Disboutiquers Part 10 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Finally finished my bowling shirt and pants. The shirt wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Still took me 2 days to get it done since I was scared of it. I need to find the camera so I can take a pic of it. It's pretty loud but I like loud. LOL I'll load pics when I can find the camera.
More pictures! Sorry! This is Tessa's reaction when she came home from school and saw that her dress was done.


Then, she was kind enough to model it for me.


The twirling was hindered by the fact that she wouldn't stop looking down at the dress.


She then started dancing with my tripod, singing to it, and calling it "Darling". :confused3 She's dipping it in this picture.


This is the reaction I got when I told her it was time to take the dress off.


There's my Tessie!!!! She looks stunning in the dress Heather!!! Are you eating in Norway?

Is the darling tripod's name Luke by any chance?? She's such a nut!

Hey Heather, your carriage ticker is over my baby's face!!! I LOVE that ticker by the way!!!! So does Arminda!
Hey this is GoofyG posting under my mom's name.

Thank you all for the prayers. She went to be with the Lord last night:angel: , with her family around her. Prayers are still needed for this family and the young girls.:sad1:

oh i will say a prayer for her family
GoofyG, I am praying for your friend's family...

Teresa, you reminded me of my favorite Wii fit story.
I lost weight, and our wii fit asked my husband if he'd noticed. He said 'not really.'

The wii fit said "Well, maybe you aren't paying enough attention!"
Love the Cutie Princess Dress!!! And Tessa loves it too... that's easy to see from the pictures. Great job!

Hey this is GoofyG posting under my mom's name.

Thank you all for the prayers. She went to be with the Lord last night:angel: , with her family around her. Prayers are still needed for this family and the young girls.:sad1:

I am so sorry. The family will be in our prayers.
There's my Tessie!!!! She looks stunning in the dress Heather!!! Are you eating in Norway?

Is the darling tripod's name Luke by any chance?? She's such a nut!

Hey Heather, your carriage ticker is over my baby's face!!! I LOVE that ticker by the way!!!! So does Arminda!
No, we're not eating with the princesses. I don't want to pay for it! But, we're going to hit the world showcase the day she wears it (the dismeet day) in search of princesses.

Teresa, you reminded me of my favorite Wii fit story.
I lost weight, and our wii fit asked my husband if he'd noticed. He said 'not really.'

The wii fit said "Well, maybe you aren't paying enough attention!"

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: That is great! I want a Wii fit!!!!!!
No, we're not eating with the princesses. I don't want to pay for it! But, we're going to hit the world showcase the day she wears it (the dismeet day) in search of princesses.

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: That is great! I want a Wii fit!!!!!!

Tessa is so cute!!! She REALLY looks like she likes her dress! Morgan wants to know if Tessa is going to paint Sawyer's hair for the Dismeet too LOL

We have been on the hunt for "glitter" hair- so it was tooo funny for Sawyer to pop up with "painted" glitter hair.
I have been working on this dress for over a month and I'm finally DONE! I couldn't wait to show it to you, so I'll have to post more pictures of Tessa modeling it after school. I don't usually love the stuff I make, but I love this dress! I have never seen Tessa love something I have made as much as she loves this dress. I was just about bursting with happines when I saw how happy it made her. Usually she's sort of indifferent about the stuff I make and will try it on to make my happy, if I'm lucky. But, she actually wanted to wear this one to bed! That didn't happen. :rolleyes:


I had to shirr the back because it was huge on her. I usually make a 3 or 4 and lengthen it to a 6 or 7. It was getting hard to get them on, even though they fit really well once she got them on. So, this time I made a 5 and lengthened it to a 7. I hope it fits better when she tries it on this afternoon. Here's the back:


I finally put Tessa's name on something. She was so excited to see that! I felt bad that I have made so many personalized Big Give outfits, but this is the first one I've made her. The pink trim is an antique shell trim that my aunt gave me. The price on the package was 19 cents and on the inside it says "Does your child sew? Send 3 labels and 15 cents to cover postage and handling for a generous package of clippings of Wright's Trims suitable for trimming doll clothes". Do you think that offer still stands? :rotfl:


Lil' Ariel:


Lil' Snow White- she doesn't stitch out very well, it's not my fault she has fuzzies!


