DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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Bee I think you are way too hard on yourself - this is a non judgemental board - we will not be mad...

we will be here to throw you a life line - but YOU have to grab on - and hold on... and if you let go... it happens, but come back, post and we'll throw it again!!

Now about those cigs... there is NOT ONE THING I or anyone else could say to deter you from them that you havent already said... a million times... they are holding you back - because you feel guilty, each puff is making you feel guilty. How I hate the cigs. My mom is addicted and has been through so much trying to quit - so I know how hard this alone can be...

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
Bee I think you are way too hard on yourself - this is a non judgemental board - we will not be mad...

we will be here to throw you a life line - but YOU have to grab on - and hold on... and if you let go... it happens, but come back, post and we'll throw it again!!

Now about those cigs... there is NOT ONE THING I or anyone else could say to deter you from them that you havent already said... a million times... they are holding you back - because you feel guilty, each puff is making you feel guilty. How I hate the cigs. My mom is addicted and has been through so much trying to quit - so I know how hard this alone can be...

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Well, thank you for that.When I had to have surgery last year. I quit cold turkey and I will again. Just not right this minute. Soon though.
Originally Posted by winkers
Did she have one of their special waxes while she was there???
I have heard from a friend that it isnt that bad really. And the regrowth is not bad either, much less annoying than shaving actually.

Hello to all --

Well after lurking for several months over on the DIS Disney Cruise boards and dreaming of a relaxing cruise with the mouse himself, I somehow found my way this morning over to the WISH board and this thread.

Talk about serendipity! :wizard:

About two weeks ago, I embarked on a crusade to get healthy. That means I need to exercise, eat better, and LOSE serious amounts of poundage. I’ve tried the whole weight loss thing before, but never really stuck to it for any amount of time. So I decided that I would raise my accountability level and tell some of the people in my life about my decision. However, after two weeks of trying (and mostly succeeding) to integrate healthier habits into my life and telling people what and how I was doing, I think that I have bent my friends and families ears as far as they will go. Sooooo, I hope that you won’t mind if I crash this thread for a little inspiration!

Anywho, a bit about me: I’m 27, have a desk job, and up until two weeks ago I was a certified couch potato (actually I think that I’d progressed from couch potato to one of those potatoes that you find rotting at the bottom of the drawer with the eyes growing out of it). But that’s all about to change… (Big Breath)… I hope. Scratch that, I know it will change.

I’ve been the “heavy friend” my whole life, but my weight absolutely ballooned about 6 or 7 years ago and has been creeping up and out of control ever since. So the real question is: why now? Well it’s been coming for a long, long time and there have been lots of little catalysts along the way (innocent and not so innocent comments, worry about fitting in plane seats, disgust at the fact that I plan my life and what I do around how much walking will be involved). However the real thing that started all of this was -- over Easter weekend I agreed to chaperon my younger sister and her friend for a girl’s weekend in NYC sometime in June. That was all well and good; I was excited about the shows and sightseeing. Then I realized – these girls are 17 yo and dance for an hour and a half each day. I will never keep up with them. Thus, I decided to dust off the treadmill and start walking and to make an effort to refine my diet.

I officially started two weeks ago yesterday and I am up to walking three miles on the TM and have lost 10 lbs!!!!! :cool1:

Now you may say – “5 lbs a week is bordering on too much weight loss” (??too much??), cuz we all know that slow and steady wins this race for the long term. BUT, I really haven’t done anything too extreme (although I guess that it is extreme for my body). I’ve been exercising for 30 – 60 minutes every evening at a moderate to brisk pace (for my little legs). I also am making sure to eat breakfast, proteins, whole grains, salads, and fruits/veggies. Take out is a rare treat and delivery is an absolute no-no. I’m still eating the stuff that I love (pizza, pizza, pizza), but limiting it to reasonable portions once or twice a week. My biggest change and challenge is that I gave up my sugary sodas. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I realized yesterday (after weighing myself and being shocked at the big weight loss) that I had been consuming 700-1000 calories a day in soda and juice. AAACCCKKK! I don’t know how I never realized. I’ve substituted diet soda during the day (gotta love diet Pepsi) and water after 7 pm. I hope to be down to one or two diet sodas a day in a few months, but for now just drinking diet is a huge leap!

