Would you wear this in the park?


DIS Veteran
Sep 16, 2014
For my 2015 trip to WDW, I bought a grab-it pack/"gadget holster," which is a pack that straps around your leg and is supported by a waist band. I wore it all around Disney World without an issue: I did have to take it off and submit it for examination at bag checks, but I never received any particular comment on it. I'd originally planned to bring it on my planned 2017 trip to DLP, but then, well, France became the target of several terrorist attacks and I'm rethinking whether it's too close in appearance to an actual gun holster.



I like the grab-it pack because it's hands-free and surprisingly comfortable; I really prefer not to carry any bags while visiting theme parks but the pockets on even my (women's) cargo shorts are not big enough to secure my phone and the other odds and ends I'll want to have on hand. I'm just concerned that it will look like something else at a glance. If you saw someone wearing one, would it worry you? I know I'm definitely not going to wear it in Paris itself, but I'm wondering if I can get away with it in the parks, where it would have had to go through a security checkpoint to be brought in. Otherwise, I'm probably going to need to go on a hunt for a bag I can stand to carry.
I'm in doubt wether I would be worried by the sight or that or not. I do trust the current security checks, but maybe you can make it look less serious with a Disney sticker or some other customization? :)
yeh, if you made it look less like a gun holster, but end of the day, the security checks are excellent, so i reckon you'll be fine :) xx
I'm in doubt wether I would be worried by the sight or that or not. I do trust the current security checks, but maybe you can make it look less serious with a Disney sticker or some other customization? :)

I keep thinking if it was made out of a fabric with a character print or something really lighthearted it wouldn't look anywhere near so much like a gun holster, but of course all that's available is the black -- could do some iron-on patches, but I don't know how much that would help. Might do that regardless so it's less serious-looking if I decide to use it again in general.

Thanks guys for the responses. Sounds like kind of where I already was: might be okay, might not. My gut is telling me that it would be a bad idea outside the parks, so I think I may just extend that to the whole trip rather than risk causing a fuss at security. Just have to figure out what I'm going to do instead.
For my 2015 trip to WDW, I bought a grab-it pack/"gadget holster," which is a pack that straps around your leg and is supported by a waist band. I wore it all around Disney World without an issue: I did have to take it off and submit it for examination at bag checks, but I never received any particular comment on it. I'd originally planned to bring it on my planned 2017 trip to DLP, but then, well, France became the target of several terrorist attacks and I'm rethinking whether it's too close in appearance to an actual gun holster.



I like the grab-it pack because it's hands-free and surprisingly comfortable; I really prefer not to carry any bags while visiting theme parks but the pockets on even my (women's) cargo shorts are not big enough to secure my phone and the other odds and ends I'll want to have on hand. I'm just concerned that it will look like something else at a glance. If you saw someone wearing one, would it worry you? I know I'm definitely not going to wear it in Paris itself, but I'm wondering if I can get away with it in the parks, where it would have had to go through a security checkpoint to be brought in. Otherwise, I'm probably going to need to go on a hunt for a bag I can stand to carry.

Honestly i would not wear that, personally and i wouldn't really like to see someone else wearing it especially with the current situation in france. I always just wear a small enough over head/shoulder bag ,would you not get one like its hands free ,not heavy but big enough to just put your phone/money/pass even passport in :)
I saw these bags on aliexpress.com in several colors and not that pricy if you really like them maybe concider buying another color.
I'm not sure the ride operators will let you in with this one. Ride safety is especially high at DLP.

Besides, you would take the risk having any cast you cross during the day call security. These guys are everywhere, dressed as civilians, and you'd probably have a tough time explaining you just don't do backpacks.

If I were you, I wouldn't take the chance.
Having recently been in Paris I can definitely say it would be difficult. Entering shopping malls, even outdoor ones and department stores they wanted to check your bag contents. It would be more trouble than it was worth. I also agree Disney may not allow it.
There is security everywhere. We saw a an unattended bag being searched by a sniffer dog in Fantasyland.
Personally, no, I wouldn't wear it in the current climate, either in the Parks or in Paris.
I'm not sure the ride operators will let you in with this one. Ride safety is especially high at DLP.

Besides, you would take the risk having any cast you cross during the day call security. These guys are everywhere, dressed as civilians, and you'd probably have a tough time explaining you just don't do backpacks.

If I were you, I wouldn't take the chance.

Universal Studios employees insisted I take it off for a couple of the roller coasters, so that's good to know about the DLP safety rules probably being more on that end of things rather than the laxer rules about bags I'm used to at WDW. As a practical matter it's actually about the most secure way I've ever had to stow the odds and ends from my pockets, but rules are rules and frankly I'm not going to argue with theme park employees over that sort of thing.

Having recently been in Paris I can definitely say it would be difficult. Entering shopping malls, even outdoor ones and department stores they wanted to check your bag contents. It would be more trouble than it was worth. I also agree Disney may not allow it.

Also good to know. I knew France was on high alert these days, but didn't realize I'd be dealing with bag checks for shopping centers. That'll be something to keep in mind as I'm selecting a different bag; I'll want to avoid anything with too many pockets.

So yeah, it's decided. Not going to take my gadget holster to France. That plan having failed, I'll probably just look for a small cross-body purse that I can switch off with my regular oversized purse depending on my needs.


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