Get your bridal butt in gear! Motivational thread!

Just as a thought perhaps we should introduce ourselves and what we need motivation for!

So as a format - how about name, wedding date, lbs to go? (and any other interesting info).

I'm Meg (bet you wouldn't have gotten that much from my s/n huh? hehe) and I live in Northern Maine on the Canadian border. Since I've moved up here I've gained 50 lbs (3 years!! EEK!) Some of it was from a medication I was on, but alot of it was just being stuck in the house and having no way to get exercise with all the snow that we get. Or no motivation to do it. I mean when the sun goes down at 3pm in the afternoon, you're just blecch - why bother?

My goal is to lose the 50 lbs, but I don't think there's any healthy way to drop that much by October, so lets go with 30 lbs by then. I've started drinking water instead of juice and have a healthy breakfast and lunch. I've started to feel better and have more energy, but the weight has just stayed the same.

My goal for this week is to start incorporating working out and Wii Fit more.

Also have you all seen this

I'm thinking of picking it up when it comes out!

What a nice idea!! Coming from Chicago, I completely understand where you're coming from with all the snow, Meg. It's such a downer to your workout. It really sucks all the motivation away. :sad2: And yes, I have been keeping my eye on the Wii Active! It looks wonderful. I love my wii fit though and don't really have the money to buy the active at this moment but it's definitely on my birthday list.

My name is Becky. I live in Chicago, as previously posted. However, I go to school up in Wisconsin, so the snows even worse up here. Thank god we've been having nice weather lately...

Our wedding isn't until next June. So I definitely have some time but I want the weight shed sooner than the wedding; hopefully by next January. This may not sound like much, but I want to shed about 15-20 lbs. Maybe shedding pounds is the wrong term; while I want to drop some hard cold weight, I'm more concerned about my overall look. So just as long as I'm no longer flabby, I'll be happy. I do, however, have to tone up for my sister wedding in 30 days as my maid of honor dress is a little tight. But for that, I don't plan on dropping any weight but mainly tightning up some... ..."flab". :scared:

I think for my workout schedule, I'm going to devote an hour to wii fit, run, and maybe some laps in our apartments indoor pool. And of course, with some healthy dieting. I love dessert so I think that's one thing that I'm not going to give up. :cool1:
Hello All!

I'm Ashley! I am trying to be motivated to do a couple of things. I want to lose about 15 pounds before the big day! (June 25th). I would love to lose more but I am thinking that with three months to go and my dress to be altered next month that is a safe bet. I also need to be motivated to get rid of some of my stuff. Well actually alot of it. I always say that I will get to it but I love my stuff. Has anyone else had this problem?

I started weight watchers a month and half ago and I am currently 14 pounds lighter. I am actually really excited because the dress that I ordered was a size to small but now I can fit in it! It is a little tight but at least it zips! Plus it won't be that much to alter. I have been trying to excersice more but then life always gets i the way and something comes up. I have been parking farther from my office and using the stairs alot.

That's all for now!

:cheer2::cheer2:Good Luck ladies!! We R going to do THIS!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hi Everyone.

My name is Susan. I've really let myself go since I got engaged and went up approx 5 dress sizes. :scared1: I can't make any excuses really. I've gotten lazy, going to uni I picked up some really bad eating and exercise (or lack of) habits. Plus I have a fiance who can eat for Ireland and not put on any weight :confused3

So far since i've announced our wedding date i've lost about 26 pounds. But I'm aiming to lose another 60 pounds or so before my wedding. I'll even settle for 50!

I've been trying to go for walks during my lunch hour and again in the evenings when I come home. I love my wii fit but I always seem to have an audience here when I start using it so it's busy collecting dust at the moment!

I think its great that Meg started this thread - I think we could all do with some motivation from ppl in the same situation!

So good luck girls - we can do it! :goodvibes:cheer2:
I’m Jenna, I live in South Florida, so no excuses about the weather. Our wedding date is January 4, 2010. A year ago I was the thinnest I’d been in a long time and in the best shape of my life, but I’ve since stopped exercising completely and my eating habits have gone downhill. After finishing grad school I got a full-time job sitting in front of my computer, and DF took over an Italian restaurant. No exercise + lots of Italian food = weight gain.

My goal is to lose 8 pounds, preferably by June, although I’d even be happy with 5 pounds. I’m very short, so it would make a big difference on me. Most importantly, I would like to be really fit again. I felt so much better. Recently I have improved my eating a bit. My goals for this week are to eat less junk food, and start doing cardio and abs 3x per week.

Good luck to everyone, I think this thread will be a good reminder of our goals.
I'm in ladies! :thumbsup2

My name is Katie and I'll be married 10/16/2010 so I have a good amount of time to loose the weight. DFi and I got engaged on our last Disney vacation last November. :cloud9: I wouldn't say i've gained a ton of weight but i just feel flabby. I would like to tone up (enough old lady arm fat please!!):lmao: and loose about 10-15 pounds.

