK and back. Wake up the family. Head to Kona for pressed pot of coffee, the HUGE fruit bowl, and a macadamia nut pancake that has no calories. Ride the monorail to MK, be the opening family. Ride EVERYTHING we want to with no line! Dole Whip thrown in. Seeing every character at WDW with no line! Why not let them come to us and get in line to meet us in the Cindy suite. Yeah, that works! AND maybe a tea party with the princesses and my girls. Lunch at CRT, grilled chicken and salad. YUMMO! Grand marshalls of parade. Private shuttle to AK, safari, EE about 10 times, FOTLK show with kids picked to be in it. Meet Devine, see the drummers. Private shuttle to Yachtsman for a wonderful meal, then back to MK for WISHES, and a night in the castle. :cloud9: AHHHHHHHH.. What a dream!

I LOVE the idea of the characters getting in line to meet YOU! outstanding!:thumbsup2

Good morning, everyone! I am so excited that I am going to Disneyworld today. But crazy busy at work.

HAVE A GREAT TIME! Safe journey and all the days filled with Pixie dust and joy!pixiedust:
QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

I like this question. My ultimate day would be in Early December (my anniversary is December 1st). It would be cooler and less crowded, plus all of the holiday decorations are all up.

We would wake up at BLT, have a quick breakfast in our room so we can be at the Magic Kingdom at rope drop. It wouldn't be too crowded, so we could basically walk onto any ride we wanted. After an early lunch at Columbia Harbor House, we would head back to the resort and the kids would actually take naps!

Then we would head over to the Poly and walk around the resort and beach, we would hit an early dinner at O'hanna. My mother-in-law would then stay with the kids and my wife and I would be free to head back to the Magic Kingdom where we could leisurely stroll hand in hand in the cool air taking in the park. Maybe catching Spectromagic, fireworks and an egg roll in Adventureland before heading back to the resort.

Hmmm, it seems that my ultimate day revolves around eating. But, that is how my family was growing up. Every celebration or reward involved food. It is a hard habit to break, but I am going to try my hardest.
OK guys, I am scared and would love all of your good wishes, prayers and hugs!

Some may remember my health scare in August, I mentioned it earlier on in this thread. (blood clots in lungs, emergency surgery for clot in arm, ICU because they couldn't get me off the ventilator, almost died, very lucky to be alive)

tomorrow I need a TEE (transesophageal echo). they shove a tube down your throat to look at your heart, they need to determine what kind of hole I have in my heart and how to fix it. I am TERRIFIED!:scared1::scared1::scared1:

I am VERY claustrophobic, strong gag reflux and as a nurse who has been in procedures for patients getting endoscopies (tube down throat to stomach) I have seen way tooo much! the gagging and wretching and panic I see in patients has me over the edge. I AM SOOOO SCARED!!! I did ask for stronger anesthetics, so they will have anesthesia providers do the sedation vs nurse sedation. They can put you deeper. BUt still I am FREAKING OUT!

any good thoughts would be very much appreciated!

(I am also going to post this on the CB, I need lots of support!):sad1:
Princess Vija - I have had that procedure done several times and I know the fear you are experiencing. I think the deeper sedation will help a lot - they put me under very quickly so that I didn't get too worked up. Sending you a hug. :hug:
QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Night all!!!!!

Ultimate day at Disney....hmmm
I guess I'd start out with early ADRs in the castle, we've never eaten there before (well I have but when I was like 10 and Peter Pan was there, Alice, Snow White, etc. wasn't JUST princesses). Then I'd spend my day @ MK riding all my favs, Splash Mt, Space Mt, BTMRR, Snow White, Peter Pan, HM, Laugh Floor, PoTC...hmm have i forgotten anything? O yes! I have never seen the Hall of Presidents and I'd like to see it one day. Then I'd relax with one of those frozen lemonade drinks...ahh I love them! Go to Pinochhios and DEMAND they bring back Figaro fries. Ride Dumbo and Mickey's Philharmagic(DD's favorite in MK)..
Then I'd head over to Epcot, hit Soarin, Test Track, Nemo, Turtle Talk, I always wanted to see Ellen, but never got to. Space Ship Earth, meet the characters the character spot. Then I'd hit those countries (my FAVORITE thing to do in all of Disney I think!). I'd have to start in Mexico and have a Taco and hang out around there, do the ride b/c thats DD's favorite ride, (yes sir believe it or not). I'd have to do Kim Possible somewhere. Have some school house bread ;). Tinker around each shop in WS, eat dinner at Teppan Edo, watch the O Canada movie (another thing I never got to do) relax in Italy with a glass or Rose Regale and watch the fireworks. Pastry and tea in France and the close to a perfect night would be.....
...the night in Cinderella's Castle. (All came full circle lol).
a bit detailed orient, but it is what it is :lmao:
OK guys, I am scared and would love all of your good wishes, prayers and hugs!

