Official (not really, but we'll pretend) KOTS club signup

HOw exciting for everone. Don't quite have the plan ironed out yet for the surprise. Made a video opf DD and me from birth to 8 years with a surprise we're going to Disney World at the end.
We're into the final stretch of keep this a secret... THANK GOODNESS! The suspense is killing me! About 2 weeks to go until we surprise our DS5

He is anxious to go back to WDW and talks about visiting again lots. We've told him that when it's our turn to go again, Mickey will be giving us a call. We signed up for Disney's Enchanted Phone Call to come the morning we leave. Had to set the phone call up for EST while we're in CST because we need the call at 5:15 am :scared1: and they won't make the calls before 6am for your time zone!

We'll be staying at a hotel for the night before our flight, so having suitcases with won't seem strange. When he wakes up in the morning, he'll get the phone call, we'll have the ME luggage tags on, and a Goofy and Mickey plush waiting with the suitcases! Can't wait to see what his reaction will be! We're thinking we'll bring along his Mickey Ears and I designed this t-shirt for him to wear that day:

What a great tshirt! I love it! I'm wondering if I should make those.....LOL

I am going to have my boys wear Star Wars shirts, since we are heading to DHS right after we get there!
I am sooo excited for all of us. That t-shirt is so cute. I have a surpise one with Mickey and Minnie. Got Magical express stuff today. Can't wait!
Ohhh - we're all getting down to the wire!!! My Cirque tickets have arrived, my DME tags have arrived, and now I am eagerly awaiting the welcome packet!:cool1: 34 days left for me!!!
Now that it's almost time to go it's getting harder to keep the secret.
I think we're sticking to the plan to let them get ready for school and go out to the bus.
We're into the final stretch of keep this a secret... THANK GOODNESS! The suspense is killing me! About 2 weeks to go until we surprise our DS5

He is anxious to go back to WDW and talks about visiting again lots. We've told him that when it's our turn to go again, Mickey will be giving us a call. We signed up for Disney's Enchanted Phone Call to come the morning we leave. Had to set the phone call up for EST while we're in CST because we need the call at 5:15 am :scared1: and they won't make the calls before 6am for your time zone!

We'll be staying at a hotel for the night before our flight, so having suitcases with won't seem strange. When he wakes up in the morning, he'll get the phone call, we'll have the ME luggage tags on, and a Goofy and Mickey plush waiting with the suitcases! Can't wait to see what his reaction will be! We're thinking we'll bring along his Mickey Ears and I designed this t-shirt for him to wear that day:


I absolutely love this t-shirt design. We are surprising our kids this March with a trip to WDW. I am planning on telling them for x-mas. I would love to print these t-shirts to have under the tree. Could you tell me who made the design so that I can email them?

We had a great trip last February and the kids had a ball. They were 9, 8, and 10 months. We went with my mom, were on the dxdp, and stayed at WL. We had a fab time and leaving was hard. I was so depressed for months!

Anyhow, a 40% pin code swayed us from going to Cuba, and instead are going back to the World in March. Last time they knew from the beginning and earned Disney dollars over 9 months and helped with the planning. That was fun. This time it will be a secret because of the economy - we are worried that maybe we will have to cancel and I'd like to save them from disappointment. My dp works doing skilled tradeswork and just in case the winter is slow we want to insulate the kids from crushing disappointment.

The kids think we are going back in 4 years when their little brother is 5 or 6. So I can still get their opinions about the trip because I am asking for our future trip, or asking them about our past trip and what they liked, etc.

We are driving this time, most likely. If some wicked cheap flights come up from Toronto, Buffalo, or Rochester, we would fly, but will make those plans after the new year when our travel is definite.

We will either take 2.5 days to drive (it's about 21 hours) or 1.5 days to drive and how I think we'll tell them depends on whether I have to rouse them at 4am or not! If we take the longer drive, we'll be picking them up early from school, and picking up DP at work, and will say we are going on a surprise US trip. It is important to DP for us not to lie. :confused3 :confused3 I'd tell an untruth to make a better surprise - it's not like they'd be upset! I'll have to do all the packing myself, but I can do that with the help of The List.

I think that we will reveal the trip as time goes while we are driving. We'd like to use the drive to teach about geography. I think we are going to tell them we are going to Georgia. That's the truth, but not the whole truth!

