How We Ate The World for Free. COMPLETED! #189 Our final food quest.

Thought my faithful readers would like to know....

I'm a highschool graduate!!!!!! They finally graded my last Accounting exam, now I'm all done! They'll send me the diploma soon.

:teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

I'm unbelievably happy! Now I can focus on my reports and WDW planning! Yayyyy!

Okay, update tomorrow. Gotta update my trippie tonight.
I'm caught up on this now need to head over to your trippie...all the food looks amazing and thanks for the reviews of pinachino's...I've never ate there, but always wanted to know what they were all about and if they were any good. :goodvibes Congrats on being a high school graduate! Now you can take a moment to breathe and plan your trip before you start to worry about college. Also a happy belated sweet 16 to you!:goodvibes
Thought my faithful readers would like to know....

I'm a highschool graduate!!!!!! They finally graded my last Accounting exam, now I'm all done! They'll send me the diploma soon.

:teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

I'm unbelievably happy! Now I can focus on my reports and WDW planning! Yayyyy!

Okay, update tomorrow. Gotta update my trippie tonight.

Congratulations :yay:

Laur's princess:
Thought my faithful readers would like to know....

I'm a highschool graduate!!!!!! They finally graded my last Accounting exam, now I'm all done! They'll send me the diploma soon.

:teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

I'm unbelievably happy! Now I can focus on my reports and WDW planning! Yayyyy!

Okay, update tomorrow. Gotta update my trippie tonight.

Belated Happy Birthday Jenny and congrats on your exam results :yay:
Thank you!

Congratulations :yay:

Laur's princess:
I'm caught up on this now need to head over to your trippie...all the food looks amazing and thanks for the reviews of pinachino's...I've never ate there, but always wanted to know what they were all about and if they were any good. :goodvibes Congrats on being a high school graduate! Now you can take a moment to breathe and plan your trip before you start to worry about college. Also a happy belated sweet 16 to you!:goodvibes
Thanks. :goodvibes
I'm in - great reviews! :thumbsup2
Wooohooo, I love new readers!

Okay, I'm updating today with our last day reviews. :sad1:
CONGRATS!!! & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! NEW TO YOUR REPORT not sure if I should get my cholestoral checked now or after the report. HE HE Our trip is in May and I can't imagine what we will eat. Thanks for all the great ideas.

:tinker: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:
So we ate A LOT today. Get ready! (I have very little pictures.)

My mom had made friends with a British family and we took them under our wings for the last day and toured MK with them. But first, I made my dad run down and get me some chow!

Chocolate crossaint and grapes.


Ironic breakfast, huh? No need to explain, everything was just tasty.

All morning we showed this family around Magic Kingdom and showed them how to do it right! At lunch time we were hungry and of course we had to show them our favorite place. Pecos Bills!

And of course we told them to order chicken wraps. :rolleyes:


They loved them but were shocked at the size, who isn't!? The dad of that family ate 3-4 of the peanut butter brownies, he LOVED them!

The rest of that day we just had fun showing them Fantasyland, Toontown, Tomorrowland, all that good stuff. Tonight was supposed to be our 2nd MNSSHP and they were just going to leave around 5PM. We decided to get some chow at Cosmic Rays. This meal is a tad blurry because...I hate to say it...I was sort of crying. It was raining terribly and this was our last day. I was completely exhausted and was having a battle with myself over wanting to go back to the hotel and spend the night at MK. Anyways I think everyone basically ate burgers and they were all yummy. I especially loved the chocolate cake. YUM!

Since it started thundering and lightning we regrettably decided to skip the party and see if we could get our money back. Luckily we could and we just left. Yep. No more Magic Kingdom. :( I cried on the way to the bus stop.

When we got to the hotel I was BEAT but we stopped to buy something with snack credits from the gift shop and finish souveneir shopping. Then on the way out we met back up with the family and decided to meet back up at 10 o'clock to use up all our credits and just chat.

I went back to the room and showered, changed clothes and slipped into a coma on the bed. My parents sat outside chatting with our friends and just soaking in the last of the Disney magic.

At 10:30 I got a call to come down to the foodcourt and meet up with everyone. I sat partially unconcious on the bench talking to the little boy and everyone else went to do some damage. We got a LOT of stuff. From what I can remember...

2 hot dogs
A couple Burgers
Humongous large pizza

All of us couldn't even make a dent in this but we tried anyways. I think I ate a hot dog. None of us were really hungry at all though. The pizza was okay, reminded me of Papa Johns or something other commercial pizza maker.