Wow, didn’t mean to have such a long first post! Sorry about that.


Welcome! This is a great group here, and you will see...no post is too long if you want to put it out there.
I have heard from a friend that it isnt that bad really. And the regrowth is not bad either, much less annoying than shaving actually.

Welcome! This is a great group here, and you will see...no post is too long if you want to put it out there.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: sure it is ! ! :lmao: Yeah, I'll run right out...

Bee more :grouphug: The one thing her therapist said was her cigarettes were her "friends" kinda like food for me - its always there, it calms me down, I feel relaxed and happy... its an addiction, and I know my mother and I are more emotional about food and mom with her cigs... so just know - you arent getting any negative talk from me - just love and support!! :grouphug:
Bee- I quit smoking 10 yrs ago. And everytime I smell a fresh lit cig I still want one. And my DH still smokes, so I smell it quite often, and sometimes when I get really hammered I want a cig. No neg talk here other than, that first puff is heaven and the rest just taste like crap. Am i right? You hang n there girl. We're glad to see you:cutie:
Helllo all!

I made dinner tonight. Well, I microwaved dinner.
We had leftover chicken, broccoli and asparagus.
And later, when I'm starving, I made some muffins that only have 22 grams of carbs. Waaaaay too much for me to have, but I was really craving something with carbs.
I'll try to resist.
But they're there if I need them. I haven't eaten much today at all, so I don't think it will put me over my 600 calorie limit.

have A cheerio! or A grape. or A crouton! :lmao:
The weather here is crazy tonight! I want to post my totals and head to bed, before we lose power.

Breakfast- bad girl- very un-nutritious 100 calorie pack or oreos
lunch-SB ham/turkey wrap with jello,and 1 svg of doritos
dinner- sour cream chicken enchiladas and rice
snacks-another 100 calorie pack after lunch or cupcakes, and some cheese and crackers later before dinner
desert-low fat ice cream
Total-1920 calories before takking out the exercise calories I burned...about 250, so I am still ok calorie wise. (1650 of my 1710 allowed) Just wish I wasnt so hungry all day and could have not eaten them. Oh, who am I kidding! I didnt get in trouble today because of hunger...it was all the junky snacks. Tomorrow is another day!

have a good night peeps!
OKay - I am officially checking in Peeps...the weekend was tough with hotdogs and Sonic on the way home I had a cheeseburger and tots on Sat and did better Sun with a grilled chicken wrap and strawberry milshake, oh sorry that prolly wasnt so good a choice huh?

sonic is the WORST!!!!!!!!!! their "good" stuff tastes awful and so you're drawn to the bad stuff. my all-time favorite guilty pleasure is chili pies from there........soooooooo yummy!!! they did away with them a couple of years ago and i called to complain. now that's pathetic! :lmao: they replaced it with a chili cheese wrap, which is the same exact thing just wrapped in a tortilla. so i just grab a fork and eat the inside of it w/out the tortilla. SOOOOOOOOOOO bad for me!!!!!!! i avoid sonic like the plague, but DH loves it so we have to go by there every now and then.
Hi Peeps! :) I think I will jump on the band wagon and post my totals for today:

B-Sugar Free Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal 2packs (4pts)
L-South Beach Diet Chicken Monterey Wrap (4pts)
100 Calorie Hostess Cupcake Pack (1pt)
D-Morning Star Chicken Patty(3pts) w/lite english muffin(1), 14 Fat Free pringles (1), cheese stick (1).
S-Fiber One Chocolate Oat Bar (2pts)
Total-17 and I will have a small snack later to finish out the day. I also need to get some more water in.

Can anyone fill me in on American Idol? I missed it tonight and I thought I would be watching it so I didn't DVR it.
Some other fast foods that you can do... two crunchy tacos, no cheese, from Taco Bell = 300. Add a pintos and cheese (180) for 480, not a bad lunch. You could also do spicy chicken soft tacos for 180 each.

