Meeska-Mouska-Mickeeeeeey's House! **8/21 - Preparation Pictures!!**


Apr 14, 2010
I don't even know where to start! Thanks to the generosity of my in-laws, we are going to DisneyWorld this September!!!! :cool1: And I get to do the planning (or did I just take over...?), which I love. What a magical escape for my li'l OCD self!

I was pleasantly surprised to see that I'm actually a little late starting my PTR, compared to some. I've been planning since around Christmas, but only recently found these boards. I am blown away by all the expertise here!

So, part of my posting here is to share my obsession - I need an outlet for discussing Disney other than DH - and more importantly, to get feedback about our plans! I'd love to hear suggestions from those who have BTDT.

I really am so impressed with the other reports here, and though I *thought* I was fairly tech-saavy, I don't know how to do half of what most posters are doing (pics, links, etc). At this point, this will be a super-simple PTR. I'll try for a similar style as others I've read, and I'll do my best to entertain -- if nothing else, you can laugh at my planning attempts and obsessing and fretting over the silliest little details. :scared:

Next up: who am I? and who are my trip-planning victims? - ahem - I mean, family members?
I'm Sarah, 32. I'm a full-time social worker outside the home, and a full-time mom (and sometimes social worker, it seems!) in the home. I appreciate having my job, and many days I appreciate the job itself. I work in addictions, which means difficult clients; in addition, I'm a supervisor, which means difficult counselors! Really, though, the counselors and other staff make my workplace such fun; with a positive work environment, we can model recovery for our clients.

Like many, I'm constantly conflicted about spending 40+ hours a week away from my sweet kiddos. But it keeps me fresh as a mom and keeps us from over-stressing about $$. We all make choices that are right for us and our families.

And speaking of choices... we are currently selling our house. Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that there is any actual selling going on quite yet. Our house is on the market. By choice. Our stupid, stupid choice. No, really. I have to remind myself daily that it does make sense for us to do this. DH and I both commute 40 minutes each way 5-6 days a week. 2 cars - that's a lot of gas, $, and TIME! Our poor boys are in the car so much; they are angels about it, but I'd rather have time to play in the backyard with them instead of singing so many car-songs! So, we'd like to move closer to where we work; it also happens to be a town we love and lived in for 5 years. Also closer to DH's family. But with all the real estate stress, this is such a fun break for me!

Aaaaand back to DH and the boys: DH is Chris, 34. That's probably all he wants me to "say" about him. I could really say whatever I want, since he'll likely never read this. :laughing: he rarely uses the computer, and only recently did I convince him to keep his cell phone charged and with him in case of emergencies. He is my love, and puts up with my computer addiction and more recent Disney-planning obsession :love:

I have 2 little boys, G and O. I'll probably use their names later, but in deference to DH's suspicion of all things tech-y, I'll protect their anonymity a bit.

G is 4 years old. Amazingly smart and adorable. Eyelashes so long they get tangled. He loves space and science experiments (the messier, the better) and any kind of learning. Questions galore, like any 4 year old. :)

O is 2 years old. Wonderful, precious 2 year old! Where G is more reserved, O is balls-out wild and carefree. And I don't say "balls-out" just to be crass: "Running naked" is his favorite activity. We've managed to make it work for us, limiting his RN time to after dinner, when it's time to get ready for bath anyway. As long as he stays decent in the grocery store...

And wanting to stay even more anonymous than my DH, I'll introduce DMIL, DFIL, and DSIL. I should really say "Dear Fairy God-MIL"!!! :wizard:
She watched the boys during the week, and I owe her ... more than words can say, really. So, among many many other wonderful things she has done/does for us, she and Chris' dad gave all of us this trip for Christmas. Allright, the trip is really for the kids, but they DO need chaperones. Us grown-ups aren't excited at all... :rolleyes1

DFIL and DSIL also get to spend a lot of time with us and the boys. G and O absolutely ADORE them all. We are all relative Disney virgins. I went when I was 12, then again for a work conference 5 years ago. Never have we planned a family trip like this! Well, they aren't doing much of the planning at this point. And if they knew all the research I do nightly, well, :rotfl: they would question my sanity!!

