~You Know What REALLY Bugs Me?~


<font color="87005b">Love, Peace & Mickey.....and
May 22, 2004
many things!!

no, really on the news they said Curt Schillings in "Disneyland" today!

why can't people get the difference between Disney World and Disneyland??????

One is in Florida....One in California!!!

It is NOT that hard!

Thanks for listening.......I knew YOU all would understand this one!:confused3 :confused3
That whole thing confused me. They made two commercials, one for WDW and one for DL. Someone posted a link earlier and I watched them both about five times today, wishing I was there. I can't figure out if they go to DL too. I would think they'd have to, but when??
As much as I am not happy with him for politicizing a nice, uniting event, I think you have to give him a break. If we're all exhausted from staying up watching, imagine how they feel!
If I had a dime for every time I explained the difference, I could go to Disney World and not have to pay for anything! Face it, we're all obsessed (but in a good way) and the rest of them don't get it.


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