KFC... 1 chicken breast, don't eat skin, = 150 cals. Add mashed&gravy, 140, and corn on the cob, 70, and you have a 360 meal. You can even eat the biscuit for an extra 220.

I have to be able to incorporate fast food into my choices or I won't be able to stick to this long term. There are days when cooking is just not an option.

My goal is to be 190 when I leave for WDW on May 12. Only 6.8 lbs.

i have one.....kids 4-piece chicken nugget meal from chick-fil-a. the chicken nuggets are 130 calories. get it with a fruit bowl instead of fries and the fruit bowl is 70 calories. i dip my nuggets in polynesian sauce and i use about a half a container, which is about 55 calories. (i think the bbq sauce is even less calories.) that's a total of 255 calories for lunch. and honestly that fills me up as long as i have a snack a couple of hours later. chick-fil-a and subway have been lifesavers for me as far as fast food goes.

thanks for the taco bell tip! DH loves it and he'll be happy to hear we can actually go there now! although i try to eat at home more than anything b/c i always do better with my calorie counts that way.
PUNKIN-how low were those shorts you bought at old navy?? Like we talked about before..I don't like low rise but don't like granny pants either. The jeans I have on now, and love, are just at my belly button. :goodvibes

they're just right for me - about and inch or two below my belly button. not hip huggers and not granny pants, either. i think they were about $20. here's the link - i think this is them:


and WELCOME to MJMouse!!!!!! (i hope i spelled that right - i'm just doing it from memory......forgot to quote!) just keep reading and you'll definitely pick up some good tips and encouragement! and congrats on the 10-pound loss......... WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOTYYYYYYY!!!!!! :woohoo:
I don't keep track of calories but used to keep a journal of the stuff I ate each day and the fat content. I think I too will jump on the bandwagon and post what I eat on here..then I can be held accountable for it instead of using mind over matter! :rotfl: I don't know the fat content of most of the stuff I ate today and I'm sure it was more then I like to stay at!! ;)

B-Fruity Pebbles (2 cups??), skim milk (1 cup) and light OJ (1 cup)
L-FF yogurt (gag!), water and goldfish crackers. (Probably 2 cups!!)
S-more goldish (1 cup), 8 animal crackers, 3 hershey kisses, 2 carrot sticks and water
D-FRIENDLYS (got coupons in the mail today and it's my fav. restaurant!!) french fries, grilled cheese sand. and diet coke.

That will be it for the day....I actually feel good when my stomach growls when I crawl into bed!!
they're just right for me - about and inch or two below my belly button. not hip huggers and not granny pants, either. i think they were about $20. here's the link - i think this is them:

Those look like something I would like....I will have to check them out ASAP. I would like to lose 5 more pds. first but my fav. ON shorts from years ago finally ripped last year from being worn out. I need some new ones...esp. since is was 80 deg. yesterday and I had to wear pants. Are they super stiff or soft jeans?
Can anyone fill me in on American Idol? I missed it tonight and I thought I would be watching it so I didn't DVR it.

it was "inspirational song" night. personally i think jordin did the best. chris did okay. melinda did good. i think blake did good, but there may be mixed reviews of that. lakisha didn't do as good as she normally does - she's slipping. i honestly don't remember how phil did. i think that's it. am i missing anyone?
Those look like something I would like....I will have to check them out ASAP. I would like to lose 5 more pds. first but my fav. ON shorts from years ago finally ripped last year from being worn out. I need some new ones...esp. since is was 80 deg. yesterday and I had to wear pants. Are they super stiff or soft jeans?

they're not SUPER stiff, but i wouldn't say they're soft, either. i'm sure they'll get softer as i wear them. i haven't worn them yet b/c i'm saving them for our MGM day (in 12 days!!!!)
it was "inspirational song" night. personally i think jordin did the best. chris did okay. melinda did good. i think blake did good, but there may be mixed reviews of that. lakisha didn't do as good as she normally does - she's slipping. i honestly don't remember how phil did. i think that's it. am i missing anyone?

Thank you! I think you got them all. Who do you think is going home? Jordin is my favorite right now.
I'm about 3 pages back, and I don't have much time, so I'm replying to a couple of posts, and then I have to go exercise before bed. :hug: to all! Hopefully tomorrow won't be as crazy as today, and I can catch up!

