TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

I aim to please!!!!! And missy, you need to get your hiney OP. We can't let those Quackers over there get us this week. I've got a voodoo TOM doll that I am poking pins in for you! Get you some carrots, and stress eat on those. By the time you are finished crunching, the stress will be gone. Imagine each bite being a stressor that you are chomping away!!! AND GET THEE TO THE GYM!

Victory again! :rotfl2: I really needed that. Thank you! :)

Unfortunately, today wasn't OP either, but thanks to you and Rose, I am going to the gym tomorrow. My goal is 20 minutes. Realistically, that's all the time I have because I have to baby-sit tomorrow. But, it's more than I've done all week. I'm winded just walking from my car to the door to my office. I need to get in cardio!!!!!!!

Cam: Enjoy your trip! :cool1: And, thank you for hosting an exchange student. He couldn't have been placed with a better family! :worship:

Good morning everyone! I am .4 from seeing the 130s! I have not seen the 130 since my very early 20s! I might have to lower my maintain a pound--very exciting!

:woohoo: Here's to losing! :goodvibes

Have a great night. I will be OP tomorrow. I promise!

1/4 QOTD:
My favorite is rock & roll with a dance beat. I also enjoy country at times. Anything that makes you want to get up & get moving.

1/5 QOTD:
I watched the weigh in for Biggest Loser. It doesn't give me much motivation at the beginning of the season. It is usually the last 3 or 4 episodes that do the most for me.
I'm sorry, but I just have to brag about how wonderful my wife (TimonTracy on Team Donald) has been at cooking healthy dinners. She has gone above and beyond to find new, delicious and healthy recipes. Tonight she made Tilapia Oregano with parmesan roasted cauliflower on the side and a small spinach salad with light italian dressing. It was fantastic! I am truly a lucky man.

There is one problem my wife is having with the new diet, she can't stand the taste of vegetables. She likes to say if they aren't covered in cheese she wants nothing to do with them. Does anybody have a suggestion for a good vegetable recipe? I like them steamed, but she needs a little more flavor than that provides.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Try roasting vegetables. It's really easy and it brings out the flavor. You can roast just about any vegetables with just a little olive oil. You can add sea salt or not. Butternut squash is DELICIOUS roasted. Yum! Try a google search for how to roast vegetables to get some ideas.

Another idea is carmelizing onions. OMG so good. And you can do it with just a little bit of olive oil--you don't have to do it with butter like so many recipes call for. I have made pizza with carmelized onions, goat cheese and apples. It is to die for.

You can roast a huge pan of vegetables on Sunday and eat them in several different recipes over the next couple of days. Again, google it. There are tons of ideas.

Hope this helps--I'm a vegetarian by the way, so let me know if you have any other questions. I would not say I am an expert, but there are lots of great veggie recipes. You just have to experiment a little!
I feel crummy today. I just want to curl up and crawl in bed. Three kids doing homework won't allow me that luxury. I am still going to give the Wii Fit a go tonight, or maybe hit the treadmill. Would I be better served to just get to it first thing tomorrow? Maybe I'll do wii tonight and treadmill in the AM.

I am going down on the Wii in weight and BMI. Even if I do not use the Wii to exercise I love the charts etc.
I did watch it for the very first time. Mostly I wanted to watch how the former Olympic Gold and Bronze medalist, Rulon Gardner, would handle the situation.

I was blown away with the show. I am used to competitors just ripping others to get ahead and it was a pleasure to see everyone bond and help each other. They were truly saddened to have to vote Ana off the show.

Good show. Wish I had eight hours a day to work out. I would love to lose 41 pounds in the first week.

Okay, my last Dr Pepper was on NYE. I've not had one sense. The funny thing is I have no desire for it and I have 3 twelve packs in my garage.

today I broke down and got a diet coke and it actually didnt even taste good anymore. Its amazing how addicted we get to things and then after you get off of it you realize it wasnt even that good in the first place.:confused3

Has anyone watched that show on MTV called "I Used to Be Fat" (crappy title, I know)?

I watched that the other night. very inspiring. Actually CC if your reading this I thought of you. This girl had so many issues with her mom and her weight loss. You should try to watch it on if you can it was really inspiring.:goodvibes

Anyone else have these issues? Trying to balance family dinner time with not eating too late?????

story of my life girl. I think this is why I have fallen into such trouble since having kids. Mike and I both work. leave around 7am most mornings and get home with the kids around 6. the kids are starving we are starving so I always went for the quickest and easiest things. I find that when I prepare ahead and plan what I am making that it helps. I also try to find good meals that I can put together and have finished within a half hour but most nights we dont eat until 7. I havent really gotten good at the whole balancing thing yet. I dont know if I ever will.