In light of the recent hair glitter discussion, I wanted to share this picture. Sawyer came up to me and said "pretty, pretty" while patting his head. I looked and saw this:


My jaw dropped open as Tessa was playing with her glitter glue earlier in the day! Luckily, Sawyer had just gotten into Tessa's glitter sticks for her hair that Santa Claus gave her ("he" got them at Target in the dollar bin. It looks like glittery mascara and the packages have princesses on them).

Absolutely amazing!!! I couldn't bear to shrink the pics either! Mom you did a wonderful job and the princesses are so cute! I love the fabrics and trim too!

Tessa, you look just beautiful!!!! :love: princess: princess: I can't wait to see you wearing it live and in person!!!!
Why are men incapable of buying Chicken Noodle Soup? I am still feeling horrible and don't have much of an appetite right now. Last night I asked DH to pick up some Chicken Noodle soup while he was at Wal-Mart last night. Well he brings home some kind of Chicken soup that is not Chicken Noodle soup. :headache: The last time I was sick he brought home Progresso Chicken Noodle soup that I am not fond of at all. When I was with Jenna's dad I got real sick and I asked the same request of him and he brings back Cream of Chicken Noodle soup. So my question is what is so hard about buying Chicken Noodle Soup? Ok rant over.

I am so sorry you are feeling horrible...I hope you feel better soon! My dh is the same way...he can't seem to get what I want even if I write it down for him.

I love that Hippo! It is so adorable. The dresses are adorable, so are your girls. Looks like they had a great Christmas. I hope your dh finds a job soon!

I love the castle background. Your dd is so adorable.

That is one beautiful dress...I love the little princesses. Sawyer looks so cute in his glitter hair..lol. I think the princesses would love it! Sawyer has such beautiful eyes!!

I don't think you need to redo them! I think they look find just the way they are!

Hey this is GoofyG posting under my mom's name.

Thank you all for the prayers. She went to be with the Lord last night:angel: , with her family around her. Prayers are still needed for this family and the young girls.:sad1:

I am so sorry...that is so sad. I will keep her family and you in my prayers.
Thanks i just downloaded the combo pack and will probably purchase the peasant top when i get home from dinner.

That was a wise decision. My first CarlaC pattern was the easy fit pants, I should have bought the combo pack and regret it!
Okay I clicked "Go Advanced" Im gonna try and do a bunch of quotes!

Which is a feat I have never attempted and accomplished before....
prepare to be amazed and.....

:banana: YEAH a girl! It ALMOST makes me want anoter baby I said ALMOST! :lmao:

Sorry about your dad. Does he have Spondylilothesis? That is what I have. It is a fracture of the vertebra with compression of the discs. I hope he feels better!
Love the quilt pattern.
I think it is the felizs pattern you are looking for?
YES! Thank you! I wonder why I can't do it????? Not a great 1st applique BUt I am sticking with the fact I had the wrong heatnbond and my next one will be better:rotfl:

My Dad had a previous injury when he "did something" to his back while taking out his docks (my childhood home is right on a lake) Then he really did himself in when he was skiing in November and he hit a huge swell that almost knocked him off his skis, rather than just falling, he was parallel to the ground and pulled his entire body back up, while skiing- thats what really did it. He is 69, has cancer and thinks he should still be able to do everything he could at 55.
Feliz- yes! thats it, I think I own that....
heres how to post a photo

note the little backslash right in front of the IMG part- thats what you were missing I think.