Some may remember my health scare in August, I mentioned it earlier on in this thread. (blood clots in lungs, emergency surgery for clot in arm, ICU because they couldn't get me off the ventilator, almost died, very lucky to be alive)

tomorrow I need a TEE (transesophageal echo). they shove a tube down your throat to look at your heart, they need to determine what kind of hole I have in my heart and how to fix it. I am TERRIFIED!:scared1::scared1::scared1:

I am VERY claustrophobic, strong gag reflux and as a nurse who has been in procedures for patients getting endoscopies (tube down throat to stomach) I have seen way tooo much! the gagging and wretching and panic I see in patients has me over the edge. I AM SOOOO SCARED!!! I did ask for stronger anesthetics, so they will have anesthesia providers do the sedation vs nurse sedation. They can put you deeper. BUt still I am FREAKING OUT!

any good thoughts would be very much appreciated!

(I am also going to post this on the CB, I need lots of support!):sad1:

Sending good thoughts your way.
Uh-oh, it's Girl Scout cookie time already? :scared1::rotfl: Guess it's a good thing that none of my younger cousins are scouts anymore!

:rotfl2: Your fiance is too funny! Glad that you have found someone who can make you smile after the trials you've been through.

"Big Bang Theory" is great! I still can't get over the fact that the actress who plays Amy Farrah-Fowler was Blossom back in the day! And that she actually has a PhD in neuroscience!

OMG! I saw that, too. Every time I hear about that Double Down sandwich, it just makes my stomach flip. Blech! The fried lasagna at Olive Garden did look kinda good though...:lmao:

90 pounds in five months? Yikes! Did they discuss how she did it? That's not exactly a healthy rate of loss.

I have totally been there! I had been dieting a couple months before my first trip to Disney, and had lost 11 pounds so far. When I got back, I was RIGHT where I had started! 11 pounds in a week!
It almost made me consider it a weird sort of victory when I went back in 2009, during a "who cares if I'm fat?" phase when I hadn't been trying to lose weight, and came back from the end of the trip weighing the same as when I left.

I'm a rock-and-roll girl, mainly...anything from Led Zeppelin to Disturbed.

Never really watched the show more than a couple minutes at a time while flipping channels. It has a vibe of "hey, let's exploit the fatties for entertainment" that just bugs me. Of my coworkers, the ones who LOVE it and discuss every little bit of it together...well, they're all thin. So, it just kinda bothers me.

As for TV shows that I like, anything sci-fi or with smart writing will catch my interest. My two all-time favorites have been off the air for years - Firefly and Bablyon 5. Still running shows I like are Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Doctor Who, Torchwood...I'm sure there's more I can't think of right now.

Yay! I finally gave up on finding our tape measure around the house and just printed one off from SparkPeople! Now I just have to actually go and measure.

I am on a roll with the exercise! I saw another thread here on the WISH boards that is a "walking to Disney" challenge - basically you add up each day's walk/run/bike, aiming for the number of miles between your home and WDW (or DL, I guess). I am at just over 5 miles so far!


I think I need to learn how to take a quote out of posts lol :lmao:
but, actually the girl exercised just about everyday (with a trainer, at gym at like 5am) and cut out all sugars, carbs, etc. Before she began her journey to lose the weight with the trainer her mom would test her, leave cookies out on the table to see if she'd eat them. Then the girl would eat like candy bars and hide the wrappers and her mom would find them and dump them on her bed while she was at school so she'd come home to see that. I felt bad for her, her mom IMHO was kinda heartless to her. Why do that to her? :confused3
Last night the girl LIVED on fast food, literally breakfast lunch and dinner, would not eat a home cooked meal. She too lost 90lbs in only 90 days. Her personal trainer was an ex Marine. She was eating well, he had a nice sized piece of meatloaf for dinner and some spinach, I think just the carbs were left out. Her training was intense though :scared1: She started at 250 and in the end weighed in at 160, which was her goal weight.
Princess Vija - I have had that procedure done several times and I know the fear you are experiencing. I think the deeper sedation will help a lot - they put me under very quickly so that I didn't get too worked up. Sending you a hug. :hug:

thanks, I sure hope they give me something the second I walk in the door to get the relaxation started.

