Official (not really, but we'll pretend) KOTS club signup

can't read thru it all (thread) now, but I did a suprise trip for our then 6yr old twins, including a week out of school, all 4 grandparents coming 4 days later and 2 days after that 4 more family members came as a suprise.

They didn't have a clue! we didn't tell them till at the airport. I packed 3 suitcases under my bed for 3 tons of other secretive discussions and suprises while we were there!

happy to help or report how it went down for us!
can't read thru it all (thread) now, but I did a suprise trip for our then 6yr old twins, including a week out of school, all 4 grandparents coming 4 days later and 2 days after that 4 more family members came as a suprise.

They didn't have a clue! we didn't tell them till at the airport. I packed 3 suitcases under my bed for 3 tons of other secretive discussions and suprises while we were there!

happy to help or report how it went down for us!

Patiently waiting a full report:rolleyes1, I need these stories while I wait to get to D-day! I want details, details, details! and want to hear a full report about the suprises.
Ordered my build a bears yesterday on line, I had beenn concerned how me and my husband would be able to get to the store to record the "We Love You and we are going to Disney!" message, because one of us always are with the kids. When looking on the build a bear web site, I found out that they give you a toll free phone number when you order a sound effect with a bear, and you record your message over the phone!
Problem solved, although expensive for me:guilty: I am going to have to get a 3rd job to pull this off, hubby is stressing. I am going to get an overnight stocking job and go to work like the dead in the day. A girl has got to do what a girl has got to do! Its Disney or bust! :cool1:
My oldest DD princess: is just getting out of that princess phase and I do not want to put off this trip any longer. It will just not be as magical for her next year.
I can feel it in my bones, her innocence slipping away!:sad1: So I really want to give her this before she grows up too much. Why do kids have to grow up?
Still patienly:headache: waiting. Well maybe not so patient, but I do have other virtues. I am a great shopper!:rotfl2: Plus, I am posting this to see if I did this vacation ticker thing right!
Hello!! We are on our way to the airport and wanted to report how our reveal went....

We woke the girls this morning at 6:30am! DH and I went into their room and turned on the big light. They were kind of grumpy b/c it was soooooo early, I started to tell them that they needed to get up, etc, but then I started to cry and couldn't talk!! My DH had to jump in and tell them that we were late for an appointment, that they had to get up. They wondered what appointment and DH said it was to get Carson's haircut....they looked at us kind of funny and then they saw me crying...they knew something was up!! DH then said Carson's haircut was on Main Street...then they put it all together and they screamed: "We're going to Disney World???" YUP, we are!!

I tell more later, we are pulling into the airport.....

Have a magical day KOTC members!!

This is great. I can't wait to read the rest of these. Need to join KOTS. Gong in Sept. Will post details later DD is very near by.
Ok, So now that I have read thru all 42 pages of this thread....Here is my story. I'm a single mom to DD8. We went to WDW last year and celebrated her 7th birthday there. It was out 1st alone trip together (we usually always go somewhere on vacation with my family). When we came back, DD wanted to know when we could go back. We have tentative plans to go there with friends when she is 10. So, my answer to this Question is always "When you're 10". Make a long story short. I simply couldn't wait that long and was Disney depressed after being home for 9 months. I called My cousin in Missouri that I haven't seen since 8/2006 and asked her to go. She said yes and we are keeping it from our kids. She has 2 dd'S 8 & 5. We are going in Sept and managing to get MNSSHP and Food and wine festival while we are there. I really think that DD has a clue. I have Disney stuff all over and keep asking her to help me plan my cousin's trip. She wants to know why I am doing that. I explained that I have been there more than her I want to make sure that she gets to do all the things that we like so much. So I ask her what should your cousins do while they are there? Things like that. I still think that she is sceptical though. Another Diser had posted a link to her reveal that was a montouge(?SP) of pics leading to the "Surprise" I have made a video of pics from birth to her last B-day of her and I with word slides in between and the last frame is "Surpirse, We're going to WDW!" (Thanks for that idea to the other Diser) Another lovely Diser on the creative board had t-shirts that same same thing. I will get her up bright and early (flight leaves at 6:45 am) and give her the video and then the shirt. Can't wait and it may kill me by then. Heres to hoping we can all manage our secrets
I talked my SL into going to Disney during free dinning. We are taking her 2 youngest kids 7 & 10. (Their 2 older brothers got to go already this year with the band.)
She decided to make it a surprise. I like the planning of vacations so it's hard for me to keep my mouth shut. But I've found fun ways to ask them things without mentioning the trip. Like my nephew was in a school play so talking to my niece(7) at intermission I asked her if she could dress up like a princess who would she be? (I have her booked for BBB.)
We are doing a family vacation in June at Virginia Beach and are going to go to Bucsh Gardens so I've been talking to them about doing bigger rides this year. (really thinking of Disney)