Thanks for all the comments on my DD8's weight issues.The thing is I have made alot of changes around here but I took a hard look at the situation and there is much room for improvement.She has a huge appetite(will out eat my DH if I let her) so we had a talk last night.Mainly our motto is the best choice possible.I know if I restrict her too much it will backfire.A couple of examples of what we have done.Sugar is pretty much out of the house already because of DS9's ADHD .Last night we ate out at Wendy's and she chose a grilled chicken salad and yogurt.:thumbsup2 At the ballfield she was offered a caprisun and a small bag of cookies.I let her choose one of them and she had the cookies and a bottle of water.:thumbsup2 She plays soccer twice a week and the other days she plays in the yard(trampoline,bikes,kickball).If any of you have any more suggestions I would love to hear them.She has been hurt lately by other little girls about this and was uncomfortable ay a slumber party this past weekend.Also she is embarrassed by having to wear a bra.Thanks for letting me talk this out.My DH hasn't been any help.He says that when she wants boys to look at her she will stop eating.:sad2:

I feel for your daughter! Sounds like me at that age! I'm not a mom though. The best I can do is tell you to trust your instincts, help her make good choices the best you can, and try your hardest to help her develop a good sense of self esteem. Try to let her know that she is not defined by what those other kids say or do, but by how she reacts (or doesn't react) to it. :hug: for you and your daughter!

Harley what you posted to Dene took my breath away - :thumbsup2 it was so what I was thinking, but didnt know how, or if I should say it... blessings to you!

I do hope one day Dene that I can be at that place - you've worked so very hard, you and Lynda to... almost like the lil engine that could.. you have this goal and you just hang in there, and fight for you... one day at a time... its not been easy... its been work... in the meantime, I've been flitting, floating, whining, cheesing... then one day I look at your post in admiration... wondering if "someday" I'll get there too!!


You have to be in the right frame of mind Sandy, and I KNOW you will get there! You're strong, and I know you have it in you to do this! :hug:
Quick post before bed....

Welcome MJ!

Thanks for the snack ideas and low cal options for fast food. I get a craving every now and then and I want to be able to eat "normal" food I just don't want to over do it.

And those of you talking about Sonic are evil! All of our's closed down about 3 yrs ago and the closest one is about 2 hrs away. It's too far for jsut dinner but if I happened to be driving by......:rolleyes1

Sandy~ Thanks for thinking about us tonight. I heard about the riot on the way home from DH's dr appt. I hope the prison employees are ok, it sounded like they may have had a hostage early on. We have no TV tonight so I haven't been able to keep up with the latest.

My day went a bit like this: I read the employment section in the paper, checked out a few education sites on the internet. Went to work and told them I had to leave at my normal time so I could go to DH's MRI follow up. Got busy, barey drank anything, almost got cussed out by the boss (it was his fault, the man can only communicate when he's angry, then he's a bear to deal with.....)Rushed to finish my work and meet DH. MRI shwed 3 levels of disk degeneration and a herniated disk........ Now we need to talk to the surgeon about getting it fixed. We are penciled in for early June, if the Dr wants to go to surgery. Didn't have lucnh so we stopped at Nothing but Noodles. I had 1 mozzerella bread stick and half of my pasta. But I got in trouble with the cotton candy....... I ate 2/3 of the big bag they make for take out. I should be embarrassed. I had a salad for dinner, very small, like 1 pt since DD #1 made it and put a few too many fake bacon bits on it. I DISsed (had to check out the TF thred since I saw lots of refferences and new tags! Woo Hooty JO! I want one too....) and watched a movie. I made popcorn and ate most of the bag by myself. That brings me to now.....

No exercise, ate way too much junk and I feel like a bum.... Dh wants to help me burn a few calories; I may have to take him up on the offer.;)

Nighty night!
Thank you! I think you got them all. Who do you think is going home? Jordin is my favorite right now.

my guess would be lakisha or phil. my favs are jordin and blake. i think melinda can wail, but i just enjoy listening to jordin's voice more. and i think blake is just very creative.
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