Jedi Academy - Tips & Highlights

My son was picked twice on our trip the first week of this month. The first time was with a sign the second time was without. There are pictures of the first time he was chosen in my signature. I haven't gotten to the second time yet in my TR.
Go to Target and buy a red and white Star Wars Clone Trooper baseball cap (looks like a clone trooper helmet) in the boy's department.
DS 5 just got chosen by waving that hat around and another boy wearing the same hat got picked for that show! $7.99 and worth every penny!
Go to Target and buy a red and white Star Wars Clone Trooper baseball cap (looks like a clone trooper helmet) in the boy's department.
DS 5 just got chosen by waving that hat around and another boy wearing the same hat got picked for that show! $7.99 and worth every penny!

Looks like this?
Looks like this?

Yup that's the one! DS5 was not wearing his JTA shirt the day he got picked -- this photo was during day 1 that ended in a meltdown when both DS and I thought the Jedi Master was talking to him when JM said he was too young (DS had been chosen before when only 3 yrs old.) Lesson learned: stand your ground until **all** the padawans have been chosen!
:) I just wanted to re-emphasize how much holding a sign really does work. There is no mistake as to who the Jedi Master is referring to when a child has a sign. It makes them stand out from everyone else and gives a clear reference: the child in the red shirt with the sign. I've never heard of anyone with a sign not getting chosen to participate.
It worked for us recently! I ha read all the tricks, and mae sure i used them,lol- parked my son in the front row(wedged him in betwen the sign announcing the times of the show and another child) had him wearing a lime green disneyland shirt we had purchased before the trip, and we ha made a sign- he was one of the first few kids picked!
It worked for us recently! I ha read all the tricks, and mae sure i used them,lol- parked my son in the front row(wedged him in betwen the sign announcing the times of the show and another child) had him wearing a lime green disneyland shirt we had purchased before the trip, and we ha made a sign- he was one of the first few kids picked!

Good job!......Lime green shirt = bright and visible, along with a sign! I'm glad your DS got chosen and I hope that he had fun! I read about the "sign" tip on here before we went too, and my DS was the 3rd one picked after two siblings holding a sign were picked first (and second). It really does work!
The Jedi Training Academy was SUCH a fun event to see.
Seeing all the little ones battle Darth Vader and use the force to stop the Storm Troopers...

Very entertaining.
Wish I was young enough to fight :/

Me too! :sad2:

I'd probably give into Darth Vader and join the dark side with him anyways. :stir: :darth:
Thanks for all of the great advice. My two boys can't wait for the JTA in Sept. They are Star Wars nuts! They are 12 and 8, the 12 year old is small for his age so hopefully he can still get picked. It would be a real bummer if the two of them didn't get to do it together. We will be making signs, wearing bright shirts and going to Target to look for that cool hat.
Thanks for all of the great advice. My two boys can't wait for the JTA in Sept. They are Star Wars nuts! They are 12 and 8, the 12 year old is small for his age so hopefully he can still get picked. It would be a real bummer if the two of them didn't get to do it together. We will be making signs, wearing bright shirts and going to Target to look for that cool hat.
My family is very petite and DS was chosen for the training when we were there for his 12th birthday. Good luck to your boys.....I hope they both get chosen together. :)
So, I followed most of the instructions to the letter:

- 11X17 ledger sheet with the handwritten outline bold Impact font used displaying "THE FORCE IS STRONG IN THIS ONE!" with the 'O' replaced with a bright red rebel insignia (DW rolls eyes when she sees me penciling)

- folding up the sign and placing it in my sling bag, never caught the eye of the security check this Thursday July 30, 2009.

- 11:00AM, around 30 kids lined up around JTA, I situate my DS6 near the split of the two sides, he is wearing a bright red Lightening McQueen shirt. As I hand him the sign with instructions, again DW rolls eyes with disdain and embarrassment as DS6 unfolds sign prematurely. Also, another parent notices the sign with the obvious parental assistance of the bright red Rebel insignia and then looks back at me with a look of disgust in how I could be pimping my kid with an obviously self indulgent display of fanboyness.

- 11:45 AM, the Jedi Master reaches the stage and announces "Who wants to be a Jedi?!" Above the din and clamor of the audience he immediately points to the only kid with the sign and says "The padawan in the red shirt holding the sign!" Immediately, DW immediately hugs and kisses me in disbelief. Me? Feeling like all of that dedication and sacrifice made it a special day!

Tomorrow is DS6 birthday, when he is officially 6. We hope to try the same sign again so I can hold the camcorder steady without DW toppling me over.:banana:

Thanks again, guys. You made me look like a hero instead of a zero!
So, I followed most of the instructions to the letter:

- 11X17 ledger sheet with the handwritten outline bold Impact font used displaying "THE FORCE IS STRONG IN THIS ONE!" with the 'O' replaced with a bright red rebel insignia (DW rolls eyes when she sees me penciling)

- folding up the sign and placing it in my sling bag, never caught the eye of the security check this Thursday July 30, 2009.

- 11:00AM, around 30 kids lined up around JTA, I situate my DS6 near the split of the two sides, he is wearing a bright red Lightening McQueen shirt. As I hand him the sign with instructions, again DW rolls eyes with disdain and embarrassment as DS6 unfolds sign prematurely. Also, another parent notices the sign with the obvious parental assistance of the bright red Rebel insignia and then looks back at me with a look of disgust in how I could be pimping my kid with an obviously self indulgent display of fanboyness.

- 11:45 AM, the Jedi Master reaches the stage and announces "Who wants to be a Jedi?!" Above the din and clamor of the audience he immediately points to the only kid with the sign and says "The padawan in the red shirt holding the sign!" Immediately, DW immediately hugs and kisses me in disbelief. Me? Feeling like all of that dedication and sacrifice made it a special day!