Next time, I'll cover the When and Where!!
And *duh!* I forgot to mention G and O's current Disney-loves!

They both watch Playhouse Disney and love The Fab Five and Pluto. We also like Pooh, Handy Manny and Imagination Movers.
As far as Disney/Pixar movies, they like Toy Story, Cars, the Incredibles, and Nemo. G also likes Sleeping Beauty, Fox and Hound, Little Mermaid, and Aladdin - and Tinkerbell! I'm planning to introduce them to more of the classic movies over the summer - G has already said that "maybe" he'd be excited to meet a princess :flower3:

But lately, thanks to friends, he's been asking to see Star Wars. :rolleyes: Ah, I think I'm still adjusting to my life with boys! We watched Snow White a couple weeks ago, and they were thoroughly bored by it. Meanwhile, I was riveted and "taken back" to my childhood. DH reminded me that I'm a *girl* :cutie: Maybe I'll have better luck with Cinderella...

The more major loves for them are Wall-e and Phineas and Ferb. I don't know that we'll get to see much of them at DHS, but by September, who knows?

And I'm debating whether or not to break the news to O that the castle at MK belongs to Cinderella, and not Mickey. To him, that is Mickey's House! Needless to say, they are both Super thrilled to be going to visit Mickey! :mickeyjum And DH and I are Super grateful for the pixiedust: from his sweet parents!
I have a 3 year old that can't stand clothes either, no inhibition, loves to run out to greet her father when he gets home in the nude. I am waiting for the cops! I love planning Disney trips, too, and I am getting ready to start my PTR, if for no other reason than to talk to myself about it and give poor Dh a break!
I'm going in Sept too!!! What are you dates? We're going from Sept 22-29th. This will be my 10th trip, my DH's 5th trip and our DD's 4th trip. I'd love to help you with anything you need. I'm a Disney nut and I'm so happy to have these boards so I don't drive my DH crazy!!!! Come check out my PTR if you'd like!!!
I have a 3 year old that can't stand clothes either, no inhibition, loves to run out to greet her father when he gets home in the nude. I am waiting for the cops! I love planning Disney trips, too, and I am getting ready to start my PTR, if for no other reason than to talk to myself about it and give poor Dh a break!

:rotfl: Just yesterday, our little guy escaped out the front door in all his Glory! DH was all embarrassed, but I'm pretty used to it now, and I figure most other families in my neighborhood have gone through this same thing. I love reading all these PTRs - I'll look for yours! Thanks for reading mine so far. I've gone quite Dis-crazy, so I'll be posting another update soon (like, the actual plan part!)

I'm going in Sept too!!! What are you dates? We're going from Sept 22-29th. This will be my 10th trip, my DH's 5th trip and our DD's 4th trip. I'd love to help you with anything you need. I'm a Disney nut and I'm so happy to have these boards so I don't drive my DH crazy!!!! Come check out my PTR if you'd like!!!

Thanks for reading! I've actually already been "studying" your PTR ;)
I'm usually more of a lurker, but the Disney magic has gotten to me! I couldn't resist joining in on yours, and starting my own! I'd love to hear any feedback you've got, once I post my plans. We'll just miss you guys, though! We'll be there 9/15 -20. I can't believe this will be your 10th trip!!! :worship: I can't wait to learn more from you!

(I'm already learning more about how to post things on this board - I actually have a signature now!)
And I don't say "balls-out" just to be crass: "Running naked" is his favorite activity.

:lmao: My girls always loved to run around naked when they were little. They've managed to outgrow it ;)

Can't wait to hear more about your trip! I too use the boards to satisfy my need to talk about Disney - my hubby can only handle so much!
WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!! It's always so much fun to see someone new around the Boards, and to get to know another Disney crazed planner!

Going back to read the rest and catch up!

