The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 23

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The talk with our landlord went pretty good this morning. I think by May 1st we will be able to call ourselves homeowners :woohoo:

He offered us a price without getting the house appraised & even if we decide to get the house appraised & it is more, he will still only take what he offered today. So now we need to decide whether to spend the money on an appraisel or not. Gary & I are both sure the house will not appraise for any less than his offer.

Before we moved in he had totally gutted the house & remodeled. Of course after us living here for almost 4 years you can't tell :rotfl: (just kidding)

I called our insurance to see what it would cost to insure if we buy & I am waiting for a call back. I know it will be more than what we pay for renters, but I would like to know beforehand. We also have to figure in property taxes, which hopefully is not much.

So that is where we stand right now.
There are 6 official Disney ones now. The Pin Trading one wasn't in the parks so I'm not sure if they will restock or not which is why I bought it from ebay. The outfits are: Pin Trading, Safari, Tourist, Raincoat, Pirate & Santa. I didn't see any of the Pin Trading or Santa while I was there in February. Since then, I've heard that the Santa has reappeared in some of the stores.
Ooh the Santa one would be perfect for MVMCP. I think all of them but the pin trading one as we aren't letting the kids start in on that. Way too expensive a hobby for 4 kids. I hope they have them when we get there in Dec. Thanks for the info. :goodvibes
Good morning everyone!!

I'm about 50 pages behind after the weekend you all were so talkative! We had a nice time, but I am exhausted. The 5 visiting family members arrived on Thursday night. Friday, we went to the zoo and then the older kids and my aunt went to City Museum as it was open until 1am. I on the other hand went to bed. ;)

Kristi's surgery was also Friday and she ended up staying overnight as things had gotten worse in the last month. In the end, they could not cement the bone as they had hoped as she would have lost the use of her fingers. So, she now has two fibula bones in her lower arm and will be in a cast for at least 3.5 months while the bones fuse themselves together.

On Saturday, we headed to Kristi's house since she has the big backyard and the big grill. We ended up only having 5 additional people as one of my cousins was sick, but it was really nice. My grandma did not know that any of them were coming so she was really surprised. I hadn't wanted to get her hopes up since my aunt and uncle had to go to a funeral sometime in there and hadn't known when earlier in the week. We all finally got to meet my cousin's wife and their baby which was great. She fit right in joking with the rest of us.

Sunday we were supposed to go to church with Kristi before the family headed up, but Kristi's arm had other plans. She headed to the ER at 4AM Sunday morning and was FINALLY seen by a doctor at 10:45, getting home at almost 2PM. Her dressings under the soft cast were so tight it was making her fingers so swollen she felt like they would pop. The ended up cutting open the cast part way and slicing open the dressings to relieve the pressure. That helped immensely and by yesterday things were alot better. Of course 5lbs of cast on her arm is getting old really fast, but she won't get the permanent one for another week or so.

And now I am off to try and catch up!
:wizard: I hope that Kristi doesn't have any more complications. Hopefully her permanent cast will be lighter.
Aunt Stell is able to get around by herself. I'm still waiting to hear an update from the tests they did yesterday. They think she had the stroke the day before she got to the hospital. There is also the possibility that it is Bells Palsy.

Thanks for the continued prayers! Aunt Stell is a very religious person. I know that she will especially appreciate all the extra prayers.
Continued :wizard: for recovery.
I don't have a chance to play catch up but had to share my news for the day....

Molly went to the potty all by herself today at home :yay: :yay:

I'll try to get back on tonight after gymnastics and the grocery store but in the mean time sending out :wizard: and :grouphug:

Jennifer~ Not sure what Brad is in surgery for but and extra dose of :wizard: headed his way and yours.

WTG Molly!! Keep up the good work!!!:banana:
It looks like April's going to be in some trouble when her parents get home...hope you haven't had to walk in on Matthew in a compromising position yet! ;)

Good morning everyone! We have a very busy weekend coming up:
Friday night: friends coming over for dinner
Saturday day: Alyssa's princess birthday party
Saturday night: entertaining overnight guests (one of my high school girlfriends who is driving down from Toledo with her daughter for Alyssa's party)
Sunday afternoon: community Easter egg hunt
Sunday night: Alyssa's birthday dinner with Kevin's side of the family

I really need to get my act together; I haven't even decided what I'm serving for any of these meals! The weather's been wonderful, so we've been playing outside every day, and at night, I'm just as tired as the kiddos!

