What's going on with this site?

maybe its not the website but your computer.

I don't have any issues. I allow all Cookies, and I don't get the Cookie pop up, I dont have to log in every time. I use Chrome, Windows 10 and everything runs smooth for me. I have now tested on 2 different laptops.

The issue may be because people are not allowing all Cookies. The Cookies allow the website to function properly , so if you are not allowing all Cookies, then you are not letting the software remember such things as your log in details.
Hi Tink:
No I don't think it is about the cookies. I allowed the cookies, but it still went to that confirmation screen. Also, I don't think it is the individuals computer. Too many of us have spoken up, and who knows how many haven't bothered?
I have not had these confirmation request screens pop up now for the past week or so. I think it has been fixed, Yea!
Also, don't know if others have this problem, but I ONLY have this on this website: It is s.l.o.w. in all actions. I mean it took 3 minutes to get to this reply to your post, Tink. So, there must be some problems going on, and I hope they are going to fix them. Other sites (and nondisney sites) are super fast, so it's not my computer. Only have aproblem on this site. I'm so glad my problem is fixed and hope the others on here get help soon.


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