I don't know yet exactly how we are going to surprise them. But one of the thoughts goes like this:
We wake them up like they are going to school which works with the time our flight leaves and give them letters. I printed out Disney stationary I got from the Disney web site which says "A magical message from" you can put whatever name you want I did one with Mickey Mouse and one from Cinderella.
I'll write a letter from Mickey asking them to come spend a few days at Pop Century and visit him at the parks. Then there will be a letter from Cinderella asking them to dine at her Castle. I have lunch ADRS.
They'll wake up get the letters and go to the airport. :cheer2:

Or maybe wake them up like normal let them get ready for school go out for the bus. Then me and SIL get in the car which they'll ask "where are you guys going?" our answer Disney World do you want to come and show them the letters. :cool1:
Or tell them we're driving them to school and see how long it takes them to notice we are going to the airport.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it.

Buy the way they'll only be missing one day of school.
I have to say having this huge secret is hard, but it makes me feel like a little kid:goodvibes (42)
It is almost like the disney magic has already begun:wizard: Every time I pick up a few little dollar store gifts, for tink suprises in the room, I get all giddy inside.
So while it is hard to keep my yapper shut, it is also exciting and I still have until September, but the excitement has not dimmed even a little:love:
I really enjoy reading these posts, it makes me feel a part of something special, and with today's world that is a good thing :hug:
I talked my SL into going to Disney during free dinning. We are taking her 2 youngest kids 7 & 10. (Their 2 older brothers got to go already this year with the band.)
She decided to make it a surprise. I like the planning of vacations so it's hard for me to keep my mouth shut. But I've found fun ways to ask them things without mentioning the trip. Like my nephew was in a school play so talking to my niece(7) at intermission I asked her if she could dress up like a princess who would she be? (I have her booked for BBB.)
We are doing a family vacation in June at Virginia Beach and are going to go to Bucsh Gardens so I've been talking to them about doing bigger rides this year. (really thinking of Disney)

I don't know yet exactly how we are going to surprise them. But one of the thoughts goes like this:
We wake them up like they are going to school which works with the time our flight leaves and give them letters. I printed out Disney stationary I got from the Disney web site which says "A magical message from" you can put whatever name you want I did one with Mickey Mouse and one from Cinderella.
I'll write a letter from Mickey asking them to come spend a few days at Pop Century and visit him at the parks. Then there will be a letter from Cinderella asking them to dine at her Castle. I have lunch ADRS.
They'll wake up get the letters and go to the airport. :cheer2:

Or maybe wake them up like normal let them get ready for school go out for the bus. Then me and SIL get in the car which they'll ask "where are you guys going?" our answer Disney World do you want to come and show them the letters. :cool1:
Or tell them we're driving them to school and see how long it takes them to notice we are going to the airport.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it.

Buy the way they'll only be missing one day of school.

I love the part that I highlighted. That would be priceless. I have to get DD up way too early for that.
This past weekend we had to drive to Boston. While driving the kids saw planes and we told them that the planes were landing at the airport. We talked about it for awhile and I suggested, maybe one morning we could get up early and see the planes take off.:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 I told them how they always show on the local news the sunrise by the airport and maybe we could go and see the planes taking off at sunrise. They totally bought it, hook line and sinker. :lmao:
I had planned to tell them at home the morning of our flight, now I do not know if I should do at the airport. The only reservation I have about this is, the filming of the unveiling. I do not want to do it in the parking lot of the airport, because we will have to get the luggage. Maybe I could tell them, that grampa could not bring his luggage, so we are bringing it for him to the airport and we will get to see the planes take-off at sunrise.:rotfl2:

It is just so tempting, because it was so naturaul of a set-up and I had not planned it. This trip is probably the only trip that I could pull this off, becuase after this one my 3 DD's will be suspicious of everything, so the reveals will always be at home.:smooth:
Just wondering how everyone was doing with their surprises. Just less than 3 months to go here. Any new Ideas on how to spring the surprise?
Just wondering how everyone was doing with their surprises. Just less than 3 months to go here. Any new Ideas on how to spring the surprise?