Tom is going to leave to go back to school when Mike gets home. He wants to see him for a minute or so. There is like a 4 hour period over the next 4 days where they are not calling for snow in the mountains Tom drives through, so he's going tomorrow. He was relieved that we told him to go early, cause it was snowing last time he drove and he said it wore him out!

thats a good idea. I know you will miss the extra days with tom but at least he will get there safe and not have to worry about the snow. Glad you are feeling better and got on the TM today. I bet that made you feel better too.:hug:

I'm sorry, but I just have to brag about how wonderful my wife (TimonTracy on Team Donald) has been at cooking healthy dinners.

what a women! and how nice of you to recognize her for the hard work she is doing. I am not a veggie lover at all but one thing I tried and loved is baking asparagus drizzled with a small amount of olive oil and garlic in the oven. It was yummy.

I promise!

cant go back on your promise now. think of us every time you start to sway off plan. you can do it CC!!!!!

Another idea is carmelizing onions. OMG so good. And you can do it with just a little bit of olive oil--you don't have to do it with butter like so many recipes call for. I have made pizza with carmelized onions, goat cheese and apples. It is to die for.

when I was first married dh asked me to make carmelized onions for our steaks and i had no idea how. so I figured to carmelize them I would cook them in a pan with oil and a bunch of sugar.:lmao: I havent tried that again since. how exactly do you make them?

Work is just insane. I am exhausted. What else is new.:lmao: I feel like it should be friday already but I guess only 2 more days and hey I am coaching friday so that is always something fun to look forward to. Now DS2 who is 3yrs old came home from daycare with a swollen eye. I told the teacher I think it must be allergies and she said oh maybe from your new cats. I was like huh??? we dont have cats. Apparently nick was telling his friends and teachers that we got 2 new cats at home. He had all kinds of stories to tell about them too.:laughing: What an imagination. I never thought I would have to talk to my 3 year old about lying to people but I guess it was time.

Have a great night team mickey losers!!!!!
Thank goodness DH knows excel!!!!! I put in our first weigh in and nothing happened!!!! When the file was copied it didn't copy everything. We fixed the Mickey page and he will fix Donald tomorrow.

Going to bed now before I pass out!

TTFN :tigger:
Thursday will be the end of first week of the P90X challenge. Now only 12 weeks to go. I am walking around the house with moans and groans grabbing the stairwell, and pulling myself up out of the chair. It feels great!!

QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

"Day at Disney" seem open for interpretation, so I am going with DCL...
We are hitting our 4th Disney Cruise this March.

The ultimate day is a day at sea. Get up in the morning, jog on Deck 4, hit the health club for some weights, sit ups on the ball and stretching.:yay:

Breakfast at Topsiders Buffet - love the bagel & lox - don't get that at home.:thumbsup2

Spa appointment :cloud9:

Get cleaned up and ready for a day in the sun with a good book or DIS Podcast on my iPod.

Lunch with the family around the pool.

More sun at the adult pool :sunny: until the Martini Tasting class...

Back to room to get dressed up for show & dinner.

Wine with DH on the verandah

See the new "Villians Tonight!" show:maleficen

Dinner with the family at Lumiere's

Send kids off to their clubs:wave:

Dancing at the Rockin' D bar until LATE!:dancer:

Think I'll make this happen, but I may have to work a nap into it all!


Ultimate day at Disney??? Hmmmm, that is a tough one... where to start?

After waking up at the Grand Floridian we go to MK and get picked to open MK again! We are surprised with a VIP tour guide and enjoy the park with no lines!!! We then are the grand marshals for the 3:00 parade. We get exclusive dining with ALL the Disney characters in the castle. Spectromagic is back and we have private seating to enjoy the parade and fireworks. along the way we were sprinkled with Pixie dust and got to pick out any merchandise items we wanted. THEN we retire to the Cinderella Castle suite!!!!

A girl can dream, right????!!!!;)!
QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Getting up and heading to breakfast at Crystal Palace before the park opens. Then spending the day at Magic Kingdom (my favorite park). Coming back to the resort and going for a swim and then ending the day with dinner somewhere.

Ultimate day at Disney??? Hmmmm, that is a tough one... where to start?