Whoa, that is an awful lot of little pieces, especially for a King size. Not sure I would have the patience for that yet.
It's been years since I have done a log cabin, I like doing Elenor burns stuff cause so much of it is strip piecing, but I felt I needed a new challenge. I keep telling myself the little pieces are only in the middle (of each block).
It requires 30 dark fabrics and 20 light fabrics (Im doing pastel batiks for the light and jewel tones for the darks-batiks all, my "focus fabric is a south african handmade batik I bought at $18.99yd. Cant wait!

about 2 weeks before Christmas Ash decides she wants a stuffed hippo (yeah from the song :rotfl:) so I was working on this until about 9 Christmas Eve, but I love it.


I love that you made so much for Christmas- thats the way Christmas is supposed to be in my opinion! I simply adore the hippo and I love the Belle dress- she could easily wear a crinolin underneath to add your desired poof- the dress looks like it has the fabric to look great with one under it. Beautiful- my fav of all you posted!

Oh- and Im right there with ya on the "glittery boyfriend"
Edward....ahhhhh....need I say more???
I blame these very boards entirely for my consuming love affair. I told DH I want a divorce so I can marry edward. I even have him hooked! I have read all 4 books twice now and I am now listening to them on CD with DH (so a 3rd time) I suspect I will continue to reread. I cant wait for her to write another one. Did you read the partial chapters of Midnight Sun on SMs website?
I'm also a Debussy fan now too. Although I love stuff like Bill Tobin and other classicals.

Yay!!! A little girl!!!! Do you have any names in mind?

I will pray for your Dad. :hug:
Thanks for the prayers. I think the harder thing is that he is somewhat agnostic- you know my views well, and I think it takes a toll on him thinking that theres just nothing after this. ;(
Names---Hmmmm....here are a few...
Kaelyn, I like this one, but this was our first choice all along for our first (who was Megan, do you think this baby girl will be bothered that we saved it and used it for her???) At the tail end of my pregnancy "Megan" just popped into my mind an I knew that was the right one.

Stupid scary commercials! I think the one that is really freking me out lately is for "Unborn". There should be a law against those things! It was on the other day before the kids went to bed even! They go to bed around 8, so it wasn't very late!

Congratulations!!!!! I love that one of your first thoughts about having two little girls is the matching outfits you can make them!!!

How frustrating!!! I can't complain though, because when I'm sick, Brian makes me homemade chicken noodle soup! :lovestruc
Last weekend I went to the movies all by myself and saw two! and both movies had that awful, awful, awful preview of Unborn. I close my eyes and plug my ears and move my fingers in and out to truely block the sound! What a horrid movie!!! I saw Bedtime Stories and Twilight (again)
I have been luck enough to miss it for the most part on tv at home, partly because we record almost everything and we always FF thru the commercials!

I am SO excited about making sets of clothing- especially for Disney for them- that way people will really know they are customs and not just a cute outfit.

Chicken Noodle Soup- I could have written that post 2 weeks ago(I forget who wrote it!) I threw up for 48hrs (they were going to hospitalize me for dehydration if I couldnt keep anything down soon) and DH brings me home a subway sandwich, then I send him out for soup, be brings me back cream of potato and veggie chic soup- which was loaded with veggies and the smell made me sick. I finally found a can of Matzo ball soup in broth in my cupboard.
Finished up the latest quilt last night. This is the top sheet. I have to send it to my aunt for her to quilt, just do the binding when it comes back. I am quite happy with myself, as it is only my 2nd quilt on my own. Just started this stuff last year.

i love this!!!! i detest half sqare triangles- yours are perfect!

I had to shirr the back because it was huge on her. I usually make a 3 or 4 and lengthen it to a 6 or 7. It was getting hard to get them on, even though they fit really well once she got them on. So, this time I made a 5 and lengthened it to a 7. I hope it fits better when she tries it on this afternoon. Here's the back:

simply adorable!!

Hey this is GoofyG posting under my mom's name.

Thank you all for the prayers. She went to be with the Lord last night:angel: , with her family around her. Prayers are still needed for this family and the young girls.:sad1:

Prayers for sure- I feel so badly for those young kids!