I'd like to keep the Disney trip a secret until we hit the arches. The kids really want to stay at AKL and that's where we are staying! I think they will be amazed. I'm going to bring their mickey ears and if we decide to reveal early, hand them their ears, and say "you're going to need these where you are going!" and watch their reactions!
We're KOTS!! We are telling the kids next Sat. that we are leaving in 7 days! Here's how: I'm buying a Mickey head balloon and wrapping it up in a large box and putting it under the tree Sat. morning. DH and I will argue over whether or not they should open it, since it is not Christmas yet. Of course we will agree that they could open it. The balloon will float up with a sign on it saying, "Merry Christmas! We are leaving for Disney World in 7 days!" I hope they are as excited as I am! They are 7 (as of tomorrow) and 5!! Each morning they will wake up to small gifts from TinkerBell as well. Things that we'll use while there: luggage, glow sticks, t-shirts, gum (first plane ride). So it should be lots of fun.
Our day yesterday started off with a frantic search for Mickey wrapping paper after church. We had been searching for a MONTH for Mickey wrapping paper to no avail. The had tons of Cars, HSM and Princess. Princess wrapping paper we grabbed for Ainsley, but both Cars and HSM I feel are inappropriate for watching, so I certainly wasnt' about to go and grab the wrapping paper. Finally, Ken had the great idea to check Party City and WOO HOOO! Mickey Mouse Club House wrapping paper and Pooh wrapping paper! We get home, have an early dinner and get the kids to bed around 7 - 2 hours earlier than normal. Ainsley falls asleep right away. Nathaniel on the other hand stayed awake for a LONG time, and at one point walks out as we wrap his presents (the "Guess where" one). I give him a hard time, telling him if he saw it, I would be returning it. HE PROMISES the only thing he saw were boxes...he he he. We tell him he may not come out, if he needs us, then he needs to call for us. Just as we start to wrap, guess who joins us? Ephraim....but wait a minute....we left him on the other side of the room....HE LEARNED TO CRAWL! Needless to say, that made wrapping things a bit difficult because we could no longer leave him on the other side of the room and assume he would stay put.



The Finished product:


After the "Guess Where" present was assembled, we wrapped the sharpee Markers and added the autograph cards to the clip boards.


Then we decorated the kitchen to get ready for their birthday breakfast




After that, we started the T shirt making!! This brought back memories of making T Shirts with my cousin Joe before heading to a third eye blind concert. I didn't even remember the memory until I started.

Our assembly line:






We had gotten a few of the Tshirts done when suddenly we hear the wind. It was so loud it was ROARING! I mention to Ken that the weather bug had been flashing, better go see why. Turns out there is a wind advisory. No big deal, right? Right. Until the lights start to flicker. Better get those T shirts done!


As you can see, we didn't make it! The lights went out around midnight, so that was the end of our t shirt making adventure until the morning. We finished decorating the kitchen by flashlight, straightened up the house and went to bed. The lights going out wound up being a blessing. It helped us go to sleep early AND it prevented Nathaniel from seeing the kitchen set up when he wandered out into the kitchen a little while later looking for a glass of water!


Ken woke me up at 7 this morning to let me know it was time to surprise the kids!! I got up, got dressed, and walked into the computer room to let Ken know I was ready. He was in the middle of an email to work, so he asked me to hold on a minute. Then suddenly from the kitchen there arose a SCREEETCH of JOY and the words "Ohhhhhh Happy Birthday. La La! I LOVE this Ariel table!!" Ainsley had beat us to it!! So we scurried her back into her bedroom so we could wake them up with a Happy Birthday song as planned. Well, our little mouse went SCREAMING into the bedroom "NONO (Nathaniel in Ainsley language) WAKE UP!! IT'S A BIRTHDAY!!" NAthaniel was a little groggy at first, but quickly woke up!

I'll let the video do the talking!
The "Guess where we are going tomorrow?" present Part 1:

Here's part 2!

We have part 3

Here we are - the long awaited part 4 of 5!

Ok everyone! The start of the trip report!! (and by the way - thank you for the prayers - they WERE answered - you'll see why later!)

So, we left off it was September 15th, we had just told the kids and it is begining to sink in that we are going to Disney. Nathaniel still doesn't really believe us. We proceed to eat our birthday breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes when the phone rings. We hand the phone to Nathaniel and who is it but Mickey Mouse wishing Nathaniel a happy birthday, letting him know that he heard he's going on a special trip and he can't wait to see him real soon.

(don't bother clicking this link - the video was suppossed to be a pic - don't you love the surprise on Nathaniel's face when he realizes who's on the phone?)

Here us the video of Nathaniel talking to Mickey (this one is supposed to be a video! )

As you can see, Nathaniel was very excited that Mickey had called him. 15 minutes later the phone rings again and who is it but the beloved "Lala!"

If you want to read the rest, you can skip over to my trip report:

I just wanted to post the surprise part! It was wonderful and we are planning on surprising them in DEcember 2010 again! Can't wait!

These are GREAT (Laura I loved the pics and being able to see it all!)!!! We are new to the KOTS (first secret trip and our boys' 4 times so far). We leave May 10th...We were supposed to be going to Washington D.C. for a long weekend and somehow I managed to talk DH into Disney for 7 days. Now, I (the worst BIG secret keeper EVER) is trying to keep this huge secret from the boys (ages 4 and 6). We were planning on not telling them until we got to MCO but that may not work....any suggestions? I really love the balloon in the box idea. A lot....would it be beneficial to tell them the night before or wait until the airport or we get to MCO?????? Decisions decisions!!
I am joining the club!! I just got off the phone booking our September trip. I am the only one in my family that is been to WDW and I haven't been since 1987!! So this is DH's and the kids' first trip. As far as I know the kids have no clue we are going and I plan on keeping it that way as long as possible. We are driving down from Michigan and at this point the plan is to tell the kids we are going to see their Aunt that lives in Florida. That way they know we are heading to Florida but not for the reason we are really going. I am hoping to keep it a secret until they see the Disney arch.