After waking up at the Grand Floridian we go to MK and get picked to open MK again! We are surprised with a VIP tour guide and enjoy the park with no lines!!! We then are the grand marshals for the 3:00 parade. We get exclusive dining with ALL the Disney characters in the castle. Spectromagic is back and we have private seating to enjoy the parade and fireworks. along the way we were sprinkled with Pixie dust and got to pick out any merchandise items we wanted. THEN we retire to the Cinderella Castle suite!!!!

A girl can dream, right????!!!!;)!

Hi everyone:wave2: Joining Team Mickey:banana: Looking forward to the fun whilst getting stuck into gaining health and losing fat.

I am a public servant so I spend all day sitting on my backside. then come home and sit on my couch! Last Jan - May I lost 8 kg with lots of salad and jogging. Went to WDW in June - kept up the jogging and ate at the good restaurants - avoiding the fried food, Goofy's Sweet Shop and Tigger Tails. but then winter came - and back came half the weight

I don't get your BL so I'll just pretend I'm watching it:3dglasses

My perfect day at Disney?? Princess Vija said it before me! I would add dinner at V&A's Chef's Table with lots of seafood

Family Christmas this saturday (yep a bit late) but I'm cooking! so I only have myself to blame
Taryn--I LOVE that t-shirt! We saw one last fall. We decided Mike was too old to wear one though. I burned one pan of cookies--well almost burned. And I ate too much today, but I'm hoping that means that since I'm hungry that I am going to start feeling better. Tom is going to leave to go back to school when Mike gets home. He wants to see him for a minute or so. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill today--walking. I am planning on running tomorrow even if it's only a couple of miles. This week is starting to get to me and my stress level is off the charts. I need to get that back under control!
Hey, almost burned isn't burned, and Tom will love them. I don't think Tom's too old for that shirt, college sports fans don't age! :lmao: I'm glad the "boys" will have a few minutes together today. Could you breathe while you were walking? I hope you feel up to a run, even if it's short. I'm sure with all you've had going on, and Tom leaving, you'll need it! Thinking of you today, is it getting easier to say goodbye?

I still can't get over the fact that the actress who plays Amy Farrah-Fowler was Blossom back in the day! And that she actually has a PhD in neuroscience!
Mayim Blalik or something like that? I loved Blossom, and remembered reading that she was super intelligent. I didn't know she was on Big Bang. I've never watched it, I might have to tune in sometime. Is it one of those shows I could jump in and watch, or would I feel lost?

I watched the second half as I was working the first half :rolleyes: I found Bob advice to be profound. Take your weight loss in small increments. Bob told him to stop thinking that way and just take it week by week, focus on smaller goals. It was amazing how many of us are having lots of points left in the evening that we have to use up for optimum weight loss.
That's great advice. When I am OP (on plan for the newbies) and needing a loss , I take what I need to loose total, and divide it up by how much a week, etc. That smaller goal of X amount a week makes it seem more doable! I even made a chart last spring, and I am not a chart person, with the weights I needed to hit each Friday to get where I needed to be! That is amazing how many of you have points left in the evening!!! I need to get my spark tracker going again, I've forgotten some of the typical calorie/portion things I need to remember. Is Chris doing WW, too? How is he doing?

Today is one of those days I have to just read and not reply...boot camp started back this morning, it was my first day back at work, and I am exhausted!! And I need to get up at 5:15 and start all over!
Great job at doing Boot Camp on your first day back!! How was it? I am having a very hard time getting back into the groove, at this point I'm wishing for snow! Have a great day!

We have a family from church that are huge Dr. Who and Torchwood fans like us! So excited that there will be Torchwood in the US with John Barrowman next summer! I bought DH a Tardis t-shirt for Christmas this year. DSIL bought us a Tardis ice cream bucket that we put lights on at Christmas. I feel like I've been away for a week and it's only been 8 hours since I last posted! I guess that really means I'm addicted! Then we went to Movie Stop to sell them some old movies! I'm wearing it now while I'm typing. We 've never had one before. I have to visit the school dept to pay for full day kindergarten for the month.
Ok, Tracey, the first part of your post that I italicized made me feel like I am in the Twilight Zone or something. :darth: Closest I could come to a sci-fi smilie. That's so funny. I'm pretty addicted, too. ;) I've never seen a movie stop, we have game stops nearby, but that sounds pretty cool. I need to get my movies and DH's old Nintendo games organized and see if we have anything we can get rid of! Ak loves zebra print, and we got her a zebra snugggie for her birthday, she loves it. My room at school is cold, I told someone I was going to get one to keep in my desk to put on when the kids aren't in the room and I'm doing desk work!:laughing: Why do you have to pay for kindergarten?

