8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #10

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Speaking of laundry, I still haven't found Dropps. I tried Super Wal-Mart, Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, but nobody had them. I did see small packages of Tide(2 wash size) at Target for .99. I might just pick those up instead.

I got this, used the soap and put the 2X soap in it so I have enough. I'll put it in a ziplock bag for packing.
Oh No! Outdone by a 13 yo. I still have not finished that dumb book. I had to drop and study for a work test and never got back to picking it up.QUOTE]

DH and I are both plowing through McCullough book... It really is an interesting read. My DH is usually the history buff while I tend to read books for my profession (teaching/admin) and fiction... but I have to say this one has me hooked.

Only problem is that now I am REALLY paranoid about all the diseases that they fought while building the canal. UGH!:thumbsup2
When I told Samantha about Alex's grandmother the firt words out of her mouth were *Does this mean that they can come on our cruise now???* She was VERY disappointed when I said no. :sad1:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about it :)

I've just read this out and Helen is on the phone to Virgin Atlantic (we have free flights as we were bumped via Washington last year).

I'll keep you informed.

We ordered ours without a cabin number. Once we get onboard, I'll let you know if it worked!:thumbsup2


As long as you quote your full name as per stateroom reservation, and mark GTY status the Tuxedo will get delivered to yuor room without problem.

If you get assigned shortly you can contact Cruiselineformal and update them if you wish.

I tihnk final assignments of GTY will be soon, ( next week) the bulk of the W/bound GTY staterooms were allocated at 5 weeks out, 35 days.
Best line ever in Mythbusters (and used often in our house):

"I choose to reject your reality and substitute my own."

:thumbsup2 Though I think if it comes to choosing between Mythbusters and Good Eats, it's a toss up at our house. Did you see the one on Pirates? That one was interesting - especially about the eye patch.

and 2 the 2nd time....the second time, he woke up howling like a wounded animal and I just about fainted.

When Jakob has his they left us cooling our heels until he woke up. Which since it was gas was just supposed to be 10-15 minutes. "Just 10 or so minutes" was the message we got 5 times! We figure, since we'd had to wake him at something like 4am to get him to the hospital on time we was just finishing up what we'd interrupted.

When he did finally wake up, he came instantly fully awake (not groggy), sat up, and started stripping off all his monitors. Startled the bejeezers out of the nurse. She said she'd never seen anything like it.

Oh man!!!!! What is wrong with people????!!!!! FIL sold 300acs (weekend property) because we were all tired of dealing with one of the neighbors. :sad2: It became way to stressful.

Mom and Dad came really close to selling The Woods due to a bad neighbor. And he doesn't even share a property line! Some developer decided that the forestry easment on their property (which was in a different spot) allowed him access to property up the ridge he wanted to develop. So, he came and ripped up their gate. Got caught doing it by our caretakers. Ticked Mom and Dad off royally. Wound up in court, took several years, has finally been resolved - to no one's satisfaction. Though they've set an interesting land rights precedent in the area.

The sad thing is, if this guy had approached them openly and honestly, and asked about expanding / moving the easement for traffic so he could develop they'd have done it. :sad2:

So here is what I’m doing right now instead of working…

Dinner Clothing – I figure if we plan to wear everything twice (once each week with laundry in between) we’ll need 5 outfits each. Palo, Semi, 2 Formal & Pirate take care of the other 5 nights. I’m wearing the same cocktail dress for semi & Palo & DH is wearing the same suit. So here’s what we are packing.

5 dressy sundresses
little black dress
2 formals
Bonus points – ONE pair of dress shoes! I’m wearing beige strappy heels every night. I figure everything goes with “foot color”

5 polo/camp shirts
2 pairs of pants
1 suit (2 shirts/ties)
DDBs (tux)
Black dress shoes & boat shoes

5 polo/camp shirts
2 pairs of pants
1 suit
1 tux
Black dress shoes & sandals – I’m leaving the brown “school shoes” at home, they can wear sandals with tan pants.

Day Clothing - The guys can re-wear their polo/camp shirts with shorts during the day, so that will cut down on t-shirts to pack. I mostly wear casual sundresses during the day, which are pretty compact for packing.

So I think I’m bringing
3 pairs of shorts
6 tanks
5 sundresses
3 swimsuits
2 coverups
3 pairs of flip-flops (2 nice, 1 pool/beach)
4/5 work out outfits + shoes
Boonie hat

4 shorts
5 t-shirts
3 swimsuits
Rash guard shirt
Flip flops
Tennis shoes

DH is on his own.

This all sounds very reasonable, until I stop to consider the infinite pieces-parts that seem to go with DH’s uniform, the snorkel gear, my gigundo blow dryer/diffuser contraption, probably 6 books, 2 cameras, 3 lenses, laptop, beach blanket, first aid kit, fish gifts, toiletries, 10 cans of sunscreen…OY!

I am so glad we can still check 2 “free” bags per person on both of our flights.
:thumbsup2 Though I think if it comes to choosing between Mythbusters and Good Eats, it's a toss up at our house. Did you see the one on Pirates? That one was interesting - especially about the eye patch.

We love them both.
Iron Chef America is another favorite.
And Dirty Jobs.

The pirate Mythbusters was great. Umm, we also like the Alaska one - go figure.
hey everyone...a quick computer question...
my laptop screen hinges have broken...and now it won't stay open..just flops shut or flat down! do you know if there is anyway to get it fixed? or am i gonna need a new computer?
Okay I hate to admit it but I remember the Met Stadium as well. It is now an IKEA store, How sad!

