Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge -- thread closing -- see new thread Part 2!

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Hugs to you and your friend Jennz!

Just finished 2 miles of interrupted elliptical work. Got in .79 and had a phone call so after that I did the other 1.21 miles. So I did 4 miles total today. I had 2 hot dogs, 1 on a bun and 1 without the bun. Chugging my water! I am going to fix myself a special St. Patty's Day drink of Mint Irish Cream! I haven't had any in awhile.

I plan on doing a lot of work tomorrow! Working out and cleaning and packing will be part of my day! Also need to run to the spa to get some work done on myself! Got one more show to catch up tomorrow!

I have gotten a lot of work done tonight on the house. We got the kitchen cleaned mostly and I'm on load 3 of laundry. At least 2 or 3 left tomorrow to do. Girls are going to get some cleaning done on their rooms when they get home. I've got to pack for DD2 and myself.

Have a great night! I will stop by tomorrow when I need a break from cleaning!:scared1:
I am sorry for what your friend is going through. Its hard to watch a friend hurt and not be able to solve it, but just listening to him makes a big difference. I know that things from your past can come back and haunt you and that may be whats happening with your friend. I was assulted many years ago and even to this day if my husband grabs me the wrong way or playfully holds me down, I can sometime panic. She really needs to talk to a counselor. They will be in my prayers.

I spent most of the evening feeling sorry for myself and pouting. I didn't eat, though I REALLY wanted to order a pizza and veg in front of thet.v. I miss my husband and I know that lots of people deal with their loved ones in the military that are gone for long periods of time and in serious danger ,and my husband is relativley safe and only a couple hundred miles away, but I still feel crappy. I want him home! I want to throw myself down on the ground and scream until he comes home! :headache: I am really greatful to have a wonderful husband and that he has an oppurtunity to work, but man is it lonely. I miss doing stupid little things with him, like watching our fav Lord of the Rings, or walking around Lowes planning a million home improvement things that will probably never happen...... Oh well, thanks for letting me rant!

This is really off topic, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to get my 8 year old to memorize her multiplication tables. We have done flashcards and timed tests and even bribes, but she is having a ton of trouble remembering them. Any ideas would be soooo appreciated!

Keep strong everyone and remember Say no to cake! :rotfl:
Mikamah Thanks I have heard that was a part of the OA diet
I just never heard about it having that affect on cravings.
I tried this morning No white flour will not be a problem but even though I
don't eat a lot of sweets I caved at 4pm and put sugar in my tea :mad:
I'll need to really gear up for it...

jennz What a difficult and heart breaking situation, you and your friend's family are in my prayers.

Flipflopmom You sound like a runner to me ;)

pjlla sounds like DS allergies are a real challange but you seem to be doing a great job


I spent most of the evening feeling sorry for myself and pouting. I didn't eat, though I REALLY wanted to order a pizza and veg in front of thet.v. I miss my husband and I know that lots of people deal with their loved ones in the military that are gone for long periods of time and in serious danger ,and my husband is relativley safe and only a couple hundred miles away, but I still feel crappy. I want him home! I want to throw myself down on the ground and scream until he comes home! :headache: I am really greatful to have a wonderful husband and that he has an oppurtunity to work, but man is it lonely. I miss doing stupid little things with him, like watching our fav Lord of the Rings, or walking around Lowes planning a million home improvement things that will probably never happen...... Oh well, thanks for letting me rant!

This is really off topic, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to get my 8 year old to memorize her multiplication tables. We have done flashcards and timed tests and even bribes, but she is having a ton of trouble remembering them. Any ideas would be soooo appreciated!

Keep strong everyone and remember Say no to cake! :rotfl:

I'm sorry you miss your hubby so much but I have to say it sounds like you have a great marriage and that isn't easy these days... God Bless

Try Singing the multiplications tables. I think there is a tune that my daughters learned in school. I'm sure the teachers out there can chime in here.

I had a pretty good day today, went to see Alice in Wonder Land
really beautiful... I loved it. Still didn't exercise but was OK with my food.
need to do better tomorrow in this weather no excuse.

Well good night and take care :flower3:
QOD: Creme De Menthe Parfait is hands down my favorite green food. But mostly I behave with some broccoli or something. Ice Cream weather is coming around though:cool1:
Wow, someone else who has had a creme de menthe parfait! ;) I haven't had one in so long.

I just completed my run (25 minutes running, + 5 warm up, cool down), and it was a lot easier than the same on Monday. I was very slow, but that's okay. I did lap a couple of walkers. ;)

DH watched me today for the first time, DD2 fell asleep in the car, so we met at the park, he sat in the car w/ her, I ran, then he was going to walk when we left. I paid me a couple of compliments, but one made me sad. He said he was "very impressed", "couldn't believe I kept such a steady pace the whole time". Then, vain me, asked "well, how did I look?" He said "you didn't look like you were having trouble, just like someone jogging" Maybe one day he'll say "you looked like a runner" ;)
I think DH meant it as a compliment - that the running/jogging looked easy for you (as opposed to huffing and puffing through).

Thanks for the prayers for my friends. I hugged my husband extra tight tonight!

And thanks to everyone on this thread for all of your support and being such an open place to come...a few months ago I would have eaten a bag of chips (the large size!) and ordered pizza. Tonight...ravioli, brocolli, and a salad with an orange for dessert, a walk with my dogs and 50 minutes playing Walk It Out. And guess what? Between you all and healthy choices I am actually feeling good.:grouphug:
I'm so glad you have noticed from positive changes in the ways you deal with stress and get support. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's family and i hope things turn around for them.

Evening all! I FINALLY served a dinner that DS liked... and it was relatively allergen free. I made soft taco type wraps... the wraps were whole wheat (both wheat and corn are problems for DS, but wheat to a lesser degree), the filling was vegan Boca burgers cooked with a bit of taco seasoning, refried beans, shredded cheese (and DH and I had some salsa and tomatoes and guacamole, but none for DS). He ate two and really liked it! And I made him some Chex Muddy Buddies with Rice Chex and he is loving this new treat! It seems like I have finally hit upon a few things that he will eat and enjoy! Sure, the Muddy Buddies aren't exactly "health" food, but when you are desperate... oh well!
That's awesome! I'm glad you found some foods he enjoys.

