"I never complain - so why did Disney comp our room?" trip report! *UPDATED 10/28*

I would have reported the door but with the whole luggage thing I can understand how you just wanted to get cleaned up and into bed for the night. I can't wait to here what disney said.
I would have reported the door but with the whole luggage thing I can understand how you just wanted to get cleaned up and into bed for the night. I can't wait to here what disney said.

I kind of felt like it was my fault she cut her toe, because I should have been watching her better, but I know the door shouldnt have been like that. And she is a quick little monkey, so in all actuality, it probably would have happened with me right next to her.

But yes, we were so tired, I just wanted to shower and get in bed. We all did.
You have me so excited - we just bought our plane tickets this morning for our December trip! :yay:
Day 2 - Part 1

I am the planner of this trip and I had planned to be at rope drop at DHS the next morning, but with all of us getting to bed so late the night before with the whole luggage fiasco, we all slept in a little bit. So my touring plans got a little messed up, but I wasnt too upset. I remember I am going to go with the flow on this trip since we have Gianna with us.

We get up and notice we have a message on our phone. It is Jennifer from the Luggage Department - She is apologizing and saying she has no idea how that all happened and Matthew shouldnt have had to go down there and find luggage himself. And that they were going to comp our room. :woohoo: I go knock on my mom's door and she said she had the same message, so she went down to the front desk to find out exactly what was going on.

When she came back she said not to get too excited. They did comp a little, but not the whole stay like they made it sound. They comped $100 on our room and $50 off my mom's. Still, better than nothing, and they also said they were going to try to do something else for us.

I am still going with the flow :hippie: and was fine with that - so was my mom, but Matthew was still a little frustrated he had to do all the work and said he was going to go talk with them this afternoon.

I said fine with me, let's just get our first full day started!! :banana: Little did I know something very special would happen on our next to last day! :wizard:

So, that is how our room was comped. Though not comped like I thought they said it would be, I was still happy. Though secretly I was hoping for Fastpasses and Disney Dollars!
You have me so excited - we just bought our plane tickets this morning for our December trip! :yay:

Yea!!!! December is right around the corner!! You will have so much fun!
Day 2 - Part 2

We are off to Hollywood Studios! I was so excited to ride TSM, but knew we might have a problem since we were getting to the park 2 hours later than I expected. We get there around 11am and decide to eat breakfast at Starring Rolls Bakery - all the food pics are also in my food report, but I am posting them here, too.

First a quick stop for a family picture


This is the only day I wore my hair down - it was way too hot and much easier to pull it back!

Gianna just wanted Cherrios for breakfast


Mimi tried to share her yummy blueberry muffin with G, but she didnt want any


Matthew hates taking picture, I snapped one anyway


We make our way over to TSM and the stand-by line says 70 minutes!:scared1: That is not going to happen and the fastpasses were for 5pm that evening, and we wouldnt be there, so we went on our merry way.

We went to Voyage of the Little Mermaid - which G loved - looked through One Man's Dream - which was very interesting. And when we sat down to watch the movie at the end, G somehow poked Mimi in the eye and knocked her contact out. We left and somehow is was on her face, so no disaster afterall!
Day 2 - Part 3

Matthew has never riden Rock 'n' Rollercoaster, so we head that way. The wait is only 20 minutes, but we decide to Fastpass it anyway. Right when we are about to get a Fastpass a CM stops us and asks about our trip, we have a nice quick chat and right when I go to put my ticket in to get a Fastpass, he tells me to wait. I stop, thinking something is wrong with the machine and he does something and pulls out two Fastpasses for us! So we could go Fastpass something else right then if we wanted to!

Again, not the Dream Squad, but another mini-dream.

We see ToT only has a 5 minute wait, so we haed over there.


This is what the crowds looked like. It was so dead.


Matthew hates Tot, but he rides it with me anyway.

Then we head on over to RnR with our facstpasses and practically walk right on.


We LOVE RnR!! It is such a great ride.

Mimi was waiting for us with Gianna. They looked like they were a little hot, so Matthew went and got everyone a pink frozen lemonade. While we were waiting, Gianna decided to entertain us.




Gianna even tried the lemonade we got

I'm loving your trip report! We just got back from our first trip with our 16 month old DD... Although it could be "interesting" at times, I wouldn't have missed seeing her face for the world!!
loving it so far...
I think the reason that maybe you were able to deal with everything so well on day 1...You still had the Xanax in your system!;) :lmao:
I'm loving your trip report! We just got back from our first trip with our 16 month old DD... Although it could be "interesting" at times, I wouldn't have missed seeing her face for the world!!

I know what you mean. She had her moments where she wasnt happy or she was tired and we jusy went back to the resort, but seeing her face light up when she saw everything was worth it all!

loving it so far...
I think the reason that maybe you were able to deal with everything so well on day 1...You still had the Xanax in your system!;) :lmao:

:rotfl2: You know...I didnt even think about that!! You are probably right!!!
loving it so far...
I think the reason that maybe you were able to deal with everything so well on day 1...You still had the Xanax in your system!;) :lmao:

You beat me to it! I kept thinking, Wow she's handling all of this so well, going with the flow.....:rotfl2:
More please!
And could you post a link to your food reviews.....:flower3:


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