I went back and collapsed right into the bed while my parents packed everything. Our flight was at 6 AM and we had to leave at around 2. I was so sad when I woke up. Everything was in the luggage and the room seemed so empty. As we walked out to catch the ME bus, I lost the magic. We weren't at Disney anymore, we were going home. I cried AGAIN in the bus and wanted to cry at the airport. :sad1:

We made it to our airport fine and when we got home my Grandma made us breakfast sandwiches. But I don't think you want a review of those. :upsidedow

So, that's it. I'd love to answer any and all of your questions! It has been so much fun writing this review, you guys are awesome and so friendly. I gotta stop being sad though, cause I have a TR to finish writing! I especially have to stop being sad seeing as we're going again in September, December, possibly February and for the Flower festival! :rotfl:

Thanks guys, it's been great. :goodvibes
Awww so sorry you were so sad, how kind of your family to take the English family under your wings, English people are the best aren't they ;) :rotfl:

I've loved reading your dining reviews and can't wait to read your next ones :goodvibes
Thanks for a great report! I am even more excited for June to come when I can enjoy everything too! Now you get to start the planning all over again, and that's half the fun! Congrats on being a high school graduate!
Great Report Jenny

I loved the report, I can read it and relive our trip thru your eyes. Basically, I thought our best meal was LaCallier, (can't wait for another one of those steaks). But we really enjoyed Rainforest Cafe, Kona and several of the counter services. I do like those chicken wraps. But those Steak wraps at Pop Century were good too. Oh I can't decide which I liked the most. My favorite dessert was the creme brulee (I could use a bowl right now.) chocolate crossants and sharing the ice cream sundeas.
The one thing I did miss was a good salad, I like iceburg lettuce. Don't think we ate many salads. I would not say we would not go back to any of the places we ate. But not rushing back to Chef Mickey's (dinner) or Capt Jacks. DH will have to pay for the lobster at Rainforest Cafe. Like Jenny, said, We felt like we were eating all the time and don't think we ever got what you call hungry. We wasted a lot of the snacks, due to me being hard headed thinking we will want a snack later. Oh one of the best snacks we did not discover till we arrived home was the rice crispies Mickey heads. Overall we had a great eating experience.

Jenny, you have finished your dining review, now start planning the trip in September. :) The 180 mark is March 24th. The September calendar is even out. I love you and can't wait for our next trip.
You must be going right before me, my 180 day mark is March 25th. :goodvibes
September 20th - October 4th! :)
Great Report Jenny

I loved the report, I can read it and relive our trip thru your eyes. Basically, I thought our best meal was LaCallier, (can't wait for another one of those steaks). But we really enjoyed Rainforest Cafe, Kona and several of the counter services. I do like those chicken wraps. But those Steak wraps at Pop Century were good too. Oh I can't decide which I liked the most. My favorite dessert was the creme brulee (I could use a bowl right now.) chocolate crossants and sharing the ice cream sundeas.
The one thing I did miss was a good salad, I like iceburg lettuce. Don't think we ate many salads. I would not say we would not go back to any of the places we ate. But not rushing back to Chef Mickey's (dinner) or Capt Jacks. DH will have to pay for the lobster at Rainforest Cafe. Like Jenny, said, We felt like we were eating all the time and don't think we ever got what you call hungry. We wasted a lot of the snacks, due to me being hard headed thinking we will want a snack later. Oh one of the best snacks we did not discover till we arrived home was the rice crispies Mickey heads. Overall we had a great eating experience.

Jenny, you have finished your dining review, now start planning the trip in September. :) The 180 mark is March 24th. The September calendar is even out. I love you and can't wait for our next trip.
Okay okay, but I'm making you plan!
Thanks for taking the time to share your review with us!:goodvibes
No problem, I had a fun time doing it.
Thanks for a great report! I am even more excited for June to come when I can enjoy everything too! Now you get to start the planning all over again, and that's half the fun! Congrats on being a high school graduate!
Thanks! I'll be looking out for your report in June. ;)
Awww so sorry you were so sad, how kind of your family to take the English family under your wings, English people are the best aren't they ;) :rotfl:

I've loved reading your dining reviews and can't wait to read your next ones :goodvibes
They are! They seem a lot more friendly than Americans. :rolleyes:
Wow Jey, I've finally caught up. Thaks so much for your wonderful reports, they've just bee great. Will be looking out for your trip report now! :goodvibes
Ahhh i want to go back. I want all this wonderful food. Well at least now i can make new suggestions to my family.

FYI americans seem nicer than english people.
So, that's it. I'd love to answer any and all of your questions! It has been so much fun writing this review, you guys are awesome and so friendly. I gotta stop being sad though, cause I have a TR to finish writing! I especially have to stop being sad seeing as we're going again in September, December, possibly February and for the Flower festival! :rotfl:

Thanks guys, it's been great. :goodvibes

Aww it's over?:sad1:
Are you going to start a PTR?It's never to early to start!:goodvibes

Thanks for all the great reviews!:grouphug:


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