Trying to stay away from the cake batter.
:rotfl: I hear ya!
I had a rough day at work, and despite charting all my calories, staying on plan, and resisting a lunch invite, I lost my way. I worked late, and came home to a box in the mail of my favorite Easter candies (Thanks, Mom). If I accurately calculated how much I ate, my workout calorie burn should have negated the candy calories. I'm not totally anti-treats, but I've been focusing on fewer empty calories the past few weeks.

QOTD: My favorite green foods are broccoli, grapes, spinach when it's in stuff, and guacamole.
Good morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day to those who celebrate it! It's going to be another frantic one for me, I'm afraid, but I wanted to throw a fun question out there this morning.

3/17 - Wednesday QOTD: What is your favorite green food?

I can answer this right off the top of my head - I love spinach! Not the canned kind, but frozen or fresh, in omlettes, pasta, sandwiches, salads or all by itself - mmmmm.

I'm going to have to go with Green Grapes.
Time to try to catch up a little on posts! It has been a real juggling act for me this week, and I was hoping I'd picked a week that I'd be able to devote lots more time to the thread, but sometimes you something the something and sometimes the something somethings you....I know there is a quote, but I obviously don't remember the most important parts. OK - I used The Google and looked it up and miraculously found that "Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." Well, this week, I have been feeling like I could eat a bear, but that is not the point. :laughing:

I try to keep my weight down for many reasons. 1) I get heartburn when I hit about 145 lbs (I've crept back up there and it's back :headache:) 2) I love the compliments that I get especially from DH and my boys. It's funny because my boys think of me as skinny and don't remember when I was huge 3) I like my smaller wardrobe. My style has evolved with my weight loss so if I have to go back up a size I lose my sense of style. It's nice to buy a size 8 or even a a few size 6s. I'm picking up pieces that I love rather than settling for what fits and is cheap.

How nice that your kids think of you as a skinny mom! It's great to buy clothes because you love them and not just because they fit! I have a few things I need to donate because I bought them around the time that a lot of things started fitting, and I was still in the mode of "If it fits, buy it." Since most things did not.

How great to get compliments from the gentlemen in your life. It's so interesting that they only remember you as you are now!

I am enjoying the feeling of being IN CONTROL. So often I used to feel that guilty, icky, out-of-control feeling... mostly about my weight, but the feeling often overflowed into other areas of my life. Now when I wake up in the morning I can feel (usually) IN CONTROL. I KNOW I will eat on plan, I KNOW I will get in my exercise.... and doing both of those things brings me great peace of mind and great MENTAL health!!

This is such a great place to be and how nice that you are now able to choose the feeling you want over the feeling you get the morning after pizza or chinese food! It sounds like confidence!

I have really enjoyed the new friendships I have made through this thread.

I have also enjoyed rebuilding the friendship I have with my nutritionist. He and I dated way back in the 80's and it ended badly. Now we have a great friendship and he is a wonderful help to me. My hubby likes him too!!

I *heart* skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.

I love working out. I usually work out first thing in the morning but today I am going to the gym so I am waiting until after homeschool... I'm starting to get anxious because I want to get to the gym NOW!

Mostly I am enjoying the change in my hubby. He has lost 25 pounds since Christmas (just by changing his diet. He doesn't exercise). He's a lot more helpful around the house and he doesn't complain about the healthy meals I make.

Wow - congratulations on all these positive things! How cool your DH has lost 25 pounds! How cool that you have a newfound friendship with your nutritionist (and that you HAVE a nutritionist!). And all the new friends. :grouphug: I totally agree!

I like seeing the positive changes in my family...dd loves being active and making healthy choices, in a way she has been a model for me and I like reflecting that back to her and building on it. DH is eating healthier too and just started P90X...:scared1: He's made quite a commitment with no nagging from me.:thumbsup2 I like being aware of the calories I need every day and how much I burn. I love the way I feel so proud after exercise!

A DH on P90X!! I hope you'll tell us more about that sometime. I have heard about it elsewhere but have not ordered it myself. It sounds...well.....tough!!! So great that your positive changes have spread through your family!

This is my answer too. The feeling of being in CONTROL. I cant control my husbands crazy work schedule (newspaper reporter covering Duke basketball), I cant control the fact that DS did not get in a magnet elementary so he'll probalby be attending a subpar kindergarten, I can't control a LOT in my life. But my weightloss is about ME - it's my responsibility and the area that I have the most control over. AND I LIKE that feeling. It's so nice to be able to fit into my smaller clothes. I love that I had to buy new underwear because mine were too big. I am so happy that I am within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight. :banana:

Hooray for being so close to pre-pregancy! What a great feeling that one is! Isn't it funny how much of a difference there is in underwear? I think you're really smart to focus on the things that you can change and work with the rest of it.

My favorite new activity is the WDW Half Marathon! I really enjoy training throughout the year and chatting with all my WISH buddies, the actual race, and the incredible feeling of accomplishment. Plus, we always tack on a little grown-up vacation, so it's just a positive experience!

That keeps me somewhat on plan -- because I know if I want to improve my time I have to lose weight and get faster!

I hear ya on the races as motivation! It is lots of fun, for sure. You have done so great this year already - look out 2011! Now if only the weather will cooperate...

I have just a minute to chat and then I have to run. We are on DAY ONE of DS's two week attempt at eating almost NO allergy foods.... :scared1: and it is TOUGH. Breakfast was a rice milk/tofu/banana chocolate shake. Lunch was pb&j and apple sauce and regular milk. Dinner is homemade fish sticks and probably apple sauce again.

Oh man, these allergies sound really challenging. My older DS had a soy sensitivity for a few years and even that was really tough, but the list you shared, well, later in the thread - so many foods. I sure hope that limiting the worst ones helps your DS. It sounds soo challenging, but worth it if he feels better.

TUES QOTD: I love the energy I have. :cool1: I had to run across the playground twice today, and I just bounded instead of plodded. I love knowing that I am putting good things in my body, and making it work. I love watching the scale drop, and the compliments, too. ;)

I do not love the grocery bill, however. I hate that it is so much more expensive to eat healthy!