We only have 6 days to go!! I can't believe it's almost here. We are picking up our kids at 11:30AM it's their last half day of school and we leave for Disney at 2:30PM. We will bring them home where we always videotape an interview of them talking about the past school year. My DS 9 is really looking forward to his Theater Arts Summer Camp, that starts a few days after we return from Disney. Our last trip to Disney was marked on the school calendar with a Mickey head. I plan to put a Mickey Head on the Calendar for our upcoming trip that morning after they leave for school. After asking them a few questions about the school year, I will ask my DS9 to use the calendar to count how many days until summer camp starts. I am hoping that when he sees the Mickey Head on day 1, he will slowly figure it out.

I can't believe I have nothing at all packed, no piles of things on the dining room table. I do have one bag of new things I bought specifically for the trip in my closet. I plan to do all of the packing that morning. I just can't wait!!
We got back about two weeks ago. We were able to keep it a secret, it helped that I had planned her birthday party for the day before we left so she had something else to think about (I will never plan a birthday like that again, it was hard getting everything done.)

My parents help us out, I had been putting things away for packing all week and they kept DD for dinner after her party so I was able to pack the suitcases and load them in the car without her knowing.

We picked my parents up in the morning and since almost 4 year olds have no concept of time DD thought we were all going to the mall together. She saw the parking garages at the airport and said good we're almost at the mall, I asked her if it was the mall she said no, we're at the airport, why are we at the airport? I asked her where we go when we go to the airport? She said Disney World, and we said yes. Her eyes got big and but I don't really think it hit her until we were sitting in front of the Merchantile in Animal Kingdom at 4 pm watching the parade.

She had a great time on her birthday, we took her Crystal Palace for breakfast and then started walking to the castle for her BBB appointment (it was a surprise) she was mad at me because she wanted to go ride It's A Small World, but her tune changed when we walked into the BBB and I checked her in, she asked me if we were staying and I said surprise. The next sentence out of her mouth was "I want to be Princess Aurora!"

We had a great time, I was sad leaving because we figured after the last three years of going twice a year that we actually wouldn't be back until 2010 because we'd like to go out to Disneyland in CA in 2009 but it looks like we may be heading down in January for a trip with friends but we'll see, that's not definite yet.
We got back about two weeks ago. We were able to keep it a secret, it helped that I had planned her birthday party for the day before we left so she had something else to think about (I will never plan a birthday like that again, it was hard getting everything done.)

My parents help us out, I had been putting things away for packing all week and they kept DD for dinner after her party so I was able to pack the suitcases and load them in the car without her knowing.

We picked my parents up in the morning and since almost 4 year olds have no concept of time DD thought we were all going to the mall together. She saw the parking garages at the airport and said good we're almost at the mall, I asked her if it was the mall she said no, we're at the airport, why are we at the airport? I asked her where we go when we go to the airport? She said Disney World, and we said yes. Her eyes got big and but I don't really think it hit her until we were sitting in front of the Merchantile in Animal Kingdom at 4 pm watching the parade.

She had a great time on her birthday, we took her Crystal Palace for breakfast and then started walking to the castle for her BBB appointment (it was a surprise) she was mad at me because she wanted to go ride It's A Small World, but her tune changed when we walked into the BBB and I checked her in, she asked me if we were staying and I said surprise. The next sentence out of her mouth was "I want to be Princess Aurora!"

We had a great time, I was sad leaving because we figured after the last three years of going twice a year that we actually wouldn't be back until 2010 because we'd like to go out to Disneyland in CA in 2009 but it looks like we may be heading down in January for a trip with friends but we'll see, that's not definite yet.

I'm so glad that you were able to surprise her. Thats great. I hope that I can keep fending off the questions as to when we are going back.
Haven't heard how everyone was doing with their secrets:rolleyes1 . Just wondering. I'm getting so excited. Only 40 days to go.:cool1:
Still's getting harder and harder!!!

It is easier, since they know we are going sometime in the next school year, at least we can still talk about it. They will be shocked when we tell them that no, we are NOT going in March, we are going in 55 days!! We are telling them the night before!

39 days left for me. SHe still isn't aware. Made all our t-shirts and starting packing. Can hardly wait. :thumbsup2
oh I just found this thread.

We are surprising DD#1 age 5. We keep telling her we are going when DD# 2 is older. She will be 11 months when we go. I have kept it a secret since Feb. originally we were going in early Aug. Then I changed it to Sept with free Dining. I have a design that someone on the Creative Design Board made that says Surprise we are going to Disney with the princess on it. I am going to print it and glue it to a blank puzzle board that a friend found me. I will give her the puzzle to do on our way to the airport. My mom is going to drive us so DH and I will be able to video tape her reaction.


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