~The Daily Grind~ 5/14/10


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ flylady
"you can do anything for 15 minutes!" ~ flylady

~The Daily Grind~ 5/14/10

Happy Friday Everyone!! Let the weekend begin!!

Hope everyone had a good night and nothing bad came of the storms!

Counting down till graduation...

My list for today:

Caffeinate- this repeats everyday!!

Keep to my points!

Swish and Swipe...

Work till 3p

Go to the gym

Dinner- :confused3

Have a Great Day everyone!! :teeth:
Good morning! It's FRIDAY!!! YIPPPPPPEEEEEEE! And it's the last day of state testing. . .and it's just 15 working days (counting today) until Summer Vacation!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Pack lunches

4. Wipe down kitchen/dining room
5. DS's stuff together
6. DS up
7. DS to mom's
8. Work--list there
9. Tan (maybe?)
10. Pick up DS
11. Walk with DS--depends on what time it is
12. DS & DH to grocery store
13. Work on work while they're gone
14. Laundry
15. Leftover chicken enchiladas for dinner--YUM!
16. Go to sleep sort of early!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!
Happy Friday!!

Eldest to bus.
Little Bit to allergy doctor.
Little Bit to school.
Grab dogs and take to vet for shots.
Bring dogs home.
Change out of new dog hair coated clothes.
Get Eldest.
Get Little Bit from school.
Pack them up for weekend with ILs.
Good Morning, Ladies :)

Raining, but up to 50 degrees.

Today, I will
eat healthy
get a list together for our unexpected trip
arrange house sitter, lawn mower, etc
make a retirement card for bil.
get some time on the hoof
clean bathrooms
Tuesday Morning? They didn't have anything last week.

Happy Day, all!
This morning DS will be performing in James and the Giant Peach for 400 kids from the elementary school across the street from his high school. It's the advanced drama kids end of year project and they did it all themselves (with help from the teacher). I get to go see it tomorrow!!!!! DS has about 6 parts in it and gets to be the peach pusher!:rotfl: He's the only one strong enough to roll the giant peach that DH and another Dad built onto the stage.

I'm just going to putter around here doing chores this morning and then go to the post office. After that, I'm going to scrap and see if I can finish up a couple of these swaps.

Have an awesome day everyone!

Stephanie I love James and the giant peach!! I sing the song ....
My name is James all the time to my great nephew!!!

So my list is pretty much the same as always....

bubba school
depost $ in c u
pay bills
oil co to come and clean furnace
upload pics. - if my computer will cooperate.

Have a good Friday everyone!!!
Morning all

rainy but warmer here. still to cold to leave my plants out :mad: i'm ready for some warm weather.

lets see today
boys up and out (they are dragging)
me to work
errands walmart and grocery
unload truck
if sunny clean out truck
boys from bus
L to swim
e too HS ball game (it's against my high school whoops which side to cheer for?) they varsity and JV will be helping with their games tomorrow

Hope everyone has a great day.
Good Morning!

Head to Corando Springs
Enjoy pool time with my niece
Lunch- we are thinking Mara
talk with Sis and Niece/maybe BiL (if he is out of the conference)
Dinner- maybe on the way home- maybe somewhere there
home for the evening

Rebecca ~ can I have your day?? PLEASE!!! I am so ready for vacation..... PJ txts me from school everyday with the countdown...although today she should be doing a massive thesis paper that is due next week...yet the teacher only assigned this week... I'm so furious with him.....but the kids need to learn...so all I can do is support him and keep her movin' on it...

Today is a busy, busy, busy day!

DH out the door to FIL's to cut some wood for 2 door frames; 2 bead board walls for entry....
DH needs to go out today and get 1 piece of drywall and 2 paint colors for painting
DH needs to get those 2 rooms done by Wednesday (party is next Sunday and he is still puttering around... I am NOT happy)

I will be doing the following

DS9 out the door
older kids out the door

go to town for errands
Dollar Tree
pick up N from school
put items away

start laundry again ... SERIOUSLY.....I'm over this too...
keep DH on track....
work on A- LO page...SERIOUSLY I need this cut today to assemble tomorrow
finish Q - LO page... need to print title and adhere...
pull papers for C & D.... SERIOUSLY needs done today for tomorrow
sketch E & F pages
empty dishwasher
download photos
burn photos that mom left on memory card so I can stop seeing them...
keep DH on track
elem homework duty (shouldn't be any)
pick up DS13
make sure DH is on track
empty out the hall linen closet for floor installation tomorrow
clean DS9's room (he will be helping)
sweep entry/hall again
DD's conference meet tonight @ 5pm (hope rain holds off or it goes nuts and they cancel til Saturday morning)
make Saturday's list

Hope everyone has a good day!!
Workin'. Don't want to go. I sound like a broken record. And, I need to ask my boss about adding hours. I'm not able to rely on my mother for a lot this summer, so I have to sign Morgan up for some camps. Hoo-boy, lots and lots of $$$.