I hope everyone has a great day! :goodvibes Lots of :grouphug: and :wizard: for you all! :)
Sounds like a full weekend but I'm sure it will all come together. :thumbsup2
DL is great. We love the place. Wish I could go down this summer but since we're going this Dec. to WDW and DH thinks one Disney trip in a year is enough.:sad2: Maybe the subs will be running before you go. It sounds like it will be a neat ride when done.:)

The subs should be operational the first part of June....I want to go to Disneyland just for those!! They look so cool!!
"A Painted House" :teeth:

Disclaimer: After trying and trying, taking nearly a hundred pictures in various lighting, I CANNOT make these pictures look true to color. You'll all just have to come over some day to see the walls in person :idea: :goodvibes







1. Your house plants are alive, and you can't smoke any
of them.

2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.

5. You hear your favorite song in an elevator.

6. You watch the Weather Channel.

7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of "hook up"
and "break up."

8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.

9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up."

10. You're the one calling the police because those %&@# kids next
won't turn down the stereo.

11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's leftovers.

15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

16. You take naps.

17. Dinner and a movie is
the whole date instead of the beginning of one.

18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 AM would severely upset,
than settle, your stomach.

19. You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms
pregnancy tests.

20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good ****."

21. You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.

22. "I just can't drink the way I used to" replaces "I'm never going
drink that much again."

23. 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.

24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar.

25. When you find out your friend is pregnant you congratulate them
instead of asking "Oh **** what the hell happened?"


26: You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that
doesn't apply to you and can't find one to save your sorry old ***.
you forward it to a bunch of old friends 'cause you know the y'll
enjoy it too. And now you know why I am forwarding this to you...
:rotfl2: More of them apply to DH than me but he is close to 6 years older.:laughing: Of course for him #2 would be having s*x anywhere but in a bed is no longer an option.
The talk with our landlord went pretty good this morning. I think by May 1st we will be able to call ourselves homeowners :woohoo:

He offered us a price without getting the house appraised & even if we decide to get the house appraised & it is more, he will still only take what he offered today. So now we need to decide whether to spend the money on an appraisel or not. Gary & I are both sure the house will not appraise for any less than his offer.

Before we moved in he had totally gutted the house & remodeled. Of course after us living here for almost 4 years you can't tell :rotfl: (just kidding)

I called our insurance to see what it would cost to insure if we buy & I am waiting for a call back. I know it will be more than what we pay for renters, but I would like to know beforehand. We also have to figure in property taxes, which hopefully is not much.

So that is where we stand right now.

sounds like a great start!!
Watch out for Paula the Eliminator. No enemy is too big or too small, Paula has the goods to kill them all...............


Chris went to work, he didn't say how he was feeling though. Since I am low man on the totem pole as far as waitstaff goes I have to take what I can get for now. I made as much as I would have had I hostessed so it wasn't a loss. As summer approaches it will get busier so we will all make more money.

We can't get verizon here. You have to be within so many feet of the hub. We are just a little too far out so Verizon wasn't an option. Comcast is our only choice here other than dial up so I've decided that I love Comast :lmao:

I've decided to face the music and weigh in at Weight Watchers this morning. I've been struggling with finding time to get to meetings with my new work schedule. Generally the boys have school on Tuesdays so I can make the 12:15 meeting. I need to get back on track as I think I've gained about 5 lbs of late. I really like to eat and it isn't the weight friendly foods that I have been craving. I did well yesterday and have been on track so far today. In order to make myself accountable I need to weigh in and own up to my setback. I still have plenty of time to lose the weigh before my 20th reunion and our trip to see the mouse. I just need to be diligent.

I am also trying to organize the scout camping trip this morning. Why oh Why do I always have so much to do? My family would love it if I'd find time to grocery shop in there. It is pretty slim pickins around here. Maybe I'll find time tomorrow :rotfl2:

:cheer2: You can get back on track don't let a minor setback throw you off.
(Kyle is enamored with the painted laundry room, but I'm going to spare you that one ;))


Disclaimer 2: This room is still a hodge podge of junk. A coat of paint does not help that, but when it gets turned into the guest room I'll be starting over with everything, so I thought I'd paint in anticipation of that. The color, and 2 random pictures probably only draw attention to the fact that this room is so far from complete :rotfl:





Love the pictures, Jen!! My mom has that same living room set in her's so comfy!!

This one is so disappointing to me... I LOVE the color, and it isn't at all what is pictured :sad2:





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