Would you take a pushchair?


Earning My Ears
Apr 6, 2012
Hi ya

The husband and I are currently discussing about whether we need to take a pushchair with us or not and cannot agree. Hence I thought I would canvas you lovely people's opinions.

We are only at DLP for one day and planning to do both parks. We have a 3 yr old and a 4 yr old and I think that they may get too tired and we will end up having to carry one/both of them towards the end of the day. I think we should take a fold up pushchair so they can take it in turns to have a nap/rest - or even so we can dump our coats/picnics? Hubby doesn't agree and just thinks it will be more cr@p to fill the car up with. We are staying off-site so we can't even pop back to the hotel for them to have a rest.

Any ideas/comments greatly appreciated.

I would take one tbh, it's a lot of walking for little legs in one day. We took one last time for our dd (we went mid Dec and she was 3 at the beginning of Oct) and she slept whilst waiting for the parade.
Hi ya

The husband and I are currently discussing about whether we need to take a pushchair with us or not and cannot agree. Hence I thought I would canvas you lovely people's opinions.

We are only at DLP for one day and planning to do both parks. We have a 3 yr old and a 4 yr old and I think that they may get too tired and we will end up having to carry one/both of them towards the end of the day. I think we should take a fold up pushchair so they can take it in turns to have a nap/rest - or even so we can dump our coats/picnics? Hubby doesn't agree and just thinks it will be more cr@p to fill the car up with. We are staying off-site so we can't even pop back to the hotel for them to have a rest.

Any ideas/comments greatly appreciated.


My OH always the same every time we go away and I am always proved right when DS flakes out in it!

The first trip we did with the children in 2010 we took a single buggy for DS (then 18months) and our Dd who turned 3 during that trip didn't have a buggy. I look back now at how tiny she was and I honestly don't know how she managed!! DHs shoulders did take a battering though and I think he secretly wished we'd taken the Phil and ted double we had!

DS is almost 4 now but is tiny for his age so I wouldn't dream of leaving the buggy at home as his little legs get tired very quickly! OH mentioned leaving it at home but it's a Quincy zapp so barely takes up any room and I told him unless he wanted to carry both children around (I have very weak arms!! :rotfl:) we were taking it with us!

At least if our 5 year old Dd does get tired they can swap in and out of it (plus DS is easier on the shoulders!)

Ok I've rambled on a bit so I apologise but that's my 2 cents worth! :thumbsup2
Definitely use a stroller for the children. The parks are very large and very crowded. It's a lot of walking for little legs and you can keep up them much better than have them walk.
If space in your car is what the problem is then rent a stroller at the park. If you plan to do more than one park in one day then take the receipt to the next park to pick up another one.
You also have the option to rent a stroller from several different companies near Disney. Go online and type in Disney Stolller Rental.
We have taken a buggy on every trip and it's always been well used. DS is 4 and dlp is about the only time we use it these days. So I would say yes take one!
I agree with all the other OP. Even if you don't use one at home it's a must for DLP. And you will be thankful of somewhere to put coats/bags/juice etc. It does get very tiring. Our first time when DS was far to big for a buggy, I really missed it as a trolley!
im the opposite camp as in we have never taken a buggy to dlp or hired one!!!

i have no idea how we did it, but both boys have always done alot of walking.... in fact, they moan more now they are older than they did when younger haha

btw - first trip oldest was 4 & youngest 2
When Lucas was 2 we took a buggy, but when we went last week for his 4th birthday we didn't. He walked (ran) around from 8am until almost midnight, never sleeping during the day once, except on the 2nd day when he had an early night. We also only took the bus back to the Santa Fe once, choosing to walk instead - Lucas's decision.

I guess it depends on your children. Lucas loves walking everywhere and hasn't used a buggy in 18 months - he says they are for babies! He also hasn't napped since he was 2 so is used to going through the day without stopping.

I was more tired than Lucas most days - he's like the Duracell rabbit!
When we did an extended family trip last October our 4 year old ended up sitting in his little cousins buggy on more than one occasion! We never use a buggy at home but getting up at 7 and staying out in the parks for over 10 hours is tiring for anyone. When we did a return trip the following November we really missed having the buggy and were seriously considering hiring one on the last day but decided it wasn't worth it for a couple of hours. So I say take it, especially seeing as if you're planning on staying to see dreams you could be there until 10 or 11 in the evening.
Last year when our DD was 3 we took a buggy with us but it mainly got used to carry all the other stuff. DD went in it under protest when we wanted to get somewhere quickly or when I thought she needed to sleep. Other than that she would sometimes get in it during the day only to get out again a few minutes later. We have decided not to take the buggy this year, but will hire one if it gets too much.
I can tell you from experience that you will really benefit from pushchairs as the kids well get tired easily - a nice little light one is best. If you are worried about it getting taken, take a combination bicycle lock with you.
Thank you all for your replies. I have managed to convince the hubby that its better to take the pushchair just in case rather than carry the youngest if he gets too tired.

Have bought a Buggy Buddy to lock the buggy up. It looks like a really good idea and I can chain the bags to the pushchair as well.

I can't wait - only 9 days to go. We are telling the kids tomorrow.... :banana::cheer2::banana::cheer2:
I took a buggy up until my little girl was 4. It's not really the walking issue for me because she was a much less whinger walker then than she is now (!) it was more that it meant I felt less guilty for keeping her out late because she could nap, especially with it being warm weather it made her a bit sleepy in the afternoons. Even better than that is that you can chuck all your bags in when your LO is running around saving you from carting everything around!

I only wish I could get away with putting my DD's six year old whingey bum into a pram now to be honest :lmao:


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