What's the most you will lug around in the parks?


Dreaming of Disney
Feb 13, 2002
We are taking our 5 and 18 month old to WDW for the first time next month. We have a stroller with a small basket, and took it on a trial run at the mall last weekend. Boy, did we overpack our backpack! It wouldn't even fit in the basket under my son (ok....so he's a little chubby!)

So....what shall we carry with us? (The 18 month old is in diapers)

My daughter was 4 and my son ws 7 when we went in June and to tell you the truth the 7 year got tired and wanted to sit in the stroller. You might want to rent a double stroller in the parks so both will have a place to sit. We are going next month and I plan to rent a stoller for my almost 5 year old. I would say you would need to bring diapers, wipes, food the the 18 month old, sippy cup, I would bring snacks for both kids, rain poncho's (buy these at the dollar shore they can be expensive in the parks), we bring in water bottles, bandaids, etc. Some people put things in backpacks to carry around. That may be helpful if you are bringing too many items. Also this was a good tip I found on this site was to put a bright colored bandana on the handle of the stroller it makes it easier to find. We did this in June and when you are looking at 40 strollers your is easier to spot. I hope this helps.

Remember they will be checking bags being brought into the parks for security reasons. So the more you bring the more that will need to be checked.
I agree with bright colored bandana, we did it last week (our's was yellow with big white dots). We always found our stroller without problem, especially since they move them a lot.

I would also suggest bringing a change of clothes for the kids in case they get wet or messy. I my DS's clothes in a big ziploc and left it in my backpack all week, we did need it the last day. We also brough little packs of hand wipes and little packs of neosporin, which came in handy when my son fell and first aid was on the other side of the park! Plus don't forget the suntan lotion!
On our last trip with our approx 14mo old I packed our daily stuff in a backpack so it was easy to grab out of the stroller when going on rides. It had 2 outside pockets to make certain items more easily accessable also. Anyway, from what I recall, this is what we took.

A no-spill sippy cup or 2
Change of clothes
light blanket
tiny bottle of bubbles
juice boxes (I poured them into the sippy cups)
a couple safety pins
a small toy or two (one it wasn't a big deal if it got lost)
ziploc bags

That is all I can recall, sounds like a lot when listed, but the backpack was no where near full. I opted for the backpack over using my normal diaper bag as it gave more room (had we needed it) and when getting on the buses I could just wear it. Our stroller is a Graco Literider, so we had no problem with the basket being too small. We could fit the backpack, my MIL's huge purse, and her sweatshirts (MIL's, not DD's and yes, she had to take 2 almost every day and I don't think wore either one even once) At times we had the camera bag or camcorder bag in it instead of the purse.
I agree with the double stroller idea. It's a lot of walking for a 5 yo and you won't want to go that slowly. If it's crowded, it will be harder to hold on to them. Here's my suggestions for packing light:

If you plan to take a break mid-day (I suggest you do), then only pack for half the day and re-load before you go out again in the late afternoon. The less, the better! On wdwig.com there is a great section on packing for the parks. If you stay onsite, condense your cards down by having your passes and charging priveleges on your room key. Don't bring any extra cards with you (just id and med. ins cards), some cash, wear watches, rain ponchos (the dollar store ones that fold real small-leave them in their packaging until you need them), a travel size sunscreen and travel size wipes . I would get a bunch of the wipes in the soft packaging(not the hard plastic), a couple of diapers, and a t-shirt or tank top for each child. I would bring sunhats for the kids with the brim allaround , and a couple of bandaids. You can bring a sippy cup for the baby with juice and then just fill it up with cold water from the fountains after that. Bring a couple of water bottle for yourselves and the 5yo. Don't forget your camera, autograph book and pen. Try to distribute these items into fannypacks or backpacks , so that there isn't one huge bag.
Please be careful of letting your little ones drink too much of the fountain water. Bottled water is best. Sometimes their little tummies can be sensitive the different water.
Hi, as a mom of 3 (7,5,4) we go to the World every year and also go to other amusement parks. (we just love them). I always carry a backpack. I say I because my husband will wear it for 15 minutes at a time and then put it on the stroller but that just doesnt work. I wear it the whole day. I take it on the rides and just set it at my feet. that said this is what it contains usually...
I carry 2 water bottles, wipes, a first aid kit with everything (immodium, pepcid, tums, tylenol (adult and child) advil also, and bandaids. I also carry indivdual bags of gold fish. A quick energy source and sometimes a change of bottoms for my girls. Oh yeah, I also carry our disney ponchos but they fold very small. If I must I will also carry sweatshirts for the kids. Our family radio fits into a slot on the strap right near my shoulder so I can keep in contact with DH if we split up. I must seem like a lot. Some would say too much. I am used to the weight as I do it all the time. It has saved my day and my vacation many times. Did i forget that it also has the camera and 3 tiny flashlights, I mean 1 1/2 inch long flashlights that my kids use near their faces when they get nervous. It really helps my now 4 year old went on Pirates, and the Haunted mansion last year for the first time with the lights and she loved theml


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