I'm Liesa, by the way... ;)
While I have a few more minutes before naptime ends, I figured I'd post the very basic where/whens! This is a better alternative than sneaking some ice cream before my kids wake up (but more about my need to get in shape for the trip later...).

We are flying into MCO from Maryland on Wednesday, Sept. 15. Our flight gets in at 12:15pm, and we'll take ME to our 2 bedroom at Beach Club Villas (!!!).
DH, DS4, DS2, and I will share the 2nd bedroom; MIL, FIL will be in the master, and SIL will be on the pull-out in the living room.

We have the basic DDP for the 5 nights we'll be there, and park tickets for 6 days with park hopper.

We leave (not that I want to think about leaving!) Monday, Sept. 20 at 3:10. So, I figure we'll be getting on ME around noon that day.

We are all relatively inexperienced Disney-goers. My MIL still talks about the family trip they took when my DH was 11-ish. Through gritted teeth, she tells me that he and his cousins spent the whole time in the arcade in the hotel and didn't care a lick about the parks! :rotfl2:
So, really, I'm lucky she is brave enough to give this another try!

I went when I was about 12 with my younger sister and our mom. We had a GREAT time (and I remember having fun planning that trip, too, though with less technological resources!).

The magic had not worn off when I went for a work conference about 5 years ago. I got the chance to visit Epcot and DHS briefly during that trip, and loved it as much as when I was 12 :cutie:

I got sooooo motion sick on Mission Space, though, and pouted b/c I was too sick to ride Test Track:sick:
I'm a nerd at heart, and Epcot will always be my favorite park. (Luckily, I married a nerd, and my oldest is on the right track already!) But this time, Green track for MIssion Space, please!

With this being my first time going with little ones, along with all 5 of us adults with childhood fantasies to live out, I'm really studying hard and working a lot on strategy. I figure the more info and prep work I have done, the more relaxed and easy I can make the trip for everyone! Ideally, I'd love for my family to not even realize all the strategy involved in touring the parks.

Next post: our daily plans. How we are throwing caution to the wind and going to the UG's "worst" parks almost every day. :scared: Oh, I mean: :cool2: We're just rebels like that...
:lmao: My girls always loved to run around naked when they were little. They've managed to outgrow it ;)

Can't wait to hear more about your trip! I too use the boards to satisfy my need to talk about Disney - my hubby can only handle so much!

WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!! It's always so much fun to see someone new around the Boards, and to get to know another Disney crazed planner!

Going back to read the rest and catch up!

I'm Liesa, by the way... ;)

Thanks, both, for reading :thumbsup2 I'm having a great time here (you can probably tell!). It's helping me be a little more patient while I wait for our trip :hyper: It's so good to find that I'm not the only one who needs this outlet!!
Don't worry about going to parks on UG's "worst days". We do it all the time! :laughing: We've survived and we've had a great time. We've gone in the middle of the summer (busy season) and we've been able to do everything we wanted at the so-called "worst park". By using EMH and FP's the right way, a "worst day" can be a "best day".

Thanks for checking out my PTR. I tend to ramble a little bit! :rotfl:
Don't worry about going to parks on UG's "worst days". We do it all the time! :laughing: We've survived and we've had a great time. We've gone in the middle of the summer (busy season) and we've been able to do everything we wanted at the so-called "worst park". By using EMH and FP's the right way, a "worst day" can be a "best day".

Thanks for checking out my PTR. I tend to ramble a little bit! :rotfl:

Thanks for calming my fears there. I keep telling myself that Sept is usually not too crowded, relatively speaking, so we should be ok!
I really want to go research and read some more of all your pre-trip and completed-trip posts to get tips, but first I need to get some of my thoughts OUT of my head and into the computer!

I've also decided that I need to put some pics up here! There's no denying it's more fun to read these PTRs when you "know" who's writing. DH can deal with it, right? So, I'll do that as soon as I can get some decent ones loaded (and figure out how to!)