Princess Vija
Good Luck tomorrow! We'll all be thinking of you.

Sending good thoughts your way.

thanks! I appreciate it very much!
good luck princess!!!

man alive was it cold out during my walk last night! But I got through it:goodvibes
wishing everyone a healthy day
FOOD ALERT: I just read on the WW bulletin boards that the new flavor of FiberPlus bars that is something like chocolate caramel coconut is a good substitution for the Samoa variety of Girl Scout cookies. I MUST find these. I will report back with a food review when I try them. :)
Hi Team Mickey! I'm stopping by from the Donald team to say hello.

Vija - Good luck and good thoughts for your procedure. I can totally understand being freaked about many aspects of what you are going through. I haven't been through it myself, but I've gotten through some other stuff that has terrified me. Anything you can do to relax and focus on something other than your fear will only benefit you. You'll get through the procedure one moment at a time when the time comes, and you will have all the help available at that time, but you don't have to live in distress you before then - that won't help you or anyone. Go to your happy place. Think about something you want to do in the future. Gently direct your thoughts away from the things that are making you anxious toward something that makes you smile. We're all thinking of you. :hug:

Sorry for the slight XP - just wanted to give you guys a heads-up - those that know me from previous Biggest Loser challenges:

I am thinking of changing my pounds lost clippie. The 55 clippie reflects the pounds I lost starting from my first Biggest Loser Challenge in January 2009. However. My starting weight from my January 2007 WW online weigh in was actually 10 pounds higher. When I started in 2009, I didn't even want to face up to being where I was, let alone having been 10 pounds heavier. The fact that I managed to keep at least those 10 pounds off (sometimes more) for those two intervening years...well, I'm feeling like that is something to be proud of as well. And I feel like maybe I should really own my actual earlier starting weight and not essentially deny it ever happened. SO, if you happen to notice that I've suddenly "lost" 10 more pounds, do not fear for my health or mental well being. They are "OLD" pounds that I'm just now claiming.

Have a Super Thursday, Mickeys!!!
QOTD 1/5/11 Wednesday Did you watch (or will you if you want to answer tonight), watch Biggest Loser tonight? If you did (or will), what did you do that was healthy during it?[/QUOTE]

I still have it saved on my DVR but I hope to walk while I watch. If only I get over this cold!
So sorry! That's the worst feeling, coughing and not being able to stop it!!!! A small spoon of pure, raw, honey usually helps me get over those fits that won't stop!

Thank you, I'll keep the honey out on the counter so I can take some. I'll try anything at this point.

I burned one pan of cookies--well almost burned. And I ate too much today, but I'm hoping that means that since I'm hungry that I am going to start feeling better! Mike is leaving very early in the morning to come home. Tom is going to leave to go back to school when Mike gets home. He wants to see him for a minute or so.
I did 30 minutes on the treadmill today--walking. I am planning on running tomorrow even if it's only a couple of miles. This week is starting to get to me and my stress level is off the charts. I need to get that back under control! TTYL!

There once was a time I would eat those burnt cookies or cut around the burnt parts. ;) Now that the holidays are over with, I don't bake them as much.
You are just the energizer bunny with all that exercise. Keep it up, you're inspiring!

Good morning,

I had a pretty good day on plan yesterday - even with a evening out. My book group met last night to discuss Julie & Julia. I loved the movie, but the book was pretty crappy. For our meeting everyone brought a Julia Child recipe. We had some yummy stuff and I was able to taste everything but not go overboard.

I thought the movie was good, but thought the book would be boring so I skipped it. I think the recipe idea would be fun, but small bites would be necessesary.

I'm very excited about meeting my goals for this week!! Worked out everyday this week so far....just have to make it to tomorrow morning WOOT WOOT!!

Last night I went on a snacking binge, but finally stopped myself and brushed my teeth (works every time) and didn't eat the rest of the night, so the damage wasn't too bad!!

It sounds like you're doing very well. You had a binge attack but the smart thing is you acknowledged it and moved on. YAY! Go you!