I have to vac when I get home and keep plugging away at my swap.

Tonight we are having scallop stir fry, I can't wait!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Stephanie, I'd love to see it with the elementary kids, so I could see their reactions. I'm sure AndrewNO will be great! ENJOY!
Good Morning!

Hope everyone's ok after all the storms!

Pre-K Graduation went great last night, DS was so cute in his cap & gown. Family was over until late, kids up late, grumpy this morning but they're all off to school except for youngest DS. We're sitting here with the girls (I have an in-home childcare) waiting for the phone company to come install 2 new phone lines & a new internet line for DH's business. He's going to start working from home next week. :banana: Today I need to:

Work on swaps
Buy a wedding present
Laundry (does it ever end :laundy:)
Dinner-chicken cordon bleau
DS7 to baseball game at 5
DS5 to baseball team party at 6
Pick DS13 up from football practice at 7

Let the crazy weekend begin! :yay:
Another late morning for me. Dh took the boys to school and I fell back asleep. I never do that. :confused3 It felt good though. Now to get my act together and get moving. Company coming for the weekend (tomorrow) and playing cards with a group from church at the house tomorrow night. DS15 makes his confirmation on Sun. so we are having lunch at the house with DS's sponsor and wife along with my parents and DB. Lots of cleaning to do.

Wake DD so she can help me she's cleaning her own room now which has taken 6 days
tidy living room
empty dishwasher
dust main floor
dust bedrooms
vaccum main floor
vaccum upstairs
clean kids bathroom
clean my bath
clean main floor bath
sweep floor
mop floor
clean out van

Happy Friday everyone :hippie:
Oh, Can ya'll send some PD my way. DS13 is running for student council for the freshman class next year. Voting is today. He is running for delegate and there are 3 seats. 5 kids running so his odds are good. They don't find out until Monday though :confused3 Not sure why they can't call them tonight or even let them know at the end of the day today.

BAMB - Aren't the Kingdom Keepers books great! We have all 3. In fact, 2 and 3 are signed by the author. He was at EPCOT in April on the day we were in the park. Mike and I bought the books (we owned 1) and had them signed. Got pics too.
buffy at one of lisa's crops you were writing on the back of your pics with some type of pencil.
can you share what it was. i wanted to do this with a few.
thank you!
Morning all!

I'm working in the gift shop today, because the girl who should have been here called out sick a week ago, and they forgot to get a replacement. Apparently, it's an easy job, because no one comes in here - this is to make up for my awful day yesterday.

I've had a few people come in, but they're right, compared to the ticket booth, it is quiet!

I also got my first paycheck today... :woohoo: More money than I expected, which was great!

Working 8-4:30 today, and then home to scrap, hopefully... I want to get working on things! Last night I went home and fell asleep immediately - slept from 6 to 6.

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Oh, Can ya'll send some PD my way. DS13 is running for student council for the freshman class next year. Voting is today. He is running for delegate and there are 3 seats. 5 kids running so his odds are good. They don't find out until Monday though :confused3 Not sure why they can't call them tonight or even let them know at the end of the day today.

Good luck to DS13!! I have a son going to be a freshman next year too!! He isn't running for office...but he is doing general student council. sister asked because she is executive board historian and he didn't complain so she got him a form, filled it out and now he has to write the small essay and get approved...will be no problem... the school loves my kids...however one of my stepsons they are ready to toss to the curb...not a bad kid...just likes to test the limits so unlike the others! :confused3
Good luck to DS13!! I have a son going to be a freshman next year too!! He isn't running for office...but he is doing general student council. sister asked because she is executive board historian and he didn't complain so she got him a form, filled it out and now he has to write the small essay and get approved...will be no problem... the school loves my kids...however one of my stepsons they are ready to toss to the curb...not a bad kid...just likes to test the limits so unlike the others! :confused3

Nancy - around here you have to "run" for SG positions. I think they have Pres, VP, Sec, Treas, public relations and then 3 delegates. DS has a friend running in each area except treas. and 2 running for Pres. It'd be funny if they all won then they could rule the school :lmao: or atleast the freshman class. DD said by the time they get to be seniors it is just the big 4 because no one runs.

School likes my kids too for the most part. DD got picked as a freshman mentor her senior year (only seniors do this). There were probably 20 picked and there was nothing to fill out. Principal called them all down to the office one day and told them they had been chosen (it was the first year) and they could except or decline. I thought it was an honor since she has not really been involved in much other than track and CC in school, but has been involved in girl scouts (Gold Award recipient) and church.


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