Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?

All time... Pearl Jam. Stuff I listen to the most.... Dead Milkmen, Violent Femmes, Dead Kennedy's, Sex Pistols, Circle Jerks.
QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?

The Eagles
Favorite TV shows from when I was growing up: Cosby Show, Waltons, Cheers, MASH. I love that when my kids were young, I didn't have to worry about what they might see or hear. And, as you can tell, I prefer comedies. Now, I don't watch TV at all except the news/Today Show in the morning and my one hour per week of guilty pleasure -- "GLEE".

Do you have a link to the WISH group on FB? I tried searching here and on FB and I'm not finding anything close:confused3 Or you could friend me on FB and send me a link there. Anybody here is welcome to friend me. I'm Maureen Wick and there's a pic of me with my Onslow in the profile pic. He's a yarn thief:rotfl:

I'm never sure if it's okay to post a link, but here it is: DIS WISH Team If it isn't permitted, maybe someone can let me know and I'll PM it to anyone who wants it.

QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?

This one is so hard for me. I am a music freak. I swear if I could listen to different music in each ear and also absorb more through my skin, I would. LOL! Among my favorite groups: Genesis, Bon Jovi, Styx, U2, Beatles, Survivor, Journey, Rascal Flatts, Lady Antebellum, Zach Brown Band

Among my favorite singers: Bob Marley, Billy Joel, Tim McGraw, Idina Menzel, Taylor Swift, Jon Bon Jovi, Jimmy Buffett, Kenny Chesney

If I had to pick just one? Today, it would be Tim McGraw. He sings "Live Like You Were Dying" which is my personal anthem.

I'm a little late to the party, but signing on for the summer challenge!

Welcome, Tricia!!!!

Lisa -- Your view was amazing!! It must have been so much fun to see all that beautiful color every night! :cloud9:
I was just talking about this with a friend the other day--it's weird! I don't have a favorite band/singer

When I was younger I was obsessed with Nsyn lol but now my iphone is a little bit country (Carrie underwood and brad paisley), a little bit hip hop (eminem and kid cudi right now) disney jams for those work drives, a million songs from Glee lol and idina menzel. Its my own favorite lol
Taryn – Wow, you look great!

Lisa – Welcome back!

QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?
Jimmy Buffet, Kenny Chesney, John Mayer :love:, the Eagles – it’s so hard to pick one! I saw JM in February – best concert I’ve ever been to, he is a-may-zing! (and also very yummy to look at :thumbsup2) – but I get to see Jimmy for the very first time in September, so we’ll see if JM stays at the top of the list.

This one is so hard for me. I am a music freak. I swear if I could listen to different music in each ear and also absorb more through my skin, I would. LOL!
ITA! I love music, I’ll listen to pretty much anything except that pounding bass/heavy rap stuff that gives me a headache. I have music playing constantly, and if there’s no music on I am very easily bored/distracted and have a hard time getting anything done. I absolutely cannot drive without music either, even if it’s at barely audible levels, the radio has to be on.

Tricia – Welcome!

Pamela – I’m sure that I’ve seen it at some point, but I honestly can’t remember it now. I haven’t seen the show in ages so I’ve forgotten a lot of the storylines. For years and years, when I introduced myself people would say, “oh like the show, Sabrina the teenage witch”. So it’s kind of a love/hate thing, I really liked the show but hated that that was the only reference people could come up with when they met me. That's also most of the reason I prefer to go by Bree nowadays!

Super busy this week due to the short days, so I don't have much time to hang around. I probably won't get to check back in until tomorrow, so have a great rest of the day everyone!

I do stuff for the house, for my husband, the dog, the bird, my family etc. and all my accomplishments are related to one of those. And while I'm not unhappy with that, I now realize that I need something of my own. And I didn't know before i read the book.

I think many people feel the same way and reading the book was a big inspiration for me as well. I have to say that becoming a runner really does fill a lot of needs in my life.

I'm baaaacckk!!!!

Welcome back Taryn! I am so glad to hear that you had a great time and I bet all those "bad" feelings about weight/food will pass quickly as you get right back on track.

I was excited to read about your watch! I had been thinking about that and was pleased that you posted about finding the perfect one.

