Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........

I remember munchee's (little monkey type doll), gremlins, Charles in charge, body on tap shampoo made with real beer, fragle rock, the muppets, sha na na, barbra mandrel sisters, dick van **** show, hardy boys, bowery boys, three stooges, laurel and hardy, and the drive-ins. You know some of these things still exist. Like we go to the drive-ins still (of course we have to drive awhile to get there but its worth it) and we go to a&w with car hops still, my kids play outside (we have a neighbor hood watch and a small town) but I still keep a good eye on them, we have a roller rink. I just noticed that some ppl don't even know they are still around up here but I do research them and take advantage of them. Heck I made Jiffy popcorn last night while watching the bad news bears because this thread brought back so many memorys. Thank you OP. Oh yeah and what about rainbow bright doll!;) And ghost in the grave yard rocks, we played it awhile back at a family picnic type deal but of course only the brave!

That's true, I still take my kids to the roller rink.

Thanks, Get Smart was it! I loved that show, I've caught it on cable a couple of times.
We lived in the sticks in oil country, so our roads were gravel, but oil topped. Hard to describe, but they would get mushy and almost melt in the summer heat. Try riding a bike on a road where you can't get traction because your wheels keep sinking into it. :headache:

We also had lots of animals and I remember the first time I saw a chicken lay an egg. It basically looks like it rolls out of their butt...even thought it's not the butt.....and the chicken squawks something awful the whole time. (Can't blame her.) :eek:

I always wanted to pet the baby chicks, but my parents made me stay away because the mother chickens would flog you if you got too close to their babies. So I got creative and would run by with a butterfly net, scoop one up, pet it for a while, then give it back to the mother.
I also remember going to SI as a child and going to Farrell's Ice Cream Shop (I think that was the spelling). WOW! What memories!

That is so funny! It was in the Staten island Mall, and if it was your birthday, they banged this big drum and made a lot of noise. When we were pre-teens/teens, it was always fun to tell them it was somebody's birthday in your group (especially when it wasn't) and embarass the heck outta them.

We also went to Jahn's in Brooklyn for ice cream sundaes. And when I was a kid, we always ate at Brennan & Carr. And went to Peter Pan Playland, and Buddy's. Long defunct.

I believe I now have an incredible long term memory, as I am dredging up things I haven't thought about in decades. Too bad I call my daughter by the cat's name on some days.:rotfl2:

Anyone mention sea monkeys yet?

drive in movies

We still have 3 drive-in movie theaters near us. In the summer we go almost every weekend as they show the same movies that are running in the theaters.
Buttered popcorn tastes so much better eaten under the stars.
I miss standing like the statue of Liberty holding the end of the TV antenna with the hanger sticking out while the family would say ok a little to the left no the other way ok higher ahhhh shoot we lost the picture again!

Then we got a tv that had a remote that actually made the dial go around in a circle!

I also miss when we would all go Christmas Caroling aournd the neighborhoods.

Can you belive I got tagged with this too funny!:lmao: Not the staute of liberty pose!:rotfl:
Another Dark Shadows fan here! My best friend and I used to tape record the theme music! How lame is that???? We would watch it every day at 4:00 PM and nothing could come between us and Daphne, Angelique, Barnabas and Quentin. Oh, I just loved that show. One network tried to resurrect the show several years ago, but I guess with all the ghoulish stuff on TV today , one simple little bat outside a window of a big old mansion while the beautiful young lady slumbers inside is just too calm. Thanks for another memory!
The tags that this thread have inspired the Tag Fairy to bestow are just awesome. :thumbsup2
I remember when "painter's" pants were cool. You could carry your big handled comb in the side leg pocket. I remember my first pair I bought myself. $14.00 and sky blue.

In my world painters pants are cool! I don't comb my hair so I'll have to find another use for the side pocket. (short hair does just fine with fingers!)
I loved watching The Electric Company :happytv:,

Me too! Every now and again I'll be on the playground at work and yell at the kids a la Rita Moreno HEY YOU GUYS and they look at me like I've got 6 heads.
I loved Farrell's! I think many of us little sneaks who claimed it was their birthday when it really wasn't did them in!
........... I miss from my childhood

1) sticking to the plastic covers on the sofa

2) almost being blinded by the glass balls on click clacks.

3) frying on the beach cause we didn't know what "spf" was-- we used tanning oils.

Really was great growing up in the 60's and 70's

OMG... I thought I was the only one who remembered those click clacks... people look at me like I am crazy :rotfl: I really really do miss those, mine were a nice seafoam green ! And that spf thing... Ha, I use to use baby oil, with a touch of iodine oh my....
Thanks for the laugh !
Remember Clutch Cargo, and his pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot? Even at the tender age of five, I swooned at that square jaw and blonde hair...
Tame Creme Rinse, Lemon-up shampoo...
Great Shakes, Shake-a-Puddin (There's a new kinda puddin that you can make and it's called Shake-a-Puddin and all you do is shake it...)
And what I wouldn't give to have just one more Space Food Stick.
And Fizzies (Drop a Fizzies in a glass, watch some magic come to pass).
And Jell-o 1,2,3 (Foam, Sauce, and Jelly-Jammy).
Anyone see a trend here? Can you tell I skipped dinner tonight?
Was it just my family, or did anyone else here make a big deal of watching the Jerry Lewis telethon every Labor Day weekend? We used to camp out in sleeping bags in front of the t.v., fall asleep in the wee hours, and then wake up and keep watching. When someone like Donny Osmond was on, we'd wait up all night just waiting....and then fall asleep (and of course, that was when he'd be on!)
Just noticed my newest tag....Thanks Tag Fairy!!!

(and I'm proud to announce that I think I'm pretty fashionable these days! :lmao: )
I just thought of more!

-Who remembers wearing a rubber band around your pants leg when you rode your bike, so that your bell bottoms didn't get caught in the bike chain?

-Prank calling people and getting away with it, because there was no caller ID or *69 back then. Of course, we only asked things like "Is your refrigerator running?", and innocent stuff like that!

-When you did something wrong in my neighborhood, and a neighbor caught you, you caught heck from that neighbor, they called your parents, and your parents backed them up and you got it double when you got home.

-Mug O' Lunch...I think it was macaroni and cheese. You made it in a mug, and just added hot water to it. It was pretty nasty stuff!

-When you never asked what was for dinner. There were no choices. Your mom made dinner, and you ate it. And that was that. (I can remember sitting for a good long time with a plate of cold tuna noodle casserole in front of me :eek: )
This thread is great! On another thread, we were discussing those purses with the wooden handles and you could button on different covers, printed shoe strings with a belt to match, ESPRIT, wearing two or three Swatch watches, scratch and sniff stickers, and fruit scented markers. Oh, and I loved Farmer Ted!
This thread is great! On another thread, we were discussing those purses with the wooden handles and you could button on different covers,

OOH bermuda bags! Those were so cool. I'd love to find one on a thrift store trip for sure. It's too bad they're not Mary Poppins magic bag sized though. ;)


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