I'm sorry, but I just have to brag about how wonderful my wife (TimonTracy on Team Donald) has been at cooking healthy dinners. She has gone above and beyond to find new, delicious and healthy recipes. There is one problem my wife is having with the new diet, she can't stand the taste of vegetables.
You've gotten some good suggestions on roasting, and I'll second Lindsay's advice on the aspargus. DH loves them if I drizzle with olive oil and fresh garlic, and bake a bit, and he's not an asparagus guy, either. You can shave a SMALL bit of parmesan on top for some extra flavor and crunch. Also, fresh salsa is AMAZING! If you have a blender or magic bullet type thing, just throw in some tomatoes, pepper, onions, garlic. I love this for lots of things, chicken dishes, some fish dishes, even with ground chicken or turkey for tacos with low carb wraps, etc. Another suggestion, that I learned by making my youngest's baby food, is to steam and puree, and then hide in stuff! There's a fun cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld called "deceptively delicious" that's all recipes with hidden veggies. Pumpkin, squash, etc. What about stir fry type recipes? Lots of fresh veggies, with a bit of crunch, and you can really spice them up. Or even a vegetable pizza, use a bit of olive oil, a thin crust, and throw on everything but the kitchen sink, we add a bit of goat or feta cheese, too. We do this to use up any veggies in the fridge. Vegetable soup is another good one, the spice of the soup can hide some veg taste. Finally, I would think about the veggies with the most nutritional impact, and work on adding those. Here's one list: And I love this website for recipe ideas:

Victory again! :rotfl2: I really needed that. Thank you! :) My goal is 20 minutes. Realistically, that's all the time I have because I have to baby-sit tomorrow. But, it's more than I've done all week. I'm winded just walking from my car to the door to my office. I need to get in cardio!
Remember, you can always add in extra things to get your 20 minutes in. If it's not too cold, when you get to the door to your office, pretend like you forgot something and walk back to the car and back to the office. Take the stairs. OR when you are baby sitting, do something together!!!! Don't you HATE it when your words come back to haunt you, b/c I think I heard that from you recently.;)
Try to take a few minutes to plan your food for the day, take it with you, and toss the junk!!!!

I'm a vegetarian by the way, so let me know if you have any other questions. I would not say I am an expert, but there are lots of great veggie recipes. You just have to experiment a little!
Rose, sometime when you have time, I want your feedback on going vegetarian. I don't know that I could, and am not sure I really want to, but I would love your imput on how you think it is helped, how you did it, etc. Doesn't have to be today or tomorrow or even this week, just sometime when you feel the need to type!;)

I feel crummy today. I just want to curl up and crawl in bed. Three kids doing homework won't allow me that luxury. I am still going to give the Wii Fit a go tonight, or maybe hit the treadmill. I am going down on the Wii in weight and BMI. Even if I do not use the Wii to exercise I love the charts etc.
So sorry you are feeling badly. I do a body test daily on wii fit, I really like keeping up with it, but that's about all I've used it for lately! Sometimes I'll do the yoga. The only thing I don't like, is even after going from obese to overweight to normal, my mii is still big.:mad:

Good show. Wish I had eight hours a day to work out. I would love to lose 41 pounds in the first week.
That's sooo crazy scary, though! That's my only complaint about BL and Losing it with Jillian, is that they loose crazy amounts of weight each week. Of course, they're doing nothing but concentrating on it, but still. It would be nice to have that time, trainers, and the healthy food right in front of you.

Its amazing how addicted we get to things and then after you get off of it you realize it wasnt even that good in the first place. story of my life girl. leave around 7am most mornings and get home with the kids around 6. when I was first married dh asked me to make carmelized onions for our steaks and i had no idea how. so I figured to carmelize them I would cook them in a pan with oil and a bunch of sugar how exactly do you make them? Work is just insane. I am exhausted. Now DS2 who is 3yrs old came home from daycare with a swollen eye. I told the teacher I think it must be allergies and she said oh maybe from your new cats. I was like huh???
It is true, but let me warn you. Remember the Sun Drop discussion from the holiday challenge? Well, I used to drink about a liter a day of the stuff. CRAZY.. Broke that addiction, and then tried it again, and it was terrible. Well, over the holidays, one of the bad habits I picked up was soda again. Sun Drop really is wonderful! Back to water, unsweetened tea, black coffee, and skim milk ONLY again this week, and life is much better. So the taste CAN be relearned! :lmao: Your caramelized onions story almost made me spit my coffee out laughing. girl. TOO FUNNY!!!! As for the dinner thing, I have found that it helps to have some munchies on hand for me and the kids when I get home. I'll put out a plate of carrots, broccoli, etc. and some ranch dressing for the girls. It keeps them from whining and they get some veggies, I munch while I cook, and don't eat as much dinner! Of course, we don't always have these, and I don't always do it, but it's a good thing when I do! Menu planning helps, too! I think 3 must be an age for "lying" or "pretending" as Sophie says. We have the same issues. I think it's because so much of her play time is pretending, and telling that stuff is the same to her, she doesn't really get the difference.