I so want to hear about your BLT stay. We are Poly lovers here and have thought about trying BLT but are scared to try it out. If we did BLT, it would be a studio with a MK view. My fear is that we would not have the view of the castle and then I would be so sad. It takes me FOREVER to tutor enough and do other odd jobs to save up for the deluxe resort and I expect a lot. :goodvibes

Your photos...INCREDIBLE! It is funny but I was just looking at my before pictures with a friend and was so surprised at how I looked and now to look at the after pictures made me really smile and feel good. I am not always happy with where I am at and know I have a ways to go but the photos do tell a good story.

I did it! At age 52, I went and got my first pedicure. I enjoyed it and my feet feel great. I had my toenails painted "Phillies" red, I love them. Have a good Monday everyone!

How fun! I am so glad that you enjoyed your toes look great! :thumbsup2

Holy cow!!! How old is he? That would have scared me out of my mind. I bet you saw his life flash before your eyes. :sad2: I'm so glad it was nothing more serious. Boys sure can scare you to death, can't they?

First, how is your dad doing? I hope he is recovering nicely.

My DS is 10 and does many things that scare me on a regular basis! :rotfl2: He is all boy in many ways and the idea of jumping off of things, getting into things and trying new things is what he loves! We try not to be too protective of him but there are days where that is a challenge. I have literally seen his life flash before my eyes many times (sick kid - many surgeries and several times he has coded at the hospital). I swear the child will continue to scare me to death for years to come! :rotfl:

Friday Im off to pack and then early saturday we leave for our 9day trip to TN. I cant wait and am having a hard time focusing here at work.

Have a great trip!

Well, I am registered for my first ever 10K race this coming Saturday. I am SO looking forward to this weekend! :p

Good luck at your race this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Then, I decided to train for a 1/2 marathon. No one but my WISH teammates and DH KNEW I could do it. I didn't know I could do it. But I did know that just deciding to do it would change my life. It was a goal I had every day from that point on. I knew I'd have to train and I knew I'd have to be selfish and disciplined. I knew that I had to carve the time out of 5 days every week to work out and to train. And I knew that I'd get to the start line because of the WISH team's support and that I'd get to the finish line only because of MY determination, MY self-discipline, and MY effort on the course on race day. No one else could carry me to the finish. No one else could have made me work toward the goal and no one else could take the credit for my success. When I got my first Donald medal, it was the biggest accomplishment of my life to that point -- because I never was certain I would see it through. (and then I decided to train for the full marathon, but that's another story entirely. ;) )

Does that make sense?

I loved reading this. I so relate to it. I could not make it to the start of most things I have tried since January without all the support I have found but I have also worked so hard. I am so proud of the the weight I have lost, how strong I feel (most days :goodvibes) and all the races I have finished with a huge smile on my face. It is such a great feeling to know that I DID IT!

My goal for today is "just for today"...just for today I will make healthy choices, walk my dogs, and journal everything. Yesterday was a good day and I don't want to compare to it and sabotage myself (oh you were on track yesterday you can slip up a little today) so I'm focusing on today only - no forward and no back. :thumbsup2

I LOVE this view! We should all take this view once and a while (or maybe every day). I am going to add it to my list of inspiring and motivating quotes. :thumbsup2

I'm a little late to the party, but signing on for the summer challenge! In May 2009 I weighed 137. In May of 2010 I weighed 200. It's time to make a change in my life!!!

Welcome Tricia! I am in charge of the COW this summer and hope you will give the Challenge of the Week a try!

Unfortunately, they have taken me at my word and their rooms are a FRIGHT! But who can complain when they make the honor roll and get scholastic and sportsmanship awards?!

Oh my...this is why my kids rooms are a FRIGHT as well! I actually made DD take EVERYTHING out of her room when we started this is going to take us a while to get it all put back together again. We have already thrown out 3 big black trash bags of garbage! :scared1:

Time to answer the QOTDs....I am WAY behind! :eek:
I'm a little late to the party, but signing on for the summer challenge! In May 2009 I weighed 137. In May of 2010 I weighed 200. It's time to make a change in my life!!!

