November Check In 2010

Kylie71 I live in the bay area of California. Near San Jose. Not really close to the seirras. Lol
This not knowing if we are going to have to cancel our trip is driving me crazy. I don't know whether to make any PS, I don't know whether to plan our days (don't want to also and then be more let down). The worst of all is how much this is going to cost us if DH can't get off of work, like $1300, that's just changing our airline flight date fees, not including new price if it's higher and canceling our package, we've spent about $3000 so far and we haven't even left home. DD is so excited to go, I'm going to feel so sad for her if we don't get too. DH keeps telling me to go without him, but that'd be so sad, this is only our 2nd trip to DL and DD is now 3 and is going to be over the top filled with joy and excitement over everything. Such turmoil this is causing, I can't believe DH's boss. DH hasn't taken vacation in a year and a half so he deserves some time off. Ugg, sorry to vent, I'm so confused over what's going on.

Hugs!! :hug: Im really sorry that your DH's Boss is being such a meanie!! I do hope that it all works out and your DH can go.
This not knowing if we are going to have to cancel our trip is driving me crazy. I don't know whether to make any PS, I don't know whether to plan our days (don't want to also and then be more let down). The worst of all is how much this is going to cost us if DH can't get off of work, like $1300, that's just changing our airline flight date fees, not including new price if it's higher and canceling our package, we've spent about $3000 so far and we haven't even left home. DD is so excited to go, I'm going to feel so sad for her if we don't get too. DH keeps telling me to go without him, but that'd be so sad, this is only our 2nd trip to DL and DD is now 3 and is going to be over the top filled with joy and excitement over everything. Such turmoil this is causing, I can't believe DH's boss. DH hasn't taken vacation in a year and a half so he deserves some time off. Ugg, sorry to vent, I'm so confused over what's going on.

It's a bummer about your DH, but after all the money you've spent (and your DH is REALY okay with just a girl trip) I say go for it. It sounds like you've booked a package. Is the package booked in your name or his? If it is in his, call the Disney travel and have them switch the primary from him to you. You can either drop him from the package or substitue another person. You won't have to tell Disney travel about the switch, when you check into your hotel your ID is the only one they'll ask for. So, bring a friend or another family member or loose $25 to $50 (unless you got insurance).
We'll be there at the same time, I had a LGMH last march but cant find it this year and havent had the time to go to home depot ( the closest one is over 40 miles away ) to get another....If you have one I will be looking for it and I will say hi!
Weather sounds like its gonna be nice while were there!
yay :cool1:

I'm running out of time, and I totally forgot to get a LGMH. Rats! I might have some ribbon, and I'll tie it on my bag.

Oh boy! :cheer2: You are one of the first ones heading out on the top of our list! That means the rest of us won't be far behind you! It's always so much fun to show the park off to someone new! So are you getting packed yet?

I've got piles of stuff. Does that count as packing??? 4 more days! But who's counting?
Woot! Today is my DD's 10th birthday :bday: That means we will be heading down there two weeks from today! :cool1:
Fantasmic! at 9:05pm on 11/24
Disney Thanksgiving Buffet at 12noon on 11/25
Holiday Time Tour at 12noon on 11/26
World of Color- dinner at 4:10pm at Wine Country Trattoria and 9pm show

I can't wait! :santa:
:banana: :banana: 3 days, 10 hrs and 57 minutes! woot woot!!! Got most of our packing done today, got my grey hairs touched up and bought food for the doggie babies that are staying home....starting to get excited! yay!!! :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: 3 days, 10 hrs and 57 minutes! woot woot!!! Got most of our packing done today, got my grey hairs touched up and bought food for the doggie babies that are staying home....starting to get excited! yay!!! :banana: :banana:

Posted on your trip report but also wanted to say WAHOO!!! :banana::cheer2::banana::cheer2::banana::cheer2: :banana:
Our Nov trip is with the non-planners in my family so we have no plans, but I have to confess I broke down and made one dining reservation for the Birthday Celebration at Plaza Inn for our DGS. He'll turn four at the end of Nov. I'm sure my nieces, nephew and DGS will have a fun time.
Over on my little Holiday Tour Thread, I've decided to compile DISer reservation dates and times for the Tour. If you would like your reservation details added to the list, please join in.
I'll be there Nov. 2-6 for the NAEYC conference. Staying at the Sheraton Park something or other. Going to DL one night, hopefully, with a NAEYC discounted ticket that we can supposedly buy at the conference. Also hitting DTD one night...

Not really sure what to expect, since I haven't been there since I was 14 years old, and I'm...much...older now.;)

From what I understand, DL is right buy our hotel. Honestly, I'll be happy just to be able to see it, if even from outside the gates!
I'll be there Nov. 2-6 for the NAEYC conference. Staying at the Sheraton Park something or other. Going to DL one night, hopefully, with a NAEYC discounted ticket that we can supposedly buy at the conference. Also hitting DTD one night...

Not really sure what to expect, since I haven't been there since I was 14 years old, and I'm...much...older now.;)

From what I understand, DL is right buy our hotel. Honestly, I'll be happy just to be able to see it, if even from outside the gates!

:cheer2: :welcome: :cheer2:
Added another day onto our trip :cool1: I knew we wouldn't be able to leave on Saturday. So, we'll check out of GCH on Saturday and move to the CCI for the night and head back home on Sunday. I hope the Kidlet will enjoy the extra day (I know I will!) I guess I need to make more dining arrangements...
:goodvibes Well only 6 more sleeps for me!!!!

Made an appt at the spa at the GCH today for me & my friends Fire & Ice Pedicure!!! Can't wait for that cooling gel and the hot stone massage!! Booked it for 3 so we can take a break in the afternoon!!

:goodvibes Well only 6 more sleeps for me!!!!

Made an appt at the spa at the GCH today for me & my friends Fire & Ice Pedicure!!! Can't wait for that cooling gel and the hot stone massage!! Booked it for 3 so we can take a break in the afternoon!!


Sounds wonderful!!! Enjoy!!!
:goodvibes Well only 6 more sleeps for me!!!!

Made an appt at the spa at the GCH today for me & my friends Fire & Ice Pedicure!!! Can't wait for that cooling gel and the hot stone massage!! Booked it for 3 so we can take a break in the afternoon!!


Color me jealous, oh well, maybe one day. Have a good time:thumbsup2
My disney vacation countdown says 2 days 0 hours and 31 minutes! Im so excited I can hardly breathe!

And on another not, I may schedule some sort of spa thing at DGC but I guess I better get on the ball, my trip is right around the corner!!!! :cool1::banana:


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