Tomorrow is DS6 birthday, when he is officially 6. We hope to try the same sign again so I can hold the camcorder steady without DW toppling me over.:banana:

Thanks again, guys. You made me look like a hero instead of a zero!
You know, there have been several threads in recent weeks by people who prefer to "wing it" on their DLR trips. If someone really wants to wing it then it is a free world. But if you have kids they may miss out on cool things like JTA.

When my youngest son was 11 we got him selected for JTA at DLR and he will always remember dueling with Darth Maul. We did not have a sign but followed enough general advice (red shirt, family members pointing at him, early arrival and positioned near center, etc.) that we got him in. Some level of planning goes a long way towards having a more full experience!

Glad to hear of your success story!
Just went with two of my younger cousins. I make vinyl decals so was able to make pretty cool signs, they were the first two kids selected. Went last year with 3 younger kids, all 3 had similar signs and were all picked at once.

One of my signs was of Darth Maul, my younger cousin and his 2.5 year old brother are huge Star Wars fans, little one didn't participate. We were in the very front near the spot where Darth Maul does his saber demo and I figured Darth Maul would walk over if he saw the sign. The unsuspecting 2.5 year old held the sign as Darth Maul came out and sure enough Darth Maul walked over to him, he didn't cry but sure did hide behind his mom, very funny! Darth Maul came over a 2nd time, my cousin was still holding the sign, Darth Maul looked at it and nodded, my cousin spent the rest of the day reenacting how Darth Maul nodded at him.
You know, there have been several threads in recent weeks by people who prefer to "wing it" on their DLR trips. If someone really wants to wing it then it is a free world. But if you have kids they may miss out on cool things like JTA.

When my youngest son was 11 we got him selected for JTA at DLR and he will always remember dueling with Darth Maul. We did not have a sign but followed enough general advice (red shirt, family members pointing at him, early arrival and positioned near center, etc.) that we got him in. Some level of planning goes a long way towards having a more full experience!

Glad to hear of your success story!

Yeah--like any adult who had been tipped off that holding up a sign when they entered a casino would exponentially increase their chances of winning a jackpot would blow that off! There's such a buildup to being chosen (and even for the most level headed kids, such a letdown if you're not chosen) that if your kid is into Star Wars you are duty bound to give them an edge!
In our last trip DS was lucky enought to battle both Darth Vader and Darth Maul as they ran out of kids to go against Maul. I love that Photopass now does pictures of this and we were able to load up on pics of it as well.
We were "winging" it last week, just popped in to watch the show...didn't really expect to get chosen (and didn't) but wanted to share.
We noticed ALOT of matching sets got chosen- the Jedi Master selected 2 or three sets of matching kids.
So, I followed most of the instructions to the letter:

- 11X17 ledger sheet with the handwritten outline bold Impact font used displaying "THE FORCE IS STRONG IN THIS ONE!" with the 'O' replaced with a bright red rebel insignia (DW rolls eyes when she sees me penciling)

- folding up the sign and placing it in my sling bag, never caught the eye of the security check this Thursday July 30, 2009.

- 11:00AM, around 30 kids lined up around JTA, I situate my DS6 near the split of the two sides, he is wearing a bright red Lightening McQueen shirt. As I hand him the sign with instructions, again DW rolls eyes with disdain and embarrassment as DS6 unfolds sign prematurely. Also, another parent notices the sign with the obvious parental assistance of the bright red Rebel insignia and then looks back at me with a look of disgust in how I could be pimping my kid with an obviously self indulgent display of fanboyness.

- 11:45 AM, the Jedi Master reaches the stage and announces "Who wants to be a Jedi?!" Above the din and clamor of the audience he immediately points to the only kid with the sign and says "The padawan in the red shirt holding the sign!" Immediately, DW immediately hugs and kisses me in disbelief. Me? Feeling like all of that dedication and sacrifice made it a special day!

Tomorrow is DS6 birthday, when he is officially 6. We hope to try the same sign again so I can hold the camcorder steady without DW toppling me over.:banana:

Thanks again, guys. You made me look like a hero instead of a zero!

Great report. :thumbsup2

Your DW is exactly like my DW ...."Are you sure he should have a sign....only 2 other kids have signs"...acting nervous/embarrased etc....& then after our padewan was the second one picked, she was whooping & hollering. :lmao:

It's funny, when i first posted this 2 years ago (before it morphed into sort of a Jedi Training superthread because HG included in on his tip threads)....I posted because for DS Padewan Alec (at the time age 7) it was absolutely a trip highlight.

For his first training session, there were at least 75-100 kids & only 25-30 were chosen. Alec was chosen because he had a bright shirt & a sign (& the Master Jedi identified him that way).

He has also been chosen w/o a sign (but with far fewer kids)....but that's not the point. The point is if getting picked is desirable....then maximize the chance that your little 4-11 y/o padewan gets chosen. Because not getting chosen is a bummer (especially if he's a star wars fan) & it could be a trip highlight if your little padewan is picked.

I love the "if a sign would improve your luck at the blackjack table would you hold one" analogy. true.

& Hydroguy is right...folks can choose to "wing it" (free country)....but if they merely took advantage of a few tips:

- Arrive early at DL.
- Collect FPs early & often.
- Hop if DL gets to crowded.
- zig when others are zagging.
- make a sign & have him/her wear a unique or colorful shirt if you want your kid picked for JTA.

....then they can still "go with the flow" 80% of the time....but have a much higher quality Disney experience.

All i know is.... in 3 years of reading posts on Jedi Academy....I have yet to hear of a kid with a sign NOT being picked. :teacher:



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