:welcome: Tricia1972! It's never too late to join a BL challenge! :thumbsup2 Please be sure and PM your starting weight to our weightkeeper, LuvBaloo. In the first few posts of this thread are links to the current COW (challenge of the week) and other important info about our challenge, if you haven't read it already. This is a great group of folks! :goodvibes
What a day!!!! :scared1: Like you suggested Pam I changed "just for today" to "just for this hour" and it's been working great...I am soooo stressed right now I'm on hyperspeed - know what I mean? So I wrote out my list, am kind of sticking to it so I can see some accomplishments, walked the dogs and am moving fast through the house from task to task and checking on my email and facebook every 5 minutes :lmao: Keeps moving and out of the kitchen. That's it...just had to stop in and scream.:thumbsup2 Okay one more...:scared1:
Hmmmm..QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?

I'm going to say Styx, but like the Journey folk, Styx without Dennis DeYoung isn't Styx to me...I'm also a huge fan of the Leps :wave2: Redwalker!

For some reason my DISRadio won't play from my computer at work today. My favorite IT guy (the one who hooks me up with the stuff like that I'm not technically supposed to have) is on vacation, so I guess I'll be without Soarin' or Wishes today...:headache:

I did yoga at lunch today. No running, which is nice for a change. I want to run before work tomorrow, but I may lose my impetus. I need to get everything ready for my dad to visit tonight (he and ds arrive tomorrow morning), so I definitely will be in motion most of the night. Good thing I did that refreshing yoga! :goodvibes

I just bought our plane tickets for our vacation at the end of the summer. We're committed now! On the bright side, we are flying in to Tampa for the first time. It will be nice because we plan to start and end our trip with a stay at the Good SIL's, with the Scary SIL left safely back in New England.

Well, I should take a stab at the paper pile which keeps growing by my desk...

Maria :upsidedow
I am WAY behind with the QOTD so I will try to be brief...

6/15 Friday QOTD Part 1: What item in your kitchen has helped you the most in your journey to better health!
Part 2: Name one song that really gets you moving! ( I need some new music for my iPod and would love suggestions)!

One item in kitchen - Measuring cups (I actually needed more because I measure all the time now)

Song that gets me moving - My power song for running is "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Totally motivates me and I will put it on the repeat mode when I am running hills.

Saturday QOTD: What is your biggest guilty pleasure food item at WDW?
Has to be all these dessert items: Mickey Bars, any dessert from Beaches & Cream, Creme Brulee, 'Ohana Bread Pudding a la mode with bananas and caramel sauce......:rolleyes1

QOTD for Sunday, June 27:Career and health? Does yours help or hinder you?
As a teacher, I am on my feet a lot and running here and there. I would say it doesn't hurt me. There are other times I would say it is a challenge because of the stress and long hours (especially if I have papers to correct or units to write).

QOTD Monday June 28: What is your favorite old tv series from when you were growing up that you wish was still on or they would revive?

I did not watch a lot of TV growing up. The one thing I do remember is watching The Wonderful World of Disney each week as a family.

QOTD for Tuesday: What is your favorite singer or band of all time?
I don't think I have an all time favorite as I have loved and followed so many over time. Here are some favorites: Prince, U2, Bob Marley, Neil Diamond, Aerosmith, Matchbox 20, etc.

Feeling better because I am all caught up!

I have had a really busy day. I did go out and run this morning (7.3 miles), I have cleaned around the house (laundry, bathrooms, dishes), I have painted some more in DD's room and now I am going to jump into the shower to get ready to go to the movies....Toy Story 3!!!! I AM planning on eating popcorn with butter :eek: so I have eaten VERY light today. I just can't give that up when we go to the theater (good thing we only go when there is a really good Disney movie released).

COW - Last call for COW numbers for last week! I got a couple of them that came in late but I can still take them until I draw for names tomorrow!!!!

Also, don't forget about COW part 2 this week...I would love to hear how you are getting in your fruits and veggies in creative ways. For example, I have started eating carrots each day as I prepare supper. It fills me up just a bit and I get one complete serving of veggies in before I even start my meal! :thumbsup2

Hope everyone else is having a great day!
Just went back to check the COW and make sure I was remembering my daily stuff right and realized that I hadn't commented on "part 2" for this week.

Today I read a great article in Runner's World about the importance of eating our fruits and vegetables. It gave some great ideas of how to incorporate more of them into your daily routine.

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one CREATIVE idea for adding fruits and vegetables to your day. Share a recipe, a new way to prepare them, how you always are able to get your servings in, etc.