Thank goodness DH knows excel!!!!! I put in our first weigh in and nothing happened!!!! When the file was copied it didn't copy everything. We fixed the Mickey page and he will fix Donald tomorrow.
WHEW! Thanks for doing this Tracey! I know it's going to be WILD for you putting all 100+ weights in, hope Brian is around to help!!!

Thursday will be the end of first week of the P90X challenge. Now only 12 weeks to go. I am walking around the house with moans and groans grabbing the stairwell, and pulling myself up out of the chair. It feels great!!
GREAT JOB!!! I've heard that's killer!

The ultimate day is a day at sea.
Marcy, that sounds like SOOO much fun. We talked about doing a cruise in 2012, but Sophie will be 5 then, and I'm not sure if she'd love it as much as WDW or if we should wait until she's a bit older....

Ultimate day at Disney??? Hmmmm, that is a tough one... where to start?
Ahhh... that was wonderful!!!!!

Hi everyone:wave2: Joining Team Mickey:
Welcome!!!!!!! Good to have you on our team!
QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!
okay, let the dreaming begin

COMFY TEMPS - 80s, low humidity. Stay in a 1 BR at BLT, dead on castle view. Wake up to see a dark sky with a BEAUTIFUL castle all lit up and changing colors. Go for a run, a few laps to MK and back. Wake up the family. Head to Kona for pressed pot of coffee, the HUGE fruit bowl, and a macadamia nut pancake that has no calories. Ride the monorail to MK, be the opening family. Ride EVERYTHING we want to with no line! Dole Whip thrown in. Seeing every character at WDW with no line! Why not let them come to us and get in line to meet us in the Cindy suite. Yeah, that works! AND maybe a tea party with the princesses and my girls. Lunch at CRT, grilled chicken and salad. YUMMO! Grand marshalls of parade. Private shuttle to AK, safari, EE about 10 times, FOTLK show with kids picked to be in it. Meet Devine, see the drummers. Private shuttle to Yachtsman for a wonderful meal, then back to MK for WISHES, and a night in the castle. :cloud9: AHHHHHHHH.. What a dream!

Well, the snow they were calling for did come in the form of about 30 snowflakes at 4 am. Not enough to give me a day off. DRAT!:mad: I need to get this house restored to some sort of order! Poor DH ended up working until about 8, got home around 9, left at 4. He's worn OUT!

Did okay with my eating yesterday. Not stellar, but better. I think I drank a gallon of water, though.:scared1: By 10 I had had 32 oz, by 4 76 oz, and then a few glasses when I got home! Did my cardio in the form of dancing and "cardio cleaning" :rotfl: More on that later.

Well, I've done laundry and cleaned in between typing, gotta shower. Dang it. Remember, it's the last day before weigh in. Make it count! Have a great one!
QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!

The start of my Perfect Disney day would be waking up in Cinderella's Suite where I have just won a week's stay!!! I get ready and head down to CRT where I have a private area to enjoy a breakfast of fruit and yougurt. After that I'm taken over to the Haunted Mansion before park opening (I am an early riser) and they allow me to wander the halls of HM with the lights on completely on my own to explore every nook and cranny of the ride. I'm then dressed in the maid's outfit and officially allowed to ride the first ride of the day then open it up for the rest of the guests!!!! After my stint as maid at HM, I head over to the GF spa where I indulge in a massage, mani/pedi, and facial!! After being completely relaxed, I head over to DHS where I get head of the line at TSM and GRM (gangster side of course). The day ends with a lovely early dinner at Brown Derby than I'm whisked away to my own private boat viewing of Wishes and when that is done I head to MK for special seat viewing of MSEP (the second parade). I then watch MK close for the night and head back to the castle for pixie filled dreams LOL!