What a great victory for you to be able to bound across the playground! The grocery bill is definitely rough, but an investment in your health is bound to pay off in the future.

My math team finished 5th in their league yesterday so they are getting a trophy at the dinner next month. It is not the way I wanted to get 5th. One of the top teams didn't come because their schoool had no power. I don't feel good about it but 5th place is the best we have ever done and stranger things have happened.

Congratulations on your team's 5th place victory! Of course its not the way you want to succeed, but you can't win if you don't play, whatever the reason may be for the competition not playing.

I agree with you about the artificial sweetener leaving a bad taste!

Hello everyone, just checking in after my dd having strep throat and me taking care of her.
QOTD:I like my new attitude that I have now, I am more outgoing and am not as shy.

My goodness, I hope your DD is all better now and that you're feeling healthy yourself. It's wonderful that you've got a new attitude along with your weight loss!

I hope everyone has a good time watching BL tonight.

I wish I was joining in on the exercise during, but this cough is determined!

I did well on food today, but the fact that I can't taste may have something to do with that! :rotfl2:

I am sooo behind on laundry that I may pray tonight that God sends me a laundry fairy! Some women dream of diamonds, I dream of having my washer and dryer on the same floor as the bedrooms instead of 2 flights down! What a pain! :laundy:

Ooh, yes! A laundry fairy would be lovely! All those stairs are bound to be good for your glutes if nothing else, I suppose, but definitely not the most efficient way to do a chore like laundry. I hope your cough settles down soon for you.

Good evening! I can't wait to start my spring break tomorrow, but I'm already nervous about going back. I had a pretty nasty incident last week with a student. That student ended up in a psych facility and will be back next week. I am worried about how that will go.

Aaron and I are going to Mall of America. I am hoping to work out in the gym and do enough walking and swimming to burn off any excess calories we consume.

Have fun at MOA! It sounds like several people on here are fans! It's about 10 minutes from my house, actually! Maybe we should plan a DISboards Biggest Loser meet at MOA sometime???

I guess no one knows.:confused3

Worked out by running tonight and boy it felt good.

So glad to hear you enjoyed your run tonight - it's usually my favorite workout as well.

I'm sorry I don't have a solution to your tech problem either. I hope you find the answer because that other situation sounds very frustrating.

I just finished an entire pint of chocolate peanut butter ice cream. I ate the whole entire thing. It was only 128 calories, 3 points on ww. It was delicious. It's called Arctic Zone and it's a cross between ice cream and an italian ice. It comes in Vanilla, Chocolate and Chocolate Peanut Butter. I can't wait to try the vanilla tomorrow night. What a treat.

I also burned 650 calories at the gym and walked over 17,000 steps today and stayed within my points. What a good feeling, I think I'm on track again. I stopped at Old Navy and bought some new shirts. My muscles in my arms and shoulders are coming back.

Mmmm - that sounds like a delicious dessert and a great points/calorie value! Way to go at the gym! 17,000 is a ton! It's great your muscles are back in time for spring - that's got to be nice.

There are quite a few things that I have enjoyed about this process. A couple of big one that come to mind is all the nice folks I've met on this journey. :love: And another is the feeling of hope that I have now that I can actually do this. :woohoo:

Awwww - that is sooo nice! There really are a lot of nice folks struggling the good struggle. Its also really great that you've got newfound hope that you can do this - of course you can!

I have really enjoyed the running. Even though I also have bad running days, I feel great when I think of myself as a runner. I would have never given myself that label before this point and now on Saturday I will be running in my first ever race! While I am not running to "race" anyone, I will be running to prove to myself that I am strong enough to do this.

I have also enjoyed that I feel like I look so much better. There are many clothes in my closet that I have not wanted to wear in a long time that I now enjoy putting on. There are still many times that I don't like how I look but overall, I enjoy knowing that there have been some wonderful changes in how I look.

It's really fun to read about how well the running is clicking for you. I'm so excited for your first race this Saturday! I definitely wish I could be there to cheer you on, but I will think of you and I know you will do great. Remember, the main goals for your first race should be to 1. finish and 2. have fun. I said I was going to write up some racing tips, didn't I? Here are a few:

1. Get there early - you don't know how long it will take to park, check in, etc.

2. Wear your race number on your front. Many pin it to their shirt, I like to pin it to my running skirt or pants often times. Whatever makes the most sense to you, but you want it to be visible so you can find your official photos easily.

3. Visit the restrooms/portapotties early & often - I usually go at least 2-3x before a race, especially if I am nervous.

4. Don't go out too fast - it's exciting running in a group of so many people, but try to stay at a pace that is comfortable for you. If you blow it all in the first mile, you won't have much left for a strong finish.

5. Have fun! If you feel your energy flagging (or even if you don't!) thank the volunteers on the course or spectators for coming out. It will give you a boost.

Weighing in tomorrow and not excited about it. Seems i pulled a muscle in my leg last week sometime. Either lower thigh or upper calf and I've been finishing my work days lame more often than not. So not a lot of workouts getting done. Its not painful, but its definitely tight behind my knee. I have been using heat on it, but if someone has a better idea I'm all ears. Would really like to get back into my exercise routine. But as a lot of my new routines love using squats I don't want to make it worse.

Other than that my life is basically 1 big ? right now. I seem to need to change everything except my house, my husband and my pets.

Hope everybody is doing better than me.

Ouch - that sounds like a very uncomfortable injury. I'm not sure what the cure is for it, but you may need to stretch some of your hip muscles - when those are tight, they can pull on the leg muscles. My favorite cure for muscle problems is this bedtime tactic. Take an advil before bed and put Biofreeze on the painful area. This allows the inflammation to settle down and the body to heal. Obviously, if it continues without improvement, you probably want to see a medical professional - sometimes these things turn out to be more serious.

I hope you feel much better soon!

HELLO Everyone :wave: MIA but still hanging in.

My journey has been more like a car that starts.. springs forward... and then stalls....only to do it all again.

My week in St Pete with my Daughter, was wonderful, a great respite.
I was able to walk every day and eat very well.

She is vegetarian and mostly vegan I 'm pretty close to vegan now myself.
the only difficult thing is finding a good sub for cheese in Italian recipes

I'm getting pretty good with tofu replacing ricotta. but the hard cheeses I do miss and they can be a trigger food for me no such thing as just 1 oz.

