
Mr. MOOCOW has been set free!!!!!!!

As some of you might remember, Mr. Flocked MooCow was cownapped by some masked bandits. Well he have since been recovered! He's a little wrinkly but still alive and kicking. LOL

I found him under some other stash that the masked bandits have been pilfering from my lady cave. I need a door, well 2, that lock!!!

OMG! He has been freed! Yeah!!!

you betcha, I'll go to your graduation if you come to mine!

Are you going to come here and help me pack??? I have no idea where to start.

Definitely!!! I was telling DH and the boys on the way to town... he said "sh*T! that means we'll never be home!!! I said you are probably right... but now that he knows we'll have a vacation home in CT... I think he'll be okay with that!:banana: popcorn:: :cool2: :cheer2:
DH is taking the job btw. It will be a contract for 10 months through a second company but then it will probably be offered as a full time position after. So we will probably split our time between here and there til DS12 graduates 8th grade, then possibly make a more permanent move in the summer of 2010.

I hope to come visit soon, maybe after T'day.
Congrats on the new job! :goodvibes

Guess who is sitting w/ me in May 2010 for a graduation so we can annoy the hell out of someone! We will laugh at what a frickin' dork she is!!! Who else wants to come? It will be fun! Party at my house to follow!!!!!!
:cheer2:Party at Nancy's!!! Woohooo! :cool1:
If we move to Ohio then it will be a 9-5M-F drive to the office kind of job. I am beyond thrilled! But for now it will be a 50% travel job, 2 weeks there, 2 weeks at home. We need to either build an office in the garage or find office space here. I can't have him under foot for 2 weeks in a row.

My CM rep will give the post office a run for their money!

But we are going to keep this house for now, kind of like a vacation home so I can see my dealer on occasion. It's only a 12 hour drive so I feel sure we will be making the trip several times a year.

The having him home at normal hours must sound wonderful. Knowing his schedule is a plus, hopefully they don't change it much. Will you be coming here for summer break? Kings Island & the Beach are just up the street from where he is working. Season passes might make good Christmas gifts, if I knew you would be around some. :teeth:
Congrats on the job Buffy. You must be thrilled. What a life change to have him home so much. I would not even know where to begin to start packing my house up. Holy cow. Where do you even begin. When will you be making the move?
Lucky you to be close to AWM and PN! Nice to have friends where you are going to huh? I can't imagine doing in blind. With nobody out there.

I'm doing Thanksgiving here for my men and my mom. It's my sister's turn but she does not want to have it. So she asked if I'd do it and I said I just can't cook for 15 people right now. I don't feel up to it. She's miffed and will just have to get over it. It's her turn. So I'm kinda looking forward to it being low key.

AWM that chicken crock pot recipe sounds so yummy. I think I'll have to copy that and try it out. I use my crock pot at least twice a week. And like yours I can't use the high either. I cook everything at low. Comes out so good. And I can come home from work and supper is ready. Gotta love that!
I'm doing Thanksgiving here for my men and my mom. It's my sister's turn but she does not want to have it. So she asked if I'd do it and I said I just can't cook for 15 people right now. I don't feel up to it. She's miffed and will just have to get over it. It's her turn. So I'm kinda looking forward to it being low key.

:eek: Are you serious?? Your sister is that shelfish? Dang. That's got to be annoying to say the least.
:eek: Are you serious?? Your sister is that shelfish? Dang. That's got to be annoying to say the least.

YUP! we take turns. And there are 3 of us. But in all fairness to my middle sister she lives in a tiny apartment, so she can't fit us all. So she never has it. So it's really only oldest and youngest (me) that do it. So last year was my turn and i'm not sure if you remember but i was sick and ds was having an asthma attack every other day and I went and spent a small fortune and bought everything and 2 days before told me there were not coming because they did not want to catch what ds and i had. I had a 24hr bug 7 days before thanksgiving and ds has asthma! you can't catch that ok!!!! so we ended up having it here and they did not come. her, bil, niece, her dh and 3 kids. so i cooked all this food and 7 people ended up not coming. So fast forward to last week and she calls and said "i just can't do it. i'm having a shower for my daughter(my other niece) so i can't do both. why don't you just do it!!!!" and my reply was "Nope. did it last year on my turn and just had surgery 3 weeks ago and i really don't think i'm up for cooking for 15 people." H-E-L-L-O!!!!!!
now we were at the shower and her bff says "oh where are you have t-day?" and she says " i think my little sister is having it at her house!!" and i happened to be walking by at the exact moment and i replied " i don't think your little sister is having it!!!" and kept walking. never broke stride! i have to. because if i stop and think about it, she talk me into it. and they will come and bring "the salad." like geez thanks.
ok off my soap box. sorry to vent!
:eek: Are you serious?? Your sister is that shelfish? Dang. That's got to be annoying to say the least.

I was thinking the same thing!! WOW, Holly, you just had surgery, and she is asking you to have the dinner? What a

Even if it was your turn this year, she should have it! Just on general principles...geeeeze!! I'm glad you are letting her be miffed! Didn't she cause probs last year too?
Just amazing Holly! I thought I remembered something about last year too. Well, you stick to your guns, and if you need any support you know where to come!