Well, I don't know if it would qualify as creative, but over the past few weeks I have been picking up tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, etc., at the Farmer's Market and I have really WANTED to eat my fresh, colorful veggies. I even find myself looking forward to them.

One thing that I used to struggle with was finding a way to have veggies with breakfast so that they didn't seem too out of place. I really do enjoy having an omelet stuffed with spinach, onions, mushrooms sauteed with a little olive oil and topped with chopped tomato. And, if I'm having scrambled eggs and toast, I have been known to cut up some cucumber and tomatoes and toss them with a little Mrs Dash or even a tiny bit of vinaigrette dressing and have that with my breakfast. It's different, but I enjoy it.

Oh, and fruit doesn't need to be creative. Just fresh. I love all kinds of fruits and could munch them all day. Berries on cereal. A peach with lunch. Banana with a little peanut butter for a snack. A watermelon for dinner, er, wait, I mean, a SERVING of watermelon for dessert AFTER dinner. Or something like that anyway.:rolleyes1
Just went back to check the COW and make sure I was remembering my daily stuff right and realized that I hadn't commented on "part 2" for this week.

Well, I don't know if it would qualify as creative, but over the past few weeks I have been picking up tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, etc., at the Farmer's Market and I have really WANTED to eat my fresh, colorful veggies. I even find myself looking forward to them.

One thing that I used to struggle with was finding a way to have veggies with breakfast so that they didn't seem too out of place. I really do enjoy having an omelet stuffed with spinach, onions, mushrooms sauteed with a little olive oil and topped with chopped tomato. And, if I'm having scrambled eggs and toast, I have been known to cut up some cucumber and tomatoes and toss them with a little Mrs Dash or even a tiny bit of vinaigrette dressing and have that with my breakfast. It's different, but I enjoy it.

Oh, and fruit doesn't need to be creative. Just fresh. I love all kinds of fruits and could munch them all day. Berries on cereal. A peach with lunch. Banana with a little peanut butter for a snack. A watermelon for dinner, er, wait, I mean, a SERVING of watermelon for dessert AFTER dinner. Or something like that anyway.:rolleyes1

Nice! Veggies are such a struggle for me. Now that I am off for the summer, I am going to have to do some eggs and veggies for breakfast. It would really help me to get some in earlier in the day. Lately it seems as if most my dinner is veggies! Not that it is bad but I would just like to get more in earlier.

I think I need to get to the farmer's market too because it would help to have a variety of fresh veggies around the house!

Great work with the COW!
I almost forgot about Cow part 2 this week too. :confused3

I am actually having trouble some days with this. I have been trying to have fruit with dessert and at least 1 choice of veggie with lunch and dinner. Nothing really creative other than trying to choose the fruit and veggies that I really love so I am more eager to eating it.:)
Thanks for the COW Part 2 reminder -- I make sure I get lots of veggies in every day by having them with my hummus lunch -- I always have grape tomatoes, baby carrots, and red, orange and yellow peppers. I also have a fruit snack in the morning (orange and 2 tbsp. of cashews), and another fruit with breakfast (this morning was a peach). This ensure I will get a minimum of 5 a day, and I usually have more with a salad and often another cooked vegetable with dinner. I love most fruits and veggies raw, so I'm fortunate in that!

Maria :upsidedow
Today I read a great article in Runner's World about the importance of eating our fruits and vegetables. It gave some great ideas of how to incorporate more of them into your daily routine.

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one CREATIVE idea for adding fruits and vegetables to your day. Share a recipe, a new way to prepare them, how you always are able to get your servings in, etc.

Great Job with week 4 of the COW! :thumbsup2

Thanks for sending your information...I hope you are enjoying the COW and enjoying a healthier you!

Keep up the great work!

I'm not participating in the COW these days.... too much to keep track of. But I did want to talk about creative ideas for fruits and veggies.

I have gotten in the habit of serving at least TWO servings of fruits and/or veggies at each family meal. If it is there, we will eat it. I've also tried lots of newer ways of prepping my veggies. We are oven roasting almost anything these days (except when it is hot in the house)... cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, onions, leeks, peppers... anything goes!

I grill veggies when I can also... onions, mushroooms, zucchini and summer squash grill really nicely.

