Bring back the good o' days, Things ..........

I had that doll too, TIffany Taylor sound right for the name??? i think of her every time i see the gals with the two tone hair, dark underneath and blonde on top
Do you recall the barbie that kissed? You pressed a button on her back:love:

what about growing up skipper, you pumped her arm and her chest pumped up???? i tried pumping my own arm but remained flat as a flitter until the hormones hit.....what we need is a pick-em-up barbie, with saggy chest, then pump up the arm, and presto, back where they belong!!!
I remember when all i ever had seen, ever hoped to see of Disney World was at 6 pm on Sunday night, the Disney Show, the fireworks over the castle, tink, and the glimpse of the pirates captured my interest and held it until i finally got to go as a 17 yr old with a friend who's parents were better off. now i'm an addict..........

i can remember friday night was the brady bunch and the partridge family.

tuesdays were happy days and laverne and shirley......

all in the family was never missed at my house......................

we went shoeless everywhere, "toughened up" our feet on the fact you were made fun of if you light footed it over the rocks........

i had a plastic cased record player, played 45s that i would pay a fortune for i think 1.50............i played a shaun cassidy record til it actually changed color

i can remember paying 25 cents for archie comics and loving them...

i can also remember checking out almost every book in the kids section at the library and reading it................

saturday morning was for cartoons and then shopping, going to town was the highlight of the week. we went in and out of three or four different stores for groceries, repairs of items (we did actually get things repaired then), a clothing item and possibly one stop shopping or even a mall.............
No joke! I was gone from sun up to sun down. Sometimes the neighbor kids would pitch tents in someone's backyard and we'd all sleep out in a tent.
I remember Friday night tv line up because my parents would go square dancing (still do! But I"ll never admit that I know...uh..never mind)
7:00-Muppets-Dance Fever-Happy Days-Laverne and Shirley-Love Boat--and Fantasy Island which I used to get scared over for some reason.

The original Hulk with David Banner. I would be afraid when he would turn into the Hulk so I would give him a stupid voice and act what he would be saying if he did talk. :rotfl:

Boy how this thread is bringing back memories!

Click clacks.. lol... bruises on my wrist from that!
Banana seat bicycles, used to ride miles on those!
Box ball and hit the penny
Going to the movies ALL DAY.. 2 movies and cartoons!
Moms going to bingo during the afternoon.. or me coming home from school and watching a mah jong (sp) marathon going on in front of someone's house
ring - o -livio
Stoop ball
sweet sixteens in a backyard, never a hall!
Jeans that we would wear till they shredded on the bottom and were proud of that!
Jeans that we would hit with rocks to make it look worn
tie dye shirts (making them ourselves with rubberbands):hippie:
Me at 7 years old taking my 2 year old sister out for the day.. walking 2 miles to the nearest store to get her a treat!
Going to the pool club from 8 am till dark
playing baseball with a stick .. no way would we waste money on "real " bats
Poloroid cameras that took quite a while for the picture to develop
Watching Wizard of Oz in March (3rd week I believe)
New cartoons each september, waiting for the TV guide to come out and tell us what will be on tv!
I carried an apartment making $100 a week!
Guys that put a pack of Marlboro's in their white Tshirt sleeve and roll up the sleeve!

:cloud9: Hmmm, this thread will be making me think all day along, thanks OP!:goodvibes
I had that doll too, TIffany Taylor sound right for the name??? i think of her every time i see the gals with the two tone hair, dark underneath and blonde on top

YES!! That's her!! And everytime I see those girls, she is who I think of too. :rotfl:
Anyone have the Barbie head that you could put makeup on wipe off and start again? I didn't and really wanted one, but I could play with one at a neighbor's house. Barbie started looking kinda psycho with lipstick all over her face and bright blue eyeshadow and messed up hair.