Did any one see the recent PBS show By Dr Amen "Change your Brain Change your Body"?
He has done some amazing research in overeating and brain connections.
He talks alot about low levels of VT D causing a constant state of cravings
and he also talked about eliminating white flower and refined sugars completely. The results is no cravings.
Has any one done this??

:surfweb: Well I need to read back about a mile of pages :surfweb:

Hope you are all Well and Dry
Think Spring it's almost here :flower3:

I can't say that we've all had that hurchy lurchy car-like progress, but I know that I definitely have. I've even used that same analogy! The thing about a car that's doing that is that even though it's not that pleasant, it is still moving in the right direction, and that counts for something while you're learning how to make the transitions more smooth. :)

I am a vegetarian as well, but have not discovered a decent vegan option for actual cheese.

I have not seen that PBS show, but it sounds so good! I think that there is something to the sugar/flour causing cravings. It seems like when you avoid those, for whatever reason, the cravings for them do seem to subside. It's hard to avoid that stuff in this culture, however. Interesting about the Vit. D deficiency as well.

Sorry I haven't been on much, I have been at work...lots of overtime...and at the gym. Unfortunately even though I have started a new strength training routine and kept within my points I gained over 2 lbs on the scale tonight. I am sooooo not happy. I am trying to stay possitve and just figure I will have an amazing loss next week. Uggh. I even went above 200 again which pisses me off especially since I did things ok last week. There is no good reason for that gain.


SarahMay, do not worry about that 2 pounds. You said you were within your points AND you started a new strength training program. That to me means only one thing - muscles retain water when they are repairing and rebuilding after a new challenge. It can be several pounds worth. It's a temporary gain for a permanent improvement. It's happened to me several times after a particularly tough new strength program. Just keep doing what you're doing - you'll be stronger AND smaller before long!

Top o' the morning to you all!:thumbsup2

I was having a lovely night sleep until 4:30 when some jerk decided to drag race down the street outside our bedroom at 4:30AM! I should've gotten up and worked out but really wanted more sleep. I may have gotten 10 minutes more! UGH! I will work out at 7:30 and later today while trying to catch up on laundry after work. I also need to run the dishwasher. Going to be a busy day catching up today and tomorrow! And getting ready for our weekend at the Cape!

Oh man - that drag racing idiot! Good luck getting ready for your weekend away - it's always so much work to get things together!

OK - that's something anyhow! I'll catch some more tomorrow - all those great green foods. Mmmmm!
There are games that they can play and you can even focus on certain tables that need work. DD1 has used it a lot this year and it has really helped.

Long night last night. DH ended up with heartburn when he went to bed and got sick at 2:30am. He seems to be feeling better though he is still sleeping. Not sure if he will go to work today though he is off tomorrow for our trip and Monday for taxes.

About to take DD1 to the bus stop and then I will come back and do a 2 or 3 mile workout!
Have a good day!
Time to try to catch up a little on posts! It has been a real juggling act for me this week, and I was hoping I'd picked a week that I'd be able to devote lots more time to the thread, but sometimes you something the something and sometimes the something somethings you....I know there is a quote, but I obviously don't remember the most important parts. OK - I used The Google and looked it up and miraculously found that "Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." Well, this week, I have been feeling like I could eat a bear, but that is not the point. :laughing:

It's really fun to read about how well the running is clicking for you. I'm so excited for your first race this Saturday! I definitely wish I could be there to cheer you on, but I will think of you and I know you will do great. Remember, the main goals for your first race should be to 1. finish and 2. have fun. I said I was going to write up some racing tips, didn't I? Here are a few:

1. Get there early - you don't know how long it will take to park, check in, etc.

2. Wear your race number on your front. Many pin it to their shirt, I like to pin it to my running skirt or pants often times. Whatever makes the most sense to you, but you want it to be visible so you can find your official photos easily.

3. Visit the restrooms/portapotties early & often - I usually go at least 2-3x before a race, especially if I am nervous.

4. Don't go out too fast - it's exciting running in a group of so many people, but try to stay at a pace that is comfortable for you. If you blow it all in the first mile, you won't have much left for a strong finish.

5. Have fun! If you feel your energy flagging (or even if you don't!) thank the volunteers on the course or spectators for coming out. It will give you a boost.

I have totally let this week get away from me as well. I kept on thinking that I was going to keep up with everything this week and I think it just added extra stress to my life and I am not so great with stress. I am now giving myself permission to not feel like I have to get everything done this week and am feeling better about it all.

Thanks so much for the race tips. I will say that I know it will be a lot of fun but right now I am feeling like this was the stupidest thing I have done...signing up for a big race when I am not really a runner. I know that I have prepared myself to do this but for some reason I am scared. I will be getting through to Saturday by trying to think about all the positive things I have done to become a runner.

I am feeling pretty positive about how I have been doing the past couple of days. Last night I went out with a friend but made really good choices for my diet (no beer)! When I stepped on the scale today it was down for the week and so I am hoping that I will report a loss for the week.

Alright, I need to sign off. So much to do before work today so I have to get moving! Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
DH watched me today for the first time, DD2 fell asleep in the car, so we met at the park, he sat in the car w/ her, I ran, then he was going to walk when we left. I paid me a couple of compliments, but one made me sad. He said he was "very impressed", "couldn't believe I kept such a steady pace the whole time". Then, vain me, asked "well, how did I look?" He said "you didn't look like you were having trouble, just like someone jogging" Maybe one day he'll say "you looked like a runner" ;)
Now, I would take that as a big compliment. I would love someone to tell me that I looked like someone jogging, rather than the someone dying that I feel like. Years ago, I saw a secretary out jogging, and when I told her that the next day, she quickly corrected me and told me that she was running, not jogging, and quoted the speeds that differentiated the two. I think most non runners would put running and jogging in the same category, and in that case, you husband meant you looked like a runner, but just doesn't know there is a difference. ;)

Thanks for the prayers for my friends. I hugged my husband extra tight tonight!