I am so excited!! We have told MIL only because I couldn't stand not telling. It's killing me. I hope I am able to keep the secret.
I am joining the club!! I just got off the phone booking our September trip. I am the only one in my family that is been to WDW and I haven't been since 1987!! So this is DH's and the kids' first trip. As far as I know the kids have no clue we are going and I plan on keeping it that way as long as possible. We are driving down from Michigan and at this point the plan is to tell the kids we are going to see their Aunt that lives in Florida. That way they know we are heading to Florida but not for the reason we are really going. I am hoping to keep it a secret until they see the Disney arch.

I am so excited!! We have told MIL only because I couldn't stand not telling. It's killing me. I hope I am able to keep the secret.

Driving from Michigan!! Wow, that's a long drive. We are in Toledo and it's a 19hour drive from here!!! We are planning a trip in Nov-Dec but we fly there. I like 2 1/2 hours much better! Good luck!!!!:yay:
Driving from Michigan!! Wow, that's a long drive. We are in Toledo and it's a 19hour drive from here!!! We are planning a trip in Nov-Dec but we fly there. I like 2 1/2 hours much better! Good luck!!!!:yay:
If I could get DH on a plane we would be flying too. We will be taking two days to get there. It's going to be so much fun. :headache: I plan on taking a lot of books and games and stuff for the kids to do in the car. We have driven to New Jersey a few times but thats only about 13 hours and we can drive it straight through. I just don't think we could drive straight through to Florida. Although with my excitement I am sure going to try. :rotfl2:
I'm still here. I have been planning this trip (our 10th anniversary trip with the kids and my parents) for about 5 years. This was originally going to be the first time we took the kids, but I talked DH into a trip back in April 2007. So it will be there second trip. I found out about KOTS when I got back in April '07 and decided to try and keep it a secret then. I booked our resort reservations for POR last Aug and still have 8 months to go and it is so hard since I am super excited about it. My oldest dd asks all the time when we are going back and I have been telling her when she grows 2 more inches. Well, she has now made that mark. :)

I was asking them the other day if they would want to know ahead of time or wake up and be surprised and they said wake up and be surprised the day of. Now I have a hard decision. I had planned to tell them about a week before then, by letting them open an early Christmas present with one of those big Mickey Head balloons. But now I am wondering if I should just wait until the night before. We will be driving up to Houston at night to pick up my parents and fly out from there (they have much better flight times than out of Corpus here and of course I want to be there early and stay late) so do I tell them when we get there or a week before like I had originally planned? They will be missing the last two days before Christmas break.

So, give me your thoughts.... I am driving myself nuts with this one.

I have been working very diligently to keep up this task. I have covertly been making personalized T-shirts, purchasing Disney Dollars, etc. I have 2 DS's (11y.o. and 10 y.o) and DD4 (first trip) and my DS10 is quite the detective. My husband continues with his charade of a fake trip itinerary. In fact, he came home the other day with travel books and has printed out the various tourist stops everyone wants to make.

We have 29 days to go and I am starting to feel a little warm from the heat of urgency to get ready. :scared1: I am trying to keep my excitement to a low rumble so the kids don't hear. :yay:
I think my DD knows. :sad2: She is quite nosey and I found her going through my Passporter with all our info in it that of course was hidden under a bunch of other books. :headache: Of course I can't say anything because she would deny knowing. I am just going to keep pretending that we aren't going anytime soon.
My two dds are so used to seeing Disney books all over the house, that they no longer think anything of it. However, my fil mentioned to them one night that "you're coming down to see me this summer!" (he lives in FL), and my older one assumed that it meant we're going to go to Disney. After convincing her that it's too expensive to go, she walked over to her little sister and told her "we can't go to Disney this year, it costs too much" :lmao:.
OH THANK GOODNESS! I am so glad that I found this thread. I booked our WDW trip for Dec 09 and it will be a complete surprise for our DS's. I'm so excited, I just hope that I can keep the secret that long!

All of our boys have Nov birthdays (DS1 will be 10 on Nov 9th, and DS2&3 will be 5 of Nov 26th). We will be leaving the day after Thanksgiving (27th). We plan on telling them we have a wedding to go to. We will take off and drive to FL , breaking it up into a 2 day trip - we're hoping to get about 1-2 hours outside of WDW. We will drive through the arches, pick up our KTTK card, and hit the park 1st think in the moring.

We are so excited! The boys know that "one day" we will go to WDW, but we have also told them that it costs a lot. Little do they know how quickly they will be there!


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