I did have Fashion Plates. You could mix up the different flat pieces of plastic with different heads, shirts and pants/skirts to make outfits, put a sheet of paper over them and then rub a crayon over it to make different outfits. There were plaid mini skirts and long skirts and shorts and different shirts. :goodvibes
I did have Fashion Plates. You could mix up the different flat pieces of plastic with different heads, shirts and pants/skirts to make outfits, put a sheet of paper over them and then rub a crayon over it to make different outfits. There were plaid mini skirts and long skirts and shorts and different shirts. :goodvibes

I had those! They still make them, too, I saw them at Walmart at Christmastime a couple years ago.
Thrifty's. It was a drug , back it when drug meant Rx, store that had the best chocolate chip ice cream and rainbow sherbet anywhere. You could get a double scoop on a cone for .40 :cool1:

They are still around and the ice cream is just as good. You can now get a double scoop on a cone for $1.20 or $1.40.
My mom stayed at home, to us Saturday was huge because we would get to eat store bought food instead of homemade...Chips A Hoy, Elios Pizza & otter pops, and got to eat it in the den while watching Kids Incorperated. K - I - D - S !!!

Scratch and Snifff Sticker Collection. Ah, dirt. :lmao:

Lemon Skip-It

Those glasses w/ the 2 lights in the center of the lens. Hooked up to a battery so in the dark all you could see was 2 little red lights.

I played with yo-yos for hours.

No tv during dinner and you had better be at the table by 5:00, and no, turning the clock back 5 minutes and saying I still have 5 minutes! doesn't work!

We knew when it was time to come home when the street lights came on, or b/c we could hear our dads bellow clear across the neighborhood.

My mom never rushed me to the doctor for every sniffle, I got to stay home, eat soup and play with play-do and color.

I still love the smell of Love's Baby Soft, Play-do, Color Forms


Marine Boy was my favorite cartoon. For those who don't remember it was like Speed Racer under water. And Ultra Man!

We all gathered at some kids house Friday nights for Donnie & Marie, and then when we were older Dukes of Hazard. And then yes, we walked home, no parents, in the dark!

Skin burns from the Slip and Slide

My very first electronic game, Blip, sort of like hand held pong.

I had the original Star Wars and Transformer action figures. My mom tossed them when the kids moved out. :sad2:

We only had a/c in my parents room and would drag our foam bunk bed mattresses in there to sleep. Got so mad and couldn't understand why some nights we weren't allowed! :rolleyes:
Anyone have the Barbie head that you could put makeup on wipe off and start again? I didn't and really wanted one, but I could play with one at a neighbor's house. Barbie started looking kinda psycho with lipstick all over her face and bright blue eyeshadow and messed up hair.

I did have Fashion Plates. You could mix up the different flat pieces of plastic with different heads, shirts and pants/skirts to make outfits, put a sheet of paper over them and then rub a crayon over it to make different outfits. There were plaid mini skirts and long skirts and shorts and different shirts. :goodvibes

I loved Fashion Plates. My mom got them for me the summer I had pnuemna (sp?) I was sooo sick for over a month and my brother teased me each time he got to go with his friends to the beach.

Does anyone remember the neon clothes craze. What were we thinking? :lmao: The skin tight pants with the big baggy shirts and a big belt. I had matching earrings and bangle bracelets to boot. 80's were not known for great clothing trends. Love the music just not the hair or clothes. :laughing:
Scratch and Snifff Sticker Collection. Ah, dirt. :lmao:

Lemon Skip-It

My very first electronic game, Blip, sort of like hand held pong.

I had the original Star Wars and Transformer action figures. My mom tossed them when the kids moved out. :sad2:
I had a Lemon Skip-It! I could not remember what it was called until you posted it. I would count how many times I could jump it before I messed up.

I had totally forgotten about Blip.
When I was a little older I had a small table top Frogger and a Donkey Kong game that looked like the real games only smaller. I wish I had kept those!

My DH had a ton of his toys from when he was a kid. One was a red plastic shooting arcade. It had small metal balls behind plastic and you used a blue gun with a magnet in the end to shoot stuff. It rang a bell if you got the ball in the clown's mouth. I had played with one when I was little and was so excited to play with one again after I found it in a pile of his stuff. I've seen them on ebay and have been tempted to buy one because we lost the magnetic gun. :sad: He also had a lot of his original view master slides. We still have Chilly Willy.
Just remembered a couple more...

