Winter Chicago DIS meet


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
I was hoping there would be an Aladdin meet in Chicago, just as there was for Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King. Since that won't be happening soon, any plans for a January DIS get-together?


Well...I have to be in Chicago Feb. 2 and 3 (Monday and Tuesday), so I'd come in a day early on Sunday, Feb. 1st if some people wanted to get together in the afternoon. Looks like The Young Black Stallion is playing at the IMAX theater in Woodridge (not Addison this time), though I don't know if it will still be playing then. I'm game for just about anything. :)

OK...trying to think of a good place to meet for lunch that Sunday around one-ish. I'm kind of thinking the Lisle/Naperville/Downer's Grove area, but am open to all suggestions.

**Update 1/18** I think I'll forget about trying to meet up with DISers and just do my own thing.
We desperately need a night or 2 away....
But then January is getting pretty busy...:rolleyes:
Sounds fun, but January is a bit busy, have a meet in Ohio the 3rd weekend and I don't think I want to try driving to Chicago in January... I believe last time we got redirected big time due to massive amounts of snow. I'll catch you in the spring or summer :)
ditto on what Elaine said...Would like to come see the Windy city in the summer..:D
I decided I'm definitely going to be in Chicago on Feb 1st...just need to find something to do!


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