And thanks to everyone on this thread for all of your support and being such an open place to come...a few months ago I would have eaten a bag of chips (the large size!) and ordered pizza. Tonight...ravioli, brocolli, and a salad with an orange for dessert, a walk with my dogs and 50 minutes playing Walk It Out. And guess what? Between you all and healthy choices I am actually feeling good.:grouphug:
Hugs Jenn on the stress, and for your friends. It's so hard to see people we are close to struggle. My good friend and her husband had problems years ago, and they went to couples counselling, and the husband was the one who was severely depressed, but would not go on his own, so they went together for many years, in order to get him the help he needed. It's so hard on them. You are doing so well dealing with the stress and not eating your way through it. Keep it up. My thoughts are with you and your friend. :hug:

Thanks so much for the race tips. I will say that I know it will be a lot of fun but right now I am feeling like this was the stupidest thing I have done...signing up for a big race when I am not really a runner. I know that I have prepared myself to do this but for some reason I am scared. I will be getting through to Saturday by trying to think about all the positive things I have done to become a runner.
You are going to do awesome in the race!! Like either corinna or maria said, you are going to set your first personal best record, and no matter how long you take, if you need to walk some, you are going to do it and will be proud. Remember, Dead last finish trumps did not finish, which beats did not start!! You go, girl!! You will be great!!!:cheer2:

I'm heading to work a little early, and hopefully I'll be out a little early to enjoy some of the beautiful weather, and the added daylight. Last night was the first night michael fell asleep right after bedtime. We had gone out for a bike ride, and then down the skate park where he and a friend scootered for about an hour. We are back to no tv during the week unless it's raining, and it is so nice to be outside. It does motivate me to eat a healthy supper, which we did last night, but then went to mcd's for our st. patricks day shamrock shake. Back on track today, and staying there.

Have a great day.:)
I am sorry for what your friend is going through. Its hard to watch a friend hurt and not be able to solve it, but just listening to him makes a big difference. I know that things from your past can come back and haunt you and that may be whats happening with your friend. I was assulted many years ago and even to this day if my husband grabs me the wrong way or playfully holds me down, I can sometime panic. She really needs to talk to a counselor. They will be in my prayers.

I spent most of the evening feeling sorry for myself and pouting. I didn't eat, though I REALLY wanted to order a pizza and veg in front of thet.v. I miss my husband and I know that lots of people deal with their loved ones in the military that are gone for long periods of time and in serious danger ,and my husband is relativley safe and only a couple hundred miles away, but I still feel crappy. I want him home! I want to throw myself down on the ground and scream until he comes home! :headache: I am really greatful to have a wonderful husband and that he has an oppurtunity to work, but man is it lonely. I miss doing stupid little things with him, like watching our fav Lord of the Rings, or walking around Lowes planning a million home improvement things that will probably never happen...... Oh well, thanks for letting me rant!

This is really off topic, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to get my 8 year old to memorize her multiplication tables. We have done flashcards and timed tests and even bribes, but she is having a ton of trouble remembering them. Any ideas would be soooo appreciated!

Keep strong everyone and remember Say no to cake! :rotfl:

About how much you miss your husband - don't feel guilty or compare it to's how YOU feel and it's bad for YOU and that's okay. :hug:

Multiplication tables...we used dice when we ate...roll two of them and dd had to multiply the numbers. Once she was past the 6s I got a set that went to 12. You've had some good suggestions...hopefully at least one will stick! :goodvibes

Corrina yes that P90X is tough! It is intriguing though. I MIGHT try it in a few months. DH couldn't even get his coat on after the 3rd today but today, his 5th , he is fine. He has 1 1/2 hours of yoga tonight...this is his longest workout.

Thanks everyone for the comments thoughts hugs and prayers about my friends. You're right it's very hard to see people you love struggle, especially when they aren't getting help. :sad1: I just need to be here if they want to talk or anything and let the rest go.
WOOHOO! Look what I got in my siggie!!!!!

I've gone back to doing more of the elliptical and it seems to be boosting my losses again! I've lost 2 so far this week! And I'm gonna be sooooo good today!!!!
My dh is doing the P90X program. I had intended to, but my schedule does not have a consistant 70 to 95 minutes opened 6 days per week and it must be the same 6 days every week. Chris has done well with it. He is still sore after his workouts (then next day), but he is seeing the results. He looks fabulous. He is still trying to lose the belly, but has really toned up everywhere else. The downside is that it is such an intense workout that you build muscle quickly which means that he is not making progress on the scale and has actually gained a couple of lbs. He is determined to hit onederland (which he hasn't been in since middle school), but it is going to take much more time with that program.

Totally unrelated, but I need to vent. I am a part time substitute teacher at my sons school. I had been scheduled to work a full day today, but was told yesterday that the teachers retreat was cancelled so they didn't need me. I rearranged my schedule for yesterday afternoon and this morning based on that. I did not know that the school had called back and left a message on the house phone that they did need me. We do not have a land line, but have 4 cell phones. I have one, DH has one, DS14 has one and our old land line number is on the 4th one. It turns out that no one used the house cell last night so no one noticed a message. Mind you I worked last night. So the school called at 8:10 this morning looking for me. I was asleep and not expecting the call. The secretary was obviously angry that I wasn't there and even more angry when I told her I couldn't get there before 11. Mind you I hadn't even thought of a shower at that point. She told me not to bother and hung up. So I listen to the message which says they need me and not to call UNLESS I couldn't do it. Um, what if I don't call because I don't get the message :confused3 Anyway I get the distict impression that I will not be called to sub again unless they are totally desperate. I totally think it is the schools fault not mine. I asked why she didn't call my cell and she said she didn't have the number (I know that it is on every single piece of paper that we turned in for the boys this year) :mad: Okay vent over.
My dh is doing the P90X program. I had intended to, but my schedule does not have a consistant 70 to 95 minutes opened 6 days per week and it must be the same 6 days every week. Chris has done well with it. He is still sore after his workouts (then next day), but he is seeing the results. He looks fabulous. He is still trying to lose the belly, but has really toned up everywhere else. The downside is that it is such an intense workout that you build muscle quickly which means that he is not making progress on the scale and has actually gained a couple of lbs. He is determined to hit onederland (which he hasn't been in since middle school), but it is going to take much more time with that program.