I want to know how you got out of here. i am from the East Coast but I married a Minnesota boy. Minnesota boys NEVER leave Minnesota. :confused:

My Dad is from Oklahoma. When Kev and I got married in '79,my parents moved back down here. When we ran out of work about 2yrs later,my folkes offered us us a room to stay in and a job where they were working. We packed up and left,haven't had the desire to move back. Every time we come up for Thanksgiving. we're reminded why we don't live there anymore! It is crowded,busy,traffic at 3am.... I'm usually ready to come back home after a dew days and Kevin is too.
:thumbsup2 Though I think if it comes to choosing between Mythbusters and Good Eats, it's a toss up at our house. Did you see the one on Pirates? That one was interesting - especially about the eye patch.

We watched all the Pirate episodes! We love the show so it's in our DVR to record. The seasickness episode is on tomorrow! What a coincidence!

Everyone's talking about buying clothes for the trip... It took me all day to find a bathing suit! I bought the bottoms from JC Penny's and the top from Dillards... They aren't totally mismatched, though the colors are a bit different and the material is different.

Hey Monica, Thanks for sharing. I wanted to let you know that I also have reservations for Kystal in PV. We have a couples massage set up for 1:30. Hope to see there.

UGH! Haven't made those reservations yet. I was planning on a 3:30 massage, hope it's still available.
glad to hear she's having fun...but too bad about the inside cabin. i really hope we do ok with an inside one. we did have one aloooong time ago on our honeymoon...but that was just for a 3 day cruise. keeping fingers crossed we do ok with it!

wow! that is crazy....i can't imagine having to go back to the O.R. with the kids! that would kill me. it was hard enough watching the boys be wheeled away in the bed! we are hoping that oldest ds ears will improve with this. it was crazy how fast his hearing was blocked this time around. he is 10 yrs old...and seriously has been in for tubes about 7-8 times. it's about once a year. he had the last set removed last year and as soon as it was done...he got an infection! i was so flustered...i just could not believe the doc even took them out! he usually lets them fall out on thier own..but not that time! ds ended up with infection after infection this winter...so in he went...and hopefully now his hearing will return to normal. funny about the green earplugs...that is what we have too! LOL!! both of the boys had to get a pair...and we were hoping they would have diff colors to pick from...last time they did....but not this time. only green!

i wanted to say thanks to everyone for thinking of us during this time. thanks for the well wishes! we are on the mend...and now i just need to get back to planning for the trip!
hope everyone has a great day!!

Well, we'll certainly be able to see our kids in the pool!
Best wishes,

My dog got 3 shots a couple of weeks ago, the vet suggested giving benadryl for the pain. First it was hard to get the stuff down his throat and I thought it made him loopy.

I have to give Harley a Benedryl at least twice a day for his Summer grass allergies. I give it to him in peanutbutter and he swallows it right down.
Thanks Tina. They keep changing those over the counter medications and we don't deal with them in the hospital. Cyclizine is a relative of Meclizine and is much less sedating than Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine). I see that it can be given to children 6 and older which is better than 12 and older with meclizine. You can take it as well :cool1:

Okay Roger,here's a ? for ya....I'm on a baby aspirin and Plavix, what can I take? Also on Celexa,Zocor,Singulair and Folbee.
Chrissie, don't think that it hasen't crossed my mind!

I wouldn't doubt that at all!

Bonus points – ONE pair of dress shoes! I’m wearing beige strappy heels every night. I figure everything goes with “foot color”

Way to go M!

I too was able to find one pair of shoes to go with ALL my formal/semi formal outfits!

I have to give Harley a Benedryl at least twice a day for his Summer grass allergies. I give it to him in peanutbutter and he swallows it right down.
We had to do that for our dog Sami...he was smart though..would eat the PB and spit out the Benadryl!

Well join my club. I don't think I have the money to buy new clothes and OBVIOUSLY I don't have enough time to lose weight to fit into more clothes- soo....... I may be a tad underdressed at dinner and maybe have to avoid formal nights. I hope on the other nights that the capris (only thing that fits me besides one pair of shorts) and shirts will suffice. :confused3

Don't worry, I'll have my black capris and a couple of nice blouses packed in my bag too. Just throw on some cute jewelry and a nice little flat shoe and you'll be fine! And don't you dare skip dinner on formal night girl!!!
Hi Everyone!

I'm back from the northwoods. We had a rocky start, but then the weather turned beautiful and we had a few lovely days. DH ended up having to work part of Friday, so we didn't leave home until 2pm - we drove straight through - a single stop for gas/restrooms and made it to the cabin in about 6 hours. This was the 1st visit this year, so we had to open the cabin - the big part of that is going down into the well to start the pump! It was pouring rain and nearly dark (it usually stays light until 9-9:30 at this time of year, but the overcast didn't help) when DH climbed down there (I held a flashlight for him). Thankfully, the rain had moved through by morning.

I just finished scanning 45 pages to "ketchup" and then I somehow lost my multi-quote! Oh well, I probably didn't have anything that profound to say.

I feel so bad for all the kids with the tubes in their ears! We haven't encountered that at all since DS9 has never had a single ear infection. He is rarely sick at all, so we tend to get all worried if he even gets a cold. :laughing:

I used the car ride home last night to make lists of things to do and stuff to buy and pack. :scared1: Wow, I have a lot to do over the next few weeks! I also have some stuff to do for my grandmother's big 100th birthday party in early August. I need to get focused and get some stuff done this weekend while DS is still up north with my parents!

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