I add veggies to lots of meals and I try to serve at least one vegetarian meal per week... usually a pasta with some veggies and cheese. And if I am following a recipe, I frequently add more veggies than the recipe calls for, just to get in some extra. I've got a great LIGHT fettucini alfredo recipe that calls for lots of veggies. I made it again a few weeks ago after not making it for a long time.... glad I revived it!

When I make pasta with marinara sauce for my family, I will often make myself plain steamed cauliflower and/or summer squash and serve my sauce over the veggies instead of pasta.... or in addition to the pasta, to bulk up my meal.

We have a friend who is an organic farmer and he brought me four beautiful organic hothouse tomatoes this morning ... I had an entire one for breakfast! I sliced it and broiled two pieces on the Sandwich thin for my egg sandwich... and then I just ate the rest of the tomato. I also put baby spinach on my breakfast sandwich. So I probably had two servings of veggies before 9 am!

I buy the small bags of prepped veggies to have on hand when things are busy. I can steam a few serving in the microwave quickly for breakfast or a snack or for an extra veggie with dinner. Sure, it costs more (and I am notoriously cheap), but I am also WORTH IT! And so are YOU!

Fruit is not difficult to get in... it is actually harder to keep it from getting eaten TOO QUICKLY!! ..........P
For COW part 2, I sneak fruit in as my breakfast. I have it on My Fitness Pal as "Fruity Breakfast". I am a cereal lover, but have been trying to get in more fruit. This started as a dessert for me, but has switched over to my breakfast.

1 Large Banana - Sliced
3-4 Large Strawberries - Sliced
1 c Skim Milk
1t Splenda

I used to have 1/2 c Honey Nut Cheerios as part of this, but have been skipping that lately.

It feels decadent, but according to Fitness Pal this delicious treat is only 165 calories. (34 carbs and 9g protein)
Speaking of fruits and veggies. I cleaned out the frig and went shopping yesterday,. Ds1 came home and asked "What is all this fruit and veggies doing here?" Dh told me I should have said "If you don't like it MOVE"
Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one CREATIVE idea for adding fruits and vegetables to your day. Share a recipe, a new way to prepare them, how you always are able to get your servings in, etc.

I have been opening a can of cut green beans and putting them in a tupperware container for work. I eat them like finger food like you would eat carrots, before I eat my lunch. They really help me feel satisfied.

Another thing I love to do is to top practically anything with chunky medium salsa. I love it on top of eggs or veggies, especially. I plan to get some light cream cheese and mix it with the chunky salsa to dip pretzel crisps in for snacks this weekend.

Light yogurt poured over cut up melon is absolutely decadent. You can use very little of the yogurt to top the fruit and the natural juices of the fruit will make it seem like there is a lot of yogurt. Delicious!
What a day!!!! :scared1: Like you suggested Pam I changed "just for today" to "just for this hour" and it's been working great...I am soooo stressed right now I'm on hyperspeed - know what I mean? So I wrote out my list, am kind of sticking to it so I can see some accomplishments, walked the dogs and am moving fast through the house from task to task and checking on my email and facebook every 5 minutes :lmao: Keeps moving and out of the kitchen. That's it...just had to stop in and scream.:thumbsup2 Okay one more...:scared1:
I kind of did the same thing today--forced myself to be productive for a bit, and then went online. I actually got a lot done! Glad you got a lot done, too!

Speaking of fruits and veggies. I cleaned out the frig and went shopping yesterday,. Ds1 came home and asked "What is all this fruit and veggies doing here?" Dh told me I should have said "If you don't like it MOVE"
My DS was not happy about the food choices at our house this weekend. I got him a few things he likes but did not bring any chips in the house. He sat one afternoon and ate all of our chocolate nuggets with almonds!:eek: All of them! That was like two weeks worth of chocolate treats for me!