(ya know it's things like this that make me happy we don't have any family close)
YES she did Deb. really i can't believe that she even suggested it to me. :scared1:
i like to be all together for my ds sake, but i just can't cook for all those people. i just can't. it's been 4 weeks yesterday and i still get so stinkin' tired at the end of the day. i'm back to work pt time and i really can't wait to leave there some days. it's getting me down to think maybe i should be feeling better by now. and maybe i should just do it. dh would have a complete fit if i did that!
Just amazing Holly! I thought I remembered something about last year too. Well, you stick to your guns, and if you need any support you know where to come!

(ya know it's things like this that make me happy we don't have any family close)

thanks deb! i know i have the best support system here. i really do!
i appreciate each and every one of you!
Definately stick to your guns on not having everyone. Good luck with it all.

I remember that. I remember fuming to my MIL about it. She felt bad for you too. And it made us doubly glad that we don't have to worry about it anymore. We make Christmas dinner, but not Thanksgiving.

You stick to your guns. If she starts to say something-tell her to call her local grocery store, sure they would love to help her out. :thumbsup2 I mean really, if she just "can't" cook for 15 people, pony up and pay for the catering, it's HER turn.
:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1: Holly, my mouth is on the floor!!! How incredibly selfish of your sister. Wow, I can't even put into words what I am thinking, but it isn't nice I will tell you that. Good for you, for sticking to your guns and stay strong, you know we have your back. Good grief. I do remember last year's insanity. :hug::hug::hug::hug:
thanks guys! i appreciate the support.

sometimes i think when i tell you guys this stuff you must think to yourself, holy cow does holly have a nutty family or what!!
so glad i have all of you to keep me **normal**!!!!!!
however normal i can be!!!:rotfl:
I don't think I've met anyone that doesn't have a nutty family! Really some of the things they do or say are just so outragous ya just have to tell your friends :lmao:
Wow, Holly, if she doesn't want to cook for all of you, maybe she could treat you all to a nice dinner at a restaurant. How selfish, especially with you recovering from surgery.
PO3, that is pretty sh*TTy! OMG! that is just awful... did she lose her brain along with any sense that she had? Sorry...

Just got home w/ the games so I'm trying to catch up!!!

You can come to my house... it's just 5 of us this year... me and mine and we are thrilled!!!!!!
It's time to pull out the naughty mat! We have white stuff! Not a lot, just a little dusting, not even enough to cover the grass, but still. It's a reminder of what have I gotten myself into.

It has to be over 4" to count as sn*w. Anything less is just a dusting.;)

All of mine still believe.

House rule, If you don't believe, you don't receive. Same goes for leprechauns, tooth fairies, Easter bunny, etc.

This has always been the rule in our house too. Of course we all know they are real.:)

DH is taking the job btw. It will be a contract for 10 months through a second company but then it will probably be offered as a full time position after. So we will probably split our time between here and there til DS12 graduates 8th grade, then possibly make a more permanent move in the summer of 2010.

I hope to come visit soon, maybe after T'day.

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: No, no, no, no, NO!!!!! :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

If we move to Ohio then it will be a 9-5M-F drive to the office kind of job. I am beyond thrilled! But for now it will be a 50% travel job, 2 weeks there, 2 weeks at home. We need to either build an office in the garage or find office space here. I can't have him under foot for 2 weeks in a row.

My CM rep will give the post office a run for their money!

But we are going to keep this house for now, kind of like a vacation home so I can see my dealer on occasion. It's only a 12 hour drive so I feel sure we will be making the trip several times a year.

Well, at least the post office will be happy, cuz I sure ain't. Though I am thrilled that DH will have a job he prefers, but you leaving me. WWWWaaaaaaahhhhhh:headache:

I'm doing Thanksgiving here for my men and my mom. It's my sister's turn but she does not want to have it. So she asked if I'd do it and I said I just can't cook for 15 people right now. I don't feel up to it. She's miffed and will just have to get over it. It's her turn. So I'm kinda looking forward to it being low key.

You better not cook Tday dinner this year, Missy! Suggest to your sister she ordered a complete meal from one of the grocery stores, but you can't do it! What a piece of work she is.

I don't think I've met anyone that doesn't have a nutty family! Really some of the things they do or say are just so outragous ya just have to tell your friends :lmao:

Sounds like you met my family too! LOL

I am wearing blue trouser socks, can't say what I am getting my mom for Christmas (though it is a great present this year). She sometimes pops over here, wouldn't want her to read about her present before Christmas. The weather here is lousy, rainy, though not too cold.
Holly--I'm so sorry about your sister and Thanksgiving!! Why don't y'all pack up and come to Tennessee for Thanksgiving? It's just DH, DS, and I on actual Turkey Day, but DH says we're still cooking a turkey! There will be plenty--anyone else want to come, too??

AWM--thanks for the recipe! I read it last night, but I don't think I said thanks. Of course, I am intensely sleep-deprived. . .so I can't be sure!! :rolleyes1

Buffy--congratulations again on DH's job!! That's so wonderful! I'm not sure how I'd ever get our house packed up to move--I can't imagine!!

On the Christmas shopping front, I got all of the gifts for the people at our jobs today. Picture frames from ACMoore. They had some nice ones, and they were 50% off. SIL called DH, though, and she "hasn't been able to find an inn for MIL & FIL" so that's out now, and I must come up with a gift. This will be an interesting Christmas, because SIL had a baby in March, and let's just say that it's been made clear which is the favorite. So, SIL is doing photo collages for the grandparents with her DS's pictures in them. I told DH that I hated to walk in with a gift card for each of them, but as he says, oh well! ;) Sorry, not to get on my soap box there!


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