Not that I have given this any thought at all LOL!
Welcome to all our new Team Mickey members and an extra hug to my workout buddy, Patty, who has been unbelievably patient and supportive of me while I trained for the marathon in 2008, the half-marathon in 2009 and has stuck with me since my injury almost 18 months ago. :hug:

I wanted to share my family's happy news. Our family is about to grow by one, though only temporarily. We are becoming the host family for a young man from Haiti who is being sponsored by my son's private Catholic high school so that he could do his senior year in the U.S. He will join our household next weekend and is expected to stay with us until mid-June. My quest today is to convince the YMCA to allow us to add him to our family membership so that he can go with Howard, Andrew or me to the Y once in a while. I am hoping he and Andrew may even start making use of the pools there. We are all very excited to welcome this young man to our family.

Woo Hoo that's great. I'm sure you'll have some great fun ahead.

QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Night all!!!!!

That's great advice. When I am OP (on plan for the newbies) and needing a loss , I take what I need to loose total, and divide it up by how much a week, etc. That smaller goal of X amount a week makes it seem more doable! I even made a chart last spring, and I am not a chart person, with the weights I needed to hit each Friday to get where I needed to be! That is amazing how many of you have points left in the evening!!! I need to get my spark tracker going again, I've forgotten some of the typical calorie/portion things I need to remember. Is Chris doing WW, too? How is he doing?

Chris is doing great. I think he's down about 6 lbs so far and he hasn't started P90X yet :rolleyes: He says that he needs this week to adjust and learn the new program. He did clean up his exercise area in the basement so that is a good start.

Thursday's QOTD: It's 2 degrees here. ANY day a disney would be a perfect day at this point :lmao:
QOTD: Thursday, January 6, 2011: Describe your ultimate day at Disney!!!!

Grand Floridian, concierge, spa treatments with facials, manicure, pedicure, body scrubs, body wraps, baths, and couples massage. After park touring and before dinner of course. Oh and maybe even after breakfast.

Room service for breakfast and fine dining every evening.

Then whatever park I want to do that day. No planning, just relaxing go with the flow.
"Day at Disney" seem open for interpretation, so I am going with DCL...
We are hitting our 4th Disney Cruise this March.

The ultimate day is a day at sea. Get up in the morning, jog on Deck 4, hit the health club for some weights, sit ups on the ball and stretching.:yay:

Breakfast at Topsiders Buffet - love the bagel & lox - don't get that at home.:thumbsup2

Spa appointment :cloud9:

Get cleaned up and ready for a day in the sun with a good book or DIS Podcast on my iPod.

Lunch with the family around the pool.

More sun at the adult pool :sunny: until the Martini Tasting class...

Back to room to get dressed up for show & dinner.

Wine with DH on the verandah

See the new "Villians Tonight!" show:maleficen

Dinner with the family at Lumiere's

Send kids off to their clubs:wave:

Dancing at the Rockin' D bar until LATE!:dancer:

Think I'll make this happen, but I may have to work a nap into it all!


We are going on the Eastern Magic in March also - 3/26 - I can't wait.

Hi everyone:wave2: Joining Team Mickey:banana: Looking forward to the fun whilst getting stuck into gaining health and losing fat.

I am a public servant so I spend all day sitting on my backside. then come home and sit on my couch! Last Jan - May I lost 8 kg with lots of salad and jogging. Went to WDW in June - kept up the jogging and ate at the good restaurants - avoiding the fried food, Goofy's Sweet Shop and Tigger Tails. but then winter came - and back came half the weight

I don't get your BL so I'll just pretend I'm watching it:3dglasses

My perfect day at Disney?? Princess Vija said it before me! I would add dinner at V&A's Chef's Table with lots of seafood

Family Christmas this saturday (yep a bit late) but I'm cooking! so I only have myself to blame

Well, I've done laundry and cleaned in between typing, gotta shower. Dang it. Remember, it's the last day before weigh in. Make it count! Have a great one!

I have to echo Taryn's words - Make it count!
Good morning,

I had a pretty good day on plan yesterday - even with a evening out. My book group met last night to discuss Julie & Julia. I loved the movie, but the book was pretty crappy. For our meeting everyone brought a Julia Child recipe. We had some yummy stuff and I was able to taste everything but not go overboard.

QOTD: My favorite Disney day would be to start out having breakfast at Kona Cafe. We would then move on to MK and enjoy the morning/afternoon. We would then go to Epcot for the evening and have dinner at LeCellier and enjoy World Showcase.


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