COW part2--Most days I don't have trouble getting in my fruits and veggies (I'm a vegetarian :goodvibes), but lately I've been trying to work on quality of my choices. I have been putting baby spinach on everything--pizza, lasagna, with eggs. Tonight we are having a veggie sandwich with spinach, red peppers and artichoke hearts. I'm enjoying reading everyone's responses.
What a day!!!! :scared1: Like you suggested Pam I changed "just for today" to "just for this hour" and it's been working great...I am soooo stressed right now I'm on hyperspeed - know what I mean? So I wrote out my list, am kind of sticking to it so I can see some accomplishments, walked the dogs and am moving fast through the house from task to task and checking on my email and facebook every 5 minutes :lmao: Keeps moving and out of the kitchen. That's it...just had to stop in and scream.:thumbsup2 Okay one more...:scared1:

Okay, jennz, stop and take a few deep breaths! :hippie: Good work on keeping things in line even when you are at hyperspeed! :thumbsup2

I'm going to say Styx, but like the Journey folk, Styx without Dennis DeYoung isn't Styx to me...I'm also a huge fan of the Leps :wave2: Redwalker!

For some reason my DISRadio won't play from my computer at work today. My favorite IT guy (the one who hooks me up with the stuff like that I'm not technically supposed to have) is on vacation, so I guess I'll be without Soarin' or Wishes today...:headache:

You might give a try -- it is all request so you don't hear the same songs at the same time every day.

Also, don't forget about COW part 2 this week...I would love to hear how you are getting in your fruits and veggies in creative ways. For example, I have started eating carrots each day as I prepare supper. It fills me up just a bit and I get one complete serving of veggies in before I even start my meal! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the reminder on COW part 2 this week -- I put up the link but didn't answer.

I like to have baby carrots before dinner, too. I've also been enjoying fresh berries that are already prepared from my supermarket. They are a little more expensive but a lot easier and don't spoil as quickly as when I prepare them myself. I'm getting some great ideas from all of you! :goodvibes

Well, I don't know if it would qualify as creative, but over the past few weeks I have been picking up tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, etc., at the Farmer's Market and I have really WANTED to eat my fresh, colorful veggies. I even find myself looking forward to them.

Thanks for the reminder about the farmer's market. It's about time to get some huckleberries from our local market. That will be a good way to start off the long week-end.

I almost forgot about Cow part 2 this week too. :confused3

I am actually having trouble some days with this. I have been trying to have fruit with dessert and at least 1 choice of veggie with lunch and dinner. Nothing really creative other than trying to choose the fruit and veggies that I really love so I am more eager to eating it.:)

It is much nicer if you eat things that you really, really love. I'm kind of trying to extend that to everything that I eat -- if it isn't super, why bother? :confused3

I've got a great LIGHT fettucini alfredo recipe that calls for lots of veggies. I made it again a few weeks ago after not making it for a long time.... glad I revived it!

Sounds like another one to be added to the recipe thread.

For COW part 2, I sneak fruit in as my breakfast. I have it on My Fitness Pal as "Fruity Breakfast". I am a cereal lover, but have been trying to get in more fruit. This started as a dessert for me, but has switched over to my breakfast.

1 Large Banana - Sliced
3-4 Large Strawberries - Sliced
1 c Skim Milk
1t Splenda

I used to have 1/2 c Honey Nut Cheerios as part of this, but have been skipping that lately.

It feels decadent, but according to Fitness Pal this delicious treat is only 165 calories. (34 carbs and 9g protein)

Sounds yummy -- if you added ice and put it in the blender it would be like a smoothie. :cool2:

Part 2 of the COW this week is to share at least one CREATIVE idea for adding fruits and vegetables to your day. Share a recipe, a new way to prepare them, how you always are able to get your servings in, etc.

I have been opening a can of cut green beans and putting them in a tupperware container for work. I eat them like finger food like you would eat carrots, before I eat my lunch. They really help me feel satisfied.

Another thing I love to do is to top practically anything with chunky medium salsa. I love it on top of eggs or veggies, especially. I plan to get some light cream cheese and mix it with the chunky salsa to dip pretzel crisps in for snacks this weekend.

Light yogurt poured over cut up melon is absolutely decadent. You can use very little of the yogurt to top the fruit and the natural juices of the fruit will make it seem like there is a lot of yogurt. Delicious!

Sounds good -- I think a little three bean salad will be making an appearance on our 4th of July table.

My DS was not happy about the food choices at our house this weekend. I got him a few things he likes but did not bring any chips in the house. He sat one afternoon and ate all of our chocolate nuggets with almonds!:eek: All of them! That was like two weeks worth of chocolate treats for me!

Time to hide your stash when you have visitors! ;)
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