Just like Meg and others on here with the weather in New Hampshire being so cold and snowy i've had a lack of energy.:guilty: But we're going to change all that! With the warm weather coming i've been outside atleast 45 mins a day running with my dogs in the yard. I am also pledging to buy some weights and work on those arms! :banana:

This is such a great idea! thanks meg!:goodvibes
What a nice idea!! Coming from Chicago, I completely understand where you're coming from with all the snow, Meg. It's such a downer to your workout. It really sucks all the motivation away. :sad2: And yes, I have been keeping my eye on the Wii Active! It looks wonderful. I love my wii fit though and don't really have the money to buy the active at this moment but it's definitely on my birthday list.

My name is Becky. I live in Chicago, as previously posted. However, I go to school up in Wisconsin, so the snows even worse up here. Thank god we've been having nice weather lately...

Our wedding isn't until next June. So I definitely have some time but I want the weight shed sooner than the wedding; hopefully by next January. This may not sound like much, but I want to shed about 15-20 lbs. Maybe shedding pounds is the wrong term; while I want to drop some hard cold weight, I'm more concerned about my overall look. So just as long as I'm no longer flabby, I'll be happy. I do, however, have to tone up for my sister wedding in 30 days as my maid of honor dress is a little tight. But for that, I don't plan on dropping any weight but mainly tightning up some... ..."flab". :scared:

I think for my workout schedule, I'm going to devote an hour to wii fit, run, and maybe some laps in our apartments indoor pool. And of course, with some healthy dieting. I love dessert so I think that's one thing that I'm not going to give up. :cool1:

Hey Becky - being in Wisconsin, you definitely understand - it's so hard to do anything wiuth the snow! Blecch! But it sounds like you have a good plan going ahead! (BTW what I wouldn't give for an indoor pool!!)

What exercises do you do on the Fit? I can do about 1/2 an hour at a time - you're really rockin it at an hour!!! :goodvibes

Hello All!

I'm Ashley! I am trying to be motivated to do a couple of things. I want to lose about 15 pounds before the big day! (June 25th). I would love to lose more but I am thinking that with three months to go and my dress to be altered next month that is a safe bet. I also need to be motivated to get rid of some of my stuff. Well actually alot of it. I always say that I will get to it but I love my stuff. Has anyone else had this problem?

I started weight watchers a month and half ago and I am currently 14 pounds lighter. I am actually really excited because the dress that I ordered was a size to small but now I can fit in it! It is a little tight but at least it zips! Plus it won't be that much to alter. I have been trying to excersice more but then life always gets i the way and something comes up. I have been parking farther from my office and using the stairs alot.

That's all for now!

:cheer2::cheer2:Good Luck ladies!! We R going to do THIS!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

ASHLEY!! CONGRATS on the 14 lbs - that rocks!!! :banana:

I've got to start parking farther away - that's a good idea. I didn't want to during the winter because of the ice, but now that it's getting nice I think I'm going to start up on that!!

I had the stuff problem as well. This is the book that fixed it for me -

I would recommend the audio book - it really worked wonders for me. He comes at it from the psychological side - why do we make attachments to worthless stuff (mostly memories!) and why we hold on to everything. You may have seen him on Clean Sweep on TLC or on Oprah. :thumbsup2

Hi Everyone.

My name is Susan. I've really let myself go since I got engaged and went up approx 5 dress sizes. :scared1: I can't make any excuses really. I've gotten lazy, going to uni I picked up some really bad eating and exercise (or lack of) habits. Plus I have a fiance who can eat for Ireland and not put on any weight :confused3

So far since i've announced our wedding date i've lost about 26 pounds. But I'm aiming to lose another 60 pounds or so before my wedding. I'll even settle for 50!

I've been trying to go for walks during my lunch hour and again in the evenings when I come home. I love my wii fit but I always seem to have an audience here when I start using it so it's busy collecting dust at the moment!

I think its great that Meg started this thread - I think we could all do with some motivation from ppl in the same situation!

So good luck girls - we can do it! :goodvibes:cheer2:

Hey Susan - it's amazing what uni does to us! There's always food around, and if you're going out with people - you're not usually going to a salad bar are you? And lets not get started on having time for it!! :rotfl:

I think it's great you've started on walks! :thumbsup2And 26 lbs?! AWESOME!!! :banana:
What actually has helped me get more motivated was the wii fit. My fiance got it for me for Valentines day and I love it! I wish that I would spend more time on it but with studying for grad school and attempting to plan the wedding, my time is really strict. :sad2:

But if you have the money to pay for it, it's a great a little exercise tool. There's a bunch of games and it keeps track of your goals and how you're doing.

I have been wondering what people think of the wii fit. I want to get it.

I am also from a snowy place. So winters are rough for exercising. I still have some time my wedding is not till July 2010. I do not need to lose a lot of weight just like 10 - 15 lbs. My major problem are the love handles the type of dress I want will not look good with how large they are. So I am already jogging 30minutes a day and eating healthier but could eat better still. I also need to start doing ab exercises.