Totally unrelated, but I need to vent. I am a part time substitute teacher at my sons school. I had been scheduled to work a full day today, but was told yesterday that the teachers retreat was cancelled so they didn't need me. I rearranged my schedule for yesterday afternoon and this morning based on that. I did not know that the school had called back and left a message on the house phone that they did need me. We do not have a land line, but have 4 cell phones. I have one, DH has one, DS14 has one and our old land line number is on the 4th one. It turns out that no one used the house cell last night so no one noticed a message. Mind you I worked last night. So the school called at 8:10 this morning looking for me. I was asleep and not expecting the call. The secretary was obviously angry that I wasn't there and even more angry when I told her I couldn't get there before 11. Mind you I hadn't even thought of a shower at that point. She told me not to bother and hung up. So I listen to the message which says they need me and not to call UNLESS I couldn't do it. Um, what if I don't call because I don't get the message :confused3 Anyway I get the distict impression that I will not be called to sub again unless they are totally desperate. I totally think it is the schools fault not mine. I asked why she didn't call my cell and she said she didn't have the number (I know that it is on every single piece of paper that we turned in for the boys this year) :mad: Okay vent over.

I agree with you! I love the excuse they didn't have the number! No, they didn't take the time to do it! I was a sub for several years and fortunately that never happened. I used to hate it when one district would call me at 7:30 and be angry that I had already taken another job for the day! I had one district that called at 5:30 every time they needed a sub. You snooze you lose!

Glad you got your vent out! They should've said if you don't call we know you can't do it or we will try again! She's probably just mad because it is her fault and someone is mad at her!
I agree with you! I love the excuse they didn't have the number! No, they didn't take the time to do it! I was a sub for several years and fortunately that never happened. I used to hate it when one district would call me at 7:30 and be angry that I had already taken another job for the day! I had one district that called at 5:30 every time they needed a sub. You snooze you lose!

Glad you got your vent out! They should've said if you don't call we know you can't do it or we will try again! She's probably just mad because it is her fault and someone is mad at her!

Thanks for the reassurance. I'm sitting here trying to convince myself that it is not my fault. On a good note, I'm not stress eating ;)
Thank you so much corinnak for being our coach this week! :love: You had some great questions and responses. And a BIG welcome to our coach starting tomorrow, ShortyNBug!

Please be sure and PM those weigh-ins to LuvBaloo and COW numbers to donac tomorrow. If LuvBaloo's PM box is full, you can PM your numbers to me or wait until she returns. Remember we will have two weeks of results next week.

Other than that my life is basically 1 big ? right now. I seem to need to change everything except my house, my husband and my pets.

:hug: Hope that your injury is better soon. Remember as pjlla says, you can't control what happens to you but you can control how you react to it. :goodvibes

HELLO Everyone :wave: MIA but still hanging in.

My journey has been more like a car that starts.. springs forward... and then stalls....only to do it all again.

:wave2: Hello, tea pot! Nice to see you! Can you use Splenda instead of sugar in your tea and still be following the no sugar thing -- probably not.

Sorry I haven't been on much, I have been at work...lots of overtime...and at the gym. Unfortunately even though I have started a new strength training routine and kept within my points I gained over 2 lbs on the scale tonight. I am sooooo not happy. I am trying to stay possitve and just figure I will have an amazing loss next week. Uggh. I even went above 200 again which pisses me off especially since I did things ok last week. There is no good reason for that gain. SarahMay

:hug: How frustrating! But I have to agree with the folks who think you are building muscle. It's a big job for your body and it needs lots of water to do it.

3/17 - Wednesday QOTD: What is your favorite green food?

Leaf lettuce (salad), pesto, zucchini, asparagus and, of course, a nice green grasshopper -- the cocktail not the bug! :laughing:

Lisa -- I don't know that we do anything special? We do separate all the fruit and veggies that are refrigerated and put them in ziplock containers -- not bags, the hard, plastic kind. And then within the container they are pre-portioned in ziplock bags -- when I packed my lunch this morning I just grabbed a bag of peppers, another one of grapes, and another one of grape tomatoes. Ok, maybe that does seem like overkill -- it makes packing lunches easier, and our produce does last about a week -- we shop on Friday or Saturday night, and we have nothing left after packing Friday's lunches. Our apples and bananas are just out on the counter, but they usually make it a week, too -- but we buy two bunches of bananas, one is just turning yellow, and one is pretty green.
Maria :upsidedow

Thanks, Maria! :flower3: I think that extra prep not only saves your time but saves your food. I will have to give that a try because it sure would be nice to go to the grocery store only once a week.

Lisa-congrats on becoming a runner!!! :dance3:

I running right behind you! :yay:

:hug: jennz, I hope that your friends get some help soon. What a sad, horrible thing to watch them go through. I'm glad that you aren't letting it derail all your hard work.

DH watched me today for the first time, DD2 fell asleep in the car, so we met at the park, he sat in the car w/ her, I ran, then he was going to walk when we left. I paid me a couple of compliments, but one made me sad. He said he was "very impressed", "couldn't believe I kept such a steady pace the whole time". Then, vain me, asked "well, how did I look?" He said "you didn't look like you were having trouble, just like someone jogging" Maybe one day he'll say "you looked like a runner" ;)

Great job on the run! :thumbsup2 Does your DH know you want to look like a runner? It sounds like he was very complimentary and supportive. :flower3: You might want to tell him that is what you are hoping for because he might never figure it out on his own!

jenanderson, good luck on your first race this week-end! :cheer2: Come back and tell us all about it.

"Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." Well, this week, I have been feeling like I could eat a bear, but that is not the point. :laughing:

:lmao: I love this quote, my Dad used to say it all the time. Sorry about your busy week, corinna! I think that you were are great coach and I thank you for all your wonderful questions. :love:

Back on track today, and staying there.

Have a great day.:)

:woohoo: Yay! You can do it!

WOOHOO! Look what I got in my siggie!!!!!

I've gone back to doing more of the elliptical and it seems to be boosting my losses again! I've lost 2 so far this week! And I'm gonna be sooooo good today!!!!

Tracey, your new clippie looks great on you! :thumbsup2
Thanks everyone for the comments thoughts hugs and prayers about my friends. You're right it's very hard to see people you love struggle, especially when they aren't getting help. :sad1: I just need to be here if they want to talk or anything and let the rest go.