Just wanted to pop in to say that notwithstanding a lot of not-so-smart choices, I was down 1.2 today at weight in. I know I've said it before but I LOVE the new WW plan. My body is just feeling and looking better.
Oh, and I enjoyed a new 2 mile walk on a Leslie Sansone DVD last night - 30 minutes of that, plus some resistance band work and stretching + 25 crunches and 25 push-ups. That is 5/100 days for the 100 day challenge. I am taking my pedometer to Disney. I hope I remember to wear it. LOL!

Have a great time at WDW! With all that walking you'll be doing, you'll just have remember to balance the meals a bit. Just take that picture of a healthy meal with you in your head and make it happen. I know...easier said than done.

tomorrow I need a TEE (transesophageal echo). they shove a tube down your throat to look at your heart, they need to determine what kind of hole I have in my heart and how to fix it. I am TERRIFIED!:scared1::scared1::scared1:

I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you while you have this done. I'm also scared of that kind of stuff. Just relax your breathing when you start thinking about it.

Watched The Doctors this morning and they had some interesting tid bits on diets. I'm not really following that diet they are promoting, but they said some things on fatty foods and meals that we eat. They said we all say we can eat a fatty meal once in awhile right? They said after you just eat one unhealthy meal, you're arteries start to restrict from it. :scared1: I was a little scared knowing that. I didn't know much also about visceral fat and what it does to your organs. I'm so uneducated when it comes to what fat does to the body, but I'm learning and I do not like what what I'm reading.

I'm nervous about weigh in tomorrow. With being sick I'm not sure how it's going down. I've wanted to track what I eat and I haven't done that. I've really got to up my game. :thumbsup2
Good morning all! First things first, Princess Vija, I pray that your appointment goes well and that you don't panic. I understand the claustrophobia thing, and the gag reflux...I could hardly go to a dentist for years without throwing up, mine was so good. Anyway, I pray that you do well!

Secondly (and I forgot to quote, so I forget who posted this), if you find those Fiber One bars, let me know!! I LOVE those cookies, so if that is anything similar, I will HAVE to try them! :)

QOTD: My dream day at Disney is pretty simple. I just want to be there, have everyone be in a good mood, no one tired and grumpy, be able to ride what we want to ride with minimal wait times, and enjoy the entire day. Is that too much to ask?? :)

I am staying on plan pretty well, but I may or may not work out today. I woke up feeling pretty badly, so we'll see how I feel through the rest of the day.

Have a great day everyone!! :)
Hi! I'm just now joining Team Mickey! Thanks for having me!
This is my first BL challenge and I'm really excited.
I'm 35, and have four young kids. I need to lose a good amount of weight but my real goal is to get fit and be energetic and strong again. I'm sick of eating junk, rarely exercising, being exhausted, and setting a bad health example for my children. So here I go! I've started a modified version of P90X and am soooo sore but feeling healthier already.

Princess Vija, I hope your procedure went well!

Princess V--Sending good thoughts your way for your procedure.:goodvibes

Corinna--I say change that clippie! You should be so proud of how hare you have worked.:goodvibes

Cam--and anyone running this weekend--safe travels and have a fabulous time!

Welcome Mrs. Malone!

Well, Mike is home, and Tom is on his way back to school. I am pooped. It's been a long year already.;) I think I am going to drag myself out of the chair and go into work for a couple of hours.

Have a great day!

Oh, and in case I don't get back on today--Tracey, thank you so much for stepping in and coaching this week.:goodvibes Welcome to mommyof2Pirates (Lindsay) who will be our coach starting tomorrow!:goodvibes

Don't forget to pm Tracey your weights in the morning and CC your Healthy Habits info. If you need a reminder of how to do this, there is a link on the first page. If you have not joined the WIN challenge yet it is not too late, BUT if you have already sent Connie your measurements, you do not need to do it again this week.:goodvibes

If you have any questions, just ask. Someone will pop on with an answer!
Rose - I know you'll breathe easier when Tom is back on campus. I will be thinking of you. Is Mike feeling okay after the emotional experiences this week? Poor guy.

I may have been the first one to PM my weigh in to Tracy. Since I go to WW on Thursday mornings, that is the number I'll be using. I'm just so glad I was able to contribute a little bit to our team's overall effort this week. Oh, and I sent my HH points count to CC. I tend to forget to do the PMs or do them late so I am kind of patting myself on the back for doing it the first week. LOL! ;)


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