Also I work at an Animal shelter and for those of you who are animal lovers its a great way to get some exercise is to volunteer at a shelter you can get your walk in by walking a dog. Its win win you and the dog benefit from it and it keeps you motivated. There are a lot of ladies that do this where I work.
Went to the gym today and had a really great workout. I haven't been in a month because... honestly I don't really have a good excuse. :lmao:
I workout at curves and every month they weight you in and measure you. So I haven't been there and the nice lady their said that she didn't have to weigh me but I thought that it would help me realize that i have to stay committed.

Well anyways in the last month i have lost 2 pounds and 8 inches all over. Not really sure how i did it but now I'm really motivated! :banana::banana:
Hi Ladies!

My name is Shannon, and currently live in MN, so I totally realate to the snow thing! :rotfl: I've got 25 lbs to loose and could certainly use a good kick in the booty! We recently switched from a Wishes wedding to DCL, and set sail on 12/6/09.

I look forward to working with you all! :goodvibes
Does anyone have any advice on what are good weighing scales?

I've been trying to weigh myself on the wii fit, but I'm not convinced it's all that accurate (at least that's what I'm telling myself!! :lmao:), but seriously I thought I should invest in some bathroom scales. I'm thinking the digital ones look smarter, but can anyone recommend some?
I have this one from Weight Watchers, and I really like it. It's nice looking, and provides clear and easy to read results. I was able to purchase it at Bed Bath and Beyond a couple of years ago using one of the 20% off coupons.


Manufacturer's Description:

Weight Watchers Glass Precision Electronic Scale – WW42D
This super sophisticated Weight Watchers scale has a thick, but crystal clear, impact-resistant glass platform. Accented with chrome to create an elegant, designer look, this scale is a pleasure to step onto!
Hi ladies! I'm Vicky, I'm from Central Mass, and my wedding is in October! I would like to lose 30 pounds by then... I ultimately want to lose about 60 pounds total, but don't want to cut it too close to the wedding or dress fittings, so I think 30 sounds doable!

I've tried weight watchers before, and had great success with it, but this time around I'm just having trouble finding the motivation to track things. I know what it is I should be eating.. I just need to buckle down and make it happen!

I was off to a good start on Sunday and headed outside for a walk in the sunny weather.. and about midway through I twisted my ankle :sad2: So my plan now is to rest it for a few days, and then try to head to the Y on Thursday to do some running or walking on their track. I also have a Wii Fit (Which I love when I make the time to use it), and so will be trying to get into a habit of doing at least something on that everyday!

Has anyone tried any of the couch to 5k plans? Or does anyone have any other good running/walking plans to try on an indoor track? (Can't wait until I can go outside consistently, but its just not quite that warm yet!)
Count me in we have just bought an apartment on the third floor so hopefully running up and down them will help shift some pounds

and i agree the wii fit is a massive help :)
Ok I am in:

I am Lisa. I am from southeastern CT. My wedding is 9/9/09.

I want to lose at least another 20 lbs and have lost about 11 since I started in January. Last week was a real crappy week for me. I went to the gym once and got harrassed by my Wii Fit for not stopping by in four days!
This week has been better so far. Got a longer workout at the gym today and as soon as I get my lazy butt off here, I will turn on the wii fit.
I found my dress, I just want to look a little better in it! LOL
I have the eating right part down, I am just LAZY about exercising!:lmao:
Of course it helps to have my own personal trainer. Stan is the complete opposite of me. He is a health nut. I, on the otherhand am not. So he helps motivate me.
One thing I have noticed is that I have more energy for my kids!
Hi all - I am Jennifer. Currently living in atlanta with my fiance, Brandon, and our 5 cats. Wedding date is October 12,2009

Last year in january i was weighing in at 150lbs. I am currently 164 (went to Dr yesterday - thier scale is always higher than mine!!).

My goal is to be back at the 150 mark by July 1. I am absolutely terrible about exercising. I have a treadmill and also the wii fit. I used both when I first got them but now I havent been on either one since January.

I also belong to weight watchers online - I have for years. I always manage to stay "on plan" for 3 or 4 weeks before I compeltely fall off the wagon. I did good the whole month of january - lost 4lbs - and then couldnt stick to it.

I am really hoping we can all motivate eachother!!:cheer2:
Does anyone have any advice on what are good weighing scales?

I've been trying to weigh myself on the wii fit, but I'm not convinced it's all that accurate (at least that's what I'm telling myself!! :lmao:), but seriously I thought I should invest in some bathroom scales. I'm thinking the digital ones look smarter, but can anyone recommend some?

My wii has me 5lbs lighter than the doctors scale. I'd really like to believe the fit!!;)
Hi there, Im from Mass, and looking to lose about 50 lbs before we get married. We are hoping to choose a date in Fall of 2010.

I am thinking of joining WW on Monday or Thurs of next week (those are the only days the meeting times will work for me) My prblm with WW is, I always start off great, then fizzle out and fall off the wagon.

I am hoping dreaming of a white dress will help me stay on track!!
Hey girls! YOu just motivated me :) I was going to take a shower and get ready for bed but instead im gonna hop on the elleptical and some weights Thanks!


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