I read about this dilemma yesterday but work was too crazy to reply. I am sorry that you are watching your friends go through this. You are being a great friend by just being there for them if they decide they want to talk with you about it all. Hopefully things will get to the point where they realize they need some help.

WOOHOO! Look what I got in my siggie!!!!!

I've gone back to doing more of the elliptical and it seems to be boosting my losses again! I've lost 2 so far this week! And I'm gonna be sooooo good today!!!!

WOW! I am so impressed and proud of your work!!! :banana: Way to go!

Totally unrelated, but I need to vent. I am a part time substitute teacher at my sons school. I had been scheduled to work a full day today, but was told yesterday that the teachers retreat was cancelled so they didn't need me. I rearranged my schedule for yesterday afternoon and this morning based on that. I did not know that the school had called back and left a message on the house phone that they did need me. We do not have a land line, but have 4 cell phones. I have one, DH has one, DS14 has one and our old land line number is on the 4th one. It turns out that no one used the house cell last night so no one noticed a message. Mind you I worked last night. So the school called at 8:10 this morning looking for me. I was asleep and not expecting the call. The secretary was obviously angry that I wasn't there and even more angry when I told her I couldn't get there before 11. Mind you I hadn't even thought of a shower at that point. She told me not to bother and hung up. So I listen to the message which says they need me and not to call UNLESS I couldn't do it. Um, what if I don't call because I don't get the message :confused3 Anyway I get the distict impression that I will not be called to sub again unless they are totally desperate. I totally think it is the schools fault not mine. I asked why she didn't call my cell and she said she didn't have the number (I know that it is on every single piece of paper that we turned in for the boys this year) :mad: Okay vent over.

This is so sad. I am a teacher and hate to hear when the subs are treated like this. It is difficult to live your life "on call" and then to think you are doing totally the right thing and have the secretary call and treat you like that is horrible. I would send just a brief e-mail to the principal explaining that you are sorry for the misunderstanding and that you are still interested in subbing but would like assistance in being sure they have the right number on file. I agree that the secretary was probably upset because she had to now deal with this at the start of her day but it is not at all your fault. Hope you have a better day!
Thanks for the prayers for my friends. I hugged my husband extra tight tonight!

And thanks to everyone on this thread for all of your support and being such an open place to come...a few months ago I would have eaten a bag of chips (the large size!) and ordered pizza. Tonight...ravioli, brocolli, and a salad with an orange for dessert, a walk with my dogs and 50 minutes playing Walk It Out. And guess what? Between you all and healthy choices I am actually feeling good.:grouphug:

It looks like you have learned to make changes that are going to last a LIFETIME!! As I have said before, you can't change what is happening to you (or your friend in this case), you can only change how you react to it. If you had given in and eaten the chips and pizza, your friend would be no better off today and you would feel like CRAP! Instead you made SMART CHOICES and had a HEALTHY REACTION and now you are feeling good and probably empowered and guilt free! And you are probably in a better mind set now to help your friend! It is a win-win!!!

I am sorry for what your friend is going through. Its hard to watch a friend hurt and not be able to solve it, but just listening to him makes a big difference. I know that things from your past can come back and haunt you and that may be whats happening with your friend. I was assulted many years ago and even to this day if my husband grabs me the wrong way or playfully holds me down, I can sometime panic. She really needs to talk to a counselor. They will be in my prayers.

I spent most of the evening feeling sorry for myself and pouting. I didn't eat, though I REALLY wanted to order a pizza and veg in front of thet.v. I miss my husband and I know that lots of people deal with their loved ones in the military that are gone for long periods of time and in serious danger ,and my husband is relativley safe and only a couple hundred miles away, but I still feel crappy. I want him home! I want to throw myself down on the ground and scream until he comes home! :headache: I am really greatful to have a wonderful husband and that he has an oppurtunity to work, but man is it lonely. I miss doing stupid little things with him, like watching our fav Lord of the Rings, or walking around Lowes planning a million home improvement things that will probably never happen...... Oh well, thanks for letting me rant!

This is really off topic, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to get my 8 year old to memorize her multiplication tables. We have done flashcards and timed tests and even bribes, but she is having a ton of trouble remembering them. Any ideas would be soooo appreciated!

Keep strong everyone and remember Say no to cake! :rotfl:

Sorry I don't have any great words of advise about DH being gone. I used to be troubled by it more, but I suppose over the years I have gotten more used to DH being gone on occasion... but he is never gone for the length of time that yours is. But I had a chuckle about the "wandering around Lowes planning project that will probably never happen" comment.... we used to do that a LOT many years ago (before swim and robotics took over every spare minute of every weekend!!).

I can't be of more help with the times tables either. DS struggled to memorize them. Repetition is the key... but find her strong point. Does she love board games or computer games? If so, find games to play that use the multiplication tables. Does she love music? If so, find songs. You might have to just add a few minutes of them to the homework routine every night. Get some copies of some "mad minute" worksheets from school and use them at home (they have 1 minute to complete all of the problems on the page.... they kind of compete with their own best scores until they can complete the page correctly in under a minute). HEY.... I've got a stack of those left from DS... if you would like them I would be happy to mail them along to you!! PM me your address and they will be on their way!! YUP... just found them in the kitchen closet... they are yours if you want. (Read the following in a "TV ANNOUNCER" voice) .... And for a "limited time offer" can get this free "Math Blasters" computer CD-Rom for free with your unpaid subscription!! :rotfl:

Anyhow, if you want that stuff just PM me. It is sitting right here and now that I have dug it out, it will be heading to the yard sale pile if you don't want it!!

Time to try to catch up a little on posts! It has been a real juggling act for me this week, and I was hoping I'd picked a week that I'd be able to devote lots more time to the thread, but sometimes you something the something and sometimes the something somethings you....I know there is a quote, but I obviously don't remember the most important parts. OK - I used The Google and looked it up and miraculously found that "Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." Well, this week, I have been feeling like I could eat a bear, but that is not the point. :laughing:

This is such a great place to be and how nice that you are now able to choose the feeling you want over the feeling you get the morning after pizza or chinese food! It sounds like confidence!