Dr. Dimento, fish heads fish heads rolly polly fish heads eat them up yum!

Does anyone in NJ/NY remember The Uncle Floyd Show?

And some game I can't remember the had a long board/box with a median and you had to roll these silver marbles that had either red or blue plastic ring around it, bounce off the back of the box around the median into a score area?
I remember that game, too! It was sort of an indoor shuffleboard played with marbles, if that makes sense.

I wasn't allowed to have a Barbie because my mom thought she was "too sophisticated." (I tell my daughter the same thing about Bratz.) I was, however, allowed to have the Dawn fashion dolls, and I loved my Mrs. Beasley.

Does anyone remember the Bug Man? He'd come down the street in his truck and spray a cloud of insecticides to kill mosquitoes. I'm sure we breathed in a ton of poison, but we used to run outside and dance around in the clouds he left...

Some more memories -

*Kickball and Break the Gate
*Wearing ponchos (homemade for Easter) and, in the winter, stocking caps (the longer the better!)
*ice skating all winter because it really got that cold
*those "KoolAid" like drinks (can't remember their names, but the flavors were all fruits - Goofy Grape, Injun Orange, Rootin' Tootin' Raspberry!)
* our bus stop debates over who was better - Batman or the Green Hornet? (I was a Batman fan...but we're talking Adam West, not George Clooney!)
* Summers at the Jersey shore, long days on the Wildwood beach watching the sightseeing boats and the banner airplanes; nights on Hunts Pier riding the Flyer, the Golden Nugget and the Keystone Kops, then stopping for a Walk-Away Sundae or a waxed paper bagful of potato chips on the way home.

Sure, I had a lot of skinned toes, scabby knees and sunburn, but I still look wonder....:goodvibes The world was just a great place to grow up, you know?

After school specials
Hong Kong Phooey
HR Puffenstuff
Sigmond the Sea Monster
Land of The Lost
Yes I had Baby Alive and Mrs. Beasley
Under Roos (spelling??) and I was very upset cause my mom did not buy me the one with a bra, but I got the undershirt kind instead

I also just noticed I got tagged, so thanks tag fairy:banana:

Yup...remember all those things! Never had a Baby Alive or Mrs. Beasley...both creeped me out:scared1:
Lemon Skip-It

My very first electronic game, Blip, sort of like hand held pong.

I forgot all about Lemon Skip-It - now I want one for my daughter. Thanks for the memory.

I don't remember Blip, but I remember a hand-hand football game that the boys played that had a little dash that moved across the screen. These were the same boys who a few years prior used to make footballs out of paper (folded triangle) and then they'd "kick" field goals with their fingers into another guy holding his thumbs together like a goal post. I used to think they were so dumb lol

Now, who was born in 1964 around here.....
Anyone have the Barbie head that you could put makeup on wipe off and start again? I didn't and really wanted one, but I could play with one at a neighbor's house. Barbie started looking kinda psycho with lipstick all over her face and bright blue eyeshadow and messed up hair.

Talk about dating myself...

I had the Farrah head.


And THANK YOU to whoever came up with the name of the TIFFANY TAYLOR doll. I was driving myself insane trying to retrieve that from the depths of my gray matter.
Okay, here are some trivia questions for you oldies (no cheating):

What was the name of the password that Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble used to get into the Water Buffalo Lodge?

What was the name of the little boy who came to live with the Brady Bunch?

What were the names of the ape boy and the T-Rex from Land of the Lost?

Who is Mason Reese?

Finish these sentences: Where's the _______?

Watcha talkin' 'bout ______?

A few memories now: Playing kick-the-can with neighborhood kids outside on a hot summer night.

Wearing swimming pool caps at the public pool.

The Sonny & Cher Show (it was my favorite!!)

Walking 1.5 miles to the matinee movies with my brother, sister, and neighbors without any adults. We were all between the ages of 4 and 9. We also walked to the store w/out adults to buy candy.

My Baby Tender Love doll (one of the first dolls with soft skin instead of plastic) who drank and wet her diaper. Pampers had just come out with the disposable diapers, so I saved my allowance for several weeks and bought a package of newborn Pampers for her.


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