SO, these thoughts of mine are about the topics I want to be sure and cover in this PTR. Don't know how to link "chapters" and all that fancy stuff (yet ;)) so for now this is just a list. There's so many details I want to write about so I can get all your great feedback :goodvibes

I think this will more or less be the order:

Day-by-Day park schedule
Expand on that with ADRs I have already scheduled (and keep tweaking!)
Making the best use of our kitchen
Other resort tips/details (BCV)
Stroller Strategies
Park Bag (this involves shopping, so I'm really looking forward to it)
Incorporating each person's "must do" activities

----and I'm sure I'll come up with other stuff as I read more. I'm sure I'm walking a fine line between info/planning overload and relaxed fun-time. I want to know just enough to make educated decisions, but I don't want to stress out if someone suggests a little sponteneity!

On a side note, I'm currently sitting in my car, across the street from my house. My 2 large doggies in the car with me. I sent DH away with the boys. This is the second time in two days we've done this drill, 4th or so time altogether, and I feel wacky every time. An agent scheduled a showing of our house today. Mercifully, it's for a one-hour time slot rather than 2. I must look like some hacker stalking people's wireless connections! At least I have snacks popcorn::
Uploading photos and such really isn't that hard. I use photobucket to upload all of my pics. I don't wish to take over your PTR, so feel free to PM me with any questions. I can tell you how to post chapter links and such as well. :goodvibes

Your PTR "outline" looks great!

I did it! Here I am last year at the beach. This is Oliver, my youngest. He was a few months shy of 2 when this was taken.

Ok now that I'm breaking out of my messageboard shell, I'll hunt for more fun pics. Lord help my poor sister if I get my printer fixed and can scan in some of our pics from my first Disney trip! :rotfl2:

This is Gray, age 4, at Easter this year. He's in mid-sentence, I'm sure, since it's difficult to catch him being silent :laughing:


And Gray's eyelashes - gets them from his dad!


And another of sweet Oliver, this time all grown up at 2 yrs old, at Easter this year


...And, I figured I'd sneak one in of DH Chris :love: He's just too hunky to pass up

So there we are! I'll still leave the in-laws out of this, since I don't think they'd want all this fame and publicity. :rolleyes: I do hope this makes it more fun to read about my crazy life until Disney comes along to make everything allll better!
I'm in!! Nice start to your 1st pre-trippie!! :thumbsup2 Your boys are beyond adorable! I'd love to have a little boy someday, but I'm not sure it's in the cards for me! I do love my girls though! My youngest is a Disney souvenir from last year trip! You've gotta love the magic of Disney! ;)

We stayed at the BCV 2 years ago and loved it. Your boys are sure to love SAB! The sand bottom pool is so much fun for the little ones!

Anyway, I can't wait to hear about the rest of your plans!
Great PTR so far!! We'll be going to WDW in September, too. I always get so excited when I find someone else doing a PTR who is going in Sept! You have a beautiful family. I can't wait to read more!
Your kiddos are SO cute! I'm super duper jealous that you're staying at the BC. That is my dream resort (that and the Poly). We're eating at Cape May on our trip, so I'm really excited to check it out and get some good pics for scrapbooking!
Hello Sarah! :wave2:

I popped over from my PTR to read your's! Your little boys sound cute! How did you ever survive three (years old)? That is what it feels like today anyways. :lmao: It has just been one of those days, so bear with me! I am glad to see our date overlap a bit!

:woohoo: for BCV! I would like to stay there some day. :goodvibes:

We LOVE :love: EP--it is mine and DH's favorite park though we did not spend as much time at MK during our only trip to Disney thus far. Oh boy, is that ever going to change this go around. I am right there with you--love researching and figuring out our trip stuff! I probably border along those lines of too much planning (especially if you ask my DH ;) ) but I like to do it! :goodvibes:

Love the pictures--TFS! Your boys are cuties :) Do you live close to the ocean? My DD would love to be closer since she fell in love with the ocean in August this past year. Still talks about it!

Looking forward to reading along. popcorn::


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