Oh no- DH just came home and said check the weather- 8-12" of snow due this weekend. I NEED SUN!!!! NOT SNOW!!!
Hi all...HEATHER! That dress is sooo cute...I love it when the kids get excited about stuff I make too!:goodvibes So glad she loves it!

I love the Mickey head tees...forgot who posted...they look great!

GoofyG ...so sorry for the loss...prayers being said!:hug:


Does anybody have the pattern for a Sleeping Beauty Dress in a 4/5 they may be willing to part with? My BFF's little girl wants the dress and I can't seem to locate the pattern. Or does anybody know if any of the companies are making a new pattern? :confused3
We have this sweet and wonderfull lady at my church. She has been battling numerous cancers, everything but breast cancer. She was doing great and just all of a sudden she has taken a turn for the worse. She has 3 girls and her youngest is 6. We have been told it should be in a couple of days, they have started giving her morphin drops under the tongue. This was in my e-mail today.

They have hospice coming to the Hardin Home now to take care of Karri. Continue to pray for family. All of her family is there with them and they are so thankful for all of the visitors, but are treasuring this time visiting together as a family.

I know this family really needs all the prayers out there right now. Also the church family could use it to. She was a strong faithfull lady, and it's hard to see the girls going through this.


Awww, prayers being said for sure for the family - Im so glad they have a caring church body to help support them through this difficult time.
I love that you made so much for Christmas- thats the way Christmas is supposed to be in my opinion! I simply adore the hippo and I love the Belle dress- she could easily wear a crinolin underneath to add your desired poof- the dress looks like it has the fabric to look great with one under it. Beautiful- my fav of all you posted!

Oh- and Im right there with ya on the "glittery boyfriend"
Edward....ahhhhh....need I say more???
I blame these very boards entirely for my consuming love affair. I told DH I want a divorce so I can marry edward. I even have him hooked! I have read all 4 books twice now and I am now listening to them on CD with DH (so a 3rd time) I suspect I will continue to reread. I cant wait for her to write another one. Did you read the partial chapters of Midnight Sun on SMs website?
I'm also a Debussy fan now too. Although I love stuff like Bill Tobin and other classicals.

Thanks! The Belle dress is a little girls formal dress pattern. It's supposed to have a crinoline under it, but since the dress is mostly for play I didn't want to have to deal with that & she probably wouldn't want to wear it anyway. She likes it so I'll deal.

Ahhhhhh....Twilight.....I read them & then re-read them & then dh listened to them on his way to work & then I read them again when Breaking Dawn came out. I might have a small problem. Or I could be perfectly normal. I know soooo many people that have the same problem.

Oh, and I hate those previews for Unborn too. Creepy & weird.
Thanks! The Belle dress is a little girls formal dress pattern. It's supposed to have a crinoline under it, but since the dress is mostly for play I didn't want to have to deal with that & she probably wouldn't want to wear it anyway. She likes it so I'll deal.

Ahhhhhh....Twilight.....I read them & then re-read them & then dh listened to them on his way to work & then I read them again when Breaking Dawn came out. I might have a small problem. Or I could be perfectly normal. I know soooo many people that have the same problem.

Oh, and I hate those previews for Unborn too. Creepy & weird.
I just finished Breaking Dawn a little while ago. I have been reading while I have been sick and let me tell you it made for some wild dreams. I have really vivid dreams when I have fever and let's just say some nights it was ok and other nights it kind of scary. I had Volturi coming at me and Renesmee was there and because most of the book was from Bella's point of view so were my dreams. It was something.:lmao:

And I don't like the previews for Unborn either. My niece asked me if I was going to see Valentine's Massacre and I was like "Um No". I don't do scary.

Does anybody have the pattern for a Sleeping Beauty Dress in a 4/5 they may be willing to part with? My BFF's little girl wants the dress and I can't seem to locate the pattern. Or does anybody know if any of the companies are making a new pattern? :confused3

I have Simplicity 5835...I can't get a picture of it to upload, but you can see it here:


I actually have a couple of this one, so I'd happily part with one.
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