Oh man, these allergies sound really challenging. My older DS had a soy sensitivity for a few years and even that was really tough, but the list you shared, well, later in the thread - so many foods. I sure hope that limiting the worst ones helps your DS. It sounds soo challenging, but worth it if he feels better.

Have fun at MOA! It sounds like several people on here are fans! It's about 10 minutes from my house, actually! Maybe we should plan a DISboards Biggest Loser meet at MOA sometime???

Oh wow... I've always wanted an excuse to visit the MOA! Someone needs to plan a DIS BL meet!!

Corinna.... I don't know which is worse..... the bear eating you, or wanting to EAT the entire bear!! Either way, I hope your week is going well!

Thanks for your kind words.

Now, I would take that as a big compliment. I would love someone to tell me that I looked like someone jogging, rather than the someone dying that I feel like. Years ago, I saw a secretary out jogging, and when I told her that the next day, she quickly corrected me and told me that she was running, not jogging, and quoted the speeds that differentiated the two. I think most non runners would put running and jogging in the same category, and in that case, you husband meant you looked like a runner, but just doesn't know there is a difference. ;)

Hugs Jenn on the stress, and for your friends. It's so hard to see people we are close to struggle. My good friend and her husband had problems years ago, and they went to couples counselling, and the husband was the one who was severely depressed, but would not go on his own, so they went together for many years, in order to get him the help he needed. It's so hard on them. You are doing so well dealing with the stress and not eating your way through it. Keep it up. My thoughts are with you and your friend. :hug:

You are going to do awesome in the race!! Like either corinna or maria said, you are going to set your first personal best record, and no matter how long you take, if you need to walk some, you are going to do it and will be proud. Remember, Dead last finish trumps did not finish, which beats did not start!! You go, girl!! You will be great!!!:cheer2:

I'm heading to work a little early, and hopefully I'll be out a little early to enjoy some of the beautiful weather, and the added daylight. Last night was the first night michael fell asleep right after bedtime. We had gone out for a bike ride, and then down the skate park where he and a friend scootered for about an hour. We are back to no tv during the week unless it's raining, and it is so nice to be outside. It does motivate me to eat a healthy supper, which we did last night, but then went to mcd's for our st. patricks day shamrock shake. Back on track today, and staying there.

Have a great day.:)

I know it's stupid, but I would way rather be thought of as "running" rather than "jogging". Jogging sounds so casual and non-committal, where as RUNNING sounds like real serious exercise!! I suppose it doesn't really matter what others call it.... as long as you are MOVING!

I wish we could do "no tv during the week"! DS would REVOLT and probably PICKET the house! He lives for his tv time (probably too much of it!). DD and I have a few favorites, but we are so busy during the week we don't watch much. Now that the weather is improving I'm sure that DS will be encouraged to be outside after school more, but the winter months are TOUGH.

WOOHOO! Look what I got in my siggie!!!!!

I've gone back to doing more of the elliptical and it seems to be boosting my losses again! I've lost 2 so far this week! And I'm gonna be sooooo good today!!!!

Your clippie is BEAUTIFUL!! Glad you are able to pinpoint what is really working for you! It makes it easier to get into doing it if you KNOW it will really help. I rarely use the elliptical at the Y... I usually go for the treadclimber and the bikes, but maybe I should give it another try!

Happy Thursday everyone!

I am home alone today and I've already done 30 minutes on the TM. That will be it for now, as I have my circuit training class tonight. I'll do a bit of picking up around here and then hit the scrapbook table!

Did I miss today's QOTD or is it not here yet?

I'm going to update my WISH journal and then get some stuff done here at home! BBL to talk......................P
My dh is doing the P90X program. I had intended to, but my schedule does not have a consistant 70 to 95 minutes opened 6 days per week and it must be the same 6 days every week. Chris has done well with it. He is still sore after his workouts (then next day), but he is seeing the results. He looks fabulous. He is still trying to lose the belly, but has really toned up everywhere else. The downside is that it is such an intense workout that you build muscle quickly which means that he is not making progress on the scale and has actually gained a couple of lbs. He is determined to hit onederland (which he hasn't been in since middle school), but it is going to take much more time with that program.

Totally unrelated, but I need to vent. I am a part time substitute teacher at my sons school. I had been scheduled to work a full day today, but was told yesterday that the teachers retreat was cancelled so they didn't need me. I rearranged my schedule for yesterday afternoon and this morning based on that. I did not know that the school had called back and left a message on the house phone that they did need me. We do not have a land line, but have 4 cell phones. I have one, DH has one, DS14 has one and our old land line number is on the 4th one. It turns out that no one used the house cell last night so no one noticed a message. Mind you I worked last night. So the school called at 8:10 this morning looking for me. I was asleep and not expecting the call. The secretary was obviously angry that I wasn't there and even more angry when I told her I couldn't get there before 11. Mind you I hadn't even thought of a shower at that point. She told me not to bother and hung up. So I listen to the message which says they need me and not to call UNLESS I couldn't do it. Um, what if I don't call because I don't get the message :confused3 Anyway I get the distict impression that I will not be called to sub again unless they are totally desperate. I totally think it is the schools fault not mine. I asked why she didn't call my cell and she said she didn't have the number (I know that it is on every single piece of paper that we turned in for the boys this year) :mad: Okay vent over.

As a current sub, I can TOTALLY feel you pain! No, it was NOT fair of them to just leave a message and not expect a call back for confirmation. And I would DEFINITELY call and let them know that. It was THEIR screw-up, not yours.

And a big :banana: to your DH for attempting the P90X.... I have seen the informercials and.....:scared1: HOLY COW! It makes my silly WATP DVDs look like a walk in the park (pun intended!!).................P
WOOHOO! Look what I got in my siggie!!!!!

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:Congrats on your clippie Tigger! All that bouncing paid off :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Still reading back and so encourage by all of the answers to the QOTD regarding your journey... I especially need to be reminded and encouraged by the comments on control.
I tend to forget this one. I guess I may be trying to control or stressing about the things in my life that I can't control instead of focusing my energy on those things I can.
and Loved the Bear sometimes quote of course I don't think I can repeat it :upsidedow